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SEQ DATE FAMILIES OF TOPIC AND CONTENT Students should be able to ; By the end of this lesson, EVALUATION REMARK
. SITUATIONS students should possess the
following competencies
02/09/19 1 General introduction and orientation Diagnostic
09/09/19 2 -Memorize ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. -Define what organic chemistry is. Awareness in the existence Diagnostic and
to definitions of -Definition of organic chemistry. -Recall the formation of covalent of a branch of chemistry, formative
13/09/19 terms -Reasons why carbon forms many bonds studying carbon compounds
compounds -Describe a homologous series as a called organic chemistry
I -Homologous series
-Characteristics of a homologous series
group of compounds with a general
f\formula, similar chemical properties

16/09/19 3 Identify a -Functional groups -State the main features of a Identify functional groups Diagnostic and
to functional group -Alkyl group homologous series and examples of of some of our commonly formative
20/09/19 -Saturated and unsaturated compounds homologous series used equipment
Identify a functional group.
23/09/19 Name an organic -Nomenclature of organic compounds Use the IUPAC system of Identify organic compounds Diagnostic and
to 4 compound -IUPAC rules for naming organic nomenclature to name organic around us from their names formative
29/09/19 compounds compounds
30/09/19 5 -Memorize HYDROCARBONS Define a hydrocarbon Awareness in the existence Diagnostic and
to definitions of -Types of hydrocarbons; aliphatic and Distinguish between aliphatic and of hydrocarbons formative
04/10/19 terms aromatic hydrocarbons aromatic hydrocarbons
07/10/19 6 REVISION AND EVALUATION Formative
to evaluation

14/10/19 Find the -Empirical, molecular and structural Calculate the empirical and molecular Proper use of the functions Diagnostic and
II to 1 Empirical formula formulae of organic compounds formulae of compounds of the calculator formative
20/10/19 of a compound
21/10/19 2 Identify ISOMERISM -Explain the concept of isomerism in Awareness in the existence Diagnostic and
to compounds that -Types of isomerism alkanes and alcohols of isomers formative
25/10/19 are isomers -Chain and functional group isomerism
28/10/19 3 -Describe -Fractional distillation of petroleum -Describe distillation of crude oil and List some use of petroleum Diagnostic and
to fractional -Uses of the various fraction give physical properties, uses and products around formative
01/11/19 distillation of combustion of products
crude oil
04/11/19 4 -Prepare ethane ALKANES -Draw the structures of branched and -Care in handling Diagnostic and
to -Nomenclature of alkanes unbranched alkanes, C1 to C4 and equipment and chemicals. formative
08/11/19 -General physical properties of alkanes name the unbranched alkanes, -Keen observation.
Methane methane to butane -Observe laboratory
-Laboratory preparation, physical safety rules
-properties and uses
11/11/19 5 Prepare ethene ALKENES -Describe the manufacture of alkenes -Care in handling Diagnostic and
to nomenclature and hydrogen by cracking equipment and chemicals. formative
15/11/19 Ethene -Describe the preparation of ethene in -Keen observation.
-Industrial preparation the laboratory -Observe laboratory
-Laboratory preparation safety rules
-Uses of ethene
18/11/19 6 REVISION AND EVALUATION Formative
to evaluation

25/11/19 1 Test for -Chemical properties of alkenes; -Describe and explain the physical -Keen observation. Diagnostic and
to unsaturation Combustion, Addition reaction (with and chemical properties of alkenes formative
29/11/19 hydrogen, chlorine, hydr ogen chloride)

02/12/19 Prepare ethyne ALKYNES -Describe and explain the physical -Care in handling Diagnostic and
to 2 Nomenclature and chemical properties of alkynes equipment and chemicals. formative
06/12/19 Ethyne -Describe the manufacture of alkynes -Keen observation.
-Preparation and hydrogen by cracking -Observe laboratory
III -Uses -Describe the preparation of ethyne in safety rules
-Chemical properties the laboratory
09/12/19 3 Prepare ethanol ALCOHOL -Describe and explain the physical -Care in handling Diagnostic and
to from ethene and Nomenclature and chemical properties of alcohols equipment and chemicals. formative
13/12/19 starchy food Ethanol -Describe the manufacture of alkenes -Keen observation.
-Preparation of ethanol and hydrogen by cracking -Observe laboratory
-By hydration of ethene -Describe the preparation of ethanol safety rules
-By fermentation of sugar in the laboratory
-Describe the fermentation of starch
to obtain ethanol
16/12/19 4 Test for –OH - Physical properties of ethanol -State some uses of ethanol, e.g. as a -Keen observation. Diagnostic and
to group. -Uses of ethanol solvent; as a renewable fuel; as a -Create awareness in the formative
20/12/19 -Chemical properties of alcohol constituent of alcoholic beverages health hazards of alcohol
-Test for alcohols
5 Prepare ethanoic CARBOXYLIC ACIDS -Describe the preparation of ethanoic -Care in handling Diagnostic and
06/01/20 acid by -Structures of carboxylic acids, acid by the fermentation of ethanol in equipment and chemicals. formative
to fermentation of methanoic acid to butanoic acid and the laboratory -Keen observation.
10/01/20 ethenol name -Observe laboratory
-Formation of ethanoic acid by the safety rules
oxidation of ethanol by atmospheric
oxygen or acidified potassium
13/01/20 6 REVISION AND EVALUATION Formative
to evaluation
20/01/20 1 -Investigate - Carboxylic acids as weak acids, -Describe and explain the physical -Care in handling Diagnostic and
to physical and reacting with ethanol, carbonates, bases and chemical properties of carboxylic equipment and chemicals. formative
24/01/20 chemical and some metals acids -Keen observation.
properties of -Observe laboratory
ethanoic acid safety rules
Prepare an ester ESTERIFICATION -Describe esterification process -Care in handling Diagnostic and
27/01/20 2 from an alcohol stating all the conditions and catalyst equipment and chemicals. formative
to and an organic of the process -Keen observation.

31/01/20 acid -Observe laboratory
safety rules
IV 03/02/20 3
10/02/20 4 State fractions FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION OF -Identify products of fractional -Awareness of petroleum Diagnostic and
to and uses of each CRUDE OIL distillation of petroleum (crude oil). products and uses. formative
14/02/20 fraction - Propane, butane, petrol and paraffin as -Describe how ethene is obtained -Educate the general public
fractions. from distillation product of petroleum on the hazards of the
-Cracking and dehydrogenation to (crude oil) consumption of petroleum
obtain ethene. products.
-Uses of ethene for the production of
polythene, ethanol and ethane-1,2-diol
17/02/20 -Produce soap SOAP AND DETERGENTS Describe the process of -Set up experiments to Diagnostic and
to 5 and -Soapy detergents saponification, prepare soap at home formative
21/02/20 detergents. -The commercial manufacture of soap
-Advantages and disadvantages of soap
24/02/20 6 REVISION AND EVALUATION Formative
to evaluation

02/03/20 1 Identify the -Soapless detergents State the differences between soap -Educate the general public Diagnostic and
to environmental -Advantages and disadvantages of and detergents on the hazards of improper formative
06/03/20 hazards of soap detergents deposition of waste
products from
09/03/20 2 Identify POLYMERIZATION -Identify monomers, block diagrams Awareness in the existence Diagnostic and
to polymers -Definition of some terms; polymers and state uses of synthetic polymers of polymers formative
13/03/20 and monomers
-Types of polymerization
-Addition polymerization
-Polyethene; preparation, properties and
V 16/03/20 3 Bring some -Polysterene; preparation, properties -State some typical uses of man-made -Educate the public about Diagnostic and
to common and uses fibres such as nylon and Terylene, the hazards of the improper formative
20/03/20 synthetic -Polyvinylchloride; preparation, e.g. clothing; curtain materials; uses and disposition of
polymers to class properties and uses fishing line; parachutes; sleeping bags some polymers
-Perspex; preparation, properties and -Describe the pollution problems
uses caused by the disposal of
nonbiodegradable plastic

23/03/20 4 -Identify natural Condensation polymerization -Identify carbohydrates and proteins Awareness in the existence Diagnostic and
to Polymers -Nylon; preparation, properties anode as natural polymer of polymers in living formative
27/03/20 (carbohydrates uses -Describe fats as esters possessing the organisms
and protein) -Polyesters; preparation, properties and same linkages as Terylene but with
uses different monomer units
-Differences between addition and
synthetic polymerization


- Diagnostic and
13/04/20 5 REVISION formative
20/04/20 6 REVISION AND EVALUATION Formative
to evaluation
28/04/20 - REVISION - Diagnostic and
to 1 formative

04/05/20 2 REVISION Diagnostic and

to formative
VI 08/05/20
11/05/20 3 REVISION - - Diagnostic and
to formative
18/05/20 4 REVISION .-

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