Overcoming Obstacles To Spread The Word of The Big Push' and The Fitness 4 All 50 State Tour' !

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Tuesday April 5th

Overcoming Obstacles to Spread the Word of the ‘Big Push’ and the ‘Fitness 4 All 50 State Tour’


If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. -- David Viscott

During my training for the ‘Big Push Across America’ tour, my fitness instructor would give me
recipes like the one below to consume post-workout. This is a great shake to help replenish
your body and muscles that will make you ripped.

Shake Your Muscles

Eat immediately after your workout. A 12-week study conducted by Danish researchers found
that older men who drank a shake with 10 grams of protein, 7 grams of carbohydrate, and 3
grams of fat (about the same as in a cup of milk) within 5 minutes after their weight workout
gained muscle, but men who consumed the drink 2 hours later did not. For a serious post
workout muscle-building shake, try this formula from Thomas Incledon, M.S., R.D.: Blend a half
cup of fat-free frozen chocolate yogurt, a quarter cup of egg substitute, a cup of fat-free milk, a
large banana, and a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, and drink. You'll down 23
grams of protein, 52 grams of carbs, and only 4 grams of fat


8 to10 AM – We packed and loaded the trailer to get ready to move on to our sponsor Baymont
hotel in Little Rock, AR.

10:30 AM – Pushed from Stuttgart to Humnoke, AR 14 miles. It took approximately 1 hour and
15 minutes to reach Humnoke.

Break 11:45 – Took a 5 to 10 minute break for Gatorade and water.

12 Noon – I pushed on to England, AR for another 14 miles. We arrived in England at around

1:15 PM. So I’ve pushed my wheelchair all the way from America to England. Ha!

Break 1:15 PM – Took a 15 minute break for an apple, granola bar, Gatorade and water. I need
lots and lots of water.

1:30 PM – Pushed on for 34 miles into North Little Rock, AR. Half way through the push we took
a short break for fluids. The heat and humidity were almost unbearable. When the humidity
gets so high, your body’s natural cooling system, perspiration, can’t work efficiently. See, your
body sweats in response to heat and the air dries it causing evaporative cooling. When it is too
humid you get no evaporative cooling. To make a long story short – it’s miserable! You also
have to be careful. If you are in the heat and suddenly stop sweating you might be nearing heat
stroke so get in the shade, cut out excessive activity and drink some water.
Tuesday April 5th

Overcoming Obstacles to Spread the Word of the ‘Big Push’ and the ‘Fitness 4 All 50 State Tour’


Vitamins and minerals are substances found in foods we eat. Our body needs them to work
properly. When it comes to vitamins, each one has a special role to play. For example:

- Vitamin D is needed for strong bones. Foods rich in Vitamin D are fish, egg yolks, liver, and
fortified cereal.

- Vitamin C is important for keeping body tissues in good shape Also it helps your body resist
infection. Foods high in vitamin C are citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage, sweet red peppers, and

- Vitamin A plays a really big part in eyesight. Foods rich in vitamin A are dark green leady
vegetables, orange fruits and vegetables, liver, and milk that is fortified with vitamin A.

- Vitamin B has many different forms such as B1, B2, B6, B12 niacin, folic acid, biotin and
pontothenic acid. Vitamin B is found in poultry and meats, fish and seafood, dairy products,
beonst peas, and whole grains.

- Vitamin K helps in “clotting” as it stops the bleeding. Foods high in vitamin K are soybean oil,
broccoli, leafy green vegetables, and dairy products like milk and yogurt.

- Vitamin E maintains a lot of the body’s tissue, like the ones in your eyes, skin and liver. Food
high in vitamin E are sardines, nuts and seeds, wheat germ, egg yolks, and whole grains such as
wheat and oats.

*Note* – Dora called local Little Rock television station channel 7 contact “Angela” an hour
before we arrived. Angela told Dora they would meet us out on the road when we got close to
North Little Rock on Highway 165. When I passed the sign that said “Welcome to North Little
Rock,” Dora called again about the television station meeting us. They said that they would be
coming out in a white van with channel 7 logos on it. I pushed another 15 miles on into North
Little Rock and noticed thunderstorms coming in from the North West. Andy had a flat tire on
his bike just ½ mile before we reached Interstate 440. We pulled over at a gas station and Dora
again called Angela at the TV station. Because of the lightning and thunderstorms rapidly
approaching, and the fact that we were already well into North Little Rock, we decided to quit
for the day. Dora called again to Angela at channel 7 to let her know that we would wait at the
gas station for the camera crew. Angela told Dora that they were short staffed, and that it was
doubtful if anyone would come out to meet us. The news teams get pretty busy when
thunderstorms approach.  Angela said that she would try to meet up with us at a different time.

4 PM – We loaded up and drove to our sponsor hotel, Baymont. On the way we ran into rain
where we had to pull off the road momentarily because it was impossible to see through the
Tuesday April 5th

Overcoming Obstacles to Spread the Word of the ‘Big Push’ and the ‘Fitness 4 All 50 State Tour’


5 – 6 PM – We arrived at our sponsor hotel, Baymont. We took a short meal break and then
uploaded pictures and updated the log.

7 – 10 PM – Unloaded some office supplies and other things. We straightened up and organized
the room to work more like an office. Dora bought a new Lexmark 3 in one printer, scanner and
copier at Office Depot, since other one had been broken on the road.

11 PM – Went to bed.

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