MPSC Prelim 2020 CSAT Paper 2

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-_, Ey eT CED “TET 2020, To RIFF, 2039 ~veeps ib -~Q eee 2020 213 aerafirent water BOOKLET NO. wergferar TERM WT: 80 We: 2 (an) ae wit THN AT: 200 Seam (1) wacweagfeetae 80 afr] we site. arch eat sek fofeoare Grane aevangell an wergfeerea wel we sae Far TENT and) art wea eral. aaa ort wrt ae oreaeae ot yeefeas wrleete gs wis gags aa, (2) omer aden ses sta “ain ata LI al 9 ferret ferent fear. * @) ac oreden wenger mnie pron Toei ttre set seen TN Ree eT. (4) (ep aaserafeties wrt ate a woe sat gene are 1,2, 9 aig 8 eae Feb ake, ere oT hea sera cg ears eT HO TART A TAL, RT Ta IHC a EH a armga te ave a. (a). sete wer Rawat are ritere Forshee free Bee STE. ear ferearen wate wet wert ater Farah wre edter raver aren ac erates ites Fer errs mem aorta tera tar areas Feret ‘Frater great pian sneare, Rear wate wes watt eetdtes mewTett args were. r Ae (wash a Soh aerate wes arya wae AST a HR eH oT rete, i (5) we west ee ante, ree a enh at mete, ekg’ ger Gre ate each ce Ara Tee fare TA ET Sareea wah rea Arte eee Te or me wear erat eae esa wre eS MTR Ae, eT TH] ‘aacen rene hetero a fewer ake dt we ara Terns wo Site Se (6) Toca rer aR ROS sat ars MCT, TR AH aa ON oe Rees | Re AOR AA, CaTIAT TET ST] yom 4 oe gata wed ofa a or Fete SHA aT FA see, (7) Gx) Wee Utara serabta aeatar meat sigan sarah aia setae Fes ate, Te “Sacer wegfe wyateh eawaram Tete wale ara sate seu pe were. (a) “Decision Making & Problem Solving” te water yateon saiaréi qo aa HO wer Te. TPT] Sere rere athe meter seen seh este Tee TT Ty ara aTSsaTS ‘wr wprufarerdt sich Refs are aes vite meatier oredr arate ora at wheat Braren wberst ararara Qoara Ge oak das atk wer MeTaRiaeat we / We, fra Tae aed aarerer ATURE RATT WA AT STMT erUTeaTe aati pact, were we ait ar are Brat et OTT eter TAA Ta Be "atheroma HerenretaT wert ‘aeerarararter stfuret-22" antes agar were Ween saree ae TAN scans aT APs a Set cae aaares We water aarTaTeTER sur /Feen wee wep ae Terie Save Prats Tr we aver weraerah Raft teh Bes aware mprafee aR TaATT BTA WI GAT AT TA es fea emf TTT Aer ee ee Fah wT wg Z13 2 ‘Wea HIUTATS GIM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 3 Z13 eter are ATA MAT HNALA TIA TH. 125 edict set eM. aeawern aaa et ont ET aero at, frend we-eeEMte wea FEAT PT frase carte dearen crete Serene sere ster afer wae ed, Aare AA El RTT srpate west frre stage Soe ora, Seared cat Frere at aioe stat. Bea weia Bera arene, tesmern a dee caren ver-ayente fate wexidt apart egress fias, ws agar Bem SAAT 8 el RAR APIA Tere sree ear whahaees HLS SMT STATI aa, Fae, Se Caren Tea TEU Staton anf Feerttar sna aT sae, a AaTE aporarardt en arate ant wet sain eae wifes aren tals Pras Set ors were. ET WaT apararen carrariar Profs a TET sreTrSUETA Fecal ferent aaa. aren aerersatae Aare searren EET Preretaeite wares GIs Teh ate, ive aren gear aagge Prot tora Ta Fras He wah ont a aT TES we wl chesetare fewer as wa are Feet a eRe AT aT Tareefieaer wa Pera eet ase. WOR Seiten Facer, chregfratteen aria acto: sat ora foie Roererch sneer stam aaa wate Ted ares stages Fasten aqearen faetrnes frase Preatgar gem seagate ferris aq WaT. ae sad we a warCo TA Tee TeaTOT TE WANA BI sea aenfere Roar erterconeTES Te foo art wrt tafe a, TE war ape ater afar aaa er TE Weed A. TT yregiia dee aat-afies wana Aecta creat, ways, Heal ast each seater SteeiAs aT TE sTSaa safes aK Her aM. Ha sTAS TA, a ene sraden dream outer Fafa deherinet a orreearen eR Ser aS wad. ere an ET veda soe Sa safe Tata ere waa SA, rey HB aT Ae ITA SALT TE, HT TATA RTARTA GOTTA aia ara, safe soaren art frderae fafae erate fed search feet Set. gaeT ects ais Wem, Tide vert ya fas of qeadanion fader deset ord. et TE vedi arfaera iter sift qearagen wi aie on. vig, oa Tat Raster Tae ages HEAR TE fafa seara. ter TAS Fate Prot ES area oan wa seme HTS Fred streafes anh RISE Tia START HAT TEM ALAA. ‘weal SMTA WM/ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK a .T.0. zZ13 4 A Read the following passage and answer the questions 1 to 5. Non-probability sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population has of being included in the sample. Non-probability sampling is also known by different name such as deliberate sampling, purposive sampling and judgement sampling. In this type of sampling, items for the sample are selected deliberately by the researcher; his choice concerning the items remains supreme. In other words, under non-probability sampling, the organisers of the inquiry purposively choose the particular units of the universe for constituting a sample on the basis that the small mass that they so select out of a huge one will be typical or representative of the whole. For instance, if economic conditions of the people living in a state are to be studied, a few towns and villages may be purposively selected for intensive study on the principle that they can be representative of the entire state, Thus, the judgment of the organisers of the study plays an important part in this sampling design. In such a design, personal element has a great chance of entering into the selection of the sample. The investigator may select a sample which shall yield results favourable to his point of view and if that happens, the entire inquiry may get vitiated. Thus, there is always the danger of bias entering into this type of sampling technique. But if the investigators are impartial, work without bias and have the necessary experience 50 as to take sound judgement, the results obtained from an analysis of deliberately selected sample mey be tolerably reliable. However, in such a sampling, there is no assurance that every clement has some specifiable chance of being included. Sampling enor in this type of sampling cannot be estimated and the element of bias, great or small, is always there. As such this sampling design gets rarely adopted in large inquiries of importence. However, in small inquiries and researches by individuals, this design may be adopted because of the relative advantage of time and money inherent in this method of sampling. Quota sampling is also an example of non-probability sampling. Under quota sampling the interviewers are simply given quota to be filled from the different strata, with some restrictions on how they are to be filled, In other words, the actual selection of the items for the sample is left to the interviewer's discretion. This type of sampling is very convenient and is relatively inexpensive. But the samples so selected certainly do not possess the characteristic of random sample. Quota samples are essentially judgement samples and inferences drawn on their basis are not amenable to statistical treatment in a formal way. ‘area @MTATa GIMT/ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 5 Z13 1. sarmdte aera aeon yéletat Fond se ? QQ) ear TT (2) Bifierat farerm (3) ager 7A (4) fede 7 ‘The Central Idea of the passage is concerned with : (1) Probability Sampling (2) Statistical Analysis (3) Random Sampling (4) Non-probability sampling 2. Rarer aaa Tee Sore TA straw a TET ? Q) ae (2) Frofa ae (3) agrees aT 4) RT Non-Probability Sampling is NOT known by this name : (1) Purposive Sampling (2) Judgement Sampling (3) Random Sampling (4) Deliberate Sampling a ye frasdem Teron faxooorer safer frat faeaertta aq wba, SK : (a) Ssire ydaegfira tate a (ob) Beier aquct sade me. (co) Stemi age TET Fraser a (4) Sahert wiferst vad area Te watat sat: (1) aie ad vata aes oie. (2) Fa (a), (b) Saf (c) & ara wala are. (3) Fe (a) Sut (b) Bara vata oes, (4) adetat atoraret safe ata are. Results obtained from an analysis of a deliberately selected sample may be reliable if {a) Investigators are unbiased. (b) Investigators are experienced. (c) Investigators select a favourable sample. (d) Investigators use statistical methods. Answer Options : (1) All of the above are correct. (2) Only (a), (b) and (c) are correct. (3) Only (a) and (bj are correct. (4) None of the above are correct. ‘weal SrMTaa IM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 7 213 6 A 4. terior pn smear’ dehersren Pract ere neeapet a sted? (1) FS Frarearn aeteerrar Foley siferr aac. (2) Asheerer afer farsemfnas aaa aca om, (3) Asher ydaegfina aaa, (4) aires tifrent anfn aft arate are. Why is the researcher's judgement vital in the non-probability sampling design ? (1) Researcher's choice concerning the items in the sample is supreme. (2) Researchers have to work without statistical analysis. (3) Researchers are not biased. (4) The design is convenient and inexpensive. 5. Weare Wiehe see fae Has ane? (1) Fete ep deter Frese weal svat. (2) tauren ayE=MaS Sahara farsa ehh. (3) feererm ayErgS EAs Fie sree seers Aah, 4) Pete ite fase ene age ert fea. Which of the following statements is made in the passage ? (1) Choice of the researcher is very important in Non-probability sampling, (2) Non-probability sampling results in failure of research, (3) Non-probability sampling helps us estimate sampling errors. (4) Statistical analysis of quota samples gives accurate inferences. ‘SCM SMA AT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 7 Z13 editor sare ara era arent 6 10 WeAteht Se aT wagers et wre anf eelen fede on an oR then we sete wit Fea aT. aren Herd arenas wan Sea dena rare afte seh cris oer a, To va a ae aT STR afr GHA ast ares AS, Ware ta ger Sativa we carl va @ Padre aia eae wa fe Te. HT warariat tS ont fede ait gaan wegT doar fore fag core area. acer saree fier Sager Brefiea Ba ATs Me. Sagearen dam ante a tart seat tat on’, arora wa Bee aI Sea eae seTeT HR aia, wind fore san veatod sae Bas oa, Tear Ys Mahe area wa 25 Za yéhie fread ont. aiseen arama Fam eeeat oad area eH Gena Frat ct Ite. Ga afer aes torn ara areniion crradtarst strani yt ont ora ang. “Heifer aK Ra TTT Seren AMR aeA.! AAT eT Sette Aaa STAT Ae, araftars wena gate wera FS TTA. Totes sel ar ei arefevoat wala tet TeIT sme. grag 321 30 Guia Pefrroen erento TaRIeS sere TITS Wael IE oTea, es, Sees, Son, 74, 28, ste orem ore arendinga elated saret wear 7, apart the at at, oat an gare Sagerrar are, wera, afar Aare fee Pests aie ara yr seis fire 2 fram ger eo arran aa, afte fede vis 20 cae Sager se Wa area. sata Sagerrerdt arerich eft aeooars art al. Sagenga erd—-sra-sataergs Frain ei ard, & aa art we Afar sare, afrs ae frain aoaredt franier teat aif err, ace ota sida avert Sager gra aon a, Seger Sas aee-se-aaeee Seas wa eri TAA, TS ATE, AE ATPAESTT aieerserd a fart agg en gem satis eS ora aia. areadtet ater anf aaa omadtrd Sioa aed oH aia Fae Sages sare cage uel. aifeary arta WaT ETT Saga TIA Hea AT. wea BMararst WN/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O, Z13 8 A Read the following passage and answer the questions from 6 to 10. Bio-fuel Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel these two persons made revolution in motor car industry, They expected that their motor car should be run on fuel obtained from plants, but in those days crude oil was the cheapest and won the competition. Petrol became popular and dream of Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel shattered. After a century the will of Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel is about to fulfil. Presently the hike in the petroleum opens the channel for bio-fuel. Slowly the use of bio-fuel in cars, trucks and aeroplanes is becoming popular. Brazil took lead in the bio-fuel. At present there are more than four hundred ethanol production centres in that country, that ethanol produced only from sugarcane. ‘They do not use the pure gasoline but mixed 25% ethanol in it. In future, only ethanol consuming vehicles will be manufactured in that country, More and more land is used for the plantation of sugarcane and ethanol producing plants. “Gasoline cars are slowly disappearing.” technicians of that country claim. Ethanol is obtained from maize in America, Germany is the largest producer of biodiesel in Europe. Along with India other 30 countries are trying to produce ethanol from various plants. Ethanol can be produced from the plants like coconut, soyabean, groundnut, palm, grapes and beetroot. The most important thing is that conventional car engines can be run on bio-fuel. Apart from this, the proper mixture of ethanol in gasoline or diesel can be used as fuel. The conventional diesel engine can run better in 20% bio-fuel. It means there is no need to change the vehicle engines for bio-fuel. Its speciality is that Bio-fuel does not emit carbon-dioxide. Nature take crores of years to produce crude-oil, instead the bio-fuel is obtained from the plants and vegetation. Bio-fuel not only emits the low carbon-dioxide but also does not emit the toxic gases like nitrogen oxide. ‘The production of bio-fuel will be depending on the growth capacity of the plants and availability of land for the plantation. Apart from this the production of bio-fuel will be possible from the various types of waste. ‘ween WMT BI/ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 9 z13 6. Uribe sm der shards arrears wis ont fede aha eae wa fae 73? (1) arhfeas (2) feae @) Fie (4) 3s ‘Use of which of the following source of energy in motor cars shattered dream of Ford and Diesel ? (1) Biodiesel (2) Diesel (3) Ethanol (4) Petrol 7. artis fear a Pend aiaes citra vata Freer. fran : dagen 2 afta deren wala oe ee, ‘Pract (ay: afta ae fiftidier stearaet ot orrara. (B) : ahr Seren searchers feet area Fac ee. wate ae: (1) Fred (ay ate a (B) ae (2) Freed (ay surf (By ara (3) Fret (a) anf (By ae (4) Fremt (ay = a (By ara Choose the correct alternative from Statement and Conclusion given below : Statement : Bio-fuel is alternative to crude oil. Conelusion (A) : Crude oil takes crores of years to produce. (B) : Due to crude oil, toxic gases will be created. Answer Options : (1) Conclusion (A) correct, (B) incorrect {2) Conclusion (A) and (B) correct (3) Conclusion (A) and (B) incorrect (4) Conclusion (A) incorrect, (B) correct ‘wea HME VT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. Z13 8. 9. 10 arctotal roi fers aitert santa? (a) wate Sager genera oar Bact (b) Sta sare gett wera HS oe, (0) Warts set ea arhfedern gala Har sorew ee ome, atet ait: (1) FR (a) were ae (2) FR (a) safer (by aa Te (3) FR (a) aa (cj Ta area (4) wa ate area Which of the following statements are correct ? ia) Brazil took lead in the bio-fuel production. ib) Ethanol is obtained from sugarcane in America. ic) Germany is the largest producer of biodiesel in Burope. Answer Options : (1) Only (a) is correct (2) Only (a) and (b) are correct (3) Only {a} end (c} are correct (4) All are correct cartotat sont fear aitat aa? (a) Wafer an Sfor Gagearat aie wear. (ob) Wales are arts atte, (e} Sagerrges aque art aie ene. (a) Sages areas ei aeevare ret ard watet srt : (1) (a) sft (by sae (2) fa), (b) Sif (c) FIT (3) {a}, (c} Safa (dy wea (4) Fe ad ater Which of the following statements are correct ? (a) Conventional car engines can be run on Bio-fuel. (b) Gasoline cars are disappearing. (c) Pollution minimize due to Bio-fuels. (4) No change of vehicle engines due to Bio-fuel Answer Options : (1) (a) and (5) correct (2) {a}, (b) and (c) correct (3) a}, (c) and (d) correct (4) Above all correct ‘WERT STATS SPT/ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 11 z13 10. Sages arRTa Erctetat Brora He AT TA? (a) Sager aaerdorga waR a aA. (b) SageTgS yENT HH BES. (co) Saerrge ahaae arafaar 3a. (a) Sager ere an. wate at: (1) fa) 3 (b) (2) (by satin (¢) (3) (a), (b) Afr (e) (4) Fae ae Which of the following benefits of use of Bio-fuel are correct ? (a) Bio-fuel is made from vegetations. (b) Less pollution by use of bio-fuel. {c) Use of bio-fuel will save crude oil () Bio-fuel is cheap. Answer Options : (1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (e) (3) (a), (b) and (¢) (4) Above all SoM SMTATS WT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Pro. Z13 12 A Ydte ware area rare arena. 11: 7 1S ct set aM. wea, whwarturs ae anor gren anfaeet [Force, Criminal Force and Assault] 349, aeHam (Force) - TATE St sy STEN sell TA Frain ach ber Tiaee arr afar Teg ame aaa sort waren yeeter on sr caadion edtren Breet seh Pera ea aT ora Uher aden fhe vas aarten grad aah deh wee fiat aren cepige on ae mada ant acta vom aie ama feud oraden Fora sept Sak ase sen eI en veraten art art viet Prato ot fer ste aftaae ork alates weqa aren a at on ory oratren areca eR aorin aid a 2d ort. a, adi Frnt aren fear nftaee aoe afar wea aT ora, aM aye aor eae srder ce veritat wa wait adi frais Se oract aes Phen aftaae ame Tha Sqr are sree Taf. GH: BR arte aed are, am: war vend ore feria Sam, Fi Seer caer fran ors Sree oration aoe are ect aut 3 ermal Teh Fair dee faa wie oer afafara aga Age, am: Roreard were afar dare, nfaaes eo fare nfofars eee wea ae. 350. wisentar gematn — ok set stored aradten aradta, en eeriten conifers sera sear rar safe a ued arrae Soe wien oe een Sa riba aad Tera CATT ore Sa ores aren sear et (TAA) Trae fare si arene Feber are aera Sea MAH Bee STA an sro aeringe 8 dare ara ero aera Sua scat cae oct sree we, tT ST caeiten aria ghaaiaa sori Fah 8 Hee ST. 351. BACH — FeO areal eae Faken er Tae BSH fy ave reyes fase Te ATS At aot a wena fa cad wie ch ase eon oraea cram ores Fioenters erETTaT Tera aaron Fara ane arth ored car wertben were fata serdh aren eae carer Beet orate Fara TH Beara he cqacand Tie sTis oe we, FEAT Ee Fa RS TE. vata - Has sands we Fer a Fa Hed Aa. oT ward ora Swe Tarlo Tags, Fare fara eranra fave aed et ere Teo Toe As are weATTAT see ca raha se arte ara Bs ES, weal Haas BrM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 13 Z13 Read the following passage and answer the questions 11 - 15. Of Force, Criminal Force and Assault 349. Foree - A person is said to use force to another if he causes motion, change of motion, or cessation of motion to that other, or if he causes to any substance such motion, or change of motion, or cessation of motion as brings that substance into contact with any part of that other's body, or with anything which that other is wearing or carrying, or with anything so situated that such contact affects that other's sense of feeling. Provided that the person causing the motion, or change of motion, or cessation of motion, causes that motion, change of motion, or cessation of motion in one of the three ways hereinafter described. First - By his own bodily power. Secondly - By disposing any substance in such a manner that the motion or change or cessation of motion takes place without any further act on his part, or on the part of any other person. Thirdly - By inducing any animal to move, to change its motion, or to cease to move. 350. Criminal force - Whoever intentionally uses force to any person, without that person’s consent, in order to the committing of any offence, or intending by the use of such force to cause, or knowing it to be likely that by the use of such force he will cause injury, fear or annoyance to the person to whom the force is used, is said to use criminal force to that other. 351. Assault - Whoever makes any gesture, or any preparation intending or knowing it to be likely that such gesture or preparation will cause any person present to apprehend that he who makes that gesture or preparation is about to use criminal force to that person, is said to commit an assault. Explanation - Mere words do not amount to an assault. But the words which a Person uses may give to his gestures of preparation such a meaning as may make those gestures or preparations amount to an assault. ‘eM AMAT FMI/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. z13 14 A 11. “a GR area gost yaa ag errd, Maa" a gee a" a See eae SMT Fa me ore nas a" Si waypS aera rer 31" aT See one ae ae" ea aT her aa TROT Ads? (1) Fesart (2) Fserte sexe (3) Fer (4) adetet wart ae “A" begins to unloose the muzzle of a ferocious dog, intending that he may there by cause “Y” to believe that he is about to cause the dog to attack “Y", “A” has committed ___ (1) Force (2) Criminal Force (3) Assault (4) None of the above 12. a" aa" oy eae a" or gon eer at Re ware (a! at) aadiferara saa BTA “ge gt amt (1) sexe (2) Asrentaa gore (3) rer (4) ate wat are “A” intentionally pushes against “Y” in the street. “A” has done so without “Y's” consent, intending to cause injury to “Y". The act of “A” is (1) Force (2) Criminal Force (3) Assault (4) None of the above ‘Great SMTAat WPM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 15 Z13 13. freer aitsaren agin ydte faursitat sre faerr/ fauna atta ate /a? (a) Wigan deg arte aa a", Sa” or gor - et aa ere" BETA AeA. (b) “ai war citar gran stergde: sited, fae vidt ae feren ara ede art See area cat foram dadtaraa 7a 8 - a9" 3 fren arate Ghserdtara welt he se. wafelt set: (1) (a) Fae se (2) (b) aera sre (3) (a) sar (b) erat ater sree (4) fa) suf (b) chet a sea Among the following statement/s in relation to the paragraph given, is/are correct. {a} “A” says to “Y” that “I will give you a beating” - this act amounts to Assault. (bo) “A” intentionally pulls up a woman’s veil. “A” does so without her consent knowing it to be likely that he may thereby frighten or annoy her. “A” has used criminal force to her. Answer Options : (1) (a) is correct (2) (b) is correct (3) (a) and (b) both are correct (4) (a) and (b) both are wrong 14. a" an aie arg, a", a" an daira sision aA saad awh, a sas oT e safes oreereh ster, coment caren ange Be, an ae ta" oh ah gat at. (1) Serres zexer (2) eer (3) Fei (4) aéetat urd at “Y” is bathing. “A” without the consent of “Y” pours into the bath water which he knows to be boiling with ill intention, ‘A” has committed (1) Criminal Force (2) Assault (3), Force (4) None of the above ‘Urea HUA VM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. Z13 16 A 15. “me wate” waa et: la) a8 ante armed are, (b) Waren vere aren feertta Sart, at Sera earacen fare sea wre earlier seroreet sere sett ard 7 orral ait Fata ae fara nites are fear wea ake, to) Bera ween aa aaa, nfsaee seer fran nfofera eae WAR TATA vata set: (1) FF (a) (2) (aj 3H (by (3) fa), (b) 3aftt (@) (4) adetat wedi ad “Force” inclu {a} Use of own bodily power. (b) By disposing any substance in such a manner that the motion or change or cessation of motion takes place without any further act on his part or on the part of any other person. (c) By not inducing any animal to move, to change its motion, or to cease to move. Answer Options : (1) Only (a) (2) (a) and (b) (3) (a), (b) and (c} (4) None of the above ‘ea SMTA WM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 17 213 Wate BAT ara Rare stents 16 & 20 Weisit set fee. Cie, fran atthe areas] Aidt MAA Teaser ta wae a Ys el one, wey ata art Soe seeserigaR wa 2019-20 a1 eaten Bat 140 aeree arate ters ae rast atsamets a aoc ory Seer aAe, Wee to 2a ace wn teat ea da aa 12 aft aren ania Sees at a aE aah TER TET. RoR FfeNTS WEI T 2 ean a8 aula & 6 Ta fe wrETE a ate Aaa ae ae sem an Sater aM. fe. 24 gant 2019 tot afker gem 2qe an ahaE Ue eT, ‘warren face wi 2019-20 Tet sekiseta % 75,000 St wet Gd we eH aA. are, 21, 2019 Wa Maar 32,577 Fa eos 43 wae aa ae et a, sre seat, tea wesley nity ant Seg gece aes oi ate PaaS y-cea ie are a Ure oh Herre one ara Praca sel cares aaTRS ore, fedex @ ard, uite 3 YS anf otis arate an arora at aha dere eae aa aT. afeon wena feta 2018 4 Hrs 2019 aA Taw 70.2 TIE ITTF 14,055 Ft wet we. A wera UIT 2019 4 |S 2019 wa Haw 59.2 eee Aaa WEN y 11,845 aT Pratt eras ame, Fae WAT Te 33.3 TRON Taal 6,677 BA faa sev See, a rasantant ant fafeaa arr sata. FREE ETAT 70.2 Te ATA Oe BG AT We Fas 80.2 RRR STi fre Fe Fas 33.9 -eTeM aT a fare? Bel sien Geen areata are Se waa a eors we AAA a Be igo afara Bet ee safe USA, 2019-3 Fine Sem sah wy frarsen Maas ges ore aS aT aS aiter reads Reet orn SepToet fea’. TaTear Haat saree & aes HS one a, wa wate 140 Saeed arte 71 aera Barr aan 20a aa ome, Ha AIR SreMTETTAR BM HOM 7,17,42,959 ws one, “est TOT 69 aes awe uehets one wera eerie, A srarsare TER a asrTRa fedaR 2018 4 A 2019 ZAM 33.3 Tere TTETAPT TH BIE AMR, aT Hi we fran sits. aire 25.9 eee (UiIe-YS we) a 11 eee (site —etar ear) a8 STRAA ore seas are. ‘ar we frat arta. mesarh Geen ea eo ach one, wai aH wa Hews arg, sr aT as aN Paer-areta, ‘Sea SMT WM /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Pro. Z13 18 A Read the following passage and answer the questions 16 to 20. Hurdles in PM- Kisan Scheme ‘The Modi government's cash-for-farmers programme has been able to benefit only half of the 140 millicn farmers targeted in 2019-20 due to implementation hurdles, according to figures presented in Parliament. The next disbursal, now due, is likely to leave out those who have not been able to link their bank accounts with Aadhaar, the uaiversal 12-digit biometric identity number. Under PM-KISAN, the government provides income support of % 6,000 a year to farmers with a valid enrolment, paid in three equal cash transfers of % 2,000 -one every four months . It was launched on 24 February 2019, when the first instalment was pad ‘At the current rate of expansion, the government is unlikely to spend the entire 75,000 crore budgeted for 2019-20. As on October 21, 2019, the government has spent % 32,577 crore, or 43% of this. ‘Aadhaar-based enrolment and cash transfers, slow internet connections in many rural centres and messy land records have slowed the programme, the farm ministry told @ parliamentary panel this month. Cash transfers under the programme take place every four months : December to March, April to July and August to November. In the first instalment period (December 2018 to March 2019), nearly 70.2 million farmers received a total of % 14,085 crore. In the second tranche (April to July 2019), only 59.2 million were paid a tetal amount of % 11,845 crore. The third instalment saw 33.3 million farmers benefiting, with a payout of € 6,677 crore. ‘There's a reason those numbers look out of place. After all, if 70.2 million farmers’ received the first instalment, why did only 59.2 receive a second instalment and only 33.3 million a third ? The agriculture ministry counts the first tranche paid to a farmer. even if it was paid for the second period due to late enrolment, as the ‘first instalment paid’. This means even if a farmer enrolled in the second period (April to July 2018 ) and got his instalment for this period as his first ever cash transfer, he will be counted among those receiving the first instalment (December 2018 to March 2019) ‘This inflates the total number of farmers, as shown above. In all, of the targeted 140 million farmers, nearly 71 million farmers have so far received the payouts, as the ministry noted before the parliamentary panel {{ would like to make it clear that the total number of farmers who have got the benefit is right now 7,17,42,95%", @ ministry official said in the report to Parliament, ‘That leave another 69 million to be targeted by March. Based on these, 39.3 million farmers benefited from the scheme between December 2018 and March 2019 (they have received three instalments}, with an additional 25.9 million benefited froma it between Apri. and July (they have received two}, and an additional 11 between ‘August and November (they have received only one) According to the scheme’s design, farmers registered for the scheme in the first stage would have received all three instalments released so far since the start of the sete. Farmers who registered during the second period would not have receives the first instalment but would have received the next two, because the benefits are not retro ean Brea WM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 19 Z13 16. rete fae? farsraa ea : (a) Sugar astsinta aaarain sft wed & 6,000 (aart eet ae ea) a fest HA, (b) Grea coarecr fect ai. wate aie QQ) (@) vat ata ore (2) (b) wae aa oT (3) (a) 3 (b) St aR ora (4) (a) 4 (b) Fel ae oT Consider the following statements (a) Under PM-Kisan, the government provides income support of @ 6,000 in a year. (b) This income support is released in instalments. Answer Options : (1) (@) only is correct (2) (b) only is correct {3) (a) and (b) both are incorrect (4) (a) and (b) both are correct 17, adie fae fara ea: fa) Weea-frar atten sscasrenita gens at oa. (bo) era (rita) afte Sheu wert art ray are. watt sat: (1) (a) wae aaa He (2) (b) WR ara ore (3) (a) 4 (b) St aH ore (4) (a) 4 (b) Sah ade ates Consider the following statements : (2) PM-Kisan’s implementation has basic lacunae () Effective linking of Aadhaar-land records is needed. Answer Options : (1) (a) only is correct (2) (b) only is correct (3) (@) and (b) both are incorrect (4) (a) and (b) both are correct ‘Sem HATS WWM /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.0. Z13 20 18, TEAR Sara soe Hee ator ye Bq A ae: fa) Seemaidt rere atest (by Saeain decks Baer Be, (co) Saar Sa EK sae, (4) Stren Aidt steraraa aac. watt set: (4) (a) HR (2) (a) safer (b) FAT (3) (o) Ft (4) (c) aif (a) FT ‘The purpose of the scheme mentioned in the passage is : (a) Aadhaar registration of farmers. (b) Provision of internet to farmers. (co) Raising income level of farmers. {a} Update of land records. Answer Options : (1) [a) only (2) {aj and (b) only (3) (¢) only (4) (c) and (a) only HeaT HUTA AN/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A 21 Z13 19. StUR.-firer asrtarad feta 2018 3 ard 2019 eeAeN See eee Ra Cae IAAT NaS Sea LOA ST: () 7 14,055 wet (2) % 11,845 aa (3) % 6,677 wa (4) % 75,000 até In the first instalment of the PM-Kisan scheme between December 2018 to March 2019, cash transfer to farmers was worth rupees : (1) % 14,055 er. (2) 11,845 cr. (3) % 6,677 er (4) & 75,000 cr. 20. tn. -fran aston sreamavia % read ona: (a) sere ae srenfta ate (bo) aq iF afise (co) derteon aga yaar watet sat: Q) (a) ab) Fr (2) (b) 4 () Fa (3) (@) 4 (¢) Fat 4) aie ad PM-KISAN Scheme has these implementation hurdles : (a) Aadhaar based registration (b) Incomplete land records (c]_ Inadequate internet connectivity Answer Options : (1) (a) and (b) only (2) (b) and (c) only (3) (a) and (c) only (4) All of these ‘Wea HATES GIM/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK . .T.0. Z13 22 A yale Bare are ara arenes 21 25 were SAT eT. sities art Serer fers geen franren werent yates yaar ton wreMyS TIS see TTS witact stefan Sart, yearn as Fate wart eras A _GmMe a 2a ¢ od Shea parent fleris, m OS Vea aT, Me FeO yeahs aeqarT snfet RUT yearn Saran vereinedee aie, er PaeSaorgan geste core somataraers Tata Fra Sex aH Bower’ Frm vies cata ony, Gene. Stera Sex (1571-1630) At weton Talia fewer fetemiaes 3 meondiana da fre sings sree, 73 yest ont fren suueiarad Hiss wa ToT an ate F () cad sume yeaa daadaran wea Thea serena a at eaaderen wa Sere yest sre ri) sure yedhihadt Rear sare sof gest Seaeors aa Seon sa oy HAS wala AAA IT aa. qm) sorendt sarerer srerisreral (afew arora) ae area eT ese (He sce) TT BUTT TET. qwrt pourri sapere nia RTE ae & signs Fee AMG TTA, FATT R=Re th, 32 Re Fare pete Farr, h FORA geste PaMMTUT ARTS ska, ae TRTERIM go tT: _GmMe (Re +h? ested r= Sue ca aitar oda Sat h<

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