The Fe-Pb-Zn System (Iron-Lead-Zinc) : Binary Systems

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Phase Diagram Evaluations: Section H

The Fe-Pb-Zn S y s t e m
R.C. S h a r m a a n d M. S r i v a s t a v a
I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f Technology

Binary Systems tem. An Fe-Pb phase diagram as assessed by [90Ham] is given

in Fig. 1.
Fe-Pb S y s t e m Fe-Zn S y s t e m
Fe and Pb are immiscible even in the liquid state with limited In the Fe-Zn binary system, a number of intermediate phases,
solubility and very high critical point of the miscibility gap. F, F], 5, and ~, are formed. Table 1 gives the structural informa-
The mutual solid solubilities of Fe and Pb are essentially zero, tion about these phases. An Fe-Zn phase diagram as assessed
and no intermediate compounds are formed in the Fe-Pb sys- by [90Ham] is given in Fig. 2.

Table 1 Phases in Fe-Pb, Pb-Zn, and Fe-Zn Binary Systems

Composition, Pearson Space
Phase at. % symbol group Prototype Comment
f i f e , 0tFe ............................ 100 F e c12 lm3m W bcc
TFe .................................... 100 F e cF4 Fm'3m Cu fcc
P b ...................................... 100 P b cF4 Fm3m Cu fee
Z n ..................................... 100 Z n hP2 P631mmc Mg cph
F ....................................... F e - 7 0 to 8 0 Z n c152 . . . . . . bcc (ordered)
F l ...................................... Fe-~80 Zn . . . . . . . . . foe
5 ........................................ Fe-~87.5 Zn . . . . . . . . . H e x a g o n a l (?)
(FeZn]3) ......................... Fe--93 Zn . . . . . . . . . Monoclinic

Weight Percent Lead

10 2 0 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100
I000 ...I...I..,.I ..... I..,...I ..... ,.) ....... ,.,I ....... , ..... L...t ......... ,...I...,.,~/. ..... , ........

--G G+L /


? L2

,~ 600-
L1 + L2

['~ 500-

419.58"C 41.*

318.2"C 327.502~
30O - 88.4

~-(Zn) (Pb)---,-

o .... Ib 2'o ' 3 0 ......... 4 '0 ..... ~'o .....
6 0 " ..... 7'o do ...... 9 '0 .........1oo

Zn Atomic Percent Lead Pb

Fig. 1 Binary Fe-Pb phase diagram [90Ham].

Journal of Phase Equilibria Vol. 18 No. 5 1997 481

S e c t i o n II: P h a s e D i a g r a m E v a l u a t i o n s

Weight P e r c e n l . Z i n c
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ]00
1500 ~ ~

1394"C ',,,
1300. L
o 1100 i -(TFe)
1000 i
912"C i
cD 900-."
~D 800 782~

Uagn. Trans.


~JLv...-v-t,I,19.58 .C
400 "i
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1oo
Fe ALomic P e r c e n t Zinc Zn

Fig. 2 Binary Fe-Zn phase diagram [90Ham].

Weight Percent Lead

60 70 8O 90 100

Lj + L2

(6Fe) + L

O 1400 ~13a4ac
(TFe) + L
9~ xaoo



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fe A t o m i c Percent Lead Pb

Fig. 3 Binary Pb-Zn phase diagram [93Sri].

482 J o u r n a l o f P h a s e E q u i l i b r i a Vol. 18 N o . 5 1997

P h a s e D i a g r a m E v a l u a t i o n s : S e c t i o n II




0.5 K

o.3/- K

0.2 K

O0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fe XZn Zn

Fig. 4 Calculated Fe-Pb-Zn liquidus projections from 1100 to 1900 K. From [90Ham].

Pb-Zn S y s t e m Fe-Pb-Zn Ternary S y s t e m

The Pb-Zn system has a miscibility gap in the liquid and a
monotectic and eutectic reactions at lower temperatures [Han-
No experimental information is available on phase diagrams in
sen, Hultgren,B]. The mutual solid solubilities of Pb and Zn are
the ternary Fe-Pb-Zn system. [90Ham] calculated the Fe-Pb-
essentially negligible [Hansen, Hultgren,B]. [93Sri] recently
Zn phase diagram. Figure 4 gives liquidus projections at some
calculated a Pb-Zn phase diagram that agrees well with the ex-
temperatures as calculated by [90Ham].
perimental data in the literature. This calculated phase diagram
is accepted here and is shown in Fig. 3.
Cited References

Phase Structures 90Ham: M. Hamalainen, R. Luoma, and P. Taskinen, 'q'hermodynamic

Analysis of the System Iron-Lead-Zinc," Rep. TKK-V-B55, Helsinki
University ofTechnology, Espoo, Finland (1990).
The phases that occur in three binary systems are given in Ta- 93Sri: M. Srivastava and R.C. Sharma, 'Thermodynamic Analysis and
ble 1. No ternary intermediate phases were reported in the Fe- Phase Equilibria Calculations of Pb-Zn, Sn-Zn, and Pb-Sn-Zn Sys-
Pb-Zn ternary system. tems,"J. Phase Equilibria, 14(6), 700-709(1993).
Fe-Pb-Znevaluationcontributedby R.C. Sharma and M. Srivastava, Departmentof Metallurgical Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur,India.
Literature searchedthrough 1993. Dr. Sharmais an Alloy PhaseDiagramProgramContributingEditor for the ternaryzinc alloys.

Journal of Phase Equilibria Vol. 18 No. 5 1997 483

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