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Assalamu’alaikum Dear Kids. We meet again. How are you? Hope you are always fine ya.
Aamiin yaa Rabb.

Today we are going to study to describe (menerangkan) people, animals and things to make
them stand out (menonjol), to show my pride of them (menunujukkan kebanggaan terhadap
mereka), to promote them (mempromosikan mereka) and to critize them (mengkritik

Let’s start by describing things! (Kita mulai dengan menerangkan benda ya)

Pelajari dialog di bawah ini, kemudian jawab beberapa pertanyaan yang mengiringinya!

A. Ihsahn : Do you see my notebook? I put it on my desk, but it is not there now.

Althaf : What does it look like?

Ihsahn : It’s thick. It has a blue hard cover.

Althaf : Does it have a pink ribbon separator? This one?

Ihsahn : No. The ribbon is white. There’s a sticker on the cover. It’s shiny, white,
round with a picture of an orang utan.

Althaf : It must be the one over there, on the teacher’s desk.

Ihsahn : Yes, you are right. Thank you..

1. What does Ihsahn’s notebook look like?

2. Does it have ribbon separator?

3. What colour is the ribbon separator?

4. What does the sticker on the Ihsahn’s notebook look like?

5. Where does Ihsahn”s notebook actually?

B. Hayfa : Is it easy to find your house?

Della : I think it is. I live in a new housing complex, so all the houses look the same.
They all have a blue roof and no fence. They are all white and grey. There’s a
tree in front of every house. But we have two trees. One of themis a star-fruit

Hayfa : Is it near the small bridge on Jalan Teratai?

Della : Yes. My house has a handycraft from Tana Toraja hanging on the front door.
It is a triangle with a beautiful carving.

Hayfa : But when the door is opened, we can’t see it from the street, can’t we?

Della : You are right. Okay. In front of my house there is also a big stone. Some
children often sit and play there.

Hayfa : Okay. I’m sure we wil find it.

1. Where does Della live?

2. What does Della’s house look like? The roof is ... .It has no ... . Tt’s colours are ... and... .

There are ... trees in front of it.

3. What is hanging on the front door?

4. Where is it from?

5. What does the handycraft look like?

Well, Dears! It’s enough for today. Hope you can answer all the questions. See you again in

next tasks. Have a very nice day! Assalamu’alaikum.

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