CS Resume Jingxian Chai

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Jingxian Chai

Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55414 ▪ jingxianchai01@gmail.com ▪ 612-404-9007 ▪

https://www.linkedin.com/in/jingxian-chai-283764218/ ▪ https://jingxiancodes.xyz/ ▪ He/Him/His
Bachelor of Science University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
College of Science and Engineering Sep 2021 - May 2023
● Major: Computer Science
American Degree Transfer Program Taylor’s University
May 2019 - Dec 2020
● Major: Computer Science
● GPA: 3.76/4.00
● Extracurricular activities and achievements:
o Dean’s List (Fall 2020 Semester)
o Secretary Assistants of DICED club (board game club)
o Member of C.O.D.E club (coding club)
o Designer of Pink Umbrella (an umbrella borrowing machine)
Fall 2021:
1. CSCI 1913 Introduction to Algorithms, Data Structures, and Program Development (cr: 4)
2. CSCI 2011 Discrete Structures of Computer Science (cr: 4)
Spring 2022 (plan to take):
1. CSCI 2041 Advanced Programming Principles (cr: 4)
2. CSCI 2021 Machine Architecture and Organization (cr: 4)
3. CSCI 4041 Algorithms and Data Structures (cr: 4)
Language: Chinese (native proficiency), English (Working proficiency)
Technical Skills: Full Stack Web Development
Tools/Technologies: Python, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS, Chakra UI, NodeJS, ExpressJS,
PostgreSQL, Redis, GraphQL, Apollo GraphQL, TypeORM, Git, GitHub, Docker, DigitalOcean, AWS EC2, Netlify, Vercel
Personal Website
A personal website showcasing projects Sep 2021
● This project is built by using TypeScript, React, NextJS, Chakra UI and Vercel with responsive design
● Project links: https://jingxiancodes.xyz/
● GitHub Repository: https://github.com/jingxian01/personal-website/
A full stack forum web application Aug 2021
● This project is built by using TypeScript, React, NextJS, Chakra UI, NodeJS, ExpressJS, ApolloGraphql, PostgreSQL,
TypeORM, Redis, Docker, DigitalOcean and Vercel.
● Authentication System: users can register, login, logout and change password when they forgot their own
● CRUD: users can create, read, edit and delete posts and comments.
● Point System: users can upvote or downvote other users’ posts and comments
● Categories: each post has its own category
● Relationships: a user has multiple posts, comments and votes; a post has multiple comments and votes; a
comment has multiple votes.
● Project links: https://bridgeapp.xyz/
● GitHub Repository: https://github.com/jingxian01/bridge-v2/
Weather App
A weather web application using Open Weather API Aug 2021
● This project is built by using TypeScript, React, NextJS, Chakra UI, React-leaflet, Open Weather API and Vercel
with responsive design
● Users can check current weather information as well as forecast by entering a city or pin a location from a map.
● Information includes weather, temperature, cloudiness, humidity, atmospheric pressure, sunrise time, sunset
time and more.
● Project links: https://weather-app-jingxian.vercel.app/
● GitHub Repository: https://github.com/jingxian01/weather-app/
Sorting Visualizer
A sorting algorithm visualizer Aug 2021
● This project is built by using TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React and Netlify.
● This visualizer contains merge, heap, bubble and insertion sort. (more sorting algorithms will be added in the
● References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFXYym4Wbkc
● Project links: https://sorting-visualizer-jx.netlify.app/
● GitHub Repository: https://github.com/jingxian01/sorting-visualizer/

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