Passive Voice (Present Simple and Past Simple)

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Bienvenido a una lección mas de nivel 6, ahora tendrás la oportunidad de poder leer

artículos en un periódico o en una revista y poder identificar la voz pasiva que es una
forma común para hacer reportes y dar noticias en un periódico o revista así como los
reportes en televisión o la radio, aprenderás el tema y podrás ver el uso de la misma en
un articulo de periódico

Passive Voice (Present Simple and Past Simple)

Passive Voice Present Simple
• In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the
action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the
thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if
you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

BE + Past Participle

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

John washes the dishes

The dishes are washed by John

The profesor teaches the students

The students are taught by the professor

Active and Passive Voice in Present
Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
Active: Rita writes letters to me.
Passive: Letters are written to me by Rita.

The active voice is the normal way we speak everyday, the passive voice is used when we want to emphasize
the subject that receives the action. Let’s check some other examples:

Active : The gardener waters the flowers every evening.

Passive: The flowers are watered by the gardener every evening.

Active : Helen doesn't drink anything in parties. NOTE: remember that if you
Passive: Nothing is drunk by Helen in parties. want to introduce the doer
you have to introduce with
the preposition BY
Active : Who sells umbrellas?
Passive: Who are umbrellas sold by?

Active : My mother doesn't paint the walls.

Passive: The walls aren't painted by my mother.
Passive Voice Past Simple
John washed the dishes yesterday

The dishes were washed by John yesterday

The profesor taught the students last semester

The students were taught by the professor last semester

For the passive voice in past you just have to use the verb BE in past as in the example and the
verb must be always in past participle
Passive Voice Simple Past
Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
Active: Rita wrote a letter to me.
Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita.

Let’s check some examples:

Active: People drank champagne last New Year’s Eve.
Passive: Champagne was drunk las New Year’s Eve.

Active: They renovated the restaurant in 2004.

Passive: The restaurant was renovated in 2004.

Active: The teachers informed the students that the class had been cancelled.
Passive: The students were informed that the class had been cancelled.

NOTE: remember that when the subject or doer is not mportant or it’s not specific you can ommit it
This is an extra explanation about passive voice in present and past
A. What do you thing the article s about? Read
the article and answer the question
B. Identify the sentences in Passive Voice (Present
and Past)
C. Solve exercise C under the Reading
Vocabulary Exercise
Que te pareció este nuevo tema, aparentemente es un poco complicado pero tendrás la oportunidad
de practicar con los ejercicios que se te asignaran para entrega, solo guíate con las formulas y
recuerda que es muy importante que manejes los verbos en pasado participio a la perfección ya que
esto facilitara tu entendimiento y también al realizar los ejercicios te será mas sencillo resolverlos.
Ahora al leer encabezados de periódicos o escuchar las noticias trata de identificar la voz pasiva en
español y después puedes escuchar las noticias en inglés en algún sitio de internet para que puedas
también identificar la voz pasiva en inglés, esta practica te será de utilidad para identificarla e
identificar también sus uso en la vida real.
Espero que haya quedado clara la explicación de la voz pasiva de lo contrario recuerda que siempre
puedes contar con el apoyo del profesor a cargo del grupo quien con gusto resolverá cualquier duda
que puedas tener. Suerte en tu próxima lección!!
Aquí te dejamos como siempre las respuestas a los ejercicios de la lectura y también al de
1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6. NM 7.F 8.T 9.NM / 1.injured 2. damaged 3. survived 4. rescued 5. watch 6. look 7. notice

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