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Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy

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Effects of SNAG mobilization combined with a

self-SNAG home-exercise for the treatment of
cervicogenic headache: a pilot study

Jean-Philippe Paquin, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme & Jean-Pierre Dumas

To cite this article: Jean-Philippe Paquin, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme & Jean-Pierre Dumas
(2021) Effects of SNAG mobilization combined with a self-SNAG home-exercise for the treatment
of cervicogenic headache: a pilot study, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 29:4, 244-254,
DOI: 10.1080/10669817.2020.1864960

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Published online: 05 Feb 2021.

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2021, VOL. 29, NO. 4, 244–254

Effects of SNAG mobilization combined with a self-SNAG home-exercise for the

treatment of cervicogenic headache: a pilot study
Jean-Philippe Paquina, Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme b,c
and Jean-Pierre Dumasb
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université De Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada; bSchool of Rehabilitation, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, Université De Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada; cResearch Center of the CHUS (CRCHUS), Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire De Sherbrooke (CHUS), Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada

Introduction: Cervicogenic headache (CGH) may originate from the C1-C2 zygapophyseal Cervicogenic headache;
joints. CGH is often associated with loss of range of motion (ROM), specific to this segment, snag; cervical flexion-
and measurable by the cervical flexion-rotation test (CFRT). The main purposes of the study rotation test; mulligan;
were: 1) to investigate the immediate effect of C1-C2 rotation SNAG mobilizations plus C1-C2 mobilization with movement
self-SNAG rotation exercise for patients with CGH and 2) to explore the link between the CFRT
results and treatment response.
Methods: A prospective quasi-experimental single-arm design was used where patients with
CGH received eight physical therapy treatments using a C1-C2 rotational SNAG technique
combined with a C1-C2 self-SNAG rotation exercise over a four-week period. Outcome mea­
sures were pain intensity/frequency and duration, active cervical ROM, CFRT, neck-related and
headache-related self-perceived physical function, fear-avoidance beliefs, pain catastrophizing
and kinesiophobia.
Results: The intervention produced strong effects on pain intensity, CFRT, physical function
and pain catastrophizing. Moderate improvement was noted on active cervical ROM and on
fear-avoidance beliefs and kinesiophobia. No link was found between pre-intervention CFRT
ROM and treatment response.
Conclusion: SNAG mobilization combined with a self-SNAG exercise resulted in favorable
outcomes for the treatment of CGH on patient-important and biomechanical outcomes, as
well as pain-related cognitive-affective factors.

Introduction Patients with CGH commonly seek physiotherapy

care to alleviate their symptoms [16]. Different man­
Headache is a highly prevalent painful symptom affect­
ual therapy techniques and exercises can be used to
ing up to 90% of the general population. Cervicogenic
address C1-C2 range of motion deficits to relieve
headache (CGH), a subtype of headache caused by a
symptoms at the source [17, 18–24]. The use of
disorder involving any structure of the neck, including
Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide (SNAG) is
bony, muscular and other soft tissue elements [1],
recommended in recent clinical practice guidelines
represents 15% to 20% of all chronic headaches [2]
[25]. It is a mobilization technique which consists in
and 53% of persistent headaches following a whiplash
applying a direct force on the C1-C2 segment dur­
injury [3]. Persons with chronic CGH may experience
ing active rotation of the neck by the patient The
emotional distress, limitations in their daily activities,
technique can be applied manually by the therapist
or restricted social participation [4].
(SNAG) and also by the patient (self-SNAG), using a
Although the specific mechanisms of CGH remain
strap or towel [26].
uncertain, some evidence suggests that the asso­
In that sense, different studies investigating the
ciated symptoms might be linked to referred pain
effect of C1-C2 SNAG or self-SNAG on CGH have
arising from dysfunction at the C1-C2 zygapophyseal
demonstrated a beneficial effect on symptoms, on
joints [5, 6]. Moreover, CGH related to C1-C2 dysfunc­
perceived physical function related to neck pain, on
tion is often associated with loss of range of motion at
headache severity and on mechanical impairment of
this specific cervical segment, which can be assessed
C1-C2 segments [18, , 21, 23, 24]. However, no study
by the cervical flexion-rotation test (CFRT) [7]. The
has verified the effect of the combination of SNAG
CRFT is considered positive when showing a loss of
mobilizations plus self-SNAG exercises on CGH (symp­
rotation of 8º to 10º on one side. CFRT has been
tom intensity), or pain-related cognitive-affective fac­
widely validated for the diagnosis of C1-C2-related
tors (such as fear-avoidance beliefs, pain
CGH [8, 9, 10, 11–15].

CONTACT Pr Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and

Health Sciences, Université De Sherbrooke, 3001 12e Avenue Nord, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, J1H 5N4
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

catastrophizing and kinesiophobia), nor has explored Group (CHISG). Contraindications were based on the
the association between the CFRT results and the International Framework for Examination of the Cervical
treatment response to explore its prognostic ability. Region for potential of Cervical Arterial Dysfunction prior
The study’s main purposes were to: to Orthopedic Manual Therapy Intervention by the
1) investigate the immediate effect of treatments International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative
combining C1-C2 rotation SNAG mobilizations and a Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) [27] (see Appendix 1).
C1-C2 self-SNAG rotation exercise program on pain Informed consent was obtained for all participants
(headache frequency, duration and intensity), cervical according to The Helsinki Accords. The study was
mobility (active range of motion in flexion, extension, approved by the Ethics Review Board of the Clinical
side flexion and rotation and passive C1-C2 rotation), Research Center of the Center intégré universitaire de
neck-related and headache-related self-perceived dis­ santé et des services sociaux de l’Estrie – Center
ability, fear-avoidance beliefs, pain catastrophizing and Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (reference
kinesiophobia; and number: 2018–2642).
2) explore the association between the results of the
CFRT and treatment response on pain intensity and
perceived disability.
The intervention took place in a private practice multi­
disciplinary clinic in Drummondville (Quebec, Canada)
Methods between March and October of 2018. All interventions
were provided by the same licensed physical therapist,
Study design and participants
an experienced (8-years) clinician trained in Mulligan
We employed a prospective quasi-experimental techniques with a fellowship in manipulative therapy
design (pre-post without control group comparison). (JPP, first author).
Patients with CGH were recruited from advertise­ The intervention consisted of 8 physical therapy
ments and local physician referrals around the area treatments (2x/week) given over a 4-week period.
of Drummondville (Quebec, Canada) from January to During each visit, all participants received a C1-C2 rota­
May 2018. Potential participants were first screened tional SNAG technique, as described by Mulligan [28].
through phone interview. Thereafter, patients under­ During the technique, the therapist placed both thumbs
went a physical examination to further verify inclu­ on the posterior arch of C1 (on the opposite side of the
sion and exclusion criteria and confirm their rotation) and pushed anteriorly. Then, the patient was
eligibility. Inclusion criteria were: 1) age between 18 asked to actively rotate, as far as possible, without pain,
to 65 years old, 2) HA in temporal relation to the onset while the therapist kept pressure on C1 during the
of the cervical disorder or appearance of the lesion, 3) movement. The mobilization was maintained for 10 sec­
HA aggravated or provoked by neck movements or onds at end-range, repeated 10 times per set for a total
postures, 4) HA associated with neck, shoulder and/or of 3 sets per treatment. The therapist applied overpres­
upper limb pain, 5) HA frequency ≥ 1 per week for ≥ sure at end-range if the participant could tolerate it
1 month, 5) average pain intensity ≥ 3/10 on VAS and (Figure 1). Each patient was also given a home exercise
6) pain on palpation of paravertebral tissue of the program which consisted of C1-C2 self-SNAG in rotation.
cervical spine. Exclusion criteria were: 1) History of The home-exercise was performed using a towel, which
neck surgery, 2) Reported diagnosis of another type was used to apply and maintain a pressure on the
of HA that causes two or more episodes per month posterior arch of C1 while they would actively rotate
(ex: migraine), 3) Currently receiving another form of their cervical spine, mimicking the C1-C2 rotational
physical intervention, 4) Other chronic pain syndrome SNAG technique. End-range position was maintained
(ie: fibromyalgia, systematic inflammatory disease), 5) for 10 seconds, before returning to neutral position.
Inability to tolerate the flexion-rotation test, the SNAG Participants were instructed in the self-SNAG during
mobilization, or the self-SNAG technique and 6) the first appointment and the exercise was reviewed
Presence of contraindications to cervical manual ther­ during subsequent visits [28]. The patients were asked
apy. The initial assessment, including the physical to perform the exercise twice a day for 10 repetitions
examination, was performed by a registered PT (first each time, for a total of 20 repetitions per day (Figure 1).
author). Written instructions and a video of the exercise to be
Inclusion criteria were based on the international clas­ performed was sent to all participants to improve the
sification of headache disorders by the Headache quality and compliance of the home exercise.
Classification Committee of the International Headache Adherence to the exercise program was monitored
Society (IHS) (IHS, 2013) and the diagnostic criteria pro­ with a daily logbook that was completed by the patient.
posed by the Cervicogenic Headache International Study No further intervention was provided.

Figure 1.

Main Outcome Measures (CROM) while the patient was seated on a chair.
Patients were advised to perform the neck movement
All outcome measures were assessed during the
with as much range as possible. Movement quality was
initial assessment (T0: baseline) and one month
visually monitored by the assessor. The CROM device
after completion of final treatment (T1: + 4 weeks).
showed moderate to good reliability and good validity
The primary outcome of this clinical design study
in the assessment of active ROM [30–32].
was pain intensity (severity, duration, and fre­
quency), while secondary outcomes were: ROM, per­
ceived disability, and psychosocial factors (fear-
Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test
avoidance beliefs, pain catastrophizing and kinesio­
phobia). All outcome measures are detailed below The CFRT was performed on all patients, as described
and synthesized in Table 1. by 33. This test demonstrated good construct and
content validity in the measurement of C1-C2 passive
rotation [33], good inter-rater reliability (92%) (8), high
Pain severity sensitivity (75% – 100%) [9, 13a] and specificity (85% –
94%) [11, 13] for the diagnosis of C1-C2-related CGH.
The authors measured overall average headache
Hence, it is considered as a routine diagnostic test by
intensity (our main dependent variable) using a
PTs in the assessment procedures for patients present­
10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS); the minimal clin­
ing with headache [34].
ical important difference (MCID) for the VAS is 2/10)
ROM (rotation) during the CFRT was measured by
[29]. Average episode frequency (number of epi­
the HALO goniometer with the device fixed to the
sodes per day) and duration (in hours) were
head with a Velcro strap. The HALO goniometer
obtained through direct questioning at the first
demonstrated good reliability and validity in the
and final visits.
assessment of ROM at the shoulder [35,36]. It was
Pain severity was also measured daily via the log­
also used in a previous study to measure ROM during
book, where participants reported HA intensity (VAS)
the CFRT in subjects with temporomandibular disor­
and duration (hours) for each episode. The frequency
ders [37]. This device was used in replacement of the
of episodes was obtained by dividing the number of
CROM for technical reasons: the position and fixation
episodes by the number of days for each week of
of the CROM device on the head made it impossible to
execute the CFRT or could impair the test’s precision.
The result of the CFRT test was interpreted as dichot­
omous data, considered positive when a side-to-side
Active Range of Motion
difference of 8º or more was present [14]. The MCID for
Cervical active ROM was assessed pre-and post-inter­ this test is 4.7º for a right rotation and 7º for a left
vention using the Cervical Range of Motion Device rotation [10].

Perceived Disability Finally, the effect size (ES) was calculated based on
the value of matched-pairs rank biserial r [43] to deter­
Neck pain-related disability was measured with the
mine the magnitude of clinical changes after interven­
French version of the Neck Disability Index question­
tion following the equation below, with 95% of
naire (NDI) (score ranging from 0–50). The question­
confidence intervals:
naire was validated for a CGH population, with a MCID
r = (Sf/S) – (Su/S)
of 5.5 points [38]. Headache-related disability was mea­
where Sf is the sum of favorable ranks, S is the total
sured with the French version of the Henry Ford
sum ranks and Su is the sum of unfavorable ranks. The
Hospital Headache Disability Inventory (HDI) (score
effect size was characterized by Cohen [44] as weak,
ranging from 0–100, MCID: 29 points) [39].
moderate and strong effects, i.e., r = 0,2 is small, r = 0,5
medium and r = 0,8 large, respectively.
Pain-Related Cognitive-Emotional Factors
We used three questionnaires to explore different Association between CFRT and treatment
aspects of cognitive-emotional drivers of pain: a mod­ response
ified version of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs
Questionnaire (FABQ), where « back » was replaced Association between CFRT results at initial assessment
by « neck » (score ranging from 0–96), the Pain (positive or negative) and significant improvement on
Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) (score ranging from 0–52) pain intensity (>20/100 improvement) and neck-
and the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) (score related disability (>5,5 improvement) were estimated
ranging from 17–68). French versions were used for using the Fisher exact test Figure 3.
all questionnaires. Although these questionnaires have
never been studied in a CGH population, they are Results
widely used clinically for the prognosis of other chronic
painful musculoskeletal conditions such as migraine Demographics and baseline characteristics of
and neck pain [40–42]. participants
Baseline demographic information and clinical char­
Compliance to self-SNAG exercises acteristics of participants are detailed in Table 2. A
total of 38 potential participants contacted the main
Compliance was assessed by therapist reviewing the investigator for further information regarding the
daily logbook. Each participant was asked to annotate project. Sixteen (16) were excluded following the tel­
the logbook with details on exercise parameters (time ephone screening and two (2) were excluded follow­
of day and number of reps). ing initial clinical assessment, mainly because they
were deemed to have another type of HA or other
Data analysis health conditions. Thus, our sample was comprised of
20 participants in pre- and post-intervention mea­
Sample size calculation surements. All 20 participants completed the study
Sample size estimates were based on pain intensity protocol (Figure 2).
ratings (primary outcome), which was our main depen­
dent variable. With power set to 80% to detect a
Treatment Effect
difference in means of 20/100 on the VAS, assuming
a standard deviation of differences of 12,7/100 and the Overall pain intensity: The average pain intensity during
2-sided level of significance for alpha at 0.05 [based on HA episodes obtained through subjective perception
a similar study design by [23], a minimum of 6 subjects significantly improved after intervention, as measured
was required. with the VAS (p < 0.00, Z = −3.763) (Table 3). A strong ES
on pain reduction was observed after the treatment (ES
r = 0.957), with a meaningful difference of 66% between
Treatment Effect
times (baseline versus 4 weeks of intervention).
All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS® sta­ Active range of motion and CFRT: Active range of
tistical software (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, ver­ motion in the neck significantly improved for all direc­
sion 26.0; IBM, Chicago, IL) with an alpha level of.05. As tions of movements after the 4 weeks of intervention
all our main variables were not normally distributed (Table 3), with ES varying from moderate to strong for
(based on the Shapiro–Wilk test), non-parametric ana­ clinical changes across time (r = 0.608 to r = 0.800).
lysis were performed (a paired Wilcoxon test) to verify In addition, ROM measured during the CFRT signifi­
the pre-post effects. Accordingly, the median and cantly increased (p < 0.01) from T0 to T1 (+25% on affected
interquartile range were reported for the main out­ side), with 15 participants showing a positive test before
come measures. the intervention and only one participant still showing a

Table 1. Description of outcome measures and definition of improvement.

When measurement was Minimal Clinically Important
Outcome measures Measurement tools performed Measurement method Difference
Pain intensity VAS Pre- and post-intervention and Direct questioning 2.0 [29]
daily Logbook
HA frequency Daily Logbook
HA duration Daily Logbook
Active neck ROM CROM device Pre- and post-intervention In-clinic assessment
CFRT HALO goniometer Pre- and post-intervention In-clinic assessment 4.7 to 7 degrees [9]
Neck-related disability NDI (French Canadian Pre- and post-intervention Self-reported via 5.5 [38]
version) questionnaire
Headache-related HDI (French Canadian Pre- and post-intervention Self-reported via 29 points
disability version) questionnaire
Fear-Avoidance beliefs FABQ (French Canadian Pre- and post-intervention Self-reported via
version) questionnaire
Pain catastrophizing PCS (French Canadian Pre- and post-intervention Self-reported via 38 to 44% [49]
version) questionnaire
Kinesophobia TSK (French Canadian Pre- and post-intervention Self-reported via 5.6 points
version) questionnaire
VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; ROM: Range of Motion; CFRT: Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test; CROM: Cervical Range of Motion device; NDI: Neck Disability Index;
HDI: Headache Disability Inventory; TSK: Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia; FABQ: modified Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire; PCS: Pain Catastrophizing

Table 2. Demographic information and baseline characteristics was 12.00 degrees before the intervention and decreased
of participants.
to 1.00 degree after the intervention.
Age (years) 35.75 (SD: 11.48) Perceived disability: The NDI score significantly
Gender (%)
• Female 90 improved post-intervention (p < 0.00, Z = −3.73)
• Male 10 (Table 3), with 13 participants (65% of the sample)
Headache history (years) 12.34 (SD: 10.52)
Headache frequency (number of episodes/week) 3.9 (SD: 2.26) reaching minimal clinical improvement. The HDI
Pain intensity (/10) 6.73 (SD:1.31) score also significantly improved (p < 0.00, Z = −3.77)
Pain duration (hours) 15.34 (SD: 14.42)
Positive CFRT (%) 75 (Table 3) and 7 participants (35%) reached minimal
Onset (%) clinical important change cutoff. These improvements
• following neck trauma 25
• following prolonged posture 30
were supported by clinical changes observed with the
• unknown 45 strong ES between pre- and post-intervention
Comorbidity (%) (r = 0.962 to 0.974 across questionnaires used).
• Other type of HA (ex: migraine) 15
• Other MSK condition 10 Pain-related cognitive-emotional factors: PCS scores
• Psychological condition (ex: depression) 5 significantly decreased post-intervention (p < 0.00,
CFRT: Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test; HA: Headache; MSK: Musculoskeletal; Z = −3,865) (Table 3), as well as TSK scores (p < 0.01,
SD: Standard Deviation
Z = −2,785) (Table 3). Five (5) participants (25%)
reached the minimal clinical improvement for PCS.
positive test after the intervention. The magnitude of this However, the FABQ scores did not significantly change
change was strong across time (ES r = 0.905). The median following the intervention (p = 0.16, Z = −1,420) (Table
side-to-side difference in patients showing a positive test 3). The ES was strong for PCS (r = 0.986), while

Figure 2. Flowchart

Figure 3. a. Pain intensity over time during the intervention period (expressed in median (IQR)), b. Headache frequency over time
during the intervention period (expressed in median (IQR)), c. Headache duration over time during the intervention period
(expressed in median (IQR)).

Table 3. Median values and quartiles 1 and 3 of pain intensity, self-perceived physical function and pain-related cognitive-affective
factors at baseline and post-intervention.
Pre-intervention Post-intervention
(T0: baseline) (T1: +4 weeks) Paired Wilcoxon test Effect-size
Outcome Median (Q1;Q3) Median (Q1;Q3) Z p Matched-paired rank-biserial r
Overall pain intensity 6.80 (6.10;7.25) 2.30 (1.10;3.60) −3.763 .000 0.957
Neck-related perceived physical function 16.00 (11.00;18.00) 6.50 (4.75;9.00) −3.724 .000 0.974
Headache-related perceived physical function 41.00 (29.00;48.50) 16.00 (9.00;26.00) −3.772 .000 0.962
Fear-Avoidance beliefs 23.00 (16.00;32.00) 18.00 (9.00;25.50) −1.420 .156 0.362
Pain catastrophizing 25.00 (14.00; 31.50) 5.00 (3.00; 12.00) −3.865 .000 0.986
Kinesiophobia 30.00 (28.00; 39.00) 28.00 (26.50; 32.50) −2.785 .005 0.726
Active neck ROM: flexion 49.00 (41.50; 54.00) 52.00 (45.75; 56.50) −2.420 0.016 0.649
Active neck ROM: extension 50.50 (47.25; 60.5) 58.00 (51.50; 66.25) −2.462 0.014 0.661
Active neck ROM: right rotation 60.00 (56.50; 62.25) 65.00 (61.50; 70.50) −2.564 0.010 0.706
Active neck ROM: left rotation 62.00 (57.50; 66.50) 68.00 (62.00; 78.00) −3.141 0.002 0.800
Active neck ROM: right side bending 30.00 (25.50; 32.00) 31.00 (27.50; 38.00) −2.205 0.027 0.608
Active neck ROM: left side bending 32.00 (26.25; 38.00) 36.00 (30.00; 40.50) −2.728 0.006 0.800
CFRT ROM: Affected side 28.50 (24.25; 31.25) 38.00 (26.00; 40.25) −3.462 0.001 0.905
CFRT ROM: Non-affected side 41.50 (36.50; 46.00) 39.00 (35.50; 41.25) −1.615 0.106 0.421
ROM: Range Of Motion device; CFRT: Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test; Q1: Quartile 1; Q3: Quartile 3

Table 4. Contingency tables for Fisher’s tests to explore the (p = 0,709, Z = −0,373 and p = 0,629, Z = −0,483 respec­
association between CFRT results on pain and physical func­ tively) (Table 3). The paired Wilcoxon test revealed a
tion response. statistically significant improvement in HA frequency
Significant improvement on pain (p < 0,000, Z = −3,641) (Table 3). This variable improved
intensity (MCID reached)
every week during the intervention period, with partici­
Yes No Total
Positive CFRT pre-intervention Yes 11 4 15
pants reporting a median of 1,000 episodes per day pre-
No 4 1 5 intervention and 0.345 episode per day during week 4,
Total 15 5 20 which represents a decrease of more than 65%.
Significant improvement on NDI score
(MCID reached)
Yes No Total
Positive CFRT pre-intervention Yes 10 4 15 Adherence with Self-SNAG Exercise
No 3 2 5
Total 13 7 20
All participants reported performing the self-SNAG home
CFRT: Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test; NDI: Neck Disability Index; MCID:
Minimal Clinical Important Difference exercise. However, the mean number of sets performed
was 1.85/day, but participants reported completing the
moderate for TSK (r = 0.726) on time factor differences prescribed number of repetitions for each set. No adverse
(baseline versus 4 weeks of intervention). effect was reported during the technique or home

Daily Logbook Measures

Association Between CFRT and Treatment Effect
Median values of pain intensity and HA episode duration
reported in the logbook during the pre-intervention per­ Fifteen (15) participants had a positive CFRT before the
iod were similar to those reported during week 4 intervention. All 15 participants significantly improved

(surpassed the MCID) on pain intensity ratings as mea­ post-intervention was higher when compared to the
sured pre-and post-intervention, and 13 significantly minimal clinical important difference (MCID: 7°) [10].
improved (surpassed the MCID) on NDI. The Fisher exact Moderate ES was found for active range of motion in
test failed to demonstrate an association between CFRT the neck, but a strong ES (r = 0.905) was shown for
results (positive) and significant improvement (MCID CFRT change. The magnitude of change on this test
reached) for both pain intensity (p = 0.634) and neck- supports the use of the Mulligan approach to restore
related physical function (p = 0.594). expected mobility at the C1-C2 segment. Our results
Participants with a negative CFRT pre-intervention on biomechanical outcomes are consistent with the
showed significant improvement on different outcomes: pathophysiology of CGH and may support the idea
four (4) participants significantly improved on overall pain that addressing C1-C2 ROM deficits is important to
intensity, three (3) significantly improved on CFRT range attenuate CGH symptoms.
of motion (on the less mobile side) while one significantly Important improvements were also noted on self-
worsened, two (2) significantly improved on self-per­ perceived physical function in relation to neck pain
ceived physical function (NDI and HDI scores) and one and headache. Strong ES were obtained for the NDI
(1) improved on pain-related cognitive-affective factors score (r = 0.974) and for the HDI score (r = 0.962), which
(FABQ-PA subscale, PCS and TSK) (see Table 4). supports a significant clinical change with the treat­
ment for self-perceived physical function in relation to
neck pain and HA.
Discussion Overall, the change was also significant for pain
catastrophizing (80% improvement on the PCS) and
Main findings
kinesiophobia (0.07% improvement on the TSK). The
The main purpose of this study was to assess the ES was strong for PCS (r = 0.986), while moderate for
immediate effect of treatments combining C1-C2 rota­ TSK (r = 0.726) on time factor differences (baseline
tion SNAG mobilizations and a C1-C2 self-SNAG rota­ versus 4 weeks of intervention). Fear-Avoidance beliefs
tion exercise program on pain (headache frequency, did not significantly change after the intervention.
duration and intensity), cervical mobility, neck and However, questionnaires used to measure pain-related
headache-related disability, fear-avoidance beliefs, cognitive-affective factors did not show significant
pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia variables. fear-avoidance beliefs, kinesiophobia and pain cata­
Significant clinical benefits were found after treatment strophizing in our sample before the intervention.
for our primary outcome related to pain measurement This should be taken into consideration when inter­
(clinical change ES r = 0.957), with 66% of reduction on preting the results, since these factors might not have
VAS scale. This positive improvement (4 points on scale been an issue at first.
from differences reported between pre- and post- The results of the present study are consistent with
intervention was higher when compared to minimal current knowledge on manual therapy mechanisms,
clinical important difference (MCID: 2/10) [29]. These supporting that a mechanical force from a manual
results were further supported by strong ES on clinical intervention is most likely related to biomechanical
changes with the treatment, supporting the use of this and systemic neurophysiological responses leading to
type of intervention for this population. pain inhibition; the reduction in pain intensity might
There is some dissonance when extracting data be explained by a biomechanical effect (supporting
from the logbook regarding pain intensity, duration, the idea that restoring C1-C2 mobility would eliminate
and frequency. When analyzing data on a weekly basis, the cause of CGH), as well as nonspecific response of
only HA frequency decreased, while pain intensity and hands-on treatment modalities, which are known to
duration remained stable. This discrepancy might be have effects on the psychological areas of pain [45–47].
explained by an information bias. The VAS measures Many participants showing a positive CFRT test pre-
pain severity at a very specific time (ie: when exercises intervention, as well as participants showing a nega­
are performed and pain intensity is likely to be heigh­ tive response to this same test, significantly improved
tened). Thus, when we try to extrapolate changes in post-intervention on patient-important outcomes as
pain severity ratings to overall clinical change well as biomechanical outcomes. In addition, no asso­
(improvement), we may observe a biased result. ciation was found between CFRT results as a dichoto­
Hence, it may have been more relevant to use a spe­ mous data (positive versus negative) and significant
cific tool that measures global improvement, such as improvement in pain intensity and function in relation
the Patient Global Rating of Change scale. to neck pain, pre-and post-intervention. The low and
Significant benefits were also reported on biome­ unbalanced number of participants in the two sub­
chanical outcomes, such as active neck ROM, but more groups did not allow sufficient statistical power to
importantly, on neck rotation during the CFRT in the adequately explore the question. Future studies are
affected side (an increase of 25% after intervention). needed to examine the possible utility of CFRT as a
This positive improvement (9.50° between pre- and predictive factor for treatment response.

Comparison of Findings with Previous Studies Several limitations should be considered when
interpreting the results of this study. First, no conclu­
Our results on overall pain and neck-related self-per­
sion can be brought forth on the efficacy of the inter­
ceived physical function are consistent with other stu­
vention, due to the absence of a control group. Also,
dies investigating the effect of the SNAG manual
the benefits noted in the current study were only
technique or self-SNAG exercise to improve C1-C2
assessed immediately post-intervention and no long-
rotation. Significant improvement on pain intensity
term follow-up was performed. Patient sample size is
(VAS) was observed when using the technique alone
another important limitation. Although the sample size
in 3 studies [23,24] and disability due to neck pain
required to determine the effect of our intervention on
(NDI) was observed when using the technique alone
overall pain was respected, normality of data could not
in 4 studies [22–24]. HA episode duration was also
be reached. This sample size calculation did not
measured and significantly improved in one of these
include other important outcomes such as CFRT, self-
studies [24].
perceived physical function and pain-related cogni­
Other authors assessed physical function in head­
tive-affective factors. Therefore, generalization of
ache patients with the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6)
these results is not indicated. Another limitation lies
[21,22] and the Headache Activities of Daily Living
in the fact that many steps of the project were
Index (HADLI) [21] to measure the effectiveness of
entrusted to the same person, including selection of
the C1-C2 SNAG mobilization technique. In these stu­
participants, pre-and post-intervention measurements,
dies, SNAG mobilizations demonstrated significant
as well as performing the intervention. This could lead
improvement on both the HIT-6 and HADLI. Finally,
to potential bias in patient response as well as data
one study reported significant improvements in HA
collection, and might influence the results.
severity, including pain intensity, frequency and dura­
tion as well as neck-perceived physical function with
the sole use of self-SNAG exercise [18].
Implications for practice
Biomechanical impairments were less commonly
reported in previous studies. Significant improvement in The results of the current study contribute to support
neck active range of motion with the SNAG manual tech­ the use of Mulligan’s SNAG and self-SNAG in the man­
nique was reported by 23, and 22. Significant improve­ agement of patients with CGH by showing the poten­
ment on CFRT [restricted side) with the self-SNAG exercise tial benefits of different aspects of pain and physical
was reported by 18. The CFRT was also measured pre-and impairments.
post-intervention by 21, and showed an improvement of
13º, but no statistical analysis was provided.
Implications for research
Self-reported outcome measures used for pain-related
Strengths and Limitations cognitive-affective factors were not specifically vali­
Considering previous studies, the current authors used dated for the CGH population and failed to demon­
the Mulligan approach as practiced in clinical settings, strate the presence of these factors in our sample.
including in-clinical manual treatment and a home However, pain catastrophizing may be involved in
exercise program to maintain progress and self-suffi­ CGH and would therefore warrant further studies.
ciency. The authors also used a specific exercise The current results suggest that the C1-C2 SNAG
dosage (intervention procedures], which is easily technique, combined with self-SNAG exercises, might
reproducible in a clinical setting or in future studies. have a positive effect on pain catastrophizing and
The authors included outcomes measuring different kinesiophobia. Therefore, such measurement tools
aspects of pain, as well as biomechanical features could be validated with the CGH population and be
related to CGH. The variety of measurement tools included in interventional studies.
used in our study allowed us to appreciate the involve­ The association between the C1-C2 rotation
ment of biomechanics as well as pain, physical func­ range of motion during the CFRT and treatment
tion, and cognitive-affective factors. This is an response should be further explored, as this
important strength of our study when considering study’s sample size was not large enough to
the actual knowledge on CGH pathophysiology, man­ reach a level of statistical power that could ade­
ual therapy mechanisms and chronic pain develop­ quately answer our research question. Another
ment. The use of a manual approach combining a study with a larger sample size and a precise
hands-on intervention with a home-exercise program methodology might be able to add additional
targeting C1-C2 segment seems beneficial for multiple information, which could lead to a better under­
aspects of pain and disability. standing of the CFRT’s value.

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between cervicogenic headache and impairment
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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. between cervicogenic headache and impairment
determined by the flexion-rotation test. J
Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010c;33(9):666–671.
[13] Hall TM, Briffa K, Hopper D, et al. Comparative analysis
Notes on contributors and diagnostic accuracy of the cervical flexion-rotation
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Appendices tonia/limb weakness, anhidrosis, hearing disturbances,

malaise, perioral dysesthesia, photophobia, papillary
Appendix 1: List of contraindications to cervical manipula­ changes, clumsiness, agitation)
tive therapy ● signs and symptoms of internal carotid insufficiency
(carotidynia, ptosis, transient retinal dysfunction, transi­
● uncontrolled cardiovascular disease (such as hyperten­ ent ischemic attacks, cerebrovascular accidents)
sion, hypercholesterolemia, etc.) ● cranial nerve dysfunction
● multi-level nerve root pathology ● hindbrain stroke (e.g. Wallenberg’s syndrome, locked-in
● worsening neurological function syndrome)
● unremitting, severe, non-mechanical pain ● signs and symptoms of upper cervical instability (bilat­
● unremitting night pain eral foot and hand dysesthesia, feeling of a lump in
● recent trauma (less than 6 weeks) the throat, metallic taste in the mouth, arm and leg
● upper motor neuron lesions weakness, lack of coordination bilaterally, positive
● spinal cord damage instability tests)11
● signs and symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (diz­ ● Osteoporosis
ziness, diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, drop attacks, nau­ ● Hyperlaxity Syndrome (ex: Marfan syndrome)
sea, nystagmus, facial numbness, ataxia, vomiting, ● Down’s Syndrome
hoarseness, loss of short-term memory, vagueness, hypo­ ● Local infection

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