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6 Grammar Review

The Great Grammar Puzzle

Work in pairs and do the Grammar Puzzle. Start on the IN square. Are the sentences correct or not? Correct? Then follow
the ✓ arrow. Not correct? Then follow the ✗ arrow. Can you get out in ten minutes?

7 13
OUT I couldn’t
decide which
one to have!
Tom and Linda
weren’t at the
party last night.

10 2
I couldn’t wait
My mum because I was 4
finished school late. I could played
when she the violin when
were eighteen. I was sixteen.

8 9
We visitted
London last GO BACK to where
weekend. you came from! You
made a mistake.
I stoped the car
and decided to
walk. 14
My cousin
marryed a
6 Czech man.
where you
came from! You
made a mistake.

Could Jack
swim when he 12
was ten? We lived in
Vienna three
years ago.

They planned
to travel by
They chated
about it last
My grandfather
week. worked in a

Solutions Third Edition Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press

6 Grammar Review
Aims: To review and practise grammar from the unit. This
can be completed when students have finished the unit.
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each pair of students
• Explain that they are going to do a grammar puzzle and
that it is a race. Give each pair a handout face down.
• Explain that they start at IN and decide if each sentence
is grammatically correct or not. They then follow either
the correct or incorrect arrow and work their way
through the puzzle.
• When they are ready, they can start. The first group to
finish should put their hands up.
• To complete it successfully, students will have to visit
every square (except 1, 2, 6 and 9) to get out.
• The first pair to do it successfully wins.
• When everyone has finished, check the answers with
the class.
IN My grandfather worked in a school. ✓

14 My cousin marryed a Czech man. ✗

8 We visitted London last weekend. ✗

10 My mum finished school when she were eighteen. ✗

3 They chated about it last week. ✗

12 We lived in Vienna three years ago. ✓

5 I stoped the car and decided to walk. ✗

11 Could Jack swim when he was ten? ✓

4 I could played the violin when I was sixteen. ✗

13 Tom and Linda weren’t at the party last night. ✓

7 I couldn’t decide which one to have! ✓


Solutions Third Edition Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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