Questionnaire Theme II - Final

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Author : A. Partomuan Pohan
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1. Does the Notary have a role at the time of the Natural Person’s conception, in
particular in the in vitro fertilization?
• Invalidate the presence of Notary intervention in vitro fertilization, since
there is no legal text nor case law permitting vitro fertilization and the
Islamic Law in Indonesia also prohibit the Vitro Fertilization
2. Does the notary have a role at the time of the Natural Person’s birth?
• To affirm the role of the Notary at the time of Natural Person’s birth,
according to the Article 49 of Population Administration Laws No. 23 year
of 2006 (“Sisminduk Law”) the recognition of a child born outside of legal
marriage can be done by the biological father with the consent of the
child’s mother, by signing a notarial deed.
3. What is the role of the notary in identifying the Natural Person?
• To affirm that the Indonesian Notary is required to be familiar with-and to
certify the identity of a Natural Person, who makes notarial deed in front
of the Notary, by stating his/her data of personal identities as stated in
his/her citizen identity card or passport
4. What steps does the notary use to solve the difficulties related to the existence
and the identification of the Natural Person?
• In the event the Notary is not familiar with the Natural Person, or the
Notary is in doubt with the identity of the Natural Person, then aside from
the data from the Natural Person identity card or passport, the Notary may

ask the identities of the Natural Person to be confirmed by 2 (two) identity
witnesses who are known by the Notary.
5. What is the role of the notary in the determination of filiation?
• To affirm the role of Indonesian Notary in the determination of filiation,
by making a notarial deed executed by the father providing
acknowledgement being the biological father of a Natural Person.
According to the Article 49 of the Laws No.23 year of 2006 (“Sisminduk
Law”) the acknowledgement of the biological father need consent from the
mother of the Natural Person.
6. Does the notary intervene in the recognition of paternity?
• To affirm the role of Indonesian Notary intervene in the recognition of
paternity in the making of notarial deed executed by the father providing
acknowledgement of being the biological father of a Natural Person.
7. Does the notary play an important role in the plenary adoption?
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary plays important role in the Plenary
Adoption for the Indonesian citizen, who is belong to Chinese origin, for
that purpose the Indonesian Notary should ensure that all requirements
under Stbl. 1917 No. 129 have been fulfilled, and after the signing such
deed, then the Plenary Adoption has been effective. However, pursuant to
the Governmental Rule No. 54 year 2007, the Plenary Adoption for the
Indonesian citizen who are not Chinese Origin is not subject to the Stbl.
1917 No. 127, but since 3rd October 2007 will have to comply with the
Governmental Rule No. 54 year 2007 which requires that the Plenary
Adoption should require the Decision of the Court of Justice, and no
notarial plenary adoption deed is required.
8. Does the notary play an important role in simple adoption?
• From the Indonesian Notary’s point of view a “Simple Adoption” is not an
adoption in the technical sense, and Indonesian Notary, therefore does not
have any role in the making of such notarial deed.
9. What is the role of the notary in the emancipation of the minor?

• Indonesian Notary does not have any role related to the emancipation of
the Minor, since there is none of the notarial deed is required for the
Minor emancipation
10. What is the role of the notary in the protection of persons who may become
vulnerable, particularly in the drafting of:
- the power of attorney which allows to designate the person (s) empowered to
take care of you and / or your patrimony, in case you are no longer able to do so.
It also allows organizing in advance, the protection of a minor child or a disabled
adult. It is a "tailor-made" protection, as decided by the person concerned (and
not imposed by law). This will prevent the opening of a tutelage or curatorship.
- guardianship or anticipatedcuratorship for others which allows parents to
anticipate the possible tutelage or curatorship that could be put in place in the
future for their adult child as of the day when they themselves will die or will not
be able anymore to continue to take care of the person concerned. They will be
able to designate the future tutor or curator.
• A living will may contain a power attorney to represent the testator to take
care of the testator or his/her assets, his/her minor child, or to be put in
the future for the Testator adult son/daughter as of the day when the
Testator will die or will not be able anymore to continue to take care of the
person concerned.
• The role of the Notary is to advise the testator on the arrangement of the
accountability of the management of assets or the management of the
child or the enable adult son/daughter, and to whom such accountability
will be given, and the extreme situation when the attorney may be replaced
11. What is the role of the notary in the protection of vulnerable natural persons
(minors, illiterate, physically and mentally disabled, women, surviving spouse,
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary is required to protect the vulnerable
natural persons such as minors, illiterate, and mentally disabled; not to be
illiterate with legal knowledge related to the notarial deed which is to be
signed before the Indonesian Notary. Therefore the notarial deed should

be read by the Indonesian Notary to the signing parties; to make them
understand with the content of said notarial deed which has to be in
conformance with what they agree to doing so and the vulnerable natural
person such as minor, mentally disabled party should be represented by
his/her parent or guardian, and the Indonesian Notary who make the
notarial deed, shall ensure that the notarial deed is understood by the
signig parties and it is really in conformance with what they want.
Under the Indonesian Laws, women having legal capacity to sign notarial
deed without the assistance or approval from her spouse, except in
relation with their joint property while for the physically disabled appearer
who is unable to affix his/her signature the position of signature can be
the replaced with the statement at the closing part of the notarial deed
12. What is the role of the notary in the search for social cohesion and the protection
of human rights?
• The urgency and role of the notary in social cohesion and human rights
perspective is very dominant in the process of upholding, protecting and
fulfilling human rights in Indonesia. The duties, authority of the notary are
delegations from the state to service the community, not a profession of
national development, of course, is increasingly widespread and growing.
Fluency and the notary profession in carrying out the duties and
authorities granted by the state for public services. The government who
gives part of its authority to the Notary, through the Laws of Indonesian
Notary Duty (”UUJN”), and also the people who use the services of a
notary certainly has the expectation that the services provided by the
notary really have reliable values and weights, in addition to providing
legal certainty to legal subjects, providing justice ad security in society, can
also protect the community from disputes and fulfil the basic rights
guaranteed by the constitution for citizen.
The role of the notary as a public official as well as the legal profession
must prioritize service to the community. The function and role of a notary
in legal mobility in society is urgently needed as outlined in the provisions

of Article 16 of UUJN concerning the obligation of a notary is very urgent
in order to ensure legal certainty and order, protection, and fulfilment of
human rights with the truth. Authentic deed made by a notary clearly
determine the rights with the truth. Authentic deeds made by a notary
clearly determine the rights and obligations of the parties as legal subjects
in society, something that is not less important that the existence of an
authentic deed itself is, if an expectation manifested to avoid a dispute,
and this is one significant difference between a notary and an advocate. As
Tan Thong Kie (author and retired Indonesian Notary) said, “an advocate
defends a person´s rights when a difficulty arises, then a notary must try
to prevent such difficulties from occurring”-
Based on the spirit of the notary legal duties, we can know that the duties
and roles of notary in legal mobility in society and urgently needed to
uphold the Social Cohesion at the same time, protect and fulfil human
rights in the form of rights to justice and security as legal subjects for
welfare and prosperity.
So important is the obligation mandated by the UUJN to Indonesian
Notary in accommodating community needs, can be qualified into 2 (two)
things, namely:
1. Preventing disputes in the community. This is the main task of a
notary, namely, formulating the desires/actions the parties or the
people who need them in an authentic deed, taking into account the
applicable legal rules, so that they can guarantee certainty, order and
legal protection with truth and justice.
2. Resolving disputes that cannot be avoided in the community. Notary
deeds as authentic deeds have perfect proof power. If there is a dispute,
so that it does not need to be proven or added with other evidence, if
there is a person or party who assesses or states that the deed is not
true, then the person/party who assesses or states that it is not true
must be proved the judgement or statement apply. So that dispute
resolution in the community can be resolved immediately.

13. What is the role of the notary in the recognition of legal personality and
• To affirm that position of an Indonesian Notary as a trusted position will
encourage anyone (the clients) be willing to entrust something to the
Notary as requested by the Notary or voluntarily given by the Clients;
including data on legal personality and legal capacity of someone (the
clients), as well as some other information, even not all of which are
included in the notarial deed made by the Notary. The Notary should keep
the data or information entrusted by someone (the clients) to the Notary
confidentially, unless it is needed to be disclosed to the authorised
authority pursuant to the prevailing laws.
14. What is the role of the notary in the formalization of marriage? the choice of a
matrimonial regime?
• To affirm that the Indonesian Notary has role in the formalisation of
marriage; in making the choice of matrimonial regime by the getting
married spouses, namely by the making of a Prenuptial Agreement in front
of the Notary, in which the spouses shall choose what kind of matrimonial
regime will be applicable to the marriage to be performed by them
15. What is the role of the notary in de facto unions and other forms of union or
partnership between legal persons?
• Invalidate the role of the Indonesian Notary in de facto unions and other
forms of union or partnership between legal persons, because those are
considered immoral and against the religions in Indonesia.
16. What is the role of the notary in the consolidation of relations between natural
• Invalidate the role of the Indonesian Notary in the consolidation or
relations between natural person is considered immoral and against the
religions in Indonesia.
17. What is the role of the notary in the management of matrimonial crises?

• To affirm the role of Indonesian Notary in the management of
matrimonial crises, in first step if both spouses may accept the Indonesian
Notary to perform mediation for reconciliation between the spouses.
Failure reconciliation, the role of the Indonesian Notary is to make
recommendation to the spouses to enter into an agreement for a peaceful
arrangement on separation of matrimonial properties.
18. What is the role of the notary in the simplification of separations, in disunion?
(divorce by mutual consent)?
• Invalidate the role of Indonesian Notary in the, “Divorce by Mutual
Consent” which is not permitted in Indonesia, all divorce to be binding
need Court Decision.
19. What role can the notary play in the case of serious and irreversible illness (will
or life testament)?
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary may have role in the case of serious and
irreversible illness, to the extent that the serious and irreversible person
still able to communicate with the Notary sufficiently clear to inform the
Notary what is the will of the sick person, and the sick person in the other
hand still able to hear and understand the notary respond to his will and
understand the reading the will and testament by the Notary in front of the
witnesses, it is advisable to request one of the medical personal to be
willing to be one of the witnesses in the making of the deed of
will/testament, and will teach the sick person to give code/respond toshow
if he/she does agree or not agree with what said or read by the Notary.
20. What is the role of the notary in the management of the estate (deposit of the will,
validation of the will, division of property, waiver, and acceptance)?
• To affirm the Indonesian Notary have role in the management of the
Estate as provided under the Laws on Notary Duty No. 30 year 2004 (as
amended), Article 16 paragraph, stated:
1. The Notary should make list of will and Testament (include the
vacant list which have been made by the Notary consecutively
during this month

2. The list of Will and testament of the relevant month (including the
vacant list should be sent to the central registry of testament
Minister of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia
within 5 (five) days on the first week of the following
21. What is the role of the notary in managing the assets of the Natural Person?
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary does not have the rigth to manage
directly the assets of the Natural Person, but the Indonesian Notary by
giving a clear explaination on the clauses to be included in the contract,
which to be signed by the Natural Person in front of the Notary, by where
the assets of the Natural Person will be involved and managed; indirectly
can be said the said Notary has play role in the management of the assets
of the Natural Person;
22. What is the role of the notary in protecting the assets of the natural person?
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary may have the role in protecting the
assets of the Natural Person, by explaining clearly to the Natural Person
regarding the clauses or term in the draft of the contract which not protect
adequately the exisitency of the Assets of the Parties.
23. What is the role of the notary in transmitting the assets of the natural person in
his lifetime (transmission in the internal order, transmission in an international
situation, protection of vulnerable persons)?
• To affirm that the Role of Indonesian Notary to find out clearly on what
- the need and the request of the Natural Person;
- Prevailing Laws that regulated the transaction;
- the best alternatives, which are closest to the need dan the request of
the Natural Person but not contravene with the Prevailing Laws either
National Laws, and as well as International Laws (for transmission in
International situation).
24. What is the role of the notary in the conflict management between natural
persons, notably the use of alternative dispute resolution methods?

• To affirm the Role of Indonesian Notary in the conflict management
between Natural Person is to persuade and convince the conflicting
Natural Person, to enter into and sign in front of the Notary the Deed of
Amicable Settlement, to settle the dispute amicably.
25. What is the role of the notary in the prevention of family conflicts, use of courts?
• To affirm that Indonesian Notary, in many cases; the senior/old
Indonesian Notary in many cases are requested to give (legal) advices on
family problem or disputes by his/her old clients, and in many cases the
advices of the senior/old Notary are listened and performed by the client.
The role of Notary will be bigger when the Natural Person and his/her
family may agree that the principles or rules which have conducted
regularly in the family among others regarding how the family members
and how the family business will be run, all of which were formerly taken
before the advises of the senior Notary, now will be formalized into Family
Charter in a notarial deed to be made by the same senior Notary.
26. What role does the notary play in managing non-contentious court situations?
• Similar role of the Notary in the Answer no.25 may be applied basicly to
the questionnaire no.26
27. Is the notary’s intervention in the life of the natural person a standardized or
tailored practice?
• Should tailor-practice; for each family has its own characteristic.
28. What is the role of the notary in addressing the difficulties related to the growing
mobility of natural persons (migration)?
• The Indonesian Notary is not involve too much of migration, aside from
Notary’s role to give sufficient information to the immigrants about the
Prevailing Laws of Indonesia which related to the transaction which will be
transacted but the new immigtants.
29. What is the role of the notary in addressing the difficulties arising from the
internationality of natural persons ‘life?
• To give relevant informations regarding the difference between the Laws
in Indonesia with those in foreign country.

30. What is the role of the notary in the management of changing morals?
31. What are the difficulties faced by the notary in his relationships with the natural
• Sometime to know and understand and trust each other need time.
32. Are the notary's services sufficiently solicited by the natural person?
• Yes, after the client knows about it, but not instantly.
33. Does the notary intervene sufficiently and properly in the life of the natural
• Notary only perform her role if it is asked by the client
34. Are there any textual or practical weaknesses that prevent the notary's
involvement in the life of the natural person?
• Legal textual trend to reduce the Notary involvement, e.g. in the Plenary
Adoption (except for Chinesi Origin) no longer need Notarial Deed.
35. Other national specificities?
• The fast growing number of new Notaries tends to reduce the quality
performance of several Notaries.


1) Apakah Notaris memiliki peran 1) Does the Notary have a role at

pada saat proses pembuahan the time of the natural person’s
manusia, khususnya dalam in conception, in particular in the
vitro fertilization? in vitro fertilization?

Perlindungan hukum adalah suatu Legal protection is a protection afforded

perlindungan yang diberikan terhadap to legal subject in the form of legal
subjek hukum dalam bentuk perangkat instruments, both preventive and
hukum, baik yang bersifat preventif repressive. In other words, legal
maupun yang bersifat represif. Dengan protection is in an illustration of legal
bersifat preventif maupun kata lain, function that aims to give justice, order,
perlindungan hukum merupakan suatu expediency and peace. Legal protection
gambaran dari fungsi hukum yang also understood as a guarantee from
bertujuan untuk memberikan suatu government to give protection to
keadilan, ketertiban, kemanfaatan dan community in carrying out its functions
kedamaian. Perlindungan hukum juga rights, obligation and role in
dipahami sebagai jaminan perlindungan accordance with applicable provisions.
pemerintah dan atau masyarakat dalam
melaksanakan fungsi, hak, kewajiban
dan peranannya sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang berlaku. Hubungan Relation between Notary’s legislation
antara peraturan perundang-undangan with a baby in the womb is inheritance
Notaris dengan bayi yang ada di relationship. The distribution of
Kandungan adalah dalam hubungan inheritance is carried out if the child is
Pewarisan. pembagian waris tersebut in the womb is born alive. However if he
dilakukan jika si anak dalam kandungan dies at birth then the child is considered
lahir hidup. Namun, jika dia meninggal never to exist (article 2 of the civil code).
saat dilahirkan, maka anak tersebut consid
dianggap tidak pernah ada (pasal 2
dies a
2) Apakah Notaris memiliki peran 2) Does the notary have a role at
pada saat kelahiran manusia? the time of the natural person’s

Dalam lingkup hukum keluarga, Within the scope of family law, it is

diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa known that there are several types of
jenis status hukum bagi seorang anak, legal status for a child, among others,

antara lain yaitu: anak sah, anak luar namely: legitimate child, illegitimate
kawin (ALK), dan anak angkat atau child, and adopted child. Regulation
adopsi. Ketentuan mengenai hukum related to family law reffered to the Law
keluarga ini utamanya mengacu pada of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1
Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 Year 1974 concerning Marriage
tentang Perkawinan (UUP). UUP tidak (hereinafter reffered to as UUP) does
mengatur secara terperinci mengenai not regulate in detail the status of
status anak dalam perkawinan, children in marriage, as well as
demikian juga Peraturan Pemerintah Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975
No. 9 Tahun 1975 tentang pelaksanaan concerning the implementation of UUP.
UUP juga tidak mengaturnya. UUP UUP only regulates legitimate child and
hanya mengatur tentang Anak Sah dan illegitimate child, while adopted
ALK, sedangkan anak adopsi atau anak children are not regulated. Therefore,
angkat tidak diatur. Oleh karenanya, related to the issue of child’s status and
jika menyangkut masalah status anak child's rights, the legislation that is used
dan hak-hak anak, maka peraturan as a reference does not only refer to the
perundangan yang dijadikan rujukan UUP, but also other laws and
tidak hanya mengacu pada UUP saja, regulations such as Law No. 23 of 2002
tetapi juga peraturan perundang- concerning Child Protection and Law
undangan yang lainnya seperti Undang- No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population
Undang No. 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Administration (hereinafter reffered to
Perlindungan Anak dan Undang- as Sisminduk Law).
Undang No. 23 Tahun 2006 tentang
Administrasi Kependudukan (UU
1. Anak Sah 1. Legitimate child
Anak sah adalah anak yang dilahirkan Legitimate child is child born into or due
dalam atau akibat perkawinan yang sah. to legal marriage. This is regulated in
Hal ini diatur dalam UUP khususnya UUP especially Article 42. Legitimate
Pasal 42. Keturunan yang sah ancestry are based on the existence of a
didasarkan atas adanya perkawinan legitimate marriage. The status of
yang sah. Status anak sah mendapatkan legitimate child gets more clear legal
perlindungan hukum yang lebih jelas protection compared to the status of
dibandingkan dengan status anak yang other child.
2. Anak Luar Kawin 2. Illegitimate child
Ketentuan tentang anak luar kawin Provisions regarding illegitimate child
diatur dalam Pasal 43 UUP, yaitu anak are regulated in Article 43 UUP, which
yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan dan is child born outside of marriage and
hanya mempunyai hubungan perdata only have civil relationship with their
dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. mother and family. In dealing with

Dalam menghadapi persolan tentang complaints about the status of the child,
status anak, masih diperlukan rujukan referrals are still required to be
yang diatur dalam KUH Perdata, regulated in the Civil Code, because the
dikarenakan penjabaran tentang jenis description of the type of illegitimate
ALK lebih luas dibanding UUP. child is wider than the UUP. However, it
Meskipun demikian harus diingat must be remembered that the Civil Code
bahwa KUH Perdata berlandaskan pada is based on the laws of Western society.
hukum masyarakat Barat. Kategori ALK The illegitimate child category consists
terdiri dari tiga, yaitu: of three, namely:
• ALK yang ayah dan ibunya tidak • Illegitimate child whose mother and
ada larangan untuk kawin. Artinya father have no prohibition to marry.
jika nantinya kedua orang tuanya This means that if later both parents are
menikah, maka ALK dapat diakui married, then the illegitimate child can
sebagai anak sah dan masuk dalam be recognized as a legitimate child and
perkawinan yang dilakukan oleh enter into marriage carried out by their
orang tuanya. Jikapun kedua orang parents. Even if both parents are not
tuanya tidak menikah, maka si anak married, the child can still be recognized
tetap dapat diakui oleh orang by his parents as illegitimate child.
tuanya sebagai ALK.
• Anak sumbang, yaitu anak yang • A discordant child, that is, a child born
dilahirkan akibat hubungan antara due to the relationship between two
dua orang yang terlarang untuk people who are forbidden to get married
menikah karena masih adanya because there is still a blood
hubungan darah. relationship.
• Anak Zina, yaitu anak yang lahir • Child of adultery, that is, child born
dari hubungan laki-laki dan from a relationship between men and
perempuan yang dilarang kawin women who are prohibited from
atau dari laki-laki dan perempuan marrying or from men and women, one
yang salah satu atau keduanya or both are married to another party.
terikat dengan perkawinan dengan This is due to the use of absolute
pihak lain. Hal ini dikarenakan monogamous principles in the Civil
dipakainya asas monogami mutlak Code, so those who are married and
dalam KUH Perdata, sehingga have illicit relationships with other
mereka yang sudah menikah dan partners, then child born from these
memiliki hubungan terlarang illegal relationships will never be
dengan pasangan lain, maka anak recognized.
yang lahir dari hubungan tidak sah
tersebut tidak akan pernah bisa
UU Sisminduk lebih memberikan The Sisminduk Law gives more rules
aturan tentang bagaimana pelaksanaan about how to implement the recognition

pengakuan dan pengesahan anak oleh and legitimation of children by their
orang tuanya. Di dalam Penjelasan parents. In the Elucidation of Article 49,
Pasal 49 disebutkan tentang anak yang it is stated about the child whose parents
oleh orang tuanya hendak dilakukan wish to confess, which states that "child
pengakuan, dimana disebutkan bahwa recognition" is the recognition of a
“pengakuan anak” adalah pengakuan father of a child born outside of a legal
seorang ayah terhadap anaknya yang marriage with the consent of the child's
lahir di luar ikatan perkawinan sah atas mother. Thus, in order to be able to have
persetujuan ibu kandung anak tersebut. a legal relationship with their parents,
Dengan demikian, untuk dapat memiliki especially biological father, then the
hubungan hukum dengan orang tuanya, illegitimate child needs to be taken legal
khususnya ayah kandung, maka action in advance by their biological
terhadap ALK perlu dilakukan tindakan father.
hukum pengakuan terlebih dahulu oleh
ayah kandungnya.
Terminologi pengesahan anak berbeda The terminology of child legitimation is
dengan pengakuan anak, meskipun different from the recognition of a child,
diketahui bahwa anak yang dilakukan although it is known that the child who
pengakuan ataupun pengesahan adalah is confessed or endorsed is illegitimate
sama ALK. Tindakan pengesahan anak child. The act of legitimation of children
menurut Penjelasan Pasal 50 ayat (1) according to the Explanation of Article
UU Sisminduk adalah “pengesahan 50 paragraph (1) of the Sisminduk Act is
status seorang anak yang lahir di luar "legitimation of the status of a legal
ikatan perkawinan sah pada saat child born outside the marriage at the
pencatatan perkawinan kedua orang tua time of the marriage recording of the
anak tersebut”. Dapat disimpulkan parents of the child". It can be concluded
bahwa pengakuan anak terjadi that child recognition occurs because in
dikarenakan pada akhirnya kedua orang the end both parents are not husband
tuanya bukan merupakan pasangan and wife, while child legitimation can be
suami-isteri, sedangkan pengesahan done if the male and female parents of
anak dapat dilakukan jika laki-laki dan the child, eventually become a legitimate
perempuan orang tua si anak, akhirnya husband and wife partner. For the
menjadi pasangan suami-isteri yang interests of the legal status of their
sah. Untuk kepentingan status hukum children who are brought into a legal
anak mereka yang dibawa masuk ke marriage, legal action is required for
dalam perkawinan yang sah, maka child approval. This is because the child
diperlukan tindakan hukum pengesahan is born not in a legitimate marriage, so
anak. Hal ini mengingat si anak lahir the birth certificate of the child is only
tidak dalam sebuah perkawinan yang the name of his mother.
sah, sehingga dalam akta kelahiran si
anak hanya tercantum nama ibunya.

Anak Angkat Adopted children
Mengenai anak angkat tidak diatur Regarding adopted children, it is not
dalam UUP maupun KUH Perdata. regulated in UUP or the Civil Code.
Ketentuan tentang anak angkat dapat Provisions regarding adopted children
dilihat dalam UU Perlindungan Anak. can be seen in the Child Protection Act.
Dalam Pasal 1 angka 9 disebutkan In Article 1 number 9, the definition of
pengertian anak angkat yaitu “anak adopted child is "a child whose rights
yang haknya dialihkan dari lingkungan are transferred from the family
kekuasaan keluarga orang tua, wali yang environment of a parent, legal
sah, atau orang lain yang bertanggung guardian, or other person responsible
jawab atas perawatan, pendidikan, dan for care, education, and raising the child
membesarkan anak tersebut ke dalam into the adoptive parents' environment
lingkungan orang tua angkatnya based on a verdict or court decision ".
berdasarkan putusan atau penetapan Towards adopted child is required to
pengadilan”. Terhadap anak angkat ini adopt a legal procedure for adoption.
diperlukan tindakan hukum Explanation of Article 47 paragraph (1)
pengangkatan anak. Penjelasan Pasal 47 of the Sisminduk Law states that "What
ayat (1) UU Sisminduk menyatakan is meant by adoption of children" is a
bahwa “Yang dimaksud dengan legal act to transfer the rights of a child
“pengangkatan anak” adalah perbuatan from the family environment of a
hukum untuk mengalihkan hak anak parent, legal guardian, or other person
dari lingkungan kekuasaan keluarga responsible for care, education and
orang tua, wali yang sah, atau orang lain raising children into the family of the
yang bertanggung jawab atas adoptive parents based on a judgment
perawatan, pendidikan dan or court decision ".
membesarkan anak tersebut ke dalam
lingkungan keluarga orang tua
angkatnya berdasarkan putusan atau
penetapan pengadilan”.
UU Perlindungan anak membedakan The Child Protection Law distinguishes
pengertian antara anak angkat dan anak the understanding between adopted
asuh. Anak angkat memiliki legitimasi children and foster children. Adopted
yang lebih kuat. Anak asuh dalam children have stronger legitimacy.
pengertian UU Perlindungan Anak Foster children in the meaning of the
adalah anak yang diasuh oleh seseorang Child Protection Law are children who
atau lembaga, untuk diberikan are cared for by a person or institution,
bimbingan, pemeliharaan, perawatan, to be given guidance, maintenance,
pendidikan, dan kesehatan, karena care, education, and health, because
orang tuanya atau salah satu orang their parents or one of their parents
tuanya tidak mampu menjamin tumbuh cannot guarantee the child's growth and
kembang anak secara wajar. development naturally.

3) Apa peran Notaris dalam 3) What is the role of the notary
mengidentifikasi manusia? in identifying the natural

Notaris berkewajiban secara langsung Notaries are obliged directly or

maupun tidak langsung untuk menjaga indirectly to keep the legal process
lancarnya proses hukum yang terjadi, running smoothly. Notaries in carrying
Notaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan out their duties and positions are very
jabatannya sangat penting untuk important to carry out the principle of
melaksanakan prinsip kehati-hatian prudence in the process of making
dalam proses pembuatan akta autentik, authentic deeds, considering the
mengingat seringnya terjadi frequent legal problems with authentic
permasalahan hukum terhadap akta deeds made by notaries because there
autentik yang dibuat notaris karena are parties who commit crimes such as
terdapat pihak-pihak yang melakukan giving fake letters and false information
kejahatan seperti memberikan surat into the deed made by a notary. So to
palsu dan keterangan palsu kedalam prevent crimes that can plunge notaries
akta yang dibuat notaris. Sehingga into legal matters, need to be
untuk mencegah terjadinya kejahatan - rearranged in the Act of Notary Position
kejahatan yang dapat menjerumuskan regarding the guidelines and guidance
notaris terlibat dalam permasalahan of the notary to act more carefully and
hukum, perlu diatur kembali dalam thoroughly in the process of making
Undang -Undang tentang pedoman dan authentic deeds. Legal consequences of
tuntunan notaris untuk bertindak lebih the agreement in the contents of the
cermat, teliti dan hati-hati dalam proses notary deed made based on fake letters
pem buatan akta autentik. Akibat and false information in accordance
hukum perjanjian dalam isi akta notaris with Article 1320 paragraph (4) and
yang dibuat berdasarkan surat palsu Article 1335 of the Civil Code, namely an
dan keterangan palsu sesuai Pasal 1320 agreement made based on a false one
ayat (4) dan Pasal 1335 KUHPerdata that is null and void (nitiegbaarheid)
yaitu suatu perjanjian yang dibuat and the deed made, its strength of proof
berdasarkan sebab yang palsu adalah is degraded from the authentic deed into
batal demi hukum (nitiegbaarheid) dan an unnotarized deed, but about the
akta yang dibuat kekuatan formal truth contained in the head and
pembuktiannya terdegradasi dari akta the closing of the deed remain binding
autentik menjadi akta dibawah tangan, on the parties who make it.
akan tetapi tentang kebenaran formal
yang terdapat dalam kepala dan
penutup akta tersebut tetap mengikat
para pihak yang membuatnya.
Notaris berkewajiban secara langsung Notaries are obliged directly or

atau tidak langsung untuk menjamin indirectly to guarantee a smooth legal
lancarnya proses hukum yang terjadi. process. Notary in carrying out their
Notaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan duties and leadership is very important
kepemimpinannya sangat penting untuk to apply the precautionary principle in
menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian the process of making authentic deeds,
dalam proses pembuatan akta autentik, can be used related to the law for
dapat digunakan terkait dengan hukum authentic deeds made by notaries
untuk akta autentik yang dibuat notaris related to the needs displayed the party
terkait dengan kebutuhan ditampilkan who commits a crime such as giving a
pihak yang melakukan kejahatan seperti fake letter and false information to a
memberikan surat palsu dan keterangan deed made by a notary.
palsu ke akta yang dibuat notaris.

4) Apa langkah notaris untuk 4) What steps does the notary

menyelesaikan kesulitan yang use to solve the difficulties
terkait dengan keberadaan dan related to the existence and the
identifikasi manusia? identification of the natural

Sesuai Pasal 16 ayat (1) Undang-Undang In reference to Article 16 paragraph (1)

nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan of Law number 2 year 2014 concerning
atas Undang-Undang nomor 30 tahun Amendment to Law number 30 year
2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris (UUJN), 2004 concerning the Notary Position
asas kecermatan bagi notaris dalam (hereinsfter refferd to as “ UUJN”), the
pembuatan akta, diwajibkan: principle of accuracy for notaries in
making deeds required are:
a. Mengenali para penghadap a. Recognize the parties based on the
berdasarkan identitas yang identity shown to the notary.
diperlihatkan kepada notaris.
b. Menanyakan, kemudian b. Ask, then listen and examine the will
mendengarkan dan mencermati of the parties.
keinginan atau kehendak para
c. Memeriksa bukti surat yang c. Check the documentary evidence
berkaitan dengan keinginan atau relating to the will of the parties.
kehendak para penghadap.
d. Memberikan saran dan membuat d. Give advice and make a deed
kerangka akta untuk memenuhi framework to fulfil the will of the
keinginan atau kehendak para parties.
e. Memenuhi segala teknik e. Fulfil all administrative techniques for

administratif pembuatan akta notaris, making notary deeds, such as: reading,
seperti: pembacaan, penandatanganan, signing, giving copies and filing for
memberikan salinan, dan pemberkasan minuta.
untuk minuta.
f. Melakukan kewajiban lain yang f. Perform other obligations relating to
berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan tugas the implementation of the duties of the
jabatan notaris. notary office.

Dalam pelaksanaan asas kehati-hatian To answer the question precisely in

atau asas kecermatan, notaris wajib implementing the principle of prudence
mempertimbangkan, melihat, or the principle of accuracy, notary
memeriksa, semua dokumen yang must consider, see, examine all
diperlihatkan para penghadap documents shown by the parties before
kepadanya sebelum membuat akta making an authentic deed. Including
otentik yang diperlukan para examining all available evidence,
penghadap. Termasuk meneliti semua listening to information, and statements
bukti yang ada, mendengarkan from the parties. The decision given by
keterangan, dan pernyataan para the notary must be based on juridical
penghadap. Keputusan yang diberikan arguments when describing procedural
notaris harus didasarkan pada procedures to the viewers, including
argumentasi yuridis ketika menjelaskan explaining later legal issues that arise.
prosedural kepada para penghadap,
termasuk menjelaskan masalah-
masalah hukum yang timbul di
kemudian hari.

Pelaksanaan asas kehati-hatian selain The implementation of the

kewajiban notaris merupakan satu di precautionary principle in addition to
antara cara pemberian perlindungan the notary obligation is one of the ways
tidak langsung diberikan oleh notaris in which indirect protection is provided
kepada para pihak atau para penghadap by the notary to the parties to anticipate
untuk mengantisipasi timbulnya risiko future risks, both risks for the parties
di kemudian hari baik risiko bagi para and the notary itself, both the risk of
pihak maupun bagi notaris itu sendiri, material loss and risk immaterial and
baik risiko kerugian materil maupun legal risk.
risiko immateril dan risiko hukum.

1. Bertanya kepada kepentingan 1. Ask questions of interest to Notary.

menghadap kepada Notaris. 2. Ask the audience to act as who and
2. Bertanya kepada penghadap for what.
bertindak sebagai siapa dan untuk 3. Checking the completeness of the

apa. data.
3. Pengecekan kelengkapan data. 4. Notaries customize the data given
4. Notaris menyesuaikan data yang against.
diberikan peghadap.

5) Apa peran Notaris dalam 5) What is the role of the notary

penentuan filiasi? in the determination of filiation?

Untuk memastikan validitas hukum To ensure legal validity through legal

melalui dokumen hukum. documents.

Seorang notaris sebagai pejabat publik A notary as a public official has the
memiliki wewenang untuk membuat authority to make an authentic deed
akta otentik sejauh pembuatan akta insofar as the making of certain
otentik tertentu tidak spesifik untuk authentic deeds is not specific to other
pejabat publik lainnya. Pembuatan public officials. The making of authentic
tindakan otentik diperlukan oleh deeds is required by legislation in order
undang-undang untuk menciptakan to create certainty, order and legal
kepastian, ketertiban dan perlindungan protection. In addition to authentic
hukum. Selain perbuatan otentik yang deeds made by or in the presence of a
dibuat oleh atau di hadapan notaris, notary, not only because they are
tidak hanya karena mereka diwajibkan required by legislation, also because
oleh undang-undang, juga karena they are desired by interested parties to
mereka diinginkan oleh pihak yang ensure the rights and obligations of the
berkepentingan untuk memastikan hak parties for certainty, order and legal
dan kewajiban para pihak untuk protection for interested parties at once,
kepastian, ketertiban dan perlindungan for society as a whole.
hukum bagi yang tertarik pihak
sekaligus, untuk masyarakat secara

Kepastian, ketertiban, dan perlindungan Certainty, order, and legal protection

hukum mensyaratkan, antara lain, bahwa require, among other things, that legal
lalu lintas hukum dalam kehidupan traffic in people's lives requires tools
manusia membutuhkan alat dan bukti and evidence that clearly determines
yang secara jelas menentukan hak dan one's rights and obligations as a subject
kewajiban seseorang sebagai subjek law in society.
hukum dalam masyarakat.

6) Apakah notaris ikut campur 6) Does the notary intervene in

dalam pengakuan ayah? the recognition of paternity?

Tidak Bisa. Karena ditugaskan oleh It was assigned by another official and
pejabat lain dan bukan kewenangan not a notary authority

7) Apakah Notaris memiliki 7) Does the notary play an

peranan penting dalam adopsi important role in the plenary
pleno? adoption?

o Peran notaris dalam pengangkatan anak The role of notary in adopting

sesuai dengan pasal 8 Peraturan children in accordance with Article 8
Pemerintah (PP) RI No. 54 tahun 2007 of the Government Regulation of
Tentang Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Republic of Indonesia No. 54 of 2007
Anak, pengangkatan anak yang dikenal concerning the Implementation of
di Indonesia yakni pengangkatan anak Child Appointment, the adoption of
sesuai hukum adat kebiasaaan setempat children known in Indonesia, namely
dan sesuai peraturan perundangan adoption of children in accordance
yakni melalui penetapan pengadilan. with local customary law and in
Dengan adanya PP No. 54 menurut accordance with laws and
pendapat saya notaris tidak lagi regulations, namely through the
memiliki peran yang strategis dalam establishment of courts. The existence
pengangkatan anak seperti yang diatur of Government Regulation No. 54, in
dalam stastblad 1917 nomor 129 yang my opinion, the public notary no
mensyaratkan akta notaris dalam longer has a strategic role in adopting
pengangkatan anak dan seyogyanya the child as stipulated in the 1917
dengan memerlukan penetapan number 129 statute which requires a
pengadilan dalam pengangkatan anak notary deed in adoption and should
dapat lebih meminimalisir pelanggaran require the establishment of a court in
adopsi. Peranan notaris dalam adopting a child to further minimize
pembuatan akta pengangkatan anak the violation of adoption. The role of
sesudah berlakunya PP Nomor 54 the notary in making a certificate of
Tahun 2007, yaitu notaris dapat adoption after the entry into force of
berperan dalam memberikan bimbingan Government Regulation Number 54
terhadap pelaksanaan pengangkatan of 2007, namely a notary can play a
anak melalui penyuluhan, konsultasi role in providing guidance on the
kepada para pihak yang berhubungan implementation of adoption through
dengan pengangkatan anak. Hal counseling, consultation with parties
tersebut dilakukan agar masyarakat related to adoption. This is done so
khususnya para pihak dalam perbuatan that the community, especially parties
hukum pengangkatan anak, in legal actions adoption of children,
mendapatkan informasi dan memahami obtaining information and

tentang persyaratan, prosedur dan tata understanding about the
cara pengangkatan anak. Karena dalam requirements, procedures and
penyuluhan dan konsultasi mengenai procedures for adopting children.
perbuatan hukum yang hendak Because in counseling and
dilakukan para pihak, notaris harus consultation regarding legal actions
merujuk pada peraturan perundang- to be carried out by the parties, the
undangan yang berkaitan dengan notary must refer to the laws and
perbuatan hukum tersebut. regulations relating to said legal

8) Apakah Notaris memiliki peran 8) Does the notary play an

penting dalam adopsi sederhana? important role in simple

o Menurut pendapat saya dengan In my opinion with the enactment of

berlakunya PP Nomor 54 Tahun 2007 Government Regulation Number 54 of
Tentang Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan 2007 concerning the Implementation
Anak peran notaris dalam adopsi of Child Appointment the role of
sederhana (terlebih pengangkatan anak notaries in simple adoption (especially
golongan tionghoa) juga hanya the appointment of Chinese children)
memberikan saran hukum, bimbingan also only provides legal advice,
terhadap pelaksanaan pengangkatan guidance on the implementation of
anak melalui penyuluhan, konsultasi adoption through counseling,
kepada para pihak yang berhubungan consultation with parties related to
dengan pengangkatan anak guna adoption to reduce violations and
mengurangi pelanggaran dan abuse in the implementation of
penyalahgunaan dalam pelaksanaan adoption.
pengangkatan anak.

9) Apa peran notaris dalam 9) What is the role of the notary

emansipasi anak di bawah umur? in the emancipation of the

o Notaris harus berperan aktif terutama Notaries must play an active role,
dalam memberikan saran hukum yang especially in providing fair and
adil dan tidak berpihak, terutama jika impartial legal advice, especially if
anak dibawah umur yang dimungkinkan minors are allowed to do a legal act
melakukan suatu perbuatan hukum baik either to make a contract or other legal
membuat kontrak atau hubungan relationship without requiring a
hukum lain tanpa memerlukan wali atau guardian or court jurisdiction. Of course
yuridiksi pengadilan. Tentu the supervision and advice of a notary is

pengawasan dan saran notaris sangat very necessary and influential
diperlukan dan berpengaruh mengingat considering thinking and emotional
kematangan berfikir dan emosional maturity of child in making decisions
anak dalam membuat keputusan dan and accountability in making legal
pertanggung jawabannya dalam actions and to ensure the
membuat perbuatan hukum dan guna accommodating of the balance of rights
memastikan terakomodirnya and obligations in a legal relationship.
keseimbangan hak dan kewajiban dalam
suatu hubungan hukum.

10) Apa peranan dari Notaris 10) What is the role of the notary
dalam perlindungan orang-orang in the protection of persons who
yang mungkin menjadi rentan, may become vulnerable,
khususnya dalam penyusunan: particularly in the drafting of:
- surat kuasa yang memungkinkan - the power of attorney which
untuk menunjuk orang yang allows to designate the person
ditunjuk untuk merawat Anda dan (s) empowered to take care of
/atau mengurus warisan Anda, you and / or your patrimony, in
jika Anda tidak lagi mampu case you are no longer able to do
melakukannya. Ini juga so. It also allows organizing in
memungkinkan pengaturan di advance, the protection of a
awal, perlindungan anak dibawah minor child or a disabled adult.
umur atau orang dewasa yang It is a specific protection, as
tidak cakap. Ini adalah decided by the person concerned
perlindungan yang dibuat khusus, (and not imposed by law). This
sebagaimana diputuskan oleh will prevent the opening of a
orang yang bersangkutan (dan trusteeship or custody.
tidak dipaksakan oleh hukum). Ini
akan mencegah pembukaan
perwalian atau pengampuan
- perwalian atau kurasi yang - trusteeship or anticipated
diantisipasi untuk orang lain yang curatorship for others which
memungkinkan orang tua untuk allows parents to anticipate the
mengantisipasi kemungkinan possible trusteeship or custody
perwalian atau Pengampuan that could be put in place in the
(Curator) yang dapat diterapkan future for their adult child as of
di masa depan untuk anak dewasa the day when they themselves
mereka pada hari ketika mereka will die or will not be able
sendiri akan meninggal dunia anymore to continue to take
atau tidak akan dapat lagi care of the person concerned.

melanjutkan untuk menjaga orang They will be able to designate
yang bersangkutan. Mereka akan the future trustee or curator.
dapat menunjuk wali atau kurator
untuk di masa depan.

Pewarisan dengan akta wasiat Inheritance with a testament deed has

(testament acte) sudah dikenal sejak been introduced since the era of the
jaman Romawi. Bahkan pewarisan Roman Empire. It is even used as the
dengan menggunakan akta wasiat important things in inheritance issues.
(testament acte) menjadi suatu hal yang Last wishes or testaments are
utama. Sebuah kehendak terakhir atau commonly made by someone in a form
akta wasiat (testament acte) pada of statement to be executed after his or
umumnya merupakan suatu pernyataan her death. A testament is a legal
dari kehendak seseorang agar measure of which someone is entitled to
dilaksanakan sesudah ia meninggal make any decision on his or her
dunia. Membuat wasiat (testament) property after his or her death. It can
adalah perbuatan hukum, seseorang also be considered as a unilateral legal
menentukan tentang apa yang terjadi measure and its provisions have
dengan harta kekayaannya setelah “herroepelijkheid” (revocable)
meninggal dunia. Wasiat (testament) characteristics. In other words, a
juga merupakan perbuatan hukum yang testament can never be composed by
sepihak. Hal ini erat hubungannya more that one person.
dengan sifat “herroepelijkheid” (dapat
dicabut) dari ketetapan wasiat
(testament) itu. Disini berarti bahwa
wasiat (testament) tidak dapat dibuat
oleh lebih dari satu orang.
Terdapat beberapa macam wasiat There are several types of testaments:
(testament), yaitu testament terbuka open testaments (openbaar testament),
atau umum (openbaar testament), written testaments (olographis
testament tertulis (olographis testament), or undisclosed testaments.
testament), dan testament tertutup atau Moreover, another type of testament is
rahasia. Selain itu, ada pula yang called as codicil. In carrying out his
disebut dengan ketentuan tambahan. position, a notary is obliged to make a
Dalam menjalankan jabatannya, list of deeds relating to the will in the
seorang notaris berkewajiban untuk order of time for making the deed every
membuat daftar akta yang berkenaan month, sending a list of deed or zero list
dengan wasiat menurut urutan waktu relating to the will to the List of
pembuatan akta setiap bulan, Testament Centers whose duties and
mengirimkan daftar akta wasiat atau responsibilities are in the notary field
daftar nihil yang berkenaan dengan within 5 ( five) days in the first week of

wasiat ke Daftar Pusat Wasiat each subsequent month, and record in
Departemen yang tugas dan the repertorium the date of the will list
tanggungjawabnya di bidang delivery at the end of each month. Thus,
kenotariatan dalam waktu 5 (lima) hari it can be concluded that in making a
pada minggu pertama setiap bulan testament act a notary has a very
berikutnya, serta mencatat dalam important role.
repertorium tanggal pengiriman daftar
wasiat pada setiap akhir bulan. Dengan
demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
dalam pembuatan akta wasiat
(testament acte) notaris mempunyai
peran yang sangat penting.
Kewajiban-kewajiban yang harus Obligations that must be carried out by
dilakukan oleh notaris setelah akta a notary after the will are made are
wasiat dibuat adalah wajib obliged to notify all testaments act
memberitahukan semua akta wasiat which he made to the Section of
(testament acte) yang dibuatnya ke Testament Center (DPW) and Heritage
Seksi Daftar Pusat Wasiat (DPW) dan Center (BHP) either open testament
Balai Harta Peninggalan (BHP) baik (openbaar testament), written
testament terbuka (openbaar testament ( olographis testament), or
testament), testament tertulis closed or secret testament.
(olographis testament), maupun
testament tertutup atau rahasia.
Tanggungjawab notaris terhadap akta The notary's responsibility for the
wasiat (testament acte) yang dibuat testament deed made before him,
dihadapannya, yaitu tanggungjawab namely moral responsibility, ethical
moral, tanggungjawab etis, dan responsibility, and legal responsibility
tanggungjawab hukum yang terdiri dari consisting of formal and material
segi formil dan segi materiil. Terhadap aspects. Regarding the testament deed
akta wasiat (testament acte) yang dibuat made before him, the notary is
dihadapannya, notaris responsible for reading it before
bertanggungjawab membacakannya witnesses. After that the notary notifies
dihadapan saksi-saksi. Setelah itu the testament act to the List of Witnesses
notaris memberitahukan akta wasiat Section, the Civil Directorate, the
(testament acte) tersebut kepada Seksi Directorate General of General Legal
Daftar PusatWasiat, Direktorat Perdata, Administration, the Department of Law
Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi and Human Rights and to the Heritage
Hukum Umum, Departemen Hukum Center (BHP).
dan Hak Asasi Manusia dan kepada
Balai Harta Peninggalan (BHP).

11) Apa peran Notaris dalam 11) What is the role of the notary
melindungi orang yang rentan in the protection of vulnerable
(anak di bawah umur, buta huruf, natural persons (minors,
cacat fisik dan mental, illiterate, physically and
perempuan, pasangan yang paling mentally disabled, women,
lama hidup, homoseksual)? surviving spouse,

Tandatangan pada suatu akta otentik The signature on an authentic deed has
mempunyai fungsi hukum dasar yaitu a basic legal function, which is an
merupakan sebuah identitas yang identity that functions as a sign of
berfungsi sebagai tandapersetujuan approval of the obligations inherent in
terhadap kewajiban-kewajiban yang the deed. Based on the provisions in the
melekat pada akta. Berdasarkan UUJN in an authentic deed there must
ketentuan dalam UUJN dalam suatu be a signature from the party, witness
akta otentik harus terdapat tanda and Notary. With regard to these
tangan dari penghadap, saksi dan provisions, a problem arises when
Notaris. Terhadap ketentuan tersebut parties are unable to sign. There are 3
muncul permasalahan apabila datang (three) possibilities that the party
penghadap yang tidak mampu untuk cannot put a signature, namely First,
membubuhkan tanda tangan. Ada 3 the party cannot read and write even
(tiga) kemungkinan penghadap tidak though he/she physically has complete
bisa membubuhkan tanda tangan yaitu hands and fingers. Second, the party
Pertama, penghadap tidak bisa baca can read and write but is physically
tulis meskipun secara fisik mempunyai unable to sign because his hand is sick
tangan dan jari lengkap. Kedua, or even has no fingers or hands. Third,
penghadap bisa baca tulis tetapi secara the party has limitations in vision
fisik tidak bisa tanda tangan karena (blind). From the possibilities mentioned
tangannya sakit atau bahkan tidak above, the respective possibilities for not
memiliki jari atau tangan. Ketiga, being able to place a signature affix a
penghadap memiliki keterbatasan different method to replace the position
dalam pengelihatan (tuna netra). Dari of the signature. In the Science of
kemungkinan yang tersebut di atas, Notary, if a party comes who cannot
terhadap masing-masing kemungkinan sign the deed, the position of the
tidak dapatnya penghadap signature can be replaced with the
membubuhkan tanda tangan terdapat statement stated at the end of the deed.
cara yang berbeda untuk menggantikan The substitute for the signature is called
kedudukan dari tanda tangan tersebut. Surrogate.
Dalam Ilmu kenotariatan apabila datang
seorang penghadap yang tidak dapat
membubuhkan tanda tangan pada akta

makakedudukan dari tandatangan
tersebut dapat digantikan dengan
keterangan yang disebutkan pada akhir
akta. Pengganti dari tanda tangan
tersebut disebut Surrogate

12) Apa peran Notaris dalam 12) What is the role of the notary
pencarian kohesi sosial dan in the search for social cohesion
perlindungan hak asasi manusia? and the protection of human

Urgensi dan peran notaris dalam The urgency and role of the notary in a
perspektif HAM sangat dominan dalam human rights perspective is very
proses penegakan, perlindungan, dan dominant in the process of upholding,
pemenuhan hak asasi manusia di protecting and fulfilling human rights in
Indonesia. Tugas dan wewenang yang Indonesia. The duties and authority of
dimiliki notaris, merupakan delegasi the notary are delegations from the
dari negara untuk pelayanan kepada state to service the community, not a
masyarakat, bukan suatu profesi untuk profession to seek mere wealth. The
mencari kekayaan belaka. Fungsi dan function and role of the notary in the
peranan notaris dalam gerak increasingly complex movement of
pembangunan nasional yang semakin national development, of course, is
kompleks dewasa ini tentunya semakin increasingly widespread and growing.
luas dan semakin berkembang. Fluency and guarantee of justice and
Kelancaran dan terjaminnya keadilan security in the community are the
dan rasa aman di tengah masyarakat obligations of all parties, especially the
merupakan kewajiban semua pihak, notary profession in carrying out the
terutama profesi notaris dalam duties and authorities granted by the
menjalankan tugas dan wewenang yang state for public services. The
diberikan negara untuk pelayanan government that gives part of its
publik. Pemerintah yang memberikan authority to the notary, through UUJN,
sebagian wewenangnya kepada notaris, and also the people who use the services
melalui UUJN, dan juga masyarakat of a notary certainly has the expectation
yang menggunakan jasa notaris tentu that the services provided by the notary
mempunyai ekspektasi agar pelayanan really have reliable values and weights,
jasa yang diberikan oleh notaris benar- in addition to providing legal certainty
benar memiliki nilai dan bobot yang to legal subjects, providing justice and
dapat diandalkan, selain memberikan security in society, can also protect the
kepastian hukum terhadap subyek community from disputes and fulfill the
hukum , memberikan keadilan dan rasa basic rights guaranteed by the
aman di dalam masyarkat, juga dapat constitution for citizens.

melindungi masyarakat dari sengketa
dan terpenuhinya hak dasar yang
dijamin konstitusi bagi warga
Peran notaris sebagai pejabat umum The role of the notary as a public official
sekaligus selaku profesi hukum harus as well as the legal profession must
mengedepankan pelayanan kepada prioritize service to the community. The
masyarakat. Fungsi dan peran dari function and role of a notary in legal
notaris dalam mobilitas hukum di mobility in society is urgently needed, as
masyarakat sangatlah dibutuhkan, outlined in the provisions of Article 16 of
sebagaimana dituangkan dalam UUJN concerning the obligation of
ketentuan pasal 16 UUJN mengenai notaries, the obligation of a notary is
kewajiban notaris, maka kewajiban very urgent in order to ensure legal
seorang notaris sangat urgent demi certainty and order, protection and
menjamin kepastian dan ketertiban fulfillment of human rights with the
hukum, perlindungan dan pemenuhan truth need it. Authentic deeds made by a
hak asasi yang berintikan kebenaran notary clearly determine the rights and
dan keadilan bagi masyarkat yang obligations of the parties as legal
membutuhkannya. Akta otentik yang subjects in society, something that is not
dibuat oleh seorang notaris menentukan less important than the existence of an
secara jelas hak dan kewajiban dari para authentic deed itself is, if an expectation
penghadap sebagai subjek hukum dalam can be manifested to avoid a dispute,
masyarakat, sesuatu hal yang tidak and this is one significant difference
kalah penting dari eksistensi dari between a notary and an advocate. As
sebuah akta otentik itu sendiri adalah, Tan Thong Kie said: "an advocate
jika dapat dimanifestasikan sebuah defends a person's rights when a
ekspektasi untuk menghindari difficulty arises, then a notary must try
terjadinya sengketa, dan inilah salah to prevent such difficulties from
satu perbedaan yang signifikan antara occurring".
notaris dan advokat. Sebagaimana
dikatakan Tan Thong Kie: “seorang
advokat membela hak-hak seseorang
ketika timbul suatu kesulitan, maka
seorang notaris harus berusaha
mencegah terjadinya kesulitan itu”.
Urgensi dan peran notaris juga harus The urgency and role of the notary must
mampu ikut serta dalam menyukseskan also be able to participate in the success
tujuan negara sebagaimana dituangkan of the state goals as stated in the
dalam pembukaan,juga isi yang opening, as well as the contents
terkandung dalam batang tubuh UUD contained in the body of the 1945
1945. Penulisan ini lebih menitik Constitution. This writing focuses more

beratkan pada ergensi dan peran notaris on ergonomics and the role of notaries
dalam penegakan, perlindungan, dan in the enforcement, protection and
pemenuhan hak asasi manusia yang fulfillment of human rights in Pancasila
dirumuskan dalam Pancasila serta and expressly stated as the title of
disebutkan secara tegas sebagai judul CHAPTER XA of the 1945 Constitution,
BAB XA UUD 1945, yang kemudian which was then set forth in
dituangkan dalam konsideren yang consideration as the background for the
melatar belakangi dibentuknya UUJN establishment of the Law on the position
sebagai berikut: of notary public as follows:

a. Bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia a. That the State of the Republic of

sebagai negara hukum berdasarkan Indonesia as a legal state based on the
pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of
Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 the Republic of Indonesia guarantees
menjamin kepastian, ketertiban, dan certainty, order and legal protection,
perlindungan hukum, yang berintikan which has the essence of truth and
kebenaran dan keadilan; justice;
b. Bahwa untuk menjamin kepastian, b. Whereas to ensure certainty, sacrifice
ketertban, dan perlindungan hukum and legal protection, it is necessary to
dibutuhkan alat bukti tertulis yang have authentic written evidence
bersifat otentik mengenai keadaan, concerning legal conditions, events or
peristiwa, atau perbuatan hukum yang actions carried out through certain
diselenggarakan melalui jabatan positions;
c. Bahwa notaris merupakan jabatan c. That the notary is a certain position
tertentu yang menjalankan profesi that runs the profession in legal services
dalam pelayanan hukum kepada to the community, needs to get
masyarakat, perlu mendapatkan protection and guarantees in order to
perlindungan dan jaminan demi achieve legal certainty;
tercapainya kepastian hukum;
d. Bahwa notaris dalam proses d. That notaries in the development
pembangunan makin meningkat sebagai process are increasing as one of the
salah satu kebutuhan hukum legal needs of the community;
Berdasarkan ruh dari payung hukum Based on the spirit of the notary legal
notaris tersebut di atas, maka dapat kita basis mentioned above, we can know
ketahui bahwa, tugas dan peran notaris that the duties and roles of notaries in
dalam mobilitas hukum di tengah legal mobility in society are urgently
masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan demi needed to uphold, protect and fulfill
penegakan, perlindungan, dan human rights in the form of rights to
pemenuhan hak asasi berupa hak untuk justice and security as legal subjects for

mendapatkan keadilan dan rasa aman welfare and prosperity.
sebagai subyek hukum demi
kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran.
Sedemikian pentingnya kewajiban yang So important is the obligation mandated
diamanatkan UUJN kepada seorang by UUJN to a notary in accommodating
notaris dalam mengakomudasi community needs. According to the
kebutuhan masyarakat. Hemat penulis writer, the outline of the role can be
secara garis besar peran itu dapat qualified into 2 (two) things, which is:
dikualifikasikan ke dalam 2 (dua) hal
1. Mencegah terjadinya sengketa 1. Preventing disputes in the community.
dalam masyarakat. Hal ini merupakan This is the main task of a notary,
tugas utama dari seorang notaris yakni, namely, formulating the desires /
memformulasikan keinginan/ tindakan actions of the parties or the people who
para pihak atau masyarakat yang need them in an authentic deed, taking
membutuhkannya ke dalam akta into account the applicable legal rules,
otentik, dengan memperhatikan aturan so that they can guarantee certainty,
hukum yang berlaku, sehingga dapat order and legal protection with truth
menjamin kepastian, ketertiban, dan and justice.
perlindungan hukum yang berintikan
kebenaran dan keadilan.
2. Menyelesaikan sengketa yang tidak 2. Resolving disputes that cannot be
dapat dihindarkan dalam masyarkat. avoided in the community. Notary deeds
Akta notaris sebagai akta otentik as authentic deeds have perfect proof
mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian yang power. If there is a dispute, so that it
sempurna. Jika terjadi sengketa, does not need to be proven or added
sehingga tidak perlu dibuktikan atau with other evidence, if there is a person
ditambah dengan alat bukti lainnya, jika or party who assesses or states that the
ada orang atau pihak yang menilai atau deed is not true, then the person / party
menyatakan bahwa akta tersebut tidak who assesses or states that it is not true
benar, maka orang/pihak yang menilai must prove the judgment or statement
atau menyatakan tidak benar tersebut apply. So that dispute resolution in the
wajib membuktikan penilaian atau community can be resolved
pernyataannya sesuai aturan hukum immediately.
yang berlaku. Sehingga penyelesaian
sengketa dalam masyarakat dapat
segera diselesaikan.

13) Apa peran Notaris dalam 13) What is the role of the notary
mengetahui tentang pribadi in the recognition of legal
hukum dan kapasitas hukum? personality and capacity?

Jabatan yang dimiliki oleh seorang Position of a notary is a trusted position
notaris adalah jabatan kepercayaan which anyone will be willing to entrust
dimana seseorang bersedia something to a Notary. As a trusted one,
mempercayakan sesuatu kepadanya. notary has a rights to keep every
Sebagai seorang kepercayaan, notaris information given by someone, though
memiliki hak untuk merahasiakan there are some that are not listed in the
semua yang diberitahukan kepadanya deed. It is associated with a Notary
selaku notaris, sekalipun ada sebagian verschoningsrecht, the right which a
yang tidak dicantumkan dalam akta. Hal notary will be allowed to deny their
ini terkait dengan hak ingkar seorang position as a witness, because actually
notaris, hak dimana seorang notaris in certain circumtances, notary was
dapat mengingkari posisinya sebagai permitted by law to disclose all the
seorang saksi yang mana dibolehkan secrets they kept. Today, there were so
oleh undang-undang untuk many notary who when they summoned
membeberkan semua rahasia yang for questioning or called as a witness
disimpannya, dalam keadaan tertentu. related to any agreement they made,
Dewasa ini, dalam praktek banyak they will go for it and they will tell every
notaris yang bilamana dipanggil untuk secrets related to that case, whether it
dimintai keterangannya atau dipanggil was intentional or even worse, the
sebagai saksi dalam hubungannya notary doesn’t know about the existence
dengan sesuatu perjanjian yang dibuat of a notary’s verschoningsrecht. A
dengan akta di hadapan notaris notary who can not confine themself
bersangkutan, apakah itu disengaja atau will deal with the consequences of losing
karena tidak mengetahui tentang the public’s trust and will no longer be
adanya peraturan perundang-undangan considered as a trusted one.
mengenai itu, seringkali seolah-olah
menganggap tidak ada rahasia jabatan
notaris, demikian juga tidak ada hak
ingkar dari notaris. Seorang notaris
yang tidak dapat membatasi dirinya
akan berhadapan dengan konsekuensi
kehilangan kepercayaan publik dan
tidak lagi dianggap sebagai orang

14) Apa peran notaris dalam 14) What is the role of the notary
formalisasi pernikahan? pilihan in the formalization of
rezim matrimonial? marriage? the choice of a
matrimonial regime?

Di Indonesia, pernikahan diresmikan In Indonesia, marriage is
menurut tata cara agar masing-masing inaugurated according to the
dan dicatatkan pada lembaga tersendiri procedure for each and recorded in a
yaitu Kantor Urusan Agama dan Kantor separate institution, namely the Office
Catatan Sipil. of Religious Affairs and the Civil
Notaris tidak mengambil peranan dalam Registry Office.
pencatatan pernikahan, namuntemikian Notaries do not take part in the
Perjanjian Pernikahan (terutama recording of marriages, however
mengenai harta dalam perkawinan) Marriage agreements (especially
dibuat dihadapan Notaris oleh pasangan regarding property in marriage) are
suami isteri atau calon pasangan suami made before a Notary by a married
isteri untuk kemudian didaftarkan couple or prospective husband and
Kantor Urusan Agama dan Kantor wife to be registered with the Office of
Catatan Sipil. Religious Affairs and the Civil
Demikian juga dengan perceralan, Registry Office.
diajukan kepada Pengadilan Agama Likewise with divorce, submitted to
atau Pengadilan Negeri, dan kemudian the Religious Court or District Court,
dilanjutkan dengan keluarnya Akta and then proceed with the issuance of
Perceraian dari DUKCAPIL (Dinas the Divorce Deed from DUKCAPIL
Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil). (Population and Civil Registry

15) Apa peran persatuan atau 15) What is the role of the notary
kemitraan antara badan hukum? in de facto unions and other
forms of union or partnership
between legal persons?

Di Indonesia, Akta Notaris merupakan In Indonesia, a Notary Deed is a

syarat formal terjadinya persekutuan formal requirement for civil,
perdata, lembaga, badan usaha, badan partnership, business entities, legal
hukum maupun bentuk persekutuan entities and other partnership that
lain yang membentuk entitas tersendiri. form a separate entity.
Dengan demikian persekutuan tersebut A partnership considered a legal
dianggap sebagai entitas legal (legal entity that has its own identity before
entity) yang mempunyai identitas the law.
tersendiri di mata hukum.
Selain itu, akta Notaris juga merupakan In addition, the Notary deed is also a
syarat formal terjadinya hubungan formal requirement for legal relations
hukum antar legal person, dimana para between legal persons, where the
"legal person" mengikatkan diri satu "legal person" binds themselves to
sama lain untuk tunduk pada ketentuan each other to comply with the

mengenai hak dan kewajiban yang provisions concerning rights and
dibuat diantara mereka dan juga obligations made between them and
ketentuan lain yang harus selaras other provisions that must be in
dengan kaidah, moral dan norma. accordance with the rules, morals and
Dengan kata lain, akta Notaris berperan norms. In other words, the Notary
sebagai payung hukum yang mengatur deed acts as a legal basis that
tindak laku, hak dan kewajiban para regulates behavior, the rights and
legal person yang terikat didalammya. obligations of legal persons bound to

16) Apa peran notaris dalam 16) What is the role of the notary
konsolidasi hubungan antar orang in the consolidation of relations
perseorangan? between natural persons?

Sebagai “persons" secara alamiah As "persons" naturally, a person ties

(natural), seseorang mengikatkan himself to other people and vice versa
dirinya terhadap orang lain maupun in the capacity of action "for himself."
sebaliknya dalam kapasitas tindakan The attachment can be in various
"untuk diri sendiri". Keterikatan forms, such as cooperation, buying
tersebut bisa dalam berbagai bentuk, and selling, promises or statements
seperti kerjasama, jual beli, janji atau and various other forms.
pernyataan dan berbagai bentuk
Dalam hal ini akta Notaris berperan In this case the Notary deed acts as a
sebagai pedoman yang telah disetujui guideline that has been approved by
oleh para pihak sesuai dengan the parties in accordance with their
kapasitasnya, dan sebagai payung capacity, and as a legal basis that has
hukum yang mempunyai daya paksa forced power or as proof of the
maupun sebagai bukti lahirnya suatu existence of an event.

17) Apa peran notaris dalam 17) What is the role of the notary
pengelolaan krisis matrimonial? in the management of
matrimonial crises?

Lembaga Kenotariatan di dunia ini, The Notary Institution in this world,

mengenal 2 (dua) sistim hukum yaitu recognizes 2 (two) legal systems,
“Common Law”, dan “Civil Law”, maka which is "Common Law", and "Civil
praktik notaris pun terikat pada aturan, Law", then the practice of notaries is
serta politik hukum di negara masing- bound to rules, as well as legal
masing. Negara Kesatuan Republik politics in their respective countries.

Indonesia (NKRI) yang menganut sistim The Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)
hukum Civil Law (sistim hukum which adheres to the legal system of
Romawi), yang secara tegas Civil Law (the Roman legal system),
menentukan di dalam UUJN bahwa which expressly determines in UUJN
peran dan kewenangan Notaris serta that the role and authority of the
segala sesuatu, berkaitan dengan akta Notary and all things are related to
notaris. the notary deed.

Maka peran dan tindakan seorang Then the role and actions of a Notary
Notaris (sebagai Pejabat Umum) yang (as a Public Official) practicing in the
praktik di NKRI, dengan tidak memihak Republic of Indonesia with
(bersifat onpartijdigheid - impartiality) impartiality and having an
dan mempunyai kedudukan yang independent position if facing a
mandiri (onafhankelijkheid – marital / marriage crisis situation /
independency) jika dihadapkan atau conditions are explained as follows:
menghadapi situasi/ kondisi krisis
perkawinan/ pernikahan, dijelaskan
sebagai berikut:

1. Tidak melakukan tindakan/ 1. Not carrying out actions /

kewenangan yang tidak diperbolehkan authorities that are not allowed by
oleh UUJN dan dalam pelaksanaan the UUJN and in carrying out the
tugas dan jabatan Notaris harus sesuai duties and positions of Notaries must
dengan Kode Etik Notaris Ikatan be in accordance with the Code of
Notaris Indonesia; yang mana salah Notary Association of Indonesia;
satu tugas Notaris adalah which is one of the tasks of the Notary
mengkonstantir hubungan hukum is to establish legal relations between
antara para pihak dalam bentuk tertulis the parties in written form and
dan format tertentu, sehingga certain format, so that it is an
merupakan suatu akta otentik; authentic deed;
Ø 2. Sebagai Pejabat Umum, Notaris yang 2. As a Public Official, the Notary is
berwenang dan mewakili kekuasaan authorized and represents the general
umum untuk membuat akta otentik dan authority to make authentic deeds
kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana and other authorities as referred to in
dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang ini, this Act, for the purposes of proof or
untuk kepentingan pembuktian atau as evidence (in accordance with the
sebagai alat bukti (sesuai dengan uraian description in Article 1 of the UUJN).
dalam Pasal 1 UUJN).
Ø Berbeda tugas dan kewenangan notaris Different tasks and authorities of
yang ada pada negara-negara menganut notaries that exist in countries
sistim Common Law (contohnya adhering to the Common Law system

Inggris), dimana pekerjaan solicitor (for example, the United Kingdom),
(salah satu pemberi jasa hukum) hampir where the solicitor's work (one of the
sama dengan pekerjaan notaris. legal services providers) is almost the
Solicitor adalah ahli di bidang warisan, same as the work of a notary.
perseroan serta peralihan benda dan Solicitor is an expert in the field of
sebagai penasihat hukum yang inheritance, corporate and object
memberikan nasihat teoretis kepada transfer and as a legal advisor who
kliennya dan mewakili kliennya tersebut gives theoretical advice to his clients
di pengadilan tingkat pertama, dan and represents his clients in the first
selain membantu kliennya dengan cara instance of the court, and in addition
memberikan nasihat serta membantu to assist his clients by giving advice
menyusun dokumen. and help compiling documents.

18) Apa peran notaris dalam 18) What is the role of the
penyederhanaan pemisahan, notary in the simplification of
dalam penyatuan? (Cerai dengan separations, in disunion?
persetujuan bersama)? (divorce by mutual consent)?

Peran Notaris (sebagai Pejabat Umum) The role of the Notary (as a Public
dalam hal terjadi perpisahan/ Official) in the event of a separation /
perceraian dalam suatu perkawinan, divorce in a marriage, must be in
haruslah berpegang pada hukum atau accordance with the law governing
Undang-Undang yang mengatur tentang marriage, for example, for
pernikahan/ perkawinan, contohnya, Indonesian Citizens the Law No. 1 of
bagi Warga Negara Indonesia berlaku 1974 concerning Marriage (Marriage
UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Law) Jo. Government Regulation No.
Perkawinan (UU Perkawinan) Jo. PP 9 of 1975 concerning Implementation
No. 9 Tahun 1975 Tentang Pelaksanaan of Law No. 1 of 1974 Jo. Regulation of
UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 Jo. Peraturan Minister of Religion No. 2 of 1987
Menteri Agama Nomor 2 Tahun 1987 concerning Guardian Judge Jo.
tentang Wali Hakim Jo. Instruksi Presidential Instruction (Inpres)
Presiden (Inpres) Nomor 1 Tahun 1991 Number 1 of 1991 concerning
tentang Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI), Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI),
dan Keputusan Menteri Agama Nomor and Minister of Religion Decree
298 Tahun 2003 tentang Pencatatan Number 298 of 2003 concerning
Nikah. Marriage Registration.
Dalam hal, perceraian dengan In case, divorce with mutual
persetujuan bersama (suami-istri) tidak agreement is not regulated in
diatur dalam hukum dan Undang- Indonesian law, both in the Civil Code
Undang di Indonesia, baik dalam Kitab (Civil Code) and Marriage Law and
Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata the implementing regulations

(KUHPerdata) dan UU Perkawinan specifically mentioned in Article 19
serta peraturan pelaksananya yang No. 9 of 1975.
secara khusus disebutkan dalam Pasal
19 No. 9 Tahun 1975.
Akibat hukum adanya perceraian, The legal consequences of divorce, the
profesi Notaris sesuai tugas dan Notary profession according to their
kewenangannya berdasarkan UUNJ dan duties and authorities based on the
Kode Etik Notaris, dapat membuat akta UUNJ and Notary Code of Ethics, can
otentik sehubungan dengan pembagian make authentic deeds in connection
harta bersama akibat perceraian, dan with the distribution of joint assets
mengenai hak asuh anak termasuk due to divorce, and regarding child
pelaksanaan atas adanya perjanjian custody including the implementation
kawin. of marriage agreements.

19) Apa peran yang dapat 19) What role can the notary
dilakukan oleh notaris dalam play in the case of serious and
kasus penyakit serius dan tidak irreversible illness (will or life
dapat disembuhkan (wasiat atau testament)?
wasiat hidup)?
In the making of a testament, a
Dalam Pembuatan akta wasiat notary has a more specific role than
(testamen), Notaris memiliki peranan the applicable legislation, and this
yang lebih spesifik daripada peraturan role makes the notary as a party that
perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dan acts as an independent and impartial
peranan tersebut membuat Notaris party, and must pay attention to the
sebagai pihak yang berperan sebagai interests of all parties involved, to
pihak independent dan tidak memihak, provide certainty and legal
dan wajib memperhatikan kepentingan guarantees, where in matters that
semua pihak yang terlibat, untuk must be fulfilled in making the
memberikan kepastian dan jaminan testament. Then it is always preceded
hukum, dimana dalam hal-hal yang by a Notary asking the wishes of his
harus dipenuhi dalam pembuatan client to give part of his property to
testamen. Maka pembuatan selalu someone who has a close relationship
diawali dengan Notaris menanyakan with the client, then followed by the
keinginan kliennya untuk memberikan Notary notifying the legal
sebagian hartanya kepada orang lain consequences, and reading it in front
yang mempunyai hubungan dekat of 2 (two) witnesses, which in the next
dengan klien, yang kemudian stage are carried out according to the
dilanjutkan oleh Notaris type of each testament [Olographis
memberitahukan akibat hukumnya, dan Testament, Openbaar Testament, and
membacakannya dihadapan 2 (dua) Geheime Testament].

orang saksi, dimana pada tahap
selanjutnya dilakukan sesuai jenis
testamen masing-masing [Olographis
Testament, Openbaar Testament, dan
Geheime Testament].

20) Apa peran Notaris dalam 20) What is the role of the
pengelolaan kekayaan (pelaporan notary in the management of the
surat wasiat, validasi surat wasiat, estate (deposit of the will,
pembagian harta kekayaan, validation of the will, division of
penolakan dan penerimaan)? property, waiver, and

Pelaporan Surat Wasiat Reporting a will

Dalam menjalankan jabatannya, Notaris In carrying out his position, the

berkewajiban untuk melaporkan dan Notary is obliged to report and
mendaftarkan wasiat ke Pusat Daftar register a will to the Center for
Wasiat – Ditjen AHU Kementrian Testamentary Wills - Directorate
Hukum & Hak Asasi Manusia Republik General of AHU of the Ministry of
Indonesia, sebagaimana diatur di dalam Law & Human Rights of the Republic
Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf h,i dan j UUJN. of Indonesia, as stipulated in Article
16 paragraph (1) letter h, i and j
Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf h, i, dan j : Article 16 paragraph (1) letters h, i,
Pasal 16 and j:
(1) Dalam menjalankan jabatannya, Article 16
Notaris berkewajiban: (1) In carrying out his position, the
h. membuat daftar akta yang berkenaan Notary is obliged to:
dengan wasiat menurut urutan waktu h. make a list of deeds relating to the
pembuatan akta setiap bulan; will according to the order in which
i. mengirimkan daftar akta sebagaimana the deed is made each month;
dimaksud dalam huruf h atau daftar i. send a list of deeds as referred to in
nihil yang berkenaan dengan wasiat ke letter h or zero list relating to the
Daftar Pusat Wasiat Departemen yang testament to the List of Testament
tugas dan tanggung jawabnya di bidang Centers of the Department whose
kenotariatan dalam waktu 5 (lima) hari duties and responsibilities are in the
pada minggu pertama setiap bulan field of notary within 5 (five) days in
berikutnya; the first week of each subsequent
j. mencatat dalam repertorium tanggal month;
pengiriman daftar wasiat pada setiap j. records in the repertorium the date

akhir bulan. of delivery of the will at the end of
each month.

Dasar Hukum Pelaporan surat wasiat Legal Basis for Reporting a will is
adalah Pasal 2 dan 3 Bab II Peraturan Article 2 and 3 Chapter II of the
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Regulation of the Minister of Law and
ManusiaRepublik Indonesia nomor 60 Human Rights of the Republic of
Tahun 2016 tentang Tata Cara Indonesia number 60 of 2016
Pelaporan Wasiat dan Permohonan concerning Procedures for Reporting
Penerbitan Surat Keterangan Wasiat Testaments and Requests for the
Secara Elektronik, menyebutkan: Issuance of Electronic Testamentary
Declarations, stating:

“Notaris wajib membuat Daftar Akta "The notary is obliged to make a Deed
atau Daftar Akta atau Daftar Nihil or List of Deed or Zero List regarding
berkenaan dengan wasiat dan the will and report it electronically
melaporakannya secara elektronik through the official website of the
melalui laman resmi Ditjen Directorate General of General Legal
Administrasi Hukum Umum Administration of the Ministry of Law
Kementrian Hukum & HAM yang & Human Rights delivered within 5
disampaikan dalam jangka waktu (five) days at the first week of the
paling lambat 5 (lima) hari pada following month."
minggu pertama setiap bulan

Validasi Surat Wasiat Validation of Testament

Sebelum membuat wasiat atau Surat Before making a will or Certificate of

Keterangan Hak Mewaris, Notaris Inheritance Rights, the Notary
mengajukan surat ke Daftar Pusat submits a letter to the List of
Wasiat Ditjen AHU Kementrian Hukum Testament Centers of the Directorate
& Hak Asasi Manusia Republik General of Law and Human Rights of
Indonesia untuk mengecek apakah the Republic of Indonesia to check
sudah pernah dibuat wasiat atau surat whether a testament has been made
keterangan hak mewaris oleh para pihak or a certificate of inheritance rights
yang menghadap ke notaris. by the parties facing the notary.

Setelah mendapatkan balasan dari After getting a reply from the Center
Pusat Daftar Wasiat mengenai wasiat of Testament Testament regarding
yang akan dibuat apakah sudah the testament to be made whether it
dilaporkan atau belum ada di pusat has been reported or not yet at the

daftar wasiat maka Notaris dapat center of the will, the Notary may
memutuskan untuk melanjutkan decide to proceed with making a will
pembuatan wasiat atau surat or certificate of inheritance rights.
keterangan hak mewaris.
Setelah surat wasiat dibuat maka After the will is made, the Notary is
Notaris berkewajiban untuk melaporkan obliged to report the testamentary
akte wasiat dan ataupun surat deed and / or inheritance certificate
keterangan hak mewaris yang dibuatnya made to the Center for the Testament
ke Pusat Daftar Wasiat Ditjen AHU of the Directorate General of AHU of
Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi the Ministry of Law and Human
Manusia Republik Indonesia Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
berdasarkan peraturan yang telah based on the regulations described in
diuraikan di uraian mengenai pelaporan the description of the will.
surat wasiat.
Hal ini adalah peran notaris dalam This is the role of the notary in
menjaga kevalidan dan validasi akta maintaining the validity and
wasiat dan atau pun surat keterangan validation of the will and / or
hak mewaris yang dibuatnya. certificate of inheritance made by

Pembagian Harta Kekayaan, Penolakan Distribution of Assets, Rejection and

Dan Penerimaan Acceptance

Dalam melakukan pembagian harta In the distribution of assets, the role

kekayaan, peran notaris dalam of the notary in the distribution of
pembagian harta kekayaan berdasarkan assets based on UUJN, Article 15
UUJN, pasal 15 ayat 1 disebutkan bahwa paragraph 1 states that "Notaries are
“Notaris berwenang membuat akte authorized to make authentic
autentik mengenai semua certificates regarding all actions,
perbuatan,perjanjian, dan ketetapan agreements, and provisions required
yang diharuskan oleh peraturan by legislation and / or desired by
perundang-undangan dan/atau yang those concerned. to be stated in an
dikehendaki oleh yang berkepentingan authentic deed, guaranteeing the date
untuk dinyatakan dalam akte of making a deed, storing a certificate
autentik,menjamin kepastian tanggal and providing a grosse, copy and
pembuatan akte, menyimpan akte dan quotation of the deed, all of which as
memberikan grosse, salinan dan long as the deed is not also assigned
kutipan akte, semuanya itu sepanjang to another official or other person
pembuatan akte-akte itu tidak juga stipulated by law ".
ditugaskan kepada pejabat lain atau
orang lain yang ditetapkan oleh

Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf Hukum Perdata, Article 16 paragraph (1) letter Civil
menyatakan bahwa “notaris wajib Code, states that "the notary is
memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan obliged to provide services in
ketentuan undang-undang ini , kecuali accordance with the provisions of this
ada alasan untuk menolaknya”. law, unless there is a reason to reject
Kedudukan Notaris mempunyai kaitan The position of Notary is closely
erat dengan pelaksanaan pembagian related to the implementation of the
harta peninggalan secara damai ( di luar distribution of inheritance in peace
pengadilan/non litigasi) terhadap orang (outside the court / non litigation)
yang tunduk terhadap Hukum Perdata against people who are subject to
Barat (BW). West Civil Law (BW).
Notaris berwenang untuk membuat The notary is authorized to make a
Surat Keterangan Hak Mewaris maupun Declaration of the Right to
pembagian harta peninggalan terhadap inheritance and the distribution of
golongan penduduk Tionghoa dan inheritance to the Chinese and
Eropa yang tunduk terhadap hokum European population who are subject
Perdata Barat (BW). to the West Civil Code (BW).
Selain pembagian harta peninggalan, In addition to the distribution of
Notaris juga berperan dalam membuat inheritance, Notaries also play a role
akte penolakan dan penerimaan harta in making deed of rejection and
peninggalan terhadap orang-orang yang acceptance of inheritance against
tunduk hukum perdata barat (BW). people who are subject to western
civil law (BW)

21) Apa peran Notaris dalam 21) What is the role of the notary
pengelolaan kekayaan orang in managing the assets of the
pribadi? natural person?

Orang pribadi tadi menghadap notaris The person personally come before
untuk membantu mereka dalam the notary to assist them in the
pendirian badan usaha, seperti CV, PT, establishment of business entities,
perkumpulan maupun bentuk such as CV, PT, associations and
perusahaan perorangan bahkan untuk forms of individual companies even to
mendirikan Yayasan dan Koperasi. establish foundations and
Khusus pada koperasi Notaris Especially for Notary cooperatives,
berwenang untuk membuat akte they are authorized to make a
pendirian koperasi setelah Notaris cooperative establishment deed after
tersebut terdaftar sebagai Pejabat the Notary is registered as a

Pembuat Akte Koperasi dan mendapat Cooperative Acting Officer and gets
SK Pejabat Pembuat Akte Koperasi dari the Cooperative Certificate Acting
Kementrian Koperasi Dan Usaha Decree from the Ministry of
Kecildan Menengah Republik Cooperatives and Medium and Small
Indonesia. Business of the Republic of Indonesia.
Notaries play a role in the
Notaris berperan dalam pengelolaan management of limited personal
harta kekayaan pribadi terbatas dalam assets in their role as general officials
peranannya sebagai pejabat umum yang who are authorized to make authentic
berwenang membuat akte otentik yang certificates relating to the
berhubungan dengan pengelolaan harta management of these personal assets,
kekayaan orang pribadi tersebut, as stated in Article 1 paragraph (1) of
sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam UUJN:
Pasal 1 ayat (1) UUJN: (1) Notary is a public official
(1) Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang authorized to make authentic deeds
berwenang untuk membuat akte and other authorities as referred to in
otentik dan kewenangan lainnya this Law.
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
Undang-undang ini.
22) Peranan Notaris dalam 22) What is the role of the
perlindungan harta kekayaan notary in protecting the assets
orang pribadi? of the natural person?

Peranan Notaris dalam perlindungan The role of a Notary in the protection

harta kekayaan orang pribadi tak of personal property cannot be
terlepas dari peranan notaris sebagai separated from the role of a notary as
pejabat umum berdasarkan ketentuan a public official based on the
Pasal 1 ayat (1) UUJN. provisions of Article 1 paragraph (1)
Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang of the UUJN.
diangkat oleh Negara dan dilantik oleh A notary is a public official, appointed
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia by the State and inaugurated by the
Republik Indonesia memelikik Minister of Law and Human Rights of
wewenang untuk membuat akte otentik the Republic of Indonesia to authorize
tentang segala tindakan dan atau an authentic certificate of all acts and
perbuatan yang diketahui dan or actions that are known and
disaksikannya dan dituangkan dalam witnessed and set forth in the deed
akte yang dibuatnya. made.
Kekuatan akte yang dibuat oleh Notaris The power of a deed made by a
adalah otentik sepanjang dibuat Notary is authentic insofar as it is
berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku made based on the provisions that

bagi Notaris dalam menjalankan apply to a Notary in carrying out his
jabatannya sebagai notaris. position as a notary.
Kekuatan akte otentik ini bisa The power of this authentic deed can
merupakan alat bukti yang bisa dipakai be used as evidence in the court to
dalam pembuktian di peradilan yang protect personal property.
kekuatan akte tersebut dapat untuk
melindungi harta kekayaan orang

23) Apa peran Notaris dalam 23) What is the role of the
peralihan hak dan kekayaan orang notary in transmitting the
pribadi dalam kehidupannya assets of the natural person in
dalam hal perpindahan internal, his lifetime (transmission in the
international dan perlindungan internal order, transmission in
terhadap orang yang rentan. an international situation,
protection of vulnerable

Dalam peralihan harta kekayaan In the transfer of assets the role of

peranan notaris terlihat pada saat notary is seen at the time of making
pembuatan Akte Pengikatan Jual Beli. the Sale and Purchase Deed. In the
Dalam hal terjadi Jual beli yang event of a sale and purchase which is
merupakan proses peralihan harta a process of transfer of personal
kekayaan orang pribadi, di mana jual property, where the sale and
beli belum dilakukan pelunasan purchase has not been made or other
maupun syarat lain yang memenuhi conditions that meet the requirements
persyaratan untuk dibuatkan akte for the sale and purchase binding
pengikatan jual beli, dalam hal ini deed, in this case the Notary is
Notaris berwenang untuk membuat authorized to make a Sale and
Akte Pengikatan Jual Beli untuk Purchase Agreement to guarantee the
menjamin legalitas perbuatan hukum legality of legal actions buying and
jual beli antara kedua belah pihak. selling between the two parties.
Hal ini salah satu contoh peran notaris This is one example of the role of a
dalam menjalankan peranannya dalam notary in carrying out his role in the
peralihan harta kekayaan. transition of assets.

Secara internal notaris juga berwenang Internally, notary is also authorized

membuat akte wasiat, surat keterangan to make a will, a certificate of
hak mewaris untuk orang-orang atau inheritance for people or groups of
golongan penduduk yang tunduk pada people who are subject to western
hukum perdata barat (BW) yaitu civil law (BW), they are European

golongan orang Eropa dan Tionghoa. and Chinese groups. Notary is also
Notaris juga berwenang membuat akte authorized to make a grant
perikatan hibah jika dibutuhkan yang agreement if it is needed which is the
merupakan peranan notaris dalam role of the notary in making rights
melakukan peralihan hak secara transfers internally.

Dalam kaitannya notaris menjalankan In relation to notary carrying out its

peranannya dalam peralihan role in the international transition,
Internasional yaitu salah satu contoh one example is the establishment of a
dalam hal pendirian perusahaan Foreign Investment Limited
Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing, di company, where notary is authorized
mana Notaris berwenang membuat akte to make the deed of establishment of
pendirian Perseroan Terbatas PMA the Limited Liability Company with
tersebut dengan kualifikasi bahwa the qualification that the notary is
notaris tersebut terdaftar sebagai registered as a Capital Market
Notaris Pasar Modal. Notary.

Peranan Notaris dalam peralihan harta The role of a Notary in the transfer of
kekayaan terhadap orang yang rentan, assets to vulnerable people, for
misalnya peranan notaris dalam example the role of a notary in
menjaga harta kekayaan anak luar safeguarding the wealth of an
kawin, dengan membuat akte illegitimate child, by making a
pengakuan anak luar kawin sehingga certificate of recognition for an
anak luar kawin tersebut tidak illegitimate child so that the child is
kehilangan haknya untuk mewaris, tent not deprived of his right to inherit
saja dalam hal ini kewenangan notaris people and groups of people who are
ini adalah untuk orang-orang dan subject to West Civil Law (BW),
golongan penduduk yang tunduk pada
hukum Perdata Barat(BW),

Mengenai pewarisan terhadap anak luar Regarding inheritance of illegitimate

kawin ini diatur dalam Pasal 862 s.d. child, it is regulated in Article 862-
Pasal 866 KUH Perdata: Jika yang Article 866 of the Civil Code: If the
meninggal meninggalkan keturunan deceased leaves a legitimate ancestry
yang sah atau seorang suami atau istri, or a husband or wife, then illegitimate
maka anak-anak luar kawin mewarisi child inherit 1/3 of the portion they
1/3 bagian dari bagian yang seharusnya should receive if they are legitimate
mereka terima jika mereka sebagai children (see Article 863 of the Civil
anak-anak yang sah (lihat Pasal 863 Code) .
KUH Perdata).

Jika yang meninggal tidak If the deceased does not leave the
meninggalkan keturunan maupun ancestry or husband or wife, but
suami atau istri, tetapi meninggalkan leaves the blood family, in the upward
keluarga sedarah, dalam garis ke atas line (mother, father, grandmother,
(ibu, bapak, nenek, dst.) atau saudara etc.) or male and female siblings or its
laki-laki dan perempuan atau ancestry, the recognized children
keturunannya, maka anak-anak yang inherit 1/2 of inheritance. However, if
diakui tersebut mewaris 1/2 dari there is family in a further degree, the
warisan. Namun, jika hanya terdapat recognized children receive 3/4 (see
saudara dalam derajat yang lebih jauh, Article 863 of the Civil Code);
maka anak-anak yang diakui tersebut
mendapat 3/4 (lihat Pasal 863 KUH

Bagian anak luar kawin harus diberikan The part of the illegitimate child must
lebih dahulu. Kemudian sisanya baru be given first. Then the rest is only
dibagi-bagi antara para waris yang sah divided between legitimate inheritors
(lihat Pasal 864 KUH Perdata); (see Article 864 of the Civil Code);

Jika yang meninggal tidak If the deceased does not leave a legal
meninggalkan ahli waris yang sah, maka heir, then they receive all inheritance
mereka memperoleh seluruh warisan (see Article 865 of the Civil Code).
(lihat Pasal 865 KUH Perdata).

Jika anak luar kawin itu meninggal If the illegitimate child dies first, then
dahulu, maka ia dapat digantikan anak- he can be replaced by his children
anaknya (yang sah) (lihat Pasal 866 (legitimate) (see Article 866 of the
KUH Perdata). Civil Code).

Jadi, sesuai pengaturan KUH Perdata, So, according to the regulation of the
waris mewaris hanya berlaku bagi anak Civil Code, inheritance applies only to
luar kawin yang diakui oleh ayah children outside of marriage who are
dan/atau ibunya. Tanpa pengakuan dari recognized by their father and / or
ayah dan/atau ibu, anak luar kawin mother. Without recognition from the
tidak mempunyai hak mewaris. father and / or mother, illegitimate
child do not have inheritance rights.
Berbeda halnya dengan hukum waris
Islam yang berlaku di Indonesia. Anak Unlike the case with Islamic
luar kawin hanya mempunyai hubungan inheritance law that applies in
perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga Indonesia. illegitimate child only has

ibunya (lihat Pasal 43 ayat (1) UUP a civil relationship with his mother
jo. pasal 100 KHI). and his mother's family (see Article 43
Peranan Notaris dalam hal peralihan paragraph (1) UUP in conjunction
harta kekayaan orang pribadi yang with article 100 KHI).
rentan ini contohnya terhadap
pengakuan anak luar kawin , Notaris The role of Notary in the case of the
membuat akte pengakuan anak luar transfer of vulnerable personal
kawin sebelum kedua orang tua anak assets, for example to the recognition
luar kawin tersebut melangsungkan of illegitimate child, Notary makes a
perkawinan, sehingga si anak luar kawin deed of recognition for illegitimate
tersebut tidak kehilangan hak child before the parents of illegitimate
mewarisnya. child, so that the child is not deprived
of inheritance.
Dengan demikian peranan notaris
adalah sangat penting sebagai pejabat Thus the role of the notary is very
umum yang berwenang untuk membuat important as a public official who has
akte otentik dan kedudukan akte yang the authority to make authentic deed
dibuat oleh notaris itu otentik dan dapat and the position of the deed made by
dipakai sebagai alat pembuktian di the notary is authentic and can be
pengadilan. used as a means of verification in

24) Apa peran notaris dalam 24) What is the role of the
manajemen konflik antara orang notary in the conflict
perseorangan, khususnya management between natural
penggunaan metode penyelesaian persons, notably the use of
perselisihan alternatif? alternative dispute resolution

Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 15 UUJN, Based on the provisions of Article 15

dalam hukum di Indonesia Notaris tidak UUJN, Notaries do not have the
memiliki kewenangan untuk secara authority to explicitly determine the
tegas menentukan alternatif alternative legal settlement used,
penyelesaian hukum yang digunakan, which may arise between the parties
yang mungkin timbul diantara para (personal / individual).
pihak (pribadi/individu). However, as stated in Article 15
Namun demikian sebagaimana paragraph 2 point e, Notary has the
tercantum dalam Pasal 15 ayat 2 butir e, authority to provide legal counseling
Notaris mempunyai kewenangan in connection with the making of
memberikan penyuluhan hokum Deed. Thus, as far as the problems
sehubungan dengan pembuatan Akta. faced by the Parties are related to the

Dengan demikian sejauh permasalahan deed made by the Notary concerned,
yang dihadapi oleh Para Pihak adalah the Notary can provide legal
terkait dengan akta yang dibuat oleh counseling to the Parties in
Notaris yang bersangkutan, Notaris accordance with the provisions of the
dapat memberikan penyuluhan hukum applicable legislation. For example, if
kepada Para Pihak sesuai dengan the object of the agreement made in
ketentuan peraturan perundangan- the Notary Deed is about land such as
undangan yang berlaku. Misalnya jika the Sale and Purchase Agreement of
obyek perjanjian yang dibuat didalam land, then Notary can provide legal
Akta Notaris adalah mengenai tanah counsel to the Parties in accordance
seperti Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli with Article 118 HIR in conjunction
Atas Tanah, maka, maka Notaris dapat with Article 1365 HIR. in court at the
memberikan penyuluhan hokum kepada location where the land is located.
Para Pihak sesuai dengan ketentuaan
Pasal 118 HIR jo Pasal 1365 HIR maka
penyelesaian yang menyangkut di
bidang pertanahan adalah diselesaikan
di Pengadilan di lokasi tempat tanah
tersebut berada.

25) Apa peran notaris dalam 25) What is the role of the
pencegahan konflik keluarga, notary in the prevention of
penggunaan pengadilan? family conflicts, use of courts?

Untuk alternatif penyelesaian For alternative resolutions in family

perselisihan dibidang hukum keluarga, law disputes, such as inheritance
misalnya perkara warisan, sepanjang cases, insofar as it relates to the Deed
menyangkut Akta yang dibuat oleh made by Notary for example
Notaris tersebut misalnya tentang Surat regarding the Declaration of heirs,
Pernyataan Ahli Waris, maka Notaris the Notary may provide legal
dapat memberikan penyuluhan hukum counseling in the event of a dispute in
bahwa jika terjadi sengketa dalam the distribution of inheritance issues,
pelaksanaan pembagian warisan based on the decision of the date
masalah pertanahan,maka berdasarkan Supreme Court December 13, 1979 No.
keputusan Mahkamah Agung tanggal 13 11K / AG / 1979. In the verdict, a
Desember 1979 No. 11K/AG/1979. procedural law was stipulated which
Dalam putusan tersebut ditentukan emphasized: "If in a lawsuit
suatu kaidah hukum acara yang concerning the distribution of
menegaskan: “Apabila dalam suatu inheritance is still contained in a
gugatan yang menyangkut pembagian dispute over property rights, the case
harta warisan masih terkandung concerned does not include the

sengketa hak milik maka perkara yang authority of the Religious Court to
bersangkutan tidak termasuk examine it but belongs to the General
kewenangan Pengadilan Agama untuk Court.
memeriksanya tapi termasuk
kewenangan Peradilan Umum.

26) Apa peran yang dimainkan 26) What role does the notary
oleh notaris dalam mengelola play in managing non-
situasi pengadilan yang tidak contentious court situations?

Notaris dapat diminta sebagai saksi atas The notary may ask for information
dalam Pengadilan untuk memberikan in the Court to provide information
keterangan mengenai apa yang about what should be recognized from
diketahui dari Akta Notaril yang dibuat the Notarial Deed which was made as
sebagai salah satu alat bukti dalam one of the evidence in the trial.
Namun demikian proses pemanggilan However, the process of summoning a
Notaris sebagai saksi harus melalui Notary as a requirement must go
beberapa prosedur lebih dulu, through several procedures first,
sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 66 approved in Article 66 of the UUJN,
UUJN, yaitu: namely:
1. Jika diperlukan penegak hukum 1. If it is necessary a law enforcer in
dalam proses peradilan yaitu the judicial process, that is the
penyidik, penuntut umum atau investigator, public prosecutor or
hakim dapat mengajukan surat judge can request for approval in
permintaan persetujuan dalam order to summon a notary. Letter
rangka melakukan pemanggilan submitted to the Honorary Board of
kepada seorang notaris. Surat Notaries.
tersebut diajukan ke Majelis
Kehormatan Notaris.
2. Dalam kurun waktu paling lama 30 2. Within a maximum of 30 working
hari kerja terhitung sejak days after receiving the request letter,
diterimanya surat permintaan the Honorary Board of Notaries must
tersebut, Majelis Kehormatan provide an answer;
Notaris wajib memberikan
jawabannya; 3. If within the period of time
3. Jika dalam kurun waktu yang determined by the Honorary Board of
ditentukan Majelis Kehormatan Notaries does not give approval, then
Notaris tidak memberikan the Honorary Council of Notary is
jawabannya, maka sikap diam considered to accept the request of

Majelis Kehormatan Notaris approval. So law enforcer may
dianggap telah menerima summon the relevant notary.
permintaan persetujuan tersebut.
Sehingga penegak hukum dapat 4. After being received approval from
melakukan pemanggilan kepada the Honorary Board of Notaries, law
notaris yang bersangkutan. enforcers agree to:
4. Setelah memperoleh persetujuan
dari Majelis Kehormatan Notaris, a. Request and collect copies of
penegak hukum berwenang untuk: minuta deeds and / or letters that
a. Meminta dan mengambil have been attached to the minuta
fotokopi dari minuta akta deed in the notary deposit (notary
dan/atau surat-surat yang telah protocol);
dilekatkan pada minuta akta In connection with taking a copy of
dalam penyimpanan notaris these documents, the investigator will
(protocol notaris); make the minutes of submission for
Sehubungan dengan the invitation to the notary.
pengambilan fotokopi dokumen-
dokumen tersebut, penyidik akan
membuatkan berita acara
penyerahan untuk diserahkan
kepada notaris tersebut.
b. Memanggil notaris untuk hadir b. Summon a notary to be present in
dalam proses pemeriksaan the inspection process related to the
pidana yang berkaitan dengan notary deed or protocol entered in the
akta atau protocol notaris yang deposit.
berada dalam penyimpanannya.

27) Apakah intervensi notaris 27) Is the notary’s intervention

dalam kehidupan orang in the life of the natural person a
perseorangan merupakan praktik standardized or tailored
standar atau khusus? practice?

Di Indonesia, intervensi notaris dalam In Indonesia, notary intervention in

kehidupan Pribadi seseorang masih one's personal life is still the choice of
merupakan pilihan dari yang the person concerned such as making
bersangkutan seperti membuat marriage agreements, wills etc.
perjanjian kawin,akta wasiat dsb.

28) Apa peran Notaris dalam 28) What is the role of the
mengatasi kesulitan terkait notary in addressing the
tumbuhnya mobilitas orang difficulties related to the

(migrasi) growing mobility of natural
persons (migration)?

Keterlibatan notaris dalam mengatasi The involvement of notaries in

kesulitan terkait tumbuhnya mobiltas overcoming difficulties related to the
orang (migrasi) saat ini masih sangat growth of people (migration) is
kurang. Karena peran tersebut lebih currently very lacking. Because the
banyak dipegang oleh Direktorat role is mostly held by the Directorate
Jenderal Keimigrasian pada General of Immigration at the
Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Indonesian Ministry of Law and
Manusia RI. Pihak Ditjen Imigrasi lah Human Rights. It is the Directorate
yang mengidentifikasi dan memeriksa General of Immigration that identifies
mobilitas orang-orang tersebut, baik and checks the mobility of these
yang keluar negeri atau yang datang people, whether they are abroad or
dari luar negeri, baik terhadap warga who come from abroad, both to
Negara Indonesia maupun terhadap Indonesian citizens and to the colors
warna Negara asing. Setiap orang yang of foreign countries. Everyone who
melakukan perjalanan lintas batas travels across Indonesian borders
Negara Indonesia harus melalui proses must go through the immigration
imigrasi terlebih dahulu. Dan peran process first. And the role of the
notaris dalam proses imigrasi tersebut notary in the immigration process
tidak ada sama sekali. does not exist at all.

29) Apa peran Notaris dalam 29) What is the role of the
mengatasi kesulitan yang timbul notary in addressing the
dari internasionalitas kehidupan difficulties arising from the
orang biasa? internationality of natural
persons ‘life?

Internasionalitas kehidupan orang The internationality of people’s life

timbul saat orang yang berbeda arises when people of different
kewarganegaraan melakukan hubungan nationalities have legal relationships,
hukum, baik hubungan pribadi seperti both personal relationships such as
pernikahan atau hubungan keperdataan marriage or civil relations such as
seperti perjanjian atau kontrak kerja agreements or employment contracts
dan berbagai macam hubungan dan and various kinds of relationships
tindakan lainnya yang melibatkan orang and other actions involving people
antar Negara. Dalam prakteknya, between countries. In practice, this
hubungan ini banyak menimbulkan relationship creates many legal
permasalahan hukum terutama problems mainly due to cultural
dikarenakan adanya perbedaan budaya differences and applicable legal

dan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di provisions between parties involved
antara para pihak yang terlibat dalam in an international relationship.
suatu hubungan internasional.
Peran notaris dalam mengatasi The role of the notary in overcoming
permasalahan yang timbul dari the problems that arise from the
internasionalitas kehidupan orang internationality of life of these people
tersebut saat ini juga masih sangat is currently still very lacking. Because
kurang. Karena internasionaltas the international life style of this
kehidupan orang tersebut saat ini belum person does not currently involve the
melibatkan peranan notaris secara full role of the notary. This is because
penuh. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena the legal relationship made by the
hubungan hukum yang dibuat oleh para parties is not required to be done
pihak tidak diwajibkan harus dilakukan before a notary. The parties can make
di hadapan notaris. Para pihak dapat their own legal relationship as an
membuat sendiri hubungan hukum di agreement without the need to involve
antara mereka seperti perjanjian tanpa a notary in it. In fact, legal relations
perlu harus melibatkan notaris di or agreements made by parties with
dalamnya. Padahal, hubungan hukum different nationalities have the
atau perjanijan yang dibuat oleh para potential to create conflicts between
pihak yang berbeda them. The role of the notary to
kewarganegaraannya sangat berpotensi minimize the potential of these
untuk timbulnya komflik di antara problems is very necessary, because
mereka. Peran notaris untuk the notary is expected to be able to
meminimalkan potensi permasalahan provide an explanation regarding the
tersebut sangat diperlukan, karena legal relationship that is carried out
notaris diharapkan dapat member in accordance with applicable legal
penjelasan terkait hubungan hukum provisions. So that the role of the
yang dilakukan sesuai ketentuan hukum notary in the legal relationship will
yang berlaku. Sehingga dengan adanya provide legal certainty and protection
peran notaris dalam hubungan hukum for the parties involved in the legal
tersebut akan memberikan kepastian relationship.
dan perlindungan hukum bagi para
pihak yang terlibat dalam hubungan
hukum tersebut.

30) Apa peran Notaris dalam 30) What is the role of the
pengelolaan perubahan moral? notary in the management of
changing morals?

Moral menduduki peranan yang penting Morals play an important role in

dalam kepatuhan terhadap hukum. compliance with the law. In many

Dalam banyak perkara, pelanggaran cases, violations of the law or against
terhadap hukum atau terhadap legal relations made by the parties,
hubungan hukum yang dibuat oleh para such as agreements, are more due to
pihak, seperti perjanjian, lebih moral problems among the parties.
dikarenakan masalah moral di antara To minimize the potential for
para pihak tersebut. Untuk violations and non-compliance with
meminimalkan potensi pelanggaran dan the law that has been agreed upon
ketidak-patuhan terhadap hukum yang between the parties, the involvement
telah diperjanjikan di antara para pihak of the notary in the agreement-
tersebut, keterlibatan notaris dalam making process is very important.
proses pembuat perjanjian tersebut Changing moral has the potential to
sangatlah penting. cause disputes. The role of the notary
Moral yang berubah berpotensi in managing moral change is very
menimbulkan sengketa. Peran notaris urgent. With the involvement of
dalam pengelolaan moral yang berubah notaries in making authentic deeds
tersebut sangatlah urgen. Dengan for the parties, the potential for such
adanya keterlibatan notaris dalam disputes can be minimized. With the
membuat akta yang otentik bagi para authentic deed, the person who states
pihak, potensi sengketa tersebut dapat something in the presence of a notary
diminimalkan. Dengan akta otentik or the person who makes an
tersebut, orang yang menyatakan agreement before a notary will not
sesuatu di hadapan notaris atau orang easily deny the statement or
yang membuat perjanjian di hadapan agreement he has made. The
notaris tidak akan dengan mudah untuk authenticity of the deed made by the
mengingkari pernyataan atau perjanijan notary will have consequences for the
yang pernah dibuatnya. Keotentikan protection of all parties, both parties
akta yang dibuat oleh notaris akan directly involved in a deed or their
membawa akibat bagi perlindungan heirs, as well as other people related
untuk semua pihak, baik para pihak to the deed.
yang terlibat langsung dalam suatu akta
atau para ahli warisnya, dan juga orang
lain yang terkait dengan akta tersebut.

31) Apa saja kesulitan yang 31) What are the difficulties
dihadapi oleh Notaris dalam faced by the notary in his
hubungannya dengan orang? relationships with the natural

Kesulitan utama yang dihadapi oleh The main difficulty faced by a notary
notaris dalam hubungannya dengan in relation to people is in the problem
orang adalah dalam masalah of identifying the personal data of the

mengindentifikasi data diri dari orang person concerned.
Mengidentifikasi data diri seseorang Identifying one's personal data is
sangatlah penting bagi notaris sebelum very important for the notary before
membuat akta. Hal ini dilakukan untuk making a deed. This is done to ensure
memastikan bahwa orang yang datang that the person who comes to the
kepada notaris yang meminta untuk notary who asks for the deed to be
dibuatkan akta tersebut adalah orang made is the person who is in
yang sesuai dengan yang ingin ditulis accordance with what he wants
dalam akta. Kesalahan dari written in the deed. Errors in
mengidentifikasi orang tersebut akan identifying the person will result in
berakibat pada tidak sah dan tidak illegality and not binding the deed
mengikatnya akta yang dibuat tersebut. made.
Dalam perkembangannya, dimana In its development, where the number
jumlah pertumbuhan pendudukan yang of very high numbers of population
sangat tinggi dengan jumlah yang growth and the very high mobility of
sangat banyak dan mobilitas orang yang people, both national and
juga sangat tinggi, baik mobilitas secara international mobility, has resulted in
nasional maupun internasional, telah difficulties in identifying someone. If
mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam in the past it was easy to identify
melakukan indentifikasi terhdap people, because the numbers were not
seseorang. Jika zaman dahulu mudah large and the mobility of people was
untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap not high, now it was not easy to
orang, karena jumlahnya yang tidak identify the person. The current
banyak dan mobilitas orang yang tidak notary cannot identify people directly
tinggi, saat ini tidak mudah untuk without helping other parties or
melakukan identifikasi terhadap orang documents issued by other State
tersebut. Notaris saat ini tidak dapat agencies / institutions. Without the
mengidentifikasi orang secara langsung involvement of other parties or
tanpa bantu pihak lain atau dokumen documents issued by other State
yang diterbitkan oleh instansi/lembaga agencies / institutions, the notary will
Negara lain. Tanpa adanya keterlibatan find it difficult to identify who is
pihak lain atau dokumen yang actually the person who came to him.
dikeluarkan oleh instansi/lembaga
Negara lain, notaris akan kesulitan
dalam mengidentifikasi siapa
sesungguhnya orang yang datang
menghadap kepadanya tersebut.

32) Apakah jasa notaris cukup 32) Are the notary's services
diminta oleh orang? sufficiently solicited by the

natural person?

33) Apakah campur tangan notaris 33) Does the notary intervene
secara memadai dan benar dalam sufficiently and properly in the
kehidupan orang? life of the natural person?

Ya. Yes.
Notaris akan mencampuri dalam Notaries will interfere in people's lives
kehidupan masyarakat pada saat when the community needs it,
masyarakat tersebut membutuhkannya, generally this is related to the
pada umumnya hal ini terkait dengan principle of compliance or obligations
asas kepatuhan atau kewajiban yang required by applicable laws and
disyaratkan oleh peraturan perundang- regulations where the required
undangan yang berlaku di mana documents are required in the form of
dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan notary documents such as the
tersebut diwajibkan dalam bentuk establishment of limited liability
notaril seperti halnya pembentukan companies, agreements marriage,
perseroan terbatas, perjanjian kawin, credit agreement and the imposition
perjanjian kredit dan pembebanan of the guarantee.

34) Apakah ada kelemahan 34) Are there any textual or

tekstual atau praktis yang practical weaknesses that
mencegah keterlibatan notaris prevent the notary's
dalam kehidupan orang? involvement in the life of the
natural person?

Tidak. No.
Keterlibatan notaris tergantung pada The involvement of the notary
peraturan yang mengatur atas transaksi depends on the rules governing the
yang sedang dilakukan apakah wajib transaction being carried out whether
dalam bentuk notaril atau dibawah it is mandatory in the form of notarial
tangan sehingga dengan demikian or non notarial so that the notary
notaris tidak dapat bertindak secara cannot act voluntarily to be involved
sukarela untuk terlibat dalam in one's life.
kehidupan seseorang.

35) 35) Other national specificities?


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