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Prof: Good Day students, Am I audible to everyone? Is my screen clear? (monotone

use of voice)

Students: …

Prof: Hello? I believe all of you are still there.

Student 1: ahm.. Yes Sir. (timid voice)

Prof: How about the others? Kindly open your mic.(monotone use of voice)

Student 2: Sir, it’s all good here.

Student 3: Same here as well, Sir.

Student 4: Excuse me sir, I was not getting your voice properly.

Prof: Must be your network, Student 4. Now, since we’re done with the discussion from
the last meeting, we will proceed in our activity for this day, kindly go to your
breakout room I’ve prepared for your groups and discuss your plan.

----------------------------------------- At the breakout room ---------------------------------------------------

Student 3: Hey, so what do we plan guys?

Student 1: Huh? I didn't get some of what you said. (confused)

Student 2: He/she asked if what’s our plan for this meeting. (tagalog language)

Student 1: Okay. Do you guys wanna meet up or something?

Student 4: Of course not, it's not allowed in this time of situation.

Student 3: Did the Prof said something about the activity?

Student 2: Maybe he will post it in our google classroom. By the way, can some of you
speak tagalog? So some of us can understand what you’re saying.

Student 1: Yeah, I agree. It’s hard to communicate with this many dialect.

Student 4: We have only been given a limited amount of time to have this meeting, 15 mins
is not really enough time.

Student 1: Kinda a good thing that Student 2 knows how to speak tagalog.

Student 3: Guys, Prof wants us back in the main room.

Student 2: Alright, we’ll just continue this meeting in our spare time.

------------------------------------------------- Back in the Main room -----------------------------------------------

Prof: I hope you accomplished your goal as a group. (monotone use of voice)

Students: Yes Sir.

Prof: I’ll just post the remaining instructions on your google class. I also hope that you
understand each other's ideas .

Student 4: Not quite, sir

Prof: You can meet with your groupmates again in our next meeting to further your

Students: Understood sir.

Prof: That’s all for today’s meeting, you may leave this call. Goodbye.

Student 1: Thank you sir, goodbye.


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