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Inglés Nivel Intermediate

Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

Inglés Nivel Intermediate

Structuration Phase II

Síntesis Semana 4

Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

Structuration Phase II

In the last synthesis, you learnt about the first part of the Structuration Phase. This week, we are going to
continue learning about this phase, so you can keep working on it. In the first part we saw everything
related to the justification of the project, the general objective and the scopes of the project. Now, you are
going to learn how to write the Investigation, Risks Technological base and tools for Project Management.

The objective for this week is to redact the second part of the Structuration Phase of your project. For
accomplishing the objective, we are going to learn different parts and how to develop them. This is going to
be useful for you when facing the final process of your degree.

Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

1. Structuration Phase II

This is the part that presents the project itself. In here you have to present the members of the group,
stablish the general and specific objectives of the thesis and present more details about the project itself.

1.1. Initial Investigation

The initial investigation is the first step in the analysis phase of your project. It is a fact-finding mission in
which you aim to find out as much as you can about your user, the current problem and what the user needs
from a computer system in order to solve the problem. You will use a variety of methods of fact-finding in
order to give you as full a picture as possible.

In this phase you have to contextualize any difficulty that requires to be investigated or reviewed. In this
stage you have to define tests of concepts. If the project requires, you’ll have to do a definition of risks.

As a starting point, you need your investigation to enable you to outline the following:

 Background to the problem/identify the problem.

 Identify the user(s) having the problem.
 Identify what the user(s) would need in order to be able to solve the problem.
 Outline the limitations of the solution you propose.
 Identify two or more possible ways of providing a solution.
 Choose the best way of providing a solution and explain why it is the best way.
 Identify the sources and destinations of the data used by the system and the processes used on the
 Identify all the data used by the system data requirements and draw an ER model if appropriate.
 Give a clear, comprehensive, specific list of objectives of the project (what the project will need to
do in order to be successful).

Achieving these steps, you are going to be able to show that the solution you gave previously to a
determined problem, is completely useful and is going to be a great contribution to the society.

I’ll add the example in the annexes, at the end of the synthesis.

1. What is the Initial Investigation?

a. It’s the conclusion of the project.
b. It’s the introduction of your project.
c. It’s where you investigate about everything that involves your project.
d. It’s the contextualization of your project.

1.2. “Estructura de Desgloce de Trabajo”

In here, you have to present the EDT diagram and mention the most important milestones in your project
(these can be the activities or progress you have to present to the guide teacher or to the client, some
definitions in relation to when your group is going to do the tests or finish the complete project). You also
have to create a Gantt Chart, which is going to give you the planification of your project, so you can
organize your team when to deliver some aspects to the client or to the guide teacher. Also, the Gantt chart
is going to help you to avoid improvisation in your project. In the Gantt chart, you have to mention the
estimated times and the strategy for creating the chronogram.
Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

2. What is the importance of the EDT?

a. Its importance is that the group defines the scopes of the project.
b. Its importance is that it defines the general objective of the project.
c. Its importance is that we can organize the project.
d. Its importance is that it explains the solution of the problem.

1.3. Risks Administration

This is a very important part of the project, as in here you have to prevent the risks and plan what to do if
they show up.
In this part of the project, you have to explain how you are going to manage the risks of the project. You’ll
have to create a chart indicating the most relevant risks and how to manage them in order to overcome
them and continue with the project. Also, you have to explain how the group is going to avoid and mitigate.
Also, you have to indicate an alternative plan in case you can’t deal with any of the risks.

In this item, you’ll have to elaborate a chart indicating the probability of the risk to happen and also, you’ll
have to include all the risks detected previously. Al the examples will be shown in the annexes.

3. Why is it important to have a mitigation plan?

a. Because it helps us to make the reader understand what the project is about.
b. Because it helps us to plan the project and to know when to deliver something.
c. Because in this way we can justify the whole project.
d. Because it’s the only way of knowing how to act when the risks appear.

1.4. Technological Base

In here, you’ll have to identify the technology that the group is going to use to develop the project: For
example, you have to name the Operative System, the programming language you’re going to use, the
platform of development, the control of versions of the product, the framework and so on and so forth.

Take a look at the example from the project “Math Level Up”:

“Como base tecnológica, se definió para la app como S.O Android 4.1. Para la visualización de la web, las
pruebas se realizaron en Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1.
Como lenguaje de desarrollo se utilizó C# para app y PHP para la web.
Como plataforma de desarrollo y motor de render para la app, se utilizó Unity 3d en su versión 2017.4.1f1;
como framework para la aplicación web, Laravel en su versión 5.5.
Para el control de versiones se utilizó la herramienta Bitbucket.
Para la base de datos, se usó MYSQL.
Para mayor detalle del software utilizado y sus características, consultar anexo 8.9 “DOCUMENTO DE
ARQUITECTURA”.” (Claudia Cabrera, 2018)

As you can see, the group was very specific about what you have to explain in this part of the project.

1.5. Tools for Project Management

Nowadays, there are many tools for project management, as these tools are very useful for companies that
work with the project system, specially the engineering industry.

Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

The most used at our institution CIISA is PMBOK, which means Project Management Body of Knowledge
(Cuerpo de Conocimientos de la Gestión de Proyectos). PMBOK is a methodology for project management
more than a tool. As complementary tools, you can use others like Scrum, Cascada, Kanban or Trello (these
are the most used at CIISA because of the versatileness they have). In the case of your project, you have to
first look for the indicated tool and then learn how to use it and if it’s really useful. You have to try as much
tools as you can in order to find the correct one for your project.

All the description related to the tools for project management must go in the Methodology part.

Look at the example taken from the project “Math Level Up”:


“Toda la planificación del proyecto se ha desarrollado bajo la metodología de PMBOK de PMI.

Para los productos se utilizó un método basado en Cascada en el que se realizan iteraciones sólo entre las
etapas de desarrollo y pruebas, de ser necesario. El modelo de cascada permite al equipo de trabajo
completar de forma ordenada todos los hitos de cada etapa antes de pasar a la siguiente, lo que permite a
los seminaristas ajustarse al cronograma propuesto.
Se ocupó KANBAN con el concepto de back log de Scrum por cada etapa, para ordenar y repartir las
responsabilidades de cada integrante del equipo, lo que permite llevar el control a través de la herramienta
de gestión web Trello; se utilizó también el concepto de Scrum de dailys (reuniones diarias) para llegar a
acuerdos con el trabajo repartido y así poder responder las dudas que tuviese cualquier integrante (éstas se
hicieron por WhatsApp y de forma presencial, dependiendo de cómo se realizó el trabajo dicho día). Estas
herramientas permiten comunicación en tiempo real, además de la posibilidad de compartir archivos.
En el Diagrama No 02 se muestra el diagrama de la metodología usada en el proyecto.

Diagrama No 02 “Metodología”” (Claudia Cabrera, 2018)

As you can see, it’s a brief description of the tools that the group used in the project. Then, they added a
diagram about the Methodology.

Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

1.6. Annexes

Annex 1: Initial Investigation

“3.6. Investigación inicial

En primera instancia como equipo de trabajo, se requirió entender los distintos conceptos y diferencias
entre todo lo relacionado con el Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje, los procesos educativos actuales, la
construcción de actividades pedagógicas y el currículo de matemáticas de primer año básico.
Para concretar el proyecto se requirió́ una amplia investigación sobre gamificación, musicalización, efectos
de sonido, look and feel y mecánicas de juego, entre otros.
Se realizó un estudio sobre las tecnologías disponibles en el mercado para la construcción de los productos,
motores de render, frameworks, lenguajes y paradigmas de programación.
Luego de esta investigación y de realizar algunas pruebas de concepto y distintas comparativas explicadas
en el anexo 8.3 “DOCUMENTO DE INVESTIGACION INICIAL” de investigación adjunto a este documento,
nos dedicamos a profundizar el estudio de la herramienta Unity 3D la que fue utilizada como motor de
render y C# el que utilizamos como lenguaje de programación de la app, también de la herramienta Laravel
la que se utilizó como framework, highcharts para realizar los reportes y PHP como lenguaje de
programación de la web.” (Claudia Cabrera, 2018)

Annex 2: Risks Administration

“3.8. Administración de Riesgos

3.8.1. Clasificación
Los riesgos identificados según los objetivos del proyecto, alcances y restricciones, tanto del
proyecto como del producto, estan clasificados en tres tipos dependiendo de a qué afecten éstos.
Riesgos de Proyecto: Afectan a la planificación temporal y al coste del proyecto. Se identifican
como problemas potenciales de presupuesto, calendario, personal o recursos.
Riesgos Técnicos: Amenazan la calidad y la planificación temporal del software. Se identifican
como posibles problemas de diseño, interfaz, implementación y mantenimiento.
Riesgos de Negocio: Amenazan la viabilidad del software, éstos pueden ser de las áreas de
dirección, estratégicos y presupuesto del cliente.

3.8.2. Métricas
La administración de riesgos cuenta con dos puntos con que se calcula la magnitud de los riesgos,
los cuales son la probabilidad de ocurrencia y el impacto, y de esta forma se identifica el nivel de
exposición al que se ve afectado el proyecto (para mayor detalle de las métricas, acudir a anexo
“Administración de riesgos”).

3.8.3. Monitoreo
Con la finalidad de que el desarrollo del proyecto se efectuara con los menores obstáculos posibles,
se realizaron revisiones cada dos semanas del estado de las tareas, poniendo énfasis en los riesgos
detectados, y monitoreando que éstos no se manifiestaran.
Por cada monitoreo planificado se llevó a cabo un registro de los riesgos realmente concretados,
con un resumen de lo realizado para su control (para mayor detalle del monitoreo acudir a anexo

Inglés Nivel Intermediate
Síntesis S4: Fase de Estructuración II

In the second part of the Structuration phase, you have to explain the risks, the planning and the tools that
you are going to use to manage your project. This is another important part of your project, as it defines
how your team is going to work and how you are going to prevent possible risks, which are something that
can threaten the finalization of the project.

Remember that this and other concepts are going to be seen in a deeply way during the week, so we can
achieve our weekly objective: to redact the second part of the thesis’ Structuration phase.


All the examples seen in this synthesis were extracted from a thesis work that belongs to the
Instituto de Ciencias Tecnológicas CIISA.

Claudia Cabrera, C. J. (2018). Math Level Up. Santiago: CIISA.

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