This Is The Last Will and Testament OF Mr. X Residing at No

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Mr. X

Residing at No.

Being of sound mind and body and not under any duress, I make the following will:

1. I HEREBY REVOKE all WILLS and TESTAMENTARY depositions heretofore

made by me and declare this to be my LAST WILL.


(i) Mr. W of (address)

(ii) Dr. of (address)

(hereinafter referred to as “My Trustees”) to be the Executors and Executrix, as

the case may be and Trustees of this WILL and I declare that the term “Trustees”
shall, where the context so admits, include the said Executors and Executrix and
survivor or survivors or substitution of them as the Trustee or Trustees for the
time being of this WILL. As and when necessary, from time to time, my surviving
Trustees shall have the powers to appoint new or additional trustees.

3. I DECLARE that the expressions, “My Wife and Children” in this WILL shall mean and
refer to the under listed persons –

(i) Mrs. A, my Wife

(ii) Mr. B, my Son

(iii) Mr. C, my Son

(iv) Miss.D, my Daughter

4. I HEREBY BEQUEATH all my properties and possessions listed below to…. To do

with as they see fit. In the event that any is deceased, then the remaining, providing there
is unanimity between them, may dispose of the estate as they deem fit.

5. The following shall be bequeathed in line with the above:

(i) Death Benefits from my employment:

(ii) Bank Accounts:

(iii) Automobiles:

(iv) Landed Property:

(v) Special Exception:

(vi) Residuary Estate:

Any property omitted / missed out in this list above shall be devolve in the same
manner as earlier stipulated under this WILL

(vii) Miscellaneous:

5. ANY EXECUTOR, EXECUTRIX OR TRUSTEE for the time being of this my WILL,
being a person engaged in any trade, profession or business, shall, if he / she so desires,
be entitled to charge and be paid all usual professional or other charges for any business
done by him / her personally or through a firm or company in connection with provision
or execution or both of this WILL and Trusts created herein.

6. WITHOUT PREJUDICE to any of the foregoing clauses of this WILL, I direct that if
any of the beneficiaries under this WILL should predecease me, such beneficiary’s
entitlements under this WILL shall devolve to their surviving heirs and in the event that
such a beneficiary has no surviving heir, the entitlements shall devolve / revert to my
residual estate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Mr. X, hereunto set my hand this

day of , 20...

Mr. X

Signed by the above named Mr. X, as his LAST WILL in the presence of us both being present
at the same time who at his request in his presence and the in the presence of each other, have
hereunto subscribed our names as WITNESS to this LAST WILL.
1. Name:




2. Name:




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