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The Spanish Civil War

Sarah: Hi Kate. You look so pale. Didn’t you sleep

last night?
Kate: No, I spent the whole night working on my
essay, but I’m OK. I’ve stayed up all night lots of
times before.
Sarah: Have you finished your essay?
Kate: No, not yet. I’m still working on it. It’s about the
Spanish Civil War. I’ve read two articles on it, but I’m
still not ready to start writing yet.
Sarah: It’s an interesting topic. What have you found
so far? Have you found anything interesting?
Kate: Well, it was between the Republicans and the
Nationalists, and ended just before World War II.
Actually, it looks like a rehearsal for World War II. I
want to read more about it.
Sarah: I remember my World War II essay. I did quite
exhaustive research on the topic and wrote a long
essay about it. There was so much to read. I even
went to the National Library in the city centre.
Kate: You handed in your essay last term, right?
Sarah: Yes, I did. But if you need to do some more
research, I’m happy to go with you to the National
Library some time.
Kate: Really? That’d be great!
Sarah: No problem. I think I need some coffee. Shall we go and get some for us now?
Kate: Good idea.

Are the statements true or false according to the text?

1. It’s the first time that Kate has stayed up all night. (F)
2. Kate finished her essay last night. (F)
3. The Spanish Civil War has attracted Kate’s attention. (V)
4. Sarah completed her essay. (F)
5. Sarah has been to the National Library before. (V)

Exhaustive: including everything

Rehearsal: A practice/trial performance of a play

 Peter          football yesterday.
have cleaned
 They          the car. It looks new again.
w ent
 Last year we          to Italy.
have just read
 John and Peggy          the book. Now they can watch the film.
 I          my friend two days ago.
have never visited
 We          another country before.
 She          a new car in 2011.
have forgotten
 I'm sorry, but I          my homework.
Did you w in
       the game of chess?
has not eaten
 The girls          their lunch yet.

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