Basic Occupational: Safety and Health

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Basic Occupational

Safety and
Aubrey M. Lanot, ME
College Lecturer

College of Engineering, Information, and

Industrial Technology
Basic Occupational Safety
and Health

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MEFC 22 2
Basic Occupational Safety
and Health

Safety first is safety always.

~ Charles M. Hayes

Dear Future Engineer,

One of the main duties of an engineer is to ensure the safety of the people who will be affected by
the product that he designs. Nothing can be 100% safe, but engineers are required to make products as safe
as reasonably possible. Thus, safety should be an integral part of any engineering job. In this course, you
will be introduced to concepts, principles and practices that are foundational knowledge requirements
acceptable in almost all industries regarding Occupational, Safety, and Health. There are three sections in
each learning resource that will function as your study guide.

o As the name implies, this part is the beginning of each chapter, providing the learning
objectives you must meet by the end of the discussion. This also serves as an introduction
to the lesson and may include some icebreakers that assist you in recollecting your prior
knowledge to gain a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the material.


o An in-depth discussion of the topic is suggested in this section. Significant events, theories,
information, facts, and statistics are offered for a more in-depth study. Different thinking
tools such as figures, diagrams, tables, and charts will be used to keep your attention and
challenge your imagination. This section also contains links to further instructive websites
and videos.


o This section introduces activities and exercises related to the theme of the chapter.
Laboratory exercises are also available to augment your study and help you better
understand the subject. Your instructor may also provide additional instructions on how
to complete the activities not included in the worksheet.

You're not unfamiliar with this type of setup. Because of the current situation, you will be exposed
to flexible learning once more, and, naturally, starting another school year with this kind of situation is still
challenging. Keep in mind that both you and your instructor are having difficulties; therefore, we must
change and adapt to the problem.

MEFC 22 3
Basic Occupational Safety
and Health

As a student, the most essential thing to remember is that laziness is your worst enemy, while hard
effort is your best friend. No one will assist you until you help yourself. Always be adamant about what you
want and work hard to get it.

God bless and stay safe.


MEFC 22 4
Basic Occupational Safety
and Health

The institution's first concern in these challenging times is our safety. This subject has been
designed for you to learn independently, carefully, and wisely. Because engineering is more than a problem-
solving activity focused on developing goods, systems, and processes to meet a need or demand, this course
will help you comprehend and apply economic concepts to engineering as a future engineer. The house rules
and recommendations that follow will assist you in staying on track with your own learning.

1. You are in command of your own education; we will just give you advice and help you grasp what
you need to know. Offline and online versions of the content will be available.
2. Physical contact would be reduced per the IATF standards. The institution's class schedule will be
used solely for discussions and written or performance exams.
3. Form a reading habit. This will assist you throughout the course.
4. In Facebook, Messenger, and Google Classroom group discussions, please maintain social media
etiquette. Also, regularly check your Messenger group chat or the Google Classroom to be updated
on the uploading of the instructional materials. My Facebook or Messenger is available if you have
any queries about the themes. Messages may also be sent to the phone number provided. But kindly
wait for my response if the channel you used was SMS.
5. Plan ahead and organize your time well to study and comprehend every aspect of the module. Read
it over and again until you understand it. Regarding your personal schedule, I strongly urge you to
set out a certain period to study at home. Maintain a strict routine by doing this once you've finished
your domestic duties.
6. Reread the texts and other assignments if you don't comprehend them. Focus. If this does not work,
make use of all available resources. Read and understand the assessment tools given before
beginning your work. Do not accept poor standards; instead, strive for the most excellent possible
standards while completing your assigned duties. I know you're capable.
7. All outputs must be sent to Google Classroom ONLY with the following file name:
LastName_FirstName_MEES 8_Worksheet(Number).
8. Write suitable and well-thought arguments and judgements in the self-processed conversations.
Avoid simply agreeing or disagreeing with the content of the information. You must back up your
comments in the debate with trustworthy facts or empirical observation. Do not express ignorant
ideas in your writing. In answering all of the tasks, cite your references if you have any.
9. For topics that will mainly deal with solving and computations, please write your solutions legibly
and in an organized manner. Use and label your illustrations clearly. Erasures will cause
10. Finally, because you are the student, you are responsible for completing the module on your own.
At home, your family and friends will assist you, but the activities must be completed by you.

MEFC 22 5
Basic Occupational Safety
and Health

Safety and

MEFC 22 6

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