Audio Biography Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Audio biography

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The writer Gabriel García Márquez was born in Arataca, Colombia, on March 6, 1927.
Among his greatest achievements is the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature.

He published his most successful work, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in 1967 and it
became one of the most important novels in 20th century literature. The story of the Buen
día family has been translated into more than 24 languages. In 2007, the Royal Spanish
Academy launched a popular commemorative edition of this novel, considering it to be
one of the great Hispanic classics of all time.
His relationship with Fidel Castro has been controversial. According to the British Gerald
Martin, who published the first authorized biography of the novelist in 2008, García
Márquez feels a "tremendous fascination for power." He points out that "he has always
wanted to be a witness of power and it is fair to say that this fascination is not gratuitous,
but rather pursues certain objectives" and mentions that many consider his proximity to
the Cuban leader Fidel Castro to be excessive. Martin recalls that he has also been related
to Felipe González or Bill Clinton, but "everyone looks only at his relationship with Castro."

Among his most recent work stands out the memoir "Vivir para talla", which Gabriel
García Márquez published in 2002. In 2004 he published the novel "Memoria de mis putas
tristes", a love story that follows the romance of a man in his nineties years and his young
concubine. In 2010 he published "I do not come to say a speech", which brings together
22 texts written throughout his life to be read in public.

García Márquez has shown an interest in film and television, participating as a

scriptwriter, as a producer and allowing the adaptation of his work.

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