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Differences between management and leadership 1

Management And Leadership

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Differences between management and leadership 2

A leader is a person who directs, guides and influences the behavior of his followers towards the
attainment of specific goals. In contrast, a manager is a person or a representative of an organization
responsible or else a person who is entitled to the management of a group of employees and takes the
necessary action when required. Leadership is about motivating people to believe in the vision you set
for the company and work with you to achieve these goals. Managers create plans by measuring,
developing, and completing the objectives that are set for the company by controlling situations to
exceed their objectives.

Good management brings about order and consistency to key dimensions like quality and
profitability of goods and products s. In contrast, on the contrary, leadership is about coping with
change since, in the contemporary world, business platforms have become more competitive and
radical, leading to competition, overcapacity in industries, and change. Therefore, coping with
complexity and coping with change shape the characteristic activities of leadership and management.
Accomplish leadership and management through budgeting and planning, organizing and staffing
controlling, and problem-solving. (John p. Kotter,1990)

Leadership involves motivating people in which achieving grand visions requires a burst of
energy and motivation to employees or the staff not by pushing them in the right direction as control
mechanisms do but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement, recognition, self-esteem, a feeling
of control of one's life and ability to live up one's ideals. On the other hand, management is all about
controlling and problem-solving to get the job done and the goals being achieved by the companies or
businesses hence includes pushing them around.

Managerial work involves interpersonal roles, support roles, and decision making roles. (Henry
Mintzberg, 1990). Hence managers position requires specific skills: developing peer relationships,
motivating subordinates, carrying out negotiations, resolving conflicts, establishing information
networks making decisions, and allocating resources. These skills are different from those of the leaders,
which includes motivating individuals who follow them into attaining their visions willingly without the
pressure of events and jobs that need to be done.
Differences between management and leadership 3


John p. Kotter Havard business ( school press, 1996) product no. 7471 the genera managers free
press 1986, the leadership factor free( press, 1988), and a force of change: how leadership differs from
management( free press, 1990)

Henry Mintzberg Harvard business review, march-April 1990 product no. 90220”the managers
job:forklore and fact."

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