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Level: 2nd Year Module: Translation Third Semester Syllabus 2020-2021 Page 1 of 9

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬

and Scientific Research
‫ – علي لونيسي‬2 ‫جامعة البليدة‬
University of Blida 2 – Ali Lounici
Faculty of Arts and Languages ‫كلية اآلداب واللغات‬
Department of English
‫قسم اللغة االنجليزية‬


Degree: BA in English Language

Level : 2 Year ; Semester: 3rd ; Module: Translation

Instructor: Mr. Abdelkader NADIR (Assistant Professor)

Syllabus Content

1. Course Code, Credits and Coefficient

2. Work Load
3. Course Description
4. Course Objectives
5. Course Skills & Sub-Skills
6. Learning Outcomes
7. Work Method
8. Assessment Method
9. Course Content/Instructional Syllabus
10. Suggested Readings
11. Bibliography
12. Further Readings

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1. Course Code: UED 2.1 Credits: 4 Coefficient: 1

2. Work Load: 90 Hrs + 1h30: 45 class hrs (30 sessions of 90 min each) + 45 hrs of Self-
study + (1h30 end-of-term exam)

3. Course Description:
This Translation Course is a module of the Discovery Unit. It will be taught in S3
and S4. It will introduce you to the field of translation in order to enhance your skills so
that you would be able to communicate effectively in English and Arabic.

4. Course Objectives: This course aims at:

1. Fostering students’ mastery of English and Arabic Morphology and Grammar.
2. Enhancing students’ skills in translating from English into Arabic.
3. Developing students’ skills in observing, analysing and commenting on translation
activities at word and sentence levels.
4. Enabling students to solve the lexical, grammatical and semantic problems in
translation as well as the cultural and stylistic ones.
5. Enabling students to distinguish between different types of meaning.
6. Developing students’ critical thinking skills.
7. Developing students’ translation-related skills in doing research and using technology.

5. Course Skills & Sub-Skills:

1. Basic receptive and productive language skills.
2. Note-taking skill.
3. Intermediate-level reading skills of translation-related resources.
4. Appropriate use of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries.
5. Translation of words, idiomatic expressions and sentences from English into Arabic.
6. Manipulation of syntactic categories and structures in English and Arabic.
7. Higher-order skills: analysis, synthesis, criticism
8. Intermediate-level skills in academic presenting and writing.
9. Use of computer, Internet research tools, e-mail, …

6. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Produce equivalent and faithful translation from English into Arabic at word and
sentence level;
2. Find solutions to different types of problems in the translation activity at word and
sentence level;
3. Shift easily from L1 to L2.
4. Express himself/herself in both languages fluently and accurately.

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7. Work Method:
Generally speaking, this workshop is mostly based on practical translating from
English into Arabic. Therefore, the students are not asked to delve into the theoretical
debates over terminology, but they are encouraged to read the available manuals. As for
the procedural method, the students are, first, introduced to the different levels of
linguistic and stylistic analysis. Second, the students are introduced to translation skills
and sub-skills in addition to the different translation methods and techniques. Third,
gradually, the students are assigned, in the classroom and at home, to solving translation-
related problems by mobilising their background knowledge and the new acquired skills.
Fourth, to foster students’ learning, they are asked to do oral presentations on contrastive
English and Arabic Morphology and Grammar. Fifth, students’ autonomy is encouraged
by giving them the opportunity to do extra activities.

This year, the course will be taught online via the el-learning Platform of our
University. Moodle has a lot of features that will facilitate your learning experience. The
use of other software and tools is also possible, whenever there is a need.

Send your assignments in Microsoft Office PPT and Word Formats via email as
attachments (by using the paper-clip below the email box) to:


Dear Student,
 Introduce yourself before sending your assignments (Full name, group, etc).
 Do not forget to add/write your name and group on all your documents. Check them out
before uploading/attaching them.
 Always, add the subject of the email. Write the message inside the box. Do not copy-
paste your assignment content inside the message box.
 Write in full. Do not use contractions.
 Undersign your email by writing your full name and group at the bottom of the message

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8. Assessment Method

8.1. Follow-Up/On-going Assessment:

 Oral Presentation(s) (OP):

 Research Script/Written Version of the OP.
 PowerPoint (PPT) Slides
 Recorded Video
 Explanation Handouts
 Exercise Handouts (OP)

 Translation(s):
Course Handouts’ Sentences
Exercise Handouts (OP)

 Essay(s):
 Essay about your Learning Objectives.
 Feedback about the Course and your Learning experience.

 Reading Notes (RN):

 RN about OP topics.
 RN about books chosen from the Further Reading

 Written Summaries (WS):

WS of OP of other teams.

 Research Paper(s)(RP):
 Report the results of your research about a topic which is
relevant to translation, to interpreting or to translation and
foreign language learning. Your research must be 10 pages

 Extra-work: Any additional work relevant to the course is welcomed and valued.

 Mid-term Test = 20/20

 Translation of five sentences that will be sent to you.

8.2. End-of-Term Written Exam:

Content: Two exercises. The first exercise is on the nature of translation (Art,
Craft or Science). The second exercise consists of translating 15 sentences which reflect
the different problems dealt with in class.

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9. Course Content/Instructional Syllabus

Week Session Session Objectives/Content Assignment

1 - Greeting and Introducing - Translation
- Introductory session: Terminology Assignments will
(Process of Translation; Unit(s) of be determined
Translation, etc) upon assessment
- Translation Studies Vs Interpreting of students’ level
Studies and progress.
- Translation kinds, types, jobs, … - Reading Notes:
No class reading is
05-09 December 2020

planned, but for

self-study the
students have to
prepare the next

sessions by
reading the books
and manuals
available in the
Library of the
Faculty of A & L
(Bloc C) (Cf.

2 - History of translation
- Definitions of translation

3 - Strategies of Translation: Methods &

Techniques of translation
- Levels of Linguistic analysis
- Comparative/Contrastive Linguistics and
Stylistics; Terminology
12-16 December 2020

4 - Translator’ s Workbench (S’s Presentations:

- Main Problems in Translation: The students will
- Main Solutions have to present in

the following
sessions. Thus, they
will have to read on
the topics and take

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5 - Translation of Idiomatic expressions

19-23 Dec 2020 - Practice

6 - Translation Techniques (1)


- Practice

7 - Word & Term formation and translation

26-30 Dec

8 - Practice

9 - Parts of Speech in English & Arabic

03-07 Jan

10 - Practice

11 - Techniques of Translation (2)

10-14 Jan

12 - Practice

13 - Mid-term Test
14 - Mid-Term Test Key

15 - Types of sentences
24-28 Jan

16 - Translation of Active & Passive


17 - Translation of Compound Sentences

26-30 Jan

18 - Practice

19 - Translation of Complex Sentences

01-04 Feb

20 - Practice

Level: 2nd Year Module: Translation Third Semester Syllabus 2020-2021 Page 7 of 9

21 - Translation of Complex Compound

Feb 2020

22 - Practice

23 - Tenses & translation

14-18 Feb 2020

24 - Intermediate-level Grammatical &

Semantic Problems in translation
- Cultural Problems in translation

- Stylistic Problems in translation

31 - End-of-Term Exam
Feb 2020

10. Suggested Readings:

The students are encouraged to read the books, handbooks and textbooks (manuals) that
are available in the library of the Faculty of Arts and Languages.

‫‪Level: 2nd Year‬‬ ‫‪Module: Translation‬‬ ‫‪Third Semester‬‬ ‫‪Syllabus 2020-2021‬‬ ‫‪Page 8 of 9‬‬

‫‪11. Bibliography:‬‬

‫أمطوش‪ ،‬محمد (‪ .)2012‬نصوص في اللغات والترجمة‪ .‬األردن‪/‬عمان‪ :‬دار الراية للنّشر والتوزيع‪.‬‬

‫بيوض‪ ،‬إنعام (‪ .)2003‬الترجمة األدبية‪.‬‬

‫دودين‪ ،‬ماجد سليمان (‪ .) 2009‬دليل المترجم‪ :‬كل ما يحتاجه المترجم‪ .‬عمان‪ :‬مكتبة المجتمع العربي للنشر والتوزيع‪.‬‬

‫خالد‪ ،‬توفيق (‪ .)2008‬قواعد الترجمة األساسية‪ :‬للمبتدئين وطالب الترجمة‪.‬‬

‫عبدهللا عبدالرازق‪ ،‬إبراهيم (‪ .)2006‬الترجمة‪ :‬المبادئ والتطبيقات‪.‬‬

‫عصفور‪ ،‬جابر (‪ .)2000‬قضايا الترجمة وإشكاالتها‪ .‬أبحاث المؤامرات‪ .8 ،‬القاهرة‪ :‬المجلس األعلى للثقافة‪.‬‬

‫عودي‪ ،‬أحمد (‪ .) 2001‬نحو ترجمة صحيحة‪[ .‬جامعة لبنان]‪ .‬لبنان‪/‬طرابلس‪ :‬المؤسسة الحديثة للكتاب‪.‬‬

‫نذير‪ ،‬عبدالقادر (‪ .)2012‬ترجمة الفصول ‪ 9-7‬من كتاب مايا ي‪ .‬ماتاريك ‪ The Robotics Primer‬والتعليق على‬
‫‪http://translation-‬‬ ‫الترجمة‪] .‬رسالة ماجستير[‪ .‬الجزائر‪ :‬المعهد العالي العربي للترجمة‪.‬‬

‫العيسوي‪ ،‬بشير (‪ .)2000‬الترجمة إلى العربية‪ :‬قضايا وأراء‪ .‬ط‪ .2‬القاهرة‪ :‬دار الفكر العربي‪.‬‬

‫ي وال‪ ،‬عزيز؛ لطيوش‪ ،‬مفتاح (د‪.‬س‪.‬ن)‪ .‬مبادئ الترجمة‪ .‬بنغازي‪ :‬دار النهضة العربية‪.‬‬

‫علي‪ ،‬عبدالصاحب مهدي (‪ .)2008‬معجم مصطلحات الترجمة التحريرية والشفهية‪ :‬إنجليزي – عربي‪ .‬عمان‪ :‬دار‬
‫إثراء للنشر‪.‬‬

‫‪Abu-SSaydeh, A. (2004), Translation of English Idioms into Arabic, in Babel, 50(2).‬‬

‫‪Baker, M. (2006) In Other Words : a coursebook on translation, Routledge: London and‬‬

‫‪New York‬‬

‫‪Dickins, James; Hervey, Sandor; Higgins, Ian (2002). Thinking Arabic Translation: A‬‬
‫‪Course in Translation (NP) Routledge‬‬
‫‪Hatim, Basil (2001). English – Arabic/Arabic – English Translation: A practical Guide‬‬
‫‪(NP) Saqi Books‬‬

Level: 2nd Year Module: Translation Third Semester Syllabus 2020-2021 Page 9 of 9

12. Further Readings:

.‫ مكتبة عتيدة اإللكترونية‬.)‫ محاضرات في الترجمة (الكتاب األول‬.)‫ ن‬.‫ س‬.‫ محمد يحي (د‬،‫أبو ريشة‬

‫ الجامعة األمريكية (رسالة ماجستير‬:‫ بيروت‬.‫ الترجمة األدبية بين النظرية والتطبيق‬.) 2005( ‫ عهد شوكت‬،‫سبول‬
.)‫مقدمة لكلية األداب واللغات‬

‫ الترجمة‬.)‫ ن‬.‫ س‬.‫ شاكر (د‬،‫ سمير عبدالرحيم؛ محمود‬،‫ حسن عبدالمقصود؛ الجلبي‬،‫ يوئيل يوسف؛ حسن‬،‫عزيز‬
.‫ من العربية إلى اإلنجليزية‬:‫ الجزء الثاني‬.‫ قسم الترجمة‬- ‫العلمية والتقنية والصحفية واألدبية للسنة الثالثة‬
.‫ وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬:‫العراق‬

Bell, R.T. ( 1991 ) Translation and Translating: Theory & Practice;Longman: London
and New York

Catford, J. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Oxford University Press, United

Hatim, B. (2001). Teaching and Researching Translation. Applied linguistics in action
series. Longman, United Kingdom.
House,J. ( 2009 ) Translation, Oxford U.P

Nida, E. (1964). Linguistics and Ethnology in Translation Problems. In Language and

Culture and Society. Dell, H. (ed.). Harper and Row, United Kingdom.
Nida, E. A. and Taber, C. R. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation.
Brill, Leiden
Newmark, P. (1981). Approaches to Translation. Language and Teaching series,
Pergamon, United Kingdom.
Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall, United Kingdom.
Newmark, P. (1991). About Translation. Multilingual Matters, United Kingdom.
Ordudari, M., (2008). Good Translation : Art, Craft, or Science, in Translation Journal,
V123 n°1, January 2008.

Vinay, J.P.; Darbelnet, J. (1995) Comparative Stylistics of French and English : A

Methodology for Translation, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

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