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My perfect


When I was 10 years old, I made my first communion in Silvia

Cauca. I remember that many friends, family and neighbors arrived
that day, the weather was sunny, and it was a very beautiful day.
We ate cake, drank soda, danced. My parents gave me my first cell
phone. It was very pretty. My grandparents gave me a chain. I
received a lot of toys. At the end of the day, my grandmother
made chocolate with arepa. It was a wonderful day.
Jai ticher an partners in dis clas aim goin tu prisent mai clasrum

Mai perfect selebreishon

Uen ai rimember dad meni frends family an neibors arriv dad dey
de uerer uas sony an it uas a very biuriful dei

Ui eit queik drank soda an danced. mai parents geiv mi mai first
celfon it uas very priry. Mai granparents geiv mi a chein. Ai reciv a
lorof toys. At di end of de dei mai granmoder meid chocoleit uit
arepa. It uas a uonderful dei

Uat uas iur laif laik uen ai uer younger

Uen ai uas in scul ai uas a very gud student mai feivorit sobyect
uere jistori an yeografi ai never laik mat ai uas estres out a lot.

Ai laik tu pley an jelp mai parent

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