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LTD Weekly Lesson Plans—Science (Light and Shadows)

Week of: Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2021

Teacher/Grade Level: 1st Grade

Essential Why is light beneficial? Why do we need light? What would happen
Question(s:) if there was no light? What kinds of light are there?
Standard 1.P.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties of light and how shadows are formed. 
Conceptual Understanding 1.P.2A.: Objects can only be seen when light shines on them. Some materials allow light to pass
through them; others allow only some light to pass through; and some do not allow any light to shine thorough and will create
a shadow of th3e object.  Technology such as mirrors can change the direction of a beam of light.
Targeted Indicators 1.P.2A.1: Obtain and communicate information to describe how light is required to make object visible.
2A.1: Analyze and interpret data from observations to compare how light behaves when it shines on different materials. 
Essential Vocabulary:
●  light, dark, visible, natural light, artificial light 
Essential Knowledge:  In order for an object to be visible, it must either give off its own light (be a source of light) or it
must reflect light. If there is no light, then it is impossible to see an object. The Sun, a candle flame, or a flashlight gives off
visible light. The Moon and many objects around us reflect light in order to be seen.  Light passes through easily (if the
object is transparent) * Light is blurred (if the object is translucent) * Light is blocked (if the object is opaque)
Objective: Explain why light is important.
Monday TTW: prepare a light challenge using a shoebox (or a few, depending on the size of your class). TSW pass around a box
with a very tiny hole in the side. On the far side of the box, there will be a sticker. The students will peer through the very
tiny hole and not be able to see the sticker. TTW discuss with the students what they did/did not see. She will ask WHY
they think they got the results that they did. She will then ask how they think they might be able to see inside of the box
TSW: Watch Discovery Ed clip: Our Sense of Sight (2min.s)
Informal/Formal Assessment: participation grade in light challenge
Objective: Give examples of natural and artificial light. How are they different?
TTW: TTW explain the difference between natural and artificial light.  Light video (3 min.s)


Complete a tree map anchor chart on natural light and artificial light.

TSW: Watch Sid the Science Kid: Let there be light  {Rug Time (2:23) and Super Fab Lab (3:00)}
Informal/Formal Assessment:

Students answer questions and complete a sorting activity using pictures that represent examples of natural and artificial
light sources. (Daily Grade)


Objective: What are some sources of light?

TTW: Show Discovery Ed clip. 
Talk with students about sources of light.
Wednesday TSW: Sort pictures into two categories: Light Sources & Other (not a Source of light.)
Informal/Formal Assessment: Picture sort

Objective: Tell how objects let light shine through; differentiate between transparent,
translucent, and opaque objects.
TTW: Show students slides from light and shadows notebook file (slides 1-8 today).
TSW: Participate in viewing the slides and completing the sorting activities on the
Objective: Tell the importance of light and how light is able to travel through some
objects but not others.
TTW: Review skills from the week. Review slides from light and shadows notebook
TSW: Complete any SeeSaw assignments for concept plans that are due.

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