Youthquake II - Call Pescara Movimentazioni

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European Solidarity Corps Project:

Youthquake II
Resilience Paths

Activity: Resilience paths: Pescara e l’Abruzzo

Period: 01/04/2021 - 1/04/2022 (2 x 365 days)

Where: Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy

Topic: inclusion, resilience, promotion of the territory, empowerment of youngster

Coordinating organization: ARCS Arci Culture Solidali APS

Hosting Organization: Movimentazioni APS

“Dream” by Millo, in the peripherical neighborhood of Fontanelle, Pescara

What is Youthquake II ?

The ESC project Youthquake II, stems from the desire to follow up on the relationships consolidated
during the first edition of the strategic volunteering project Youthquake (2017-2020) by building active
and solidarity-based responses to the new social challenges born also as a result of the covid19
emergency. The solidarity experiences represent an important example of non-formal learning both for
the young beneficiaries of the experiences but also for the local host communities, as indicated by the
Council Recommendations on the mobility of young volunteers in the EU, which will benefit from the
presence, commitment and energy of young volunteers from different European countries.
Youthquake II, through the different actions proposed and the involvement of 50 EU volunteers, aims at
enhancing the internal and marginal, rural and urban areas of central Italy through concrete actions of
solidarity and volunteering in order to promote active citizenship itineraries for young and old inhabitants
of those areas, in a local and international perspective. The impact that participation in the activities can
have on the participants is linked to the volunteers' personal, civic, social and professional development.
Through non-formal and informal learning experiences, volunteers can acquire useful skills that will allow
them to chart their own course in society from an educational, human, civic and professional point of

Who is ARCS ?

ARCS - NGO association was founded in Rome in 1985 by Arci, the largest secular association for social
and cultural promotion in the Italian Third Sector, founded in 1957 in Florence and present throughout
the country.
The ARCS action plan in its international cooperation activities consists in the involvement of
communities and citizens in the widespread creation of relations and cooperation between territories
and communities, through the enhancement of civil aggregations, the building of networks of interest
and the strengthening of democratic ownership. For the assertion of peace and human rights and the
elimination of all forms of poverty, injustice and social inequality ARCS practices: Education to world
citizenship and peace; Cooperation, solidarity and international volunteering; Humanitarian aid and

Who is the Hosting organization?

MOVIMENTAZIONI Aps – Arci is a cultural association of social promotion that does not pursue profit. We
were born in 2003 with the idea of stimulating activities and interventions in the city of Pescara by
promoting active citizenship and youth creativity. In April 2006 we opened the first associative bookshop
dedicated to Primo Moroni, a Milanese writer, bookseller and intellectual. In 2009 we moved to larger
spaces with the opening of the first book café in the city. In 2017 we moved to the current headquarters in
the Coworking Spazio010 where in addition to the library we share experiences, projects and activities with
professional figures experts in multimedia, photography and digital communication. Offering the new faster
and efficient spaces office, we were able to carry out diversified activities although always connected to
each other: youth animation and tongue aperitifs, workshops on books and creativity for children and boys,
presentation books with authors and a book club, playing of documentaries and cineforum, seminars and
public debates on different themes: the role of associations, active citizenship and participation,
responsible tourism, sharing economy, cultural diversity, music, contemporary art. Today we operate
throughout the regional territory with diversified and targeted projects on the territories.

For over ten years we have been committed especially in the promotion of cultural and social policies that
pay particular attention to the new generations, trying to grasp and satisfy their needs and their
expectations. MOVIMENTAZIONI Aps – Arci has a majority under 35 governing council and it is possible to
find a strong youth presence even among its over 70 members and volunteers. Since 2010 we are
accredited for the European voluntary service and 2019, for the new European Solidarity Corps in
reception, in sending and the coordination of young European volunteers. We work from our birth with the
European program for young Erasmus +. In 2013 we set up with other Italian organizations a national
network for the promotion of the European Voluntary Service "R.i.v.e." which manages the site

In 2015 we joined Arci, a social promotion association of national and international importance, actively
taking part in the Provincial Committee, the Regional Council and the Regional Presidency. The objective of
the Association has always been to make available to local citizenship, and in particular the young people,
the experience of the association in the field of associations, culture and everything that affects the world
of interculture , creativity and leisure. In recent years, thanks to participation in regional, national and
European projects we have developed knowledge, skills and experience in the following areas of interest:
youth and citizenship: democracy, European mobility, participation, cooperation, urban cultures and youth
languages; Culture: audiovisual, arts, cinema, publishing and book, independent music; Communication and
technological innovation, digital radio, workshops, digital facilitators.

Activity description
The volunteers will be included in the association's activities, supporting ordinary activities and activities
closely related to the project. Specifically, the scheduled activities can be thus schematized:

Activity 1: Italian language lessons online and organization of multicultural and linguistic appointments
(linguistic aperitifs, tandem, etc);

Activity 2: Support in the cultural and recreational activities of the Association (social book shop,
cinematographic exhibitions in place or in public spaces, workshops and theme seminars, cultural events
such as the FLA and music festivals such as Indierocket, possible support to the activities of the "Moroni a
Mare" summer kiosk);

Activity 3: Creation of our "Resilience Paths" in the city and outside the city, through mode usable in the
"real life" and online. In particular the creation of the following 5 routes "Pescara periferica", "Pescara
Centrale", "Pescara Segreta", "Abruzzo e Pescara", "Abruzzo Segreto" is expected. Coordination with other
partner associations and Youthquake II volunteers in the other project offices;

Activity 4: Support in the intangible redevelopment project of the peripheries of the city of Pescara named
"Social art". In collaboration with association and local organizations. The reference target will be young
Neet of urban areas at greater risk scholastic abandonment and the elderly Over 65 at risk social and
cultural marginalization, the specific objective the creation of occasions of cultural enrichment,
development of soft skills and digital literacy processes. Within the “Social Art” project, Youthquake II
volunteers will be called to develop an own personal project dedicated to the two target groups of
Activity 5: Activities with local information, prevention and sensibilization communities on the possibility of
training, work and volunteering in Europe, assisted by the members of the association; Intercultural
activities with students, local communities and territorial associations. Periodic meetings with Mentor and
project tutor.

The activities will be carried out mainly at the headquarters of Movimentazioni, at the Coworking Spazio
010, a multi-purpose structure that also hosts professionalism in the field of graphic and photographic arts,
communication and social media manager. On the occasion of laboratories and specific weekly
appointments, the activities can be carried out in different offices within the Municipality of Pescara or,
occasionally, outside the city, which will be communicated to the volunteers with the necessary notice.
The volunteers will work at most 35 hours per week with the willingness to work sometimes with rotation
over the weekend or in the evening; volunteers will have 2 days free weeks per week and 2 days of
vacation a month.

The volunteers will receive a pocket money of 5 euro per day and specific budget for the food allowance of
5 euro per day.

The volunteers will be accommodated within a shared apartment owned by the Municipality of Pescara.
The apartment, informally known as "Casa Sve", is located on the fifth floor of a building in the city center,
a few meters from the municipality of Pescara and at the entrance of one of the two main shopping streets
of the city, Corso Vittorio Emanuele . The central station and the bus terminal can be easily reached on foot
in 5 minutes. The “Casa Sve” consists of a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with washing machine
included, corridor with common areas and three rooms, two of them are double and the other single. The
rooms provide abandoning furniture, recently buying and with a modern style, for personal objects and
cloths, and an adequate natural and artificial lighting. The apartment is equipped with Wi-Fi and television.

The volunteers will be supported in the development of their learning process by a tutor who will organize
group or individual meetings. The output of the learning process will be the Youthpass Certification.

The volunteers who will be included in long terms experiences (+59 days) will join also the Training courses
organized by the Italian National Agency for Youth.
Volunteers profile
The project involves the selection of two volunteers aged between 18 and 30 from the two project partner
countries: Spain and Greece.

A background consisting of experiences in the world of associations, in the organization of cultural events
and activities or from previous voluntary services will be considered a positive factor in the evaluation of a
candidate. Another element taken into consideration will be previous travel or study experiences abroad.

A part from these aspects, it is our firm conviction that motivation, the desire to get involved and grow as a
person, the desire to improve the conditions of others through solidarity with others are fundamental
elements in the search and selection of a participant. For these reasons the candidate's background and
experience will be taken into consideration, but to a lesser extent than the candidate's motivational profile.
In this sense, the volunteer profile that we would like to involve in our project will be dynamic, willing,
flexible, open-minded, curious and ready to live new experiences, which can be opportunities for growth
both for himself and for others.

A good knowledge of English will be required and, possibly, a basic knowledge of the Italian will be

The project includes: The selection process

➢ Trasport tickets roundtrip up to 275 euro 1) The applicants have to send the candidature only by
the ESC Portal, to this link:
➢ Food allowance: 5 euro per day
➢ Pocket money: 5 euro per day 4_en
➢ Italian online language course (OLS) 2) The applicants will be contacted by ARCS to
complete the application. There will be requested
➢ Private insurance
an english CV, cover letter and to complete an
➢ Accomodation in shared home/flat application form.
➢ Youthpass: the official experience 3) The applicants which profiles will fit better with the
project will be contacted by the HO for a skype
certificate interview. All will receive a feedback.
4) Confirmation 😊

If you have any question, doubt or curiosity you can contact us to: ;

You can read the experience of our last volunteers here:

Share the Solidarity through Youthquake II, the amazing ESC world is waiting for you!

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