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MGMT3001 International Management

Topic 9: Chapter 9:
Staffing, Training, and
Compensation for Global Operations

Workshop 9 – Chapter 9
International HRM

In-class activity 1: Discussion questions

Discuss the following in class:

1. Explain the various approaches to staffing for global operations.
 the ethnocentric approach: Used at internationalisation stage of strategic expansion,
with centralised structure. key managerial positions are filled with people from
headquarters, parent-country nationals
 The polycentric staffing approach is often used with a multinational strategy and fills
key positions with host country nationals (HCNs)
 In the global staffing approach, the best managers are recruited from within or outside
of the company, third country nationals. As some become truly global and move away
from the concepts of host and home country, the term transpatriate is replacing the
term expatriate.
 With the regiocentric approach, recruiting is done on a regional basis. This approach
can produce a mix of PCNs, HCNs, and TCNs depending on the needs of the
company or the product strategy. 

2. Explain the factors that influence the integration of expatriates with local staff.
What factors hinder this?
The factors that influence the integration of expatriates with local staff
 Forming close working relationships
 Learning local language
 Transferring technical/business knowledge
 Cultural adaptability
 Respect

Hinders Integration
 Not using team concept
 Not learning local language
 HQ mentality
 Spouse/family adjustment problems
 Being autocratic
 Limited time in assignment

3. Which country would you consider working as an expatriate? Why?

In-class tutorial activity 2: Ongoing Semester Case Study – Businessville

MGMT3001 International Management

Topic 9: Chapter 9:
Staffing, Training, and
Compensation for Global Operations

Around the World Hotels has established an alliance with a small, locally owned
hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. However, they are having trouble finding local staff with
the level of knowledge and skills demanded by the company so they have decided to
take some of the staff to the company’s flagship hotel, the Beijing Businessville
Hotel. The plan is to take staff from each division in the Ho Chi Minh City hotel and
train them by having them shadow and work with Beijing Businessville Hotel staff for
a period of three months. Those staff are then expected to return to Ho Chi Minh City
and train other staff in their division.

Make a list of the reasons this strategy could be successful and a list of reasons it
could be unsuccessful. Prepare a discussion outlining the strategy you would
employ to ensure there were sufficient, well trained local staff at Ho Chi Minh City in
time for the world trade expo.
Poor programs for career support. The staff who are trained maybe cant deliver the whole
training program to other staff. There will lack of acknowledge
Alienation, poor support from headquarters.
Inability to adapt to the local culture. Only the staff who are trained can

In-class activity 3: Student Presentation Case Study.

Students to present solutions to Q 9-12, 9-13, 9-14 & 9-15 of case study titled
‘Kelly’s Assignment in Japan’ on pages 399-401 of the textbook. Audience to
prepare discussion points for the questions.

In-class activity 4: In-class multi-choice quiz.

Print out the quiz for the students and administer in class. Students will be given 10
mns to attempt the quiz. Discuss the solutions in class. This quiz serves as a good
revision exercise.

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