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Failure Analysis

and Degree of Cure

Fig. 1: Catastrophic failure of undercured zinc-rich primer topcoated with epoxy
All figures courtesy of the author

s anyone involved in failure analysis soon realizes, there are

many different reasons why a coating can fail prematurely.
This article will focus on one common and preventable
cause of premature coating failure—degree of cure.

What Is “Cure”?
Before discussing cure, it may be helpful to dis-
By Dwight G. Weldon, cuss the concept of molecular weight. The molecular weight of a sub-
Weldon Laboratories stance refers to how much a molecule of that substance weighs and is
related to the size of the molecule. Most of the common chemicals
which we routinely encounter are small molecules of low molecular
weight, such as salt (sodium chloride), which has a molecular weight
of 58, or methyl ethyl ketone, which has a molecular weight of 72.
However, the molecules which make up the binder of a coating are
very large, very high molecular weight polymers and resins. Some
acrylic resins have molecular weights of well over 100,000. Two very
important factors related to the chemical and physical properties of a
coating include the type of resins or polymers composing its binder,
and the molecular weight of these polymers and resins.
Coatings are broadly grouped into one of two classes: thermoplastic
and thermoset. A thermoplastic coating dries by solvent evaporation.
48 JPCL / July 2005 / PCE
Common examples of such a coating
would be a vinyl acrylic latex house
paint or a solvent-borne acrylic lac-
quer. The molecular weights of the
resins or polymers in such coatings
are as high as they are going to get
when the paint is manufactured, and
the drying of the wet paint simply
involves the evaporation of the sol-
vent (which, in the case of a latex, is
mostly water).
Thermoset coatings can also dry by
solvent evaporation. Some people
might even consider evaporation to be
an initial step in the curing process,
since the coating will usually become
less tacky during the drying stage.
However, unlike thermoplastic coat-
ings, thermoset coatings continue to Fig. 2: Infrared spectra of epoxy (top) and alkyd (bottom)
cure through a chemical reaction. This
reaction is usually, but not always, its degree of cure. When such a coat- eral seconds to cure. Regardless of the
between various ingredients formulat- ing is initially mixed and applied, it time the chemical reaction or curing
ed into the liquid paint, such as a consists of low molecular weight frag- process takes, the coating must not be
polyamide curing agent reacting with ments or prepolymers. These prepoly- put into service before it cures.
an epoxy base component. One of the mers lack properties such as solvent
oldest of thermoset coatings is the air- resistance, chemical resistance, cohe- Failures Related
dry alkyd. Here, a complicated process sive strength, impermeability, corro- to Incomplete Cure
of oxidation and crosslinking at the sion resistance, and tensile and flexur- There are several possible explana-
carbon-carbon double bonds (unsatu- al properties. Putting a coating into tions for why a coating may not have
ration) of the alkyd resin allows the service before the prepolymers react cured properly. Possible reasons
resin molecules to react very slowly to cure and develop the coating’s include a defective batch of coating,
with one another, such that the final properties would be somewhat like improper mixing on the part of the
molecular weight of the cured alkyd building a brick house without using applicator (such as not observing the
resin is very much higher than its ini- any mortar. Over time, the house correct mix ratio, or adding the wrong
tial molecular weight. A moisture- would fall apart. If a coating is put thinner), unfavorable environmental
cured urethane is a more modern into service before it cures, or if some- conditions, and, for heat-cured coat-
example of a thermoset coating that thing goes wrong and interferes with ings, improper baking conditions.
chemically reacts with some species the normal curing process, premature A very common example of a coat-
that is not in the can of paint—atmos- failure can often result because the ing failure due to lack of cure is the
pheric moisture—to crosslink and coating’s properties will not have splitting, or cohesive failure, of an
cure. developed. An air-dry industrial main- inorganic zinc-rich primer topcoated
As one might expect, the physical tenance coating might take several with an epoxy intermediate/urethane
and chemical properties of a ther- weeks to cure, and a plural-compo- topcoat (the so-called “Cadillac” of
moset coating can depend greatly on nent sprayed polyurea might take sev- bridge coatings). When these failures JPCL / July 2005 / PCE 49

Fig. 3: Infrared spectrum of an inorganic zinc-rich primer. Note that there are practically no carbon-hydrogen
absorption bands near 2900 cm -1, a feature typical of a fully cured coating.

happen, they can often be catastroph- primer, sometimes resulting in large as the inorganic zinc-rich primer fail-
ic (Fig. 1). The undercured zinc-rich sheets of disbonded coating.1,2 ures discussed above, it can be very
primer not only has poor solvent Even the simple oil-based alkyd coat- frustrating to paint a bridge, or a house
resistance, but also has low cohesive ings mentioned above are not immune for that matter, and not have the paint
strength. It can be softened and weak- to failure because of lack of cure. Such dry. Not only can it be messy, but the
ened by the strong solvents in the coatings cure by reaction as the car- soft, sticky alkyd will retain excessive
epoxy intermediate coat. bon-carbon double bonds with oxygen amounts of dirt, turning an otherwise
Furthermore, when coatings cure, in the atmosphere. The process has beautiful paint job into an unsightly
they shrink, resulting in a stress been studied extensively but is still not problem. The lack of cure could be due
known as shrinkage stress. Since the completely understood. However, it is to the wrong type or amount of cata-
undercured zinc-rich primer has clear that it can be sped up by the use lyst formulated into the coating, to the
already been weakened by the sol- of certain catalysts, or “driers,” which use of the wrong type of alkyd resin, or
vents in the epoxy intermediate coat, are often organometallic compounds perhaps to excessive coating thickness.
when the epoxy itself cures and such as cobalt naphthenate. Although Urethanes are another type of ther-
shrinks, the resulting stress is suffi- failures involving alkyds that do not moset coating whose properties, and
cient to tear apart the underlying dry properly are rarely as catastrophic hence serviceability, can be dramati-
50 JPCL / July 2005 / PCE
cally decreased by lack of cure. Types
of failures related to lack of cure
include poor chemical resistance,
poor adhesion, blistering, inferior
weathering properties such as chalk-
ing or color fading, and, for the flexi-
ble variety, decreased tensile and flex-
ural properties.
Lack of cure is not restricted to air-
dry coatings. Some coatings will not
react or cure properly unless heated
to a certain temperature for a certain
period of time. The elevated tempera-
ture speeds up the chemical crosslink-
ing reaction, which would occur slow-
ly or not at all, at room temperature.
Therefore, the underbaking of coat-
ings such as fusion-bonded epoxy Fig. 4: Infrared spectra of a two-component urethane coating cured for 24 hours (bottom) and 2 weeks
powder coatings or polyester- (top). Note that as the coating cures, the isocyanate band near 2270 cm-1 becomes dramatically weaker.
melamine coil coatings can result in
the coatings being undercured.
Undercured epoxy powder coatings that is more permeable to water. The simple way to evaluate this is
on buried underground pipe can author is familiar with at least one described in ASTM D5402 (Standard
result in poor adhesion, increased instance where this led to blistering Practice for Assessing the Solvent
permeability, and a tendency to blis- of the coating as a result of excessive Resistance of Organic Coatings Using
ter. An occasional, isolated blister is white rust which formed under the Solvent Rubs). The Significance and
probably not a problem, particularly permeable coating during storage (the Use section of this practice states that
if the pipeline is also under cathodic “storage stain” familiar to many users “Coatings which chemically change
protection. However, excessive blis- of coil-coated galvanized stock). during the curing process, such as
tering of hundreds of feet of epoxies, vinyl esters, polyesters,
pipeline—or even miles in the worst Detecting Curing Problems alkyds, and urethanes, become more
case scenario—can result in the draw There is more than one way to inves- resistant to solvents as they cure.
of very large amounts of current. This tigate the possibility that a failing These coatings should reach specific
may exceed the capacity of the coating has not cured properly. levels of solvent resistance before
cathodic protection system, or being topcoated and before placing in
become very expensive as greater Field Investigation service.”
and greater amounts of electricity are Perhaps the most common procedure, Briefly, ASTM D5402 is performed
required to protect the exposed steel. and certainly the least expensive, is by saturating cheesecloth with methyl
Undercured coil coatings can suffer to perform some type of solvent resis- ethyl ketone (MEK), or another speci-
from excessive dirt retention, and sig- tance test. Since thermoset coatings fied solvent, and rubbing the cloth
nificantly undercured or even over- cure by a chemical reaction, which back and forth (one back and forth
cured ones can show inferior tensile transforms very low molecular stroke is referred to as a “double rub”)
and flexural problems, resulting in weight starting material into very on the coating, for at least 25 double
cracking upon forming. Furthermore, high molecular weight coatings, the rubs. The test area is then evaluated
lack of cure of coil coatings applied to ability of the coating to resist solvent for such things as changes in appear-
galvanized sheet results in a coating improves as the coating cures. One ance, hardness, or thickness, and the JPCL / July 2005 / PCE 51
Fig. 5: A DSC heating curve of an uncured powder coating, displaying a strong exothermic peak from 145 to 205 C

cloth can be examined for color trans- quite capable of detecting moderate to of solvent resistance is for the partic-
fer of the coating. The author often large differences in cure, but not small ular coating.
uses a slightly modified version of this differences. It should also be kept in
procedure, substituting cotton swabs mind that not every properly cured Laboratory Investigation
for cheesecloth. ASTM D4752 coating has the same degree of solvent In the laboratory, infrared spec-
(Standard Test Method for Measuring resistance. Thus, it would not be fair troscopy is often a very useful tech-
MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate to assume that an alkyd coating nique for investigating degree of cure.
(Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by would have the same degree of sol- In some instances it can be much
Solvent Rub) is similar to D 5402, but vent resistance as an epoxy-phenolic. more sensitive than a solvent rub test.
as the title suggests, was developed Therefore, it is useful for the person Very briefly, infrared spectroscopy
specifically for inorganic zinc-rich doing the testing to have a control relies upon the fact that molecules are
primers. sample of the coating in question, or in a constant state of motion, or vibra-
Solvent rub testing is a fairly rough at least a non-failing sample, in order tion. Indeed, it is convenient to think
way of measuring degree of cure. It is to establish what the “normal” degree of a molecule as a collection of balls
52 JPCL / July 2005 / PCE
(atoms) connected by springs (the measuring degree of cure. Infrared spectroscopy is also ideally
chemical bonds holding the molecule The catastrophic failure of an suited to monitoring the degree of
together). Depending on the type of undercured inorganic zinc-rich primer cure of urethane coatings. Urethane
atoms and the type of chemical bonds topcoated with an epoxy intermediate coatings consist of a component A,
holding them together (springs), por- coat has been previously discussed. which is typically a hydroxyl (-OH)
tions of the molecule will vibrate at While solvent rub testing might be functional polyester or acrylic resin,
different frequencies, often measured able to show that the primer was and a component B, which contains an
in units of cm-1 (reciprocal centime- undercured, infrared spectroscopy isocyanate (an isocyanate contains the
ters). The frequency of vibration is can detect smaller variations in -NCO functional group). When mixed
very dependent on the structure of degree of cure. A detailed discussion together, these two ingredients react
the molecule. Therefore, a carbon atom of this procedure has been previously to form the actual urethane.
single bonded to a hydrogen atom will presented. 3 Briefly, when ethyl sili- Fortunately for the analytical chemist,
always show a stretching type of the isocyanate group has a very
vibration near 2,800–2,950 cm-1. strong and very characteristic band in

Likewise, a carbon atom double bond- the infrared spectrum near 2,270 cm-1.
ed to an oxygen atom will typically There is very little else that absorbs in
vibrate at about 1,650 to 1,750 cm-1. this region of the spectrum. Since the
The significance of this is that when One of the main reasons isocyanate group is consumed during
infrared light is focused on or through a the curing reaction, resulting in the
sample, if the frequency of the infrared why epoxy coatings do production of the urethane polymer,
light matches one of the vibrations in the intensity of the 2,270 cm-1 iso-
the molecules making up the sample,
not cure properly is cyanate band decreases, as shown in
the sample will absorb some of that because they have not Fig. 4. Therefore, the degree of cure of
particular light. Since there are many a urethane can be monitored by mea-
different structural features in a typical been mixed properly suring the decrease in the intensity of
organic molecule (or, in our cases, poly- this band, usually relative to some

mer), which are often referred to as other band in the spectrum.
“functional groups,” the sample will It should be pointed out that when
absorb infrared light at numerous fre- doing failure analysis, alternative pos-
quencies and to differing degrees. The sibilities should be considered. Thus, it
result is an infrared spectrum, which is cate zinc-rich primers cure, they do so is entirely possible that the spectrum
very characteristic of the sample being by reaction with atmospheric mois- of a failing urethane could have no
analyzed. Fig. 2 shows the infrared ture. This results in a cleavage of the trace of any unreacted isocyanate, and
spectrum of both an alkyd and an ethoxy groups (CH3CH2O-) in the sili- yet the coating could be completely
epoxy, and clearly illustrates that the cate prepolymer and their evapora- uncured. This could happen if the con-
two spectra differ substantially in tion from the coating in the form of tractor neglected to add any of the
appearance. ethyl alcohol. Since the ethoxy groups isocyanate curing agent to the compo-
Not only are the positions of the are rich in carbon-hydrogen bonds, nent A. Fortunately, an experienced
bands in an infrared spectrum indica- the absorption bands in the infrared investigator would normally recognize
tive of the chemical structure, or func- spectrum due to carbon-hydrogen this by other clues in both the physi-
tional groups, of the sample, but also vibrations in the 2,800–2,950 cm-1 cal nature of the sample and the fea-
the intensity of the bands is propor- region decrease upon curing (Fig. 3). tures of the infrared spectrum.
tional to the concentration of that par- This decrease can be measured quanti- Although infrared spectroscopy can
ticular functional group. It is this tatively by infrared spectroscopy, theoretically be used to monitor the
quantitative aspect of infrared spec- allowing one to determine the primer’s degree of cure of epoxy coatings,4,5
troscopy that makes it a useful tool in degree of cure. the author has found it to be of very JPCL / July 2005 / PCE 53
in a small aluminum
pan, which is typical-
ly crimped shut.
Inside the sample
compartment of the
furnace there are two
small platforms, one
for the sample and
one for the reference.
(The reference is
often just an empty
aluminum pan.)
Attached to the
undersides of the
sample and reference
platforms are tem-
perature sensors, or
thermocouples. The
furnace is pro-
grammed to heat up
over a certain range,
at a certain rate (for
instance, from 20 to
200 C at 10
Fig. 6: A DSC heating curve of an epoxy coating. Note the sudden change in the position of the baseline in the 60-80 C region If nothing hap-
due to its glass transition (measured at 68.9 C). pens to the sample,
one essentially gets a
straight line,
limited practical use. However, one of determine the approximate mix ratio. although possibly sloping in either the
the main reasons why epoxy coatings Mention was made previously of positive or negative direction, in a plot
do not cure properly is because they blistering failures of fusion-bonded of heat flow versus temperature.
have not been mixed properly. For epoxy pipeline coatings, and failures of However, if a thermal “event” occurs,
instance, many polyamide epoxy oven-cured coil coatings that have not there will be a deviation from this base-
coatings are to be mixed in the ratio been properly cured. While solvent rub line. If the thermal event is curing of
of 1.0 parts of the A component to testing might reveal deficiencies in the the sample due to reaction between
1.0 parts of the B component, by vol- cure of such coatings, and while there residual unreacted components, the
ume. One of these components con- is a possibility that infrared spec- sample will liberate heat. (The curing
tains the epoxy resin and the other troscopy might also prove useful, dif- reactions of paints and coatings are
contains the polyamide curing agent, ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is exothermic, meaning that they evolve
or hardener. For instance, if only half the technique of choice for these types heat.) The evolution of heat by the sam-
of the curing agent is used, the coat- of coatings. ple will be detected by the thermocou-
ing will not cure properly and will A differential scanning calorimeter ple attached to the underside of the
likely fail prematurely. Solvent rub is, in essence, a very expensive and sample platform, and the heating curve
testing may indicate lack of cure, and precisely controlled furnace. The sam- will show a peak in the exothermic
infrared spectroscopy can often ple (usually a few milligrams) is placed direction. An example of such an
54 JPCL / July 2005 / PCE
exotherm is shown in Fig. 5. have seen above, the absence of an 2. K.B. Tator, “Topcoating Zinc-rich
The presence of an exotherm in a exotherm does not necessarily mean Primers,” Materials Performance,
DSC curve of a suspect coating sample that a coating is fully cured. However, 15, 3, 1976.
clearly means that the sample has not a low Tg, compared to either a refer- 3. D.G. Weldon, A.J. Bochan, W.D.
been fully cured and that residual func- ence sample or a non-failing sample, is a Corbett, and R.O. Lackey, “The
tional groups remain for continued clear indication of lack of cure. Cure and Topcoating of Inorganic
reaction. However, it is also quite possi- The glass transition is neither an Zinc-rich Primers,” JPCL, April
ble that the coating might show no exothermic nor an endothermic 1989, pp 21–23, 169–185.
exotherm, yet still be undercured. This process, and hence there are no actual 4. H.A. Dannenberg, W.R. Harp,
could happen, for instance, in the case peaks associated with it in a DSC “Determination of Cure and
of a two component epoxy if it had not curve. Instead, when a coating goes Analysis of Cured Epoxy Resins,”
been mixed correctly. There might very through its glass transition, there is a Anal. Chem., vol 28, 1956,
well be unreacted epoxy resin present, relatively sudden shift in the position pp. 86–89.
but there will be no chemical reaction, of the baseline, as shown in Fig. 6. 5. R.E. Smith, F.N. Larsen, C.L. Long,
and hence no exotherm, if there is no Sometimes this shift is rather strong “Epoxy Resin Cure—FTIR
curing agent left to complete the cure. and distinct, and sometimes it is more Analysis,” J. of Appl. Polymer Sci.,
Or perhaps the wrong curing agent gradual. In either case, it can be easily 29, 1984, pp. 3713–3726.
was used, either during the factory pro- measured by the software which oper- 6. D.G. Weldon, “Failure Analysis of
duction of the coating or by the appli- ates all modern scanning calorimeters. Paints and Coatings,” Chichester
cator at the jobsite. England: John Wiley & Sons,
Fortunately, a DSC curve usually Summary 2001, pp. 166–168.
gives an additional piece of information In summary, the lack of cure of a pro- 7. L. Gherlone, T. Rossini, and V. Stula,
besides a curing exotherm: the glass tective coating can be caused by many “Powder Coatings and Differential
transition temperature. There are vari- factors, including a defective batch of Scanning Calorimetry: The
ous definitions for the glass transition coating, application errors such as mis- Perfect Fit,” Progress in Org. Coat.,
temperature (often abbreviated Tg). mixing or inadequate baking, or unfa- 34, 1998, pp. 57–63.
The most common, and perhaps most vorable environmental conditions. Lack
practical definition, is that the glass of cure, for whatever the reason, can
transition temperature is that tempera- often lead to a premature coating fail- Dwight G. Weldon is
ture below which a polymer is in a ure. Solvent resistance testing can president of Weldon
hard, glassy state, and above which it is often detect moderate or large differ- Laboratories, Inv. in
in a flexible or rubbery state. The glass ences in degree of cure, and is an inex- Imperial, PA, a firm that
transition temperature can vary from pensive technique that can often be specializes in physical
one type of polymer to another. performed on-site. Infrared spec- testing and failure analy-
However, for any specific thermoset- troscopy and differential scanning sis of paints and coat-
ting polymer type, the glass transition calorimetry are two laboratory tech- ings. He has a M.S.
temperature is proportional to the niques that can detect more subtle dif- from Michigan Technological University and a
coating’s crosslink density, or degree of ferences in degree of cure. Both tech- B.S. from the University of Michigan. He is an
cure.6,7 In other words, the greater the niques can sometimes shed light on SSPC-certified Protective Coating Specialist
degree of cure, the higher the coating’s why the sample is undercured. and has more than 25 years of experience in
glass transition temperature. This is a the coatings industry. He has published several
very important concept, since it allows References technical papers in JPCL and other publica-
one to measure a coating’s relative 1. C.H. Hare, “Adhesive and Cohesive tions, and he is the author of the book, Failure
degree of cure independent of whether Failure in Applied Coating Analysis of Paints and Coatings, now available
or not there also happens to be an Systems,” JPCL, September 1986, through SSPC publications. He can be reached
exotherm in the DSC curve. As we pp 38–48. at 724-695-2212. JPCL / July 2005 / PCE 55

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