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Use of this software

is determined by a
license agreement
you can view on the
Technical Support
Support is available
from the registered
users area of the
" # $ ProFantasy website
% &

' ( ) *+

, *-

. # / ' !*

) 0 !&

1 ' *

2 0 +

DD3: Simon Rogers, Mark Fulford
PNG Symbols: Dave Allsop
Vector Symbols: Simon Rogers, Tito Leati
Programming: Peter Olsson
Additional Symbol Work: GM Syndicate
Trade Dress: Peter Gifford
Thanks To: Mike Riddle, Beta Testers, CC Mail List, The Colonel and Colin
The Essentials: Simon Rogers, Mark Fulford, Ralf Schemmann

ProFantasy Software Ltd · Spectrum House · Bromell’s Road ·

London · SW4 0BN · UK ·
3 ..

• "

• " 3

• " 4
• "

• "

% 0
5 4
4 4
Finished examples of 4 .. 5
the tutorials are
found in the (
folder under CC3. 6 (
( 7' 8

Can’t see the DD3 ,

" ..
This is usually found
on the left of the
.. / #
DD3 screen. If you
can’t see it, select
Tools and ensure
that Left toolbar 1
and 2 are ticked.

' 8 ' .

. 4

# ( '

9 /
Dungeon Templates
The New Drawing
Wizard lets you
decide on the style * . ;
and size of any
" ;
floorplan you create.
Select Decide
Settings Myself. ! 9
• For highly detailed 2 3
rich art and colors,
choose the DD3
Dungeon style. . 200'x 160'battlemat shaped.fct
• For simple vector $( $
symbols in choose
the DD3 dungeon
style. $ 8 , +/
, !9 ,
5 9 . 9
Add Room
+ . #
This dialog allows 9
you to set options for
the room to be 9= 8
drawn, including its
basic shape (square, "
rectangle, circle, or
polygon), drawing . ' 8
mode (foreground &
background, ' 8
foreground only, 7
background only),
. 1 >
whether to include a
wall or not and
properties for the
? .
wall if drawn, and
the fill styles and - 6 4 =
colors to be used for ' 8 (
the room’s : :
foreground and
*! @

4 <
4 @ @30,0
: A

8 8
& 8 ' 8 9

B '

' .
*: . ' .

Drawing Corridors
# Like Add Room,
Add Corridor has
1 > wall properties and
Corridor style settings.
start point (B connect to wall, C In addition, you can
connect no break): determine if the
corridor has an end
** 2 . wall, whether wall
" ends wrap and

2 . (

whether you want the
4 /
Corridor cursor to
lock to existing
rooms and corridors.

*! 0 4

* 1

*$ .
Corridor Wall

Pressing B tells DD3 6

that the next point to
*+ 2 6@ A 4
be placed connects to
another room or
corridor, much in the
same way as pressing .
C does. This time,
however, DD3 will 3
break the wall the
corridor is attached
to, connecting wall
sections as 0
If you are going to
place a door at the
junction between a
room and a corridor,
use the Connect *? 8 3 ' 8
option, and use the
Door symbol to
break a hole in the # (

C .
*- . ' . 9

*& D . 8) 4
" 4 (

*B D 9D #

!: ' 6 .
Editing Rooms and
% 1 Changing the
0 appearance of walls
( and corridors is
( straightforward. The
' 8 '
easiest way to select
. /
room and corridor
• . components to edit is
to select by the
components layer.
• # 4
For example you
6 #
wish to change the
wall widths to 1’, all
• . you need to do is to
click Change Line
5 ) Width, select by
Layer and choose the
Wall layer, then Do

4 !*

4 4
Map Style
When you start a
dungeon with a New '
Drawing Wizard,
select Dungeon then
click Decide Settings
myself. DD3 offers * 1 Example04.fcw. .
you two styles of
dungeons. Choose
between two styles:
E4 4
• DD Pro
' 8
Dungeon. This
style is vector ! .
based, with solid 8
colors and hatch
" '
• DD3 Dungeon
This is for richly
detailed maps with
' # . 4
raster-based art. " ( 4

8 # # ) 4
' 4 F

$ . . 4
4 8
" ( 4
4 5
9 4

+ 8 . 4 4

G 3

The Water button
? 9
adds water on top of
4 ( 4 the floor. To add
water below a floor,
1 right click the
Terrain button and
- .
choose one of the
' 4 Water drawing tools
& 8 .
6 $ # ' 4

9 1

' 8 ' See CC3 Essentials

. page 8 for an
4 introduction to
Sheets and Layers.
# ( You can override the
sheet settings for
" Drawing Tools by
selecting Insert on
4 4
Current Sheet when
you select the tool.
• # '
8 ' .
#)1 1 89
• ' 8 ' .
' ))9
• #)1 1 89 @ #)1 1 89
D ,DA #)1 1 89


Smart Symbols

As well as aligning,
they can scale
themselves, break
holes in other entities * 1 Examples05.fcw .. / Tutorials\Dungeons
to accommodate
themselves, etc.
! 1 9 #
To turn off smart
symbols, right-click . 9
at any time you have
a symbol attached to
your cursor. The
Symbol Parameters
dialog box will $ . . +E 0 4
appear. Click to
check in the Disable
SmartSym box, and
press More.

4 4
. +E +E

+ 2 ;

. 9 9
+E *:E

? Secret Doors

As well as making
doors secret, you can
( also denote that they
:? H are locked, and how
4 they open. Move
down the catalog to
- 2
the symbol to
find door label
symbols. Select
these, then insert
9 E G them at the same
( 4 E point you inserted
the door.

8 3 # . # 3 One way
; 3 E
Sliding up/down

. ) 9 9 Locked

. @ A Magically locked

Traps layer

This layer can be used

in addition to the
SECRET layer. Hide
it if you need to. Just
because they’ve
discovered the secret
door, no need to show
them the traps, too.

; 3 9
; 3 G
Example06.FCW .. / Tutorials\Dungeons

9 (
Aligning non-wall 4 " 4 (
Example07.FCW Tutorial
DD3 provides a way
for you to align
& .
symbols by setting the
symbol angle. Right .
click when placing a
symbol, click Align to
Edge then and select
5 0
on a straight edge to
set the symbol angle
B . .
for future symbols.

< 5 0

/4 # 6
9 9 ( .

*: .

** I / 8

*! .

3 < 3
H 0.5

9 9

% ,
@ *-A

9 9
To... Do...

Select a new symbol catalog, and automatically change Click one of the symbol settings on the
the current layer to suit. DD3 bar:

Select a new symbol catalog without changing the Click . button, and locate the
current layer. desired symbol catalog.

Change the currently selected symbol. Click on another symbol in the Catalog

Change the currently selected symbol to one already Press the button, and select the
within the drawing. desired symbol.

Rotate to N, S, E, or W. Press the Arrow keys.

Dynamically rotate a symbol by eye. Hold down CTRL and SHIFT, and move
the mouse.

Dynamically scale by eye. Hold down CTRL, and move the mouse.

Rotate or resize precisely. Right-click to display the Symbol

Parameters dialog box, then type the new
settings desired.

Reset symbol scale and rotation to the default. Right-click to display the Symbol
Parameters dialog box, then press the 9
; button.

Continue placing symbols from the Symbol Parameters Press the 0 button.
dialog box.

Stop placing symbols. Click a button menu entry or select another


"# !"
1 Text and Sheets
( (
Unlike most drawing
tools and symbols
* 1 Example08.FCW .. / that do the job of
selecting the correct
sheet for you
! 6 ( automatically, text
5H always goes on the
current sheet.
9 )5 Therefore you should
@. *+A always have an eye
on the sheet indicator
$ . (
when placing text.
But if someone goes
wrong, and you
eventually find your
+ 9 ( D text all over the map,
don’t worry. Simply
-+ #
use Move to Sheet,
selecting by Entity
Type “2d Text “ to
6 1 9 4 change all text to the
J . 1 > correct sheet.

? . (
Text Sizes
- " / There are no hard
( " and fast rules how
large your text
( )@ A 8 should be, as that
8 A .@ A < depends too much on
@ A 6@ A 0@ A how you intend to
4 5( use the map.
But 1/20th of the
larger map
& ; 5H )' 65)9 dimension for the
title and 1/50th for
B . KK ; ) any labels are good
= 4 starting points.

*: Number [1]:
8 3

** " * (

*! 9 . 8)

* 2 . 0 /

*$ 2

*+ # 59 . 8 3

*? ; ( .
0 3 "

' . 8)
< ( )@ A @ A
@ Example09.FCW A

$"%" $ "
4 Geomorph Symbols
The fact these are
' 8
symbols means that you
' . won’t be able to edit
their individual
components unless you
Explode them first.
* . ;
In addition, while smart
" ;
symbols will align to
geomorph symbols,
! 9 2 they will not cut into
3 them unless you
explode first.
. 200'x 160'battlemat shaped.fct Please read Exploding
Geomorphs on page 19
$ . L
if you intend to use
+ . , them.

4 9
Symbols Touch
? . Because the grid snap
. +/ I *A
* ( settings we are using
are specifically
- 9 designed with the
. +/I +) dungeon geomorph
symbols in mind,
placing the corridor
& 9 .
section correctly is an
( easy task.

. +/ 2

B 9

8 +/ . * 2

Geomorph Tricks

To create an elliptical *: 9
room, choose a 8 +/ 5
circular room, right
click during symbol ** 2 )
insertion and set
different X and Y
6 8 +/
Press the CTRL key
and move the mouse
while inserting the
symbol to decrease
increase the size of a
*! 2
Press the SHIFT and
CTRL key while
moving the mouse to * # 8 +/ . * 2
change the rotation.

*$ %

*+ # 8 +/ 4

0 =

( /4
To avoid exploding
things you do not
3 /
wish to, remember
that CC3’s selection
criteria menu is but a
right-click away. To
make sure you don’t
select any rooms or
corridors created
using the Add... tools,
use And, Entity Type,
Symbol Reference.
This can be used to
filter out entities that
are not symbols (e.g.,
Add Room, Add
Corridor, and
5( ,
freehand dungeon
sections) when you
4 4
wish to explode
geomorph symbols.
@9 *-A 4
( (

' 9 , 9
(Symbols in the Catalog Window are scaled to fit the
available space. This makes long corridors look thin.)


Use these to create boundaries for unusual rooms

+/ ( +/
Use these to fill rooms.
(Symbols in the Catalog Window are scaled to fit the
available space. This makes long stairs look thin.)

. *:/ +/
To link corridors of different widths.
*:/ 4 4

C 8
A selection of differently shaped rooms.

$ " " Select by Layer

" ( When you have

4 # started an editing
command, right click
then select Layer to
select entities on a
particular layer. Right
; , click again and
highlight the layer
4 5(
you wish to include.

( 4

* /4

6' .> , 81 % ;
' ))

! . . 2 8 3
) 8 3
' ))9 8 3

:+ )
1 >
/ ?
@: +/A

6 7 ' 7

De-Select 9 Example10.FCW 9 Example11.FCW

You can de-select
entities quickly and . 0 / 6 #
easily by holding
down the CTRL key
and clicking on their 2
edge or drawing a 6' .> , 81 % ; @0' 2A 3
selection window 8 3
around them. # 9 3 (
Alternatively you can 9 Example12.FCW
select Not from the
Combine sub-menu . 8 / # 9
and then continue " . # 9
selecting entities in 8 3 . 2
the usual way.
. # 9

9 6' .> , 81 % ;
@#)1 1 8 *A 3 4
Short Cuts 3 # 9
Many quick sub- 6 # 9
commands and special Example13.FCW
features are accessible
from the right-click . /# 9
context menus of the
toolbar icons.
' ))9 9
Try them out! Example14.FCW

$"" &&"


4 @
&A D

.. / Tutorials/Dungeons/

200'x 160'
battlemat shaped.fct
( 4

* 1 5( *+ #. /
@ 4 A

! . 9

. ' 4 9 5 ( ;
4 @500’ x 400’ DD3 interior
Saved Sheet Effects

All the sheet effects

you have applied to $ . 1 >
a drawing can be
saved as a setting to
be used on future
DD3 (and each of
the other CC3 add- @ 3 4 A
ons) provides a few
pre-constructed sets. (
You can modify and
save these to create 4 4
your own.
You can browse 0 4
through the different
effect settings (
available, but keep
the default one for
this map. It is best + . 9 5
suited to a small
dungeon floorplan ? .
like we have here.
.1 001 ; " /
#)1 1 89

- ,

5 N


. ' N ,

B ) 4 0 Outside .
9 * 6
. 1 >

*: ' 9
5 1 >

4 4

** 1 9 5
9" 061 )9 ) / 9

9 =

*! 1 9
9" 061 )9
. 1 >
" /

* 8 3 9 5
0 4 9

*$ 9 4

0 4 9 " 061 )9 #)'

SYMBOL sheets *+ 9
It is often convenient
*? ' ,
to organize Symbols
@9 : 6
on a few different
sheets, because they
need different effects.
9" 061 )9
' ))9
already included in all *- # 4
DD3 templates. It has ( 4
no effects applied to it
( 5
at all.
, 5H
You could also easily 9 *
add a sheet called
6 *
with a larger drop 0 (
shadow effect than the %
normal SYMBOLS
, 9 (
one. It would be used
' 6 (
for symbols that are
3 / 4
taller than the rest and
would therefore cast a
longer shadow.
*& 9
If you start all these 9
sheets’ names with Example16.FCW
automatic sheet
options will not
interfere with your
own symbol

' 9 9 9 5

Bevel Bevel gives and illusion of depth to edges. Use it on

walls to give them a slight 3d effect.
Blur Softens the edges of entities and makes vector entities
merge better with bitmap backgrounds. Can be nice
on text, but should be used carefully. Should usually
not be used on bitmap fills, as it obscures textures.
Drop shadow Adds a drop shadow behind the sheet’s entities, which
gives a slight 3d impression. Use on objects that
should stand out a little from the background, e.g.
Glow Adds a colored, fading glow around objects. Can be
set to appear on the outside or inside. Use a dark color
to merge objects into the background or a bright one
to make them stand out.
Inner Glow Similar to Glow but works only on the inside. Use for
a slightly different effect.
Screen border Use to limit sheet effects to the actual drawing area.

Transparency Changes the opacity of the selected sheet. It is useful

for slightly transparent areas like water or to make
objects fade into the map, e.g. a grid.
Wall Shadow Creates shadow cast from the objects on the sheets.
Since the shadows are on the outside, the effect is
mainly useful for walls of surface structures like
houses. It can also be used like a drop shadow on
symbols for a somewhat different effect.

Hotspot text ' "
This text is CC3’s '
internal commands for 4 .
the link. If you
' '
understand CC3’s
script language, you
can use Numeric Edit
to change it. Click
4 4
the edge of the link
* . .. 1 The Island of Muirgh .. /
You can make your Examples/
linked maps portable
by replacing the text ! L 3 "
CC3’s path with a # D
. 6 O2 9
The # character means
“whatever folder CC3 2
is running from”. (
With the # replacing
$ 9
the absolute folder
name, it doesn’t . 9
matter where CC3 is
installed on the other @. -A
system; provided it D " 258) ; > 9 @
has an A
subfolder containing + # D KK )
Summoners 0
Cave.FCW, the link
will work.
$ . Summoners Cave Tutorials\Dungeons
1 >
CC3 also uses the $
. ) Hotspot window:.
character to represent
the current folder. If ? . (
you do link maps
together in the same " ( (
folder, they will (
automatically be
linked using $ in place - C D D
of the file’s path, ( 4
meaning that the files
will be portable.
& . L 5( 4

B 1 Summoners Cave Tutorials\Dungeons

*: .
D " 2 58) ; > 9 9 @.
-A 0' 2 61 8 58
** L

*! # D KK )

* ; 4 Examples
3 Island of

*+ D D C 4

" 4

) 1 #
J "

+ '

? . KK D KK )

- . hideout.html
& . (

9 Example17.FCW Tutorials/Dungeon


* 9 < Decide
Settings myself . ; (

! 9 0 9 DD3 Dungeon . ; (

9 50 x 40 ft . 6 )

. 6 8

. 8 .
; (

$ . 0 6
# 9
Grass Green 2 Bitmap .
# 4

+ 8
# 3

# 2 6

# 1 4 6

? . #

- 8 3.

Terrain, Dirt Brown3, Straight

& 8 3.
Patchy Areas Terrain, Dirt Brown 4 T, Fractal
All the bitmap fills
(and by extension 9
drawing tools) Example18.FCW Tutorial/Dungeons
having a “T” in
their name contain B '
transparent areas Terrain, Grass Green 4 T, Fractal
where the fill
behind the object
will shine through.
*: # #
These make
excellent tools to
break up the
regularity that can
result from tiled
bitmap fills or to ** . 1
create a transition .
from one type of 4
fill to another, e.g. Vegetation.fsc
from the dirt path
to the grass *! ' C 5, 5 ' 1 ;

* 9

% 4

*$ . 9

9" 061 )9 8559 0 4

9" 061 )9 ' ))9

*+ 2


*? . 9 5 Working with
Dungeon CC3 100x100 . Effects Off
1 > =
Because CC3 has to
render the results
produced by sheet
*- 8 3 9 5 5
effects for each
redraw, they can
*& . ' )) 9D ' 1 slow down working
with a drawing
4 #)1 1 8
@ 4
A It is usually advisable
to turn Effects Off
*B D 4 #)1 1 8 . while you are
9 working and turn
' )) 9D ' 1 them back on when
you need to see the
!: 9 ' )) 9D ' 1 results.
. 2 # 9
9 @ :A

!* 1 9 5
' 4

!! ' :* 6 1 % 9 5

! ' 9 ) + 1
+: : 6 ' )) 9D ' 1

!$ ' 9
H " 1 :
Planning Ahead
1 +: :+ 6
Theoretically you 9" 061 )9
could simply add 8559
the wall shadow of
the hut to the !+ . 1 >
FLOOR sheet. But
in many maps you
need wall shadows 5 1 ##
of different heights
or you may have !? 9 0' 2 61 8 58
floors that should @. *+A
not cast one. 0' 2 61 8 58
It is better to create
new sheets and
!- 9
make copies of the
relevant floors. It
simply gives you
more control and 4
variety for your
shadows. 9

!& % L 4
5 1 "

( & "
Ink Consumption
Full color bitmap
images can use up a
lot of ink when
* 1 Example20.FCW printing at high
Tutorials/Dungeons quality on a normal
inkjet printer.
! . D ( ,
Make sure you print
only at high settings
9 when you are doing
the final print run.
Use black and white,
' + =
low-detail settings
< . ' for trial prints.
$ ; Color laser printers
. are obviously
9 5 affected differently,
but care should still
+ D 5H % / be taken to preserve
their toner cartridge.
4 ,8

? ' 4
+:P ,8


- '
6' .> , 81 % ;

& / . 2

B ;


9 9 #
0.08333 @
A 5.0

* = +

Scale Factor

Whe you are '

putting in scale '$ ) 3 < $
factors for your < $ 4
own maps, you can *?
type in the values 4 @ ' A
in inches and feet,
if you use the
appropriate *: . 2 4
characters, e.g. 2”
(inch) and 5’ (feet).
[As of this writing there is a glitch in the preview function,
CC3 will do the
cconversion to
resulting in duplication of certain entities on screen. Don’t
numerical values worry, it’s only the preview, the print will be fine.]
for you.


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