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Lesson Plan:

Writing Skills: What do you see?

Teacher’s Name: Aoife Harney

Class: EF4021
Level : Intermediate
Day: Wednesday
Date: 28/11/08
Time: 10.00
Duration: 50 - 55 minutes

Activity: Writing Group Activity

Textbook: N/A

Supplements/Realia: Cartoons, photos, drawings.

Language Skills: Practice of written skills, particularly writing a description of what
SS see. Practice listening for specific information.

Students should be familiar with most of the vocabulary required in the group activity.
Students should be very familiar with the present tenses.

Anticipated Problems and Solutions:

1. Students may lack confidence in their ability to write and describe situations
or in their imaginative skills. In order to combat this, students will carry out
their tasks in groups for the entirety of the class.
2. Students may start to speak in their first language if they are paired or grouped
with someone of the same nationality. Therefore they would be asked to
pair/group with another student who has a different first language in order to
promote listening and oral production of English.
3. When doing group work, dominant students may speak more and the quieter
students may not make additions to the group work. In order to avoid this,
students will be sub-divided.
4. Students may consider the exercise to be slightly dull at first. Teacher will
provide bright and interesting photos to catch their interest.

Tim Procedure Aims
2 Usher the class in. Tell the class To introduce the topic.
what will be covered.
3 Split SS into groups of 3 or 4, To ensure SS can only speak in English in
avoiding groupings with the same their groups in order to communicate.
Time: 5min
Time #Procedure Aim
5 To begin, teacher and SS will To ensure SS understand what is being
orally complete an example asked of them during the written exercise.

Teacher will show an To make a list of adjectives or descriptive

interesting/funny image on the phrases SS may require.
OHT and ask SS to brainstorm
any vocabulary they think relates
to the image.

Teacher will write suggestions on SS can note any useful vocabulary.

the board.

5 The SS then formulate a As an example, to inspire SS to continue

description of the image, using as this process during their own group work,
many adjectives as possible in during which the descriptions will be
full sentences, as if they had to written.
describe the image to someone
who has not and cannot see it.

Interaction: SS-SS, T-SS

Feedback: All students
Teacher hands out a different
image per group.
5 SS examine the images and To prepare for the written exercise.
together discuss and brainstorm
descriptions, vocabulary and so
forth which describe the image
15 Each group works on a 100-150 Practice written expression and
word description of their image. descriptions.
Interaction: SS-SS

Teacher walks around, helping SS To help where necessary and make

where necessary and observing suggestions and encourage SS with the
progress. exercise.

10 Each group reads out their written To promote co-operation. SS are helping
work to the rest of the class. each other learn further phrases,
vocabulary and structure.
After the piece has been read out,
teacher shows the image to the This exercise also practises listening and
rest of the class. oral production.

Other groups comment on how

well image was described, and
may make additional descriptions.

Interaction: T-SS, SS-SS

Feedback: All students
Time: 45min

5 Recap on the class.

Remind students of homework.

Total time 50-55min approx

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