Sometime Go Roller Skating

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1) I go roller skating in the park at the weekends (sometimes).

I  sometime go roller skating in the park at the weekends.

2) Do you catch the train to work (always)?

Do  you catch always the train to work.

3) He writes good newspaper articles (never).

He writes never  good newspaper articles.

4) Mary is late for work (occasionally).

Mary is occasionally late for work.

5) There is a lot of traffic early in the morning (hardly ever).

There is hardly a lot of traffic early in the morning.

6) Does she go abroad for her holidays (usually)?

Does  she usually go abroad for her holidays.

7) We do not listen to the radio (never).

We do never listen to the radio.

8) I cannot find time for my work (always).

I  cannot always find time for my work.

9) We play squash at the weekend (often).

We often play squash at the weekend.

10) I am hungry just before dinner (always).

I am always hungry just before dinner.

Ejemplo: juego al tenis los domingos. (a menudo)
I often play tennis on Sundays

1. Desayuno tostadas. (siempre)

Maria always make toasts for breakfast.

2. Bebo cerveza. (Nunca)

I never drink beer.
3. ¿Vas al trabajo en autobús? (por lo general)a
Do You gou usually in the bus at work.
4. No se acuesta tarde. (a menudo)
I don’t go to bed very late often.
5. Escucho música. (casi nunca)
I rarely listen music on the week.
6. Ella mira televisión. (casi nunca)
She whach never tv
7. ¿Cómo sales a cenar? (a menudo)
do you go out to dinner often?
8. Voy a comprar ropa. (casi nunca)
I rarely gou buy clothes.
9. Vamos a restaurantes caros. (algunas veces)

10. Llegan tarde. (algunas veces)

Shyrle and Miguel sometimes come late to class.
11. Está feliz. (Nunca)
I don’t never happy.
12. Llego tarde al trabajo. (siempre)
I rarely arrive at work.
13. Desayuno en la cama. (Nunca)
I never have breakfast in bed.
14. Uso el transporte público. (casi siempre)
I always use public transport.
15. Desafortunadamente, nos volvemos a encontrar. (casi nunca)
Unfortunately, seldom we see again.
16. ¿A qué hora terminas de trabajar? (por lo general)
I usually finish my work at 5 pm
17. Tengo hambre por la mañana. (Nunca)
I never have hungry in the morning
18. No leo el periódico. (a menudo)
Often I don’t read the news
19. La comida de este restaurante es muy buena. (por lo general)
Usually The food in this restaurant is very good.
20. A veces tomo azúcar en mi café. (algunas veces)
Sometime I drink my coffe with sugar.

I. Gina: Karen, welcome back to Miami.

Karen: Thank you. I’m so excited!
Gina: How often do you come here?
Karen: I come here 1. Once a year (una vez al año) on holidays. Do you
usually stay here in December?
Gina: 2. Sometime (a veces) I visit my grandmother in Australia
Karen: Cool. I think I will 3. Never (nunca) go there. It’s very far
II. Customer: Good morning. Do you have caps?
Saleswoman: 4. Usually (normalmente) we have caps in this store, but not
today. I’m sorry. Maybe tomorrow
Customer: Too bad! I can only come here 5. Monthly (mensualmente).
Saleswoman: We always send the products to your house if you buy online
Customer: Perfect. I’ll do it
III. Michael: How do you celebrate Christmas here?
Nick: We often make a big dinner. 6. Each year (cada año), we invite friends
and relatives to eat
Michael: Awesome. In my country, we usually sing and dance
Nick: I 7. Rarely(rara vez) dance. I only dance twice a year, on my birthday
and New Year’s Eve
Michael: I dance every day. I love it
Nick: You should teach me
Michael: I have time 8.twice a week  (dos veces a la semana)
Nick: Excellent

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