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Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

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A neural network approach to predicting the net costs associated with BIM T

Ying Honga, Ahmed W.A. Hammadb, , Ali Akbarnezhadc, Mehrdad Arashpourd
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia
Boral, Australia
School of Civil Engineering, Monash University


Keywords: A neural network approach is proposed to estimate the costs and benefits associated with implementing Building
BIM adoption Information Modelling (BIM) at firms. This includes specifying the BIM applications and the resources required
Technology cost prediction for reaching a specific level of detail within the generated models, referred to as level of development (LOD).
BIM benefits Such predictions are imperative to decision makers and can aid in the examination of the best strategies to
Multi-label classification
execute when deciding on the adoption and implementation of BIM. The proposed neural network is customised
Multi-class classification
Neural network analysis
to suit a firm's investment plan when it comes to BIM implementation. Multi-label and multi-class classifications
BIM cost implementation are adopted to derive the cost and benefit functions for BIM application and LOD implementation, respectively.
Threshold functions to distinguish the positive and negative labels in multi-label classification are adopted. The
proposed neural network is developed based on data collected from Australian and Chinese construction firms
using a 7-point Likert type questionnaire. The proposed neural network provides decision-makers with a tool to
assess which BIM/Non-BIM applications to implement, along with the LOD that is most suited to the organi-
sation's financial and technical ability.

1. Introduction vaguely studied. Ex-ante evaluation is performed to forecast and eval-

uate the impact of future scenarios on decision making [11]. Ex-ante
The application of Building information modelling (BIM) has wit- evaluation has been frequently used in assessing Information Tech-
nessed significant growth in the Architecture, Engineering and nology (IT) investment, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Construction (AEC) industry over the past decade. This is attributed to implementation [12] and social programs [13]. Ex-ante evaluation is an
its potential capabilities in increasing efficiency and minimising error essential component in project preparation and initiation (i.e. objective
[1]. Various applications of BIM in the AEC industry exist, including definition) and project success evaluation [14]. There is yet a lack of ex-
construction coordination [2] and sustainable planning and control ante evaluation of BIM implementations. The implementation strategy
[3,4]. The importance of formulating the BIM adoption decision- when it comes to adopting BIM is based on an assessment of the benefits
making process is demonstrated in Chin et al. [5] and Li [6]. and costs involved during and after the adoption. This typically requires
An assessment of the benefits associated with BIM implementation deciding on the applications of BIM to adopt, and the level of detail to
is presented by a number of studies in the literature. Barlish et al. [7] incorporate in each application of BIM via resource investment. For-
measured BIM implementation benefits by comparing BIM and Non- mally, LOD is defined as a specific level of development, used as a re-
BIM case studies. Bryde et al. [8] classified project benefits associated ference to enable AEC practitioners to specify and articulate the content
with BIM implementation through conducting a comprehensive litera- (i.e. geometric information and structured data) and reliability of BIM
ture review. Ham et al. [9] quantified the benefits of design errors at various stages in the design and construction process [15]. Hence,
prevention via using BIM. The BIM benefits matrix designed by Gerbov the direct use of a survey without a predictive model, to determine the
et al. [10] was used to identify BIM implementation benefits, based on benefits and costs of BIM implementation, may not result in the most
indicators related to BIM functionalities and BIM process character- economic BIM applications and LOD to associate resources with, due to
istics. However, ex-ante evaluation of BIM implementation remains lack of a predictive mechanism.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Hong), (A.W.A. Hammad), (M. Arashpour).
Received 25 November 2019; Received in revised form 31 May 2020; Accepted 2 June 2020
Available online 01 July 2020
0926-5805/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Recent government strategies, for example Government on BIM implementation had a wide range of ROI values, ranging be-
Construction Strategy [16], are encouraging a higher BIM im- tween 16% and 1654%. ROI is designed as a ratio of profit received as a
plementation level for all firms. Previous studies found that a particular result of BIM implementation over the implementation costs [27,29],
LOD and/or application may be required as part of a contractual but without the association with project characteristics, for example,
agreement [17]. The organisation thus needs to be able to devote the project size and project type. Other metrics are deployed to quantify
development of required LOD with sufficient levels of resources to assist BIM implementation benefits, including number of Request for In-
project management [18]. The use of BIM is often associated with ad- formation [7], productivity gains in drafting and documentation
ditional resource investment including training [19], hiring of BIM [30,31], project time savings [32], and other project-based metrics [9].
managers [20], and the ability to accommodate for drop back in pro- However, these project-based metrics is determined by project char-
ductivity due to change from traditional delivery approach [21]. In acteristics (i.e. project size), which would result a project customised
addition, it is important to note that the decision to adopt BIM is af- evaluation tool, rather than an organisation customised tool. Cost-
fected by many factors including the organisation's characteristics [22] benefit analysis of BIM implementation has also been conducted by
and technical features available to permit the organisation to deliver many researchers, for example, in precast construction [33] and facility
the required LOD [23]. Therefore, this study aims to provide decision management [34]. However, it was found that lack of project data is the
makers an overview about the potential costs associated with different biggest challenge for conducting cost-benefit analysis [35]. Love et al.
applications and LOD implementation. [34] suggested that information system methodologies (i.e. multi-cri-
In order to present an approach representative of realistic cases, a teria methods and value analysis) could be used to evaluate and justify
limit is imposed on the total BIM and Non-BIM applications that can be the investment in BIM.
adopted by an organisation that is reflective of budget constraints. The
purpose of adding budget constraints is to emphasise that multiple cost- 2.2. Categorising BIM implementation costs and benefits
saving BIM applications could be implemented at the same time, each
requiring its own resources. In addition, to ensure that realistic appli- Attempts in the literature have been made on categorising the costs
cation selection is captured in the proposed predictive model, multi- and benefits associated with implementing BIM. The categorisation is
label classification is employed in this study, to allow multiple appli- performed for different purposes, including performing cost-benefit
cations to be applied for a given firm (i.e. allow for more than one label analysis [35,36], and investigating impacts of BIM implementation
to be associated with an instance) [24]. On the other hand, only a single [37]. In addition, available literature has summarised BIM im-
LOD can be implemented for each adopted application; this can be plementation costs and benefits for BIM users from different disciplines,
modelled as associating 1 label to a given instance in machine learning including architecture [38] and facility management [39]. However, it
terminology, which is achieved via multi-class classification [24]. was found that lack of project data is the biggest challenge for con-
The novelty of this study is a predictive method that estimates the ducting cost-benefit analysis [35]. Some of the listed BIM im-
Net Cost of implementing BIM applications at different LODs, which fills plementation benefits and costs highlighted in these studies are re-
the gap in detecting the suitability of implementing BIM in an organi- garded as intangible factors, which are difficult to accurately measure
sation. The Net Cost is the difference between Implementation Cost, [37].
which includes training costs, installation and maintenance costs and Several efforts have been made in modelling BIM adoption decision-
adaptation costs, and Implementation Benefits, which includes pro- making, including BIM acceptance in Korean construction organisations
ductivity and intangible improvements (Eq. (1)). Since the Net Cost of [40] and BIM adoption in Chinese architectural firms [41]. The BIM
BIM implementation involves intangible factors (i.e. productivity im- adoption model developed by Hong et al. [42] estimated BIM adoption
provement), this study estimates Net Cost in a generic way. from a wider range of perspective, including BIM implementation
benefits and challenges, operation risks, knowledge support, and staff's
Net Cost = Implementation Costs − Implementation Benefits (1)
capability in BIM operation. Therefore, this study adopted the same
This study is organised as follows: a background section is presented measurements and data collection method (7-point Likert type ques-
on the categorisation of BIM implementation evaluation methods, along tionnaire) used in Hong et al. [42] (Table 1). The measurements in
with the associated benefits and costs. Followed by a review of potential Hong et al. [42] were categorised for structural equation modelling
analysis methods. Data collection and case studies are then described. A analysis purpose. However, this study aims to estimate the Im-
case study is examined from each of the Chinese and Australian con- plementation Costs and Implementation Benefits of BIM; Hence, an ex-
struction industry, to test the proposed cost function prediction made. tensive literature review is conducted to categorise measurements into
Concluding remarks and future works are described at the end. Implementation Costs and Implementation Benefits. Through an extensive
literature review along with a survey that was conducted, it is observed
2. Background and literature review that Implementation Benefits can be assessed using Productivity Improve-
ments and Intangible Improvements as proxies. According to General
2.1. Implementation evaluation Services Administration [43], other proxies that can be adopted include
unquantified cost savings and increased quality. Implementation Costs,
Evaluation is the process of “providing information designed to aid on the other hand, can be measured via the following proxies: Training
in decision-making about the object being evaluated” [25]. Ex-ante Costs, Installation and Maintenance Costs, and Adaptation Costs. Proxies
evaluation is performed to forecast and evaluate the impact of future are the individual measurable characteristics of the observed variables,
scenarios on decision making, whereas ex-post evaluation assesses the and in the present study, they are referred to as the features of the
value of existing situations on the decisions that are to be made [11]. collected data. Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.5 below describe the details of each
Ex-post evaluation of BIM implementation has been studied by many proxy yielded from literature review.
researchers via the use of various metrics. In particular, ROI (Return on
Investment) has been frequently adopted in reporting and quantifying 2.2.1. Productivity improvements
BIM implementation [26–28]. Bernstein et al. [26] reported that ROI is The most frequently reported productivity improvements associated
positively related to BIM engagement level, while Stowe et al. [28] with BIM implementation include time reduction and monetary cost
suggested that ROI depends on building types. The problem, however, reduction, due to enhanced construction work productivity and reduced
is that ROI, when it comes to BIM adoption, varies significantly between construction collisions [1,44]. Azhar [32] and Eastman et al. [1] esti-
projects. As an example, the three case studies with different levels of mated the monetary saving of BIM implemented projects related to
organisation size and project characteristic reported by Giel et al. [27] productivity improvements and collision reduction, which was around

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Table 1
List of manifest variables (source: Hong et al. [42]).
Manifest variable Description

MV1 BIM adoption reduces the project's overall costs.

MV2 BIM adoption reduces the project duration.
MV3 BIM improves project information management.
MV4 BIM improves stakeholders' understanding of the project scope.
MV5 Using BIM reduces conflicts in the project.
MV6 The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by building competitive advantage over other competitors.
MV7 The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by the need to streamline organisation's management process.
MV8 BIM improves project collaboration among participants.
MV9 No or little additional knowledge/training is invested to implement BIM in the organisation.
MV10 Costs and efforts required to link information from other sources are insignificant.
MV11 Costs and efforts required to create, annotate, and refine project documentation via BIM are insignificant.
MV12 The organisation will provide/provides proper training to staff before implementing BIM.
MV13 Costs and efforts required to upgrade BIM operation hardware are insignificant.
MV14 BIM implementation requires high investing expenses.
MV15 Professional guidance is/was available to the organisation in the selection of BIM tools.
MV16 Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM models are insignificant.
MV17 Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM central files are insignificant.
MV18 A specific technical centre (or a technician) is/was available for assistance with BIM implementation.
MV19 BIM implementation is associated with the increasing of project cost, due to workflow changes.
MV20 The use of BIM gives rise to project communication issues with other project participants.
MV21 The use of BIM brings about project schedule delays due to lack of experience in using BIM.
MV22 The use of BIM reduces working efficiency temporarily due to people's resistance to change.

3%–5% of project costs. BIM usage enables project participants, espe- very early stage of BIM implementation [53]. The occurrence of
cially contractors and clients, to access project information and detect adaptation costs can lead to a change of workflow, learning curves, and
collisions earlier [37]. In addition, BIM usage improved project in- people's psychological resistance [54]. As reported by Poirier et al.
formation management, as noted by Azhar [32] due to improved data [49], BIM adoption can lead to internal and external information flow
accuracy. As a result, this justifies the categorisation of MV1 to MV5 in changes. Meanwhile, people's resistance to changing the existing
Table 1 as proxies that measure Productivity Improvements. workflow and staff's limited BIM understanding both pose huge chal-
lenges to organisational BIM adoption progress and efficiency [55,56].
2.2.2. Intangible improvements Given the adaptation barriers found by previous studies, this study
Gledson et al. [45] and Aibinu et al. [19] suggested that the ultimate assesses Adaptation Costs using MV19 to MV22 in Table 1 as proxies.
goal of BIM implementation is improving the collaboration of project
participants. The most significant benefit of BIM utilization was thus 3. ANNs
found to be improved coordination of Mechanical, Electrical, and
Plumbing system plans [46]. The associated intangible improvements Several tools are available to evaluate BIM implementation.
also include streamlined external information flow between project Walasek et al. [57] used project-based measurement metrics (i.e. Re-
stakeholders [47,48], and improved external relationships with other turn on Investment (ROI)) have been frequently used to quantify BIM
project participants [49]. Given the findings in the literature, MV6 to implementation benefits. However, it was found that the lack of project
MV8 in Table 1 are used as proxies to measure Intangible Improvements. data is one of the greatest challenges in performing cost-benefit analysis
when it comes to BIM implementation [58]. Meanwhile, recent re-
2.2.3. Training costs searchers made many contributions to assess BIM capabilities in dif-
A commonly reported BIM adoption barrier is the lack of experi- ferent construction phases, including facility management phase [59].
enced technicians in BIM integration [2]. Training staff from a novice However, there is a dire need for predictive capabilities in order to
level to an intermediate or more advanced level requires ongoing estimate cost and benefits associated with the process. Neural Network
training investment and is one of the major investments of BIM users in (NN) presents an opportunity to achieve this.
the short-term [46]. Studies in technology adoption mention that Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), as a paradigm for parallel pro-
technology complexity impact the rate of technology adoption [50,51]. cessing, are non-parametric estimators that can be used for regression
To account for the features in training technology usage, this study and classification [60]. The use of ANNs requires finding a set of con-
relies on MV9 to MV12 in Table 1 to estimate Training Costs. nection strengths which allow the trained artificial network to predict
unknown data accurately, based on a given set of input [61]. Within the
2.2.4. Installation and maintenance costs field of construction, interesting applications of ANNs include con-
Installation and maintenance costs are reported as one of the major struction productivity estimation [62], and conceptual cost estimation
costs in BIM implementation, including license purchasing fees, costs of and predictions [63]. There are some other classification methods also
hardware and software upgrading, and ongoing maintenance fees [52]. serve the predictive function. For example, a decision tree is a pre-
In addition, the selection of BIM tools and technical support during BIM dictive model which maps from observations about an item to conclu-
implementation are considered as essential components by Holzer [21], sions about its target value [64]; however, decision tree has limits in
Poirier et al. [49]. This is because BIM implementation relates to sev- classifying multiple output classes [65]. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
eral subsequent matters including suitability and interoperability. To is a supervised learning algorithm that use decision boundaries to op-
assess Installation and Maintenance Costs, MV13 to MV18 in Table 1 are timally separate data into different categories [66]. However, SVM is
used as proxies. initially designed for binary classification. Hence, SVM has limits in
classifying multiclass non-linearly [67]. As discussed earlier, this study
2.2.5. Adaptation costs intends to use both multiclass and multilabel classification. Therefore,
Adaptation costs are considered as an indirect cost or loss of income neural network is selected the most appropriate method for this study.
in this study. These are costs that are frequently reported to occur at the This section starts by giving an overview of ANNs and their main

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

components, followed by a description of label ranking and multi-class 3-16-8. The activation function defines how the neurons process the
classification used for Net Costs estimation. ANNs are information input value to produce the output value for the next layer [61]. This
processing techniques that simulate the human brain and the nervous study adopts the tanh function as the activation function, due to its
system; they are used to solve complex non-linear problems [61,68]. faster convergence in comparison to the sigmoid function [73].
ANNs were initially used in text recognition [69], with its applications For the ANNs proposed, input units are the proxies associated with
extending to cover the solving of classification problems [60]. In sol- each type of costs and benefits (i.e. training costs). The input variables
ving classification problems, the value of output unit (p(x)) obtained are the proxies associated with each type of costs and benefits, as ca-
from a trained ANN is used to classify the instance's label (Y). tegorised in the section “Categorising BIM Implementation Costs and
As discussed earlier, this study aims to provide decision makers an Benefits” and Table 1. Output units represent different potential BIM/
overview about the potential costs associated with different applica- Non-BIM applications or LOD in the multi-label and multi-class classi-
tions and LOD implementation. Hence, the proposed ANNs-based ana- fication, respectively. In particular, Non-BIM applications refer to any
lysis predicts total net costs associated with implementing BIM appli- other type of computer-aided tools except BIM, which can be 2D
cations, where benefits and costs associated with the implementation Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Geographic Information System
are also considered. In this study, the problem associated with BIM/ (GIS). Since 5 types of Implementation Costs and Benefits are categorised
Non-BIM application selection is solved via an ANN-based multi-label in the previous section (i.e. productivity improvements and training costs),
classification algorithm, since an organisation can implement multiple a total of 5 ANN structures for multi-label classification and multi-class
applications. On the other hand, the selection of LOD for each im- classification, are constructed. Each ANN would yield a prediction with
plemented BIM application is solved via a multi-class classification al- regards to the probability of adopting a certain application and LOD.
gorithm, as for each application implemented, only a single LOD (i.e. Each ANN is tailored to estimate one type of costs and/or benefits for
label) can be associated. In formal terms, multi-class classification as- each application and LOD. An aggregated ANN can only provide an
signs an instance with a single label from a set of disjoint labels L (with aggregated cost for each application and LOD, rather than a breakdown
|L| > 2), while multi-label classification assigns an instance with a set costs.
of labels Y ⊆ L [70,71]. Although multi-label and multi-class classifi- Weights in the first and second layers (whjand vih) are selected in-
cation have similar network structures (more than one output unit), the itially from small random values and are updated during the back-
criteria in assigning a positive label to an output unit differs. This study propagation procedure. Backpropagation carries the error from the
uses label ranking to assign multiple labels to an instance in multi-label output units back to the input unit xj; this minimises the total errors in
classification. The softmax function, which is an extension of the sigmoid the ANN [72]. This study adopts the cross-entropy loss function, which
function used as an activation function to introduce nonlinearity in is frequently used to measure the performance of a classification model,
ANNs, is adopted in multi-class classification to determine an instance's given its better performance in backpropagation for the trained ANNs.
label directly [72]. An overview of ANNs is given in Section 3.1. Details The value of cross-entropy loss increases as the predicted probability
of multi-label and multi-class classification are presented in Sections 3.2 diverges from the actual label [74].
and 3.3 of this paper, respectively. Table 2 summarises the notation,
along with the associated descriptions and dimensions, which will be 3.2. Label ranking
adopted in the remainder of the paper.
Multi-label classification is adopted to predict the application(s)
that the organisation (the instance) may implement, based on the or-
3.1. Overview
ganisation's associated Implementation Costs and Benefits resulting from
BIM adoption. Previous studies in the field of machine learning at-
The key elements comprising an ANN include the input layer,
tempted to solve multi-label classification through algorithm adapta-
hidden layer(s), an output layer, units (or neurons), activation function,
tion and problem transformation. Algorithm adaptation involves the
and weights [60,68]. Fig. 1 presents a 3-layer ANN with 3 input units,
use of other machine learning algorithms, i.e. kernel learning [75] and
16 hidden units, and 8 output units, whose structure can be denoted as
decision trees [76] that are adapted to solve the multi-label classifica-
tion problem. Problem transformation involves transforming a multi-
Table 2
label classification task into one or more single-label classifications,
List of notations.
such as binary relevance [77], label power-set [78], and label ranking
Notations Descriptions Dimension [79]. This study transforms the multi-label classification tasks into label
ranking, because of the associated advantages in improving the net-
xj Input unit(s), j = 0, 1, ..., J, with x0 being the bias unit J×1
in the input layer work's training efficiency [79]. Label ranking involves the mapping of
xj The average value of input unit(s) 1×1 instances to a total order over a finite set of predefined labels [80]. In
zh Hidden units, h = 0, 1, ..., H, z0 is the bias unit in the H×1 this study, for every instance, label ranking ranks the predicted value of
hidden layer each label obtained from ANNs.
Yi True (known) label of output unit(s), i = 1, ..., I I×1
Previous studies developed different types of algorithms in label
Y Predicted (unknown) label of output unit(s), i = 1, ..., I I×1
ranking, including inserting an artificial calibration label [81], ranking
p(xj) Predicted value of output unit(s) I×1
whj Weights in the first layer H×J labels based on the decreasing confidence scores [82], and using a
vih Weights in the second layer I×H linear model to minimise the ranking loss and maximise margin si-
∣|W|∣ Regularise term in cross-entropy loss function 1×1 multaneously [75]. The linear model approach, designed by Elisseeff
t(xj) Threshold value in label ranking, which is obtained I×J
et al. [75], originally solves multi-label classification in support vector
through a linear model
s(xj) Threshold value in multi-class classification, which is I×J
machine problems, was later adapted by other researchers (i.e. Zhang
obtained through softmax function et al. [83]) in ANNs to produce highly accurate predictions. This study
b Intercept in threshold function for application selection 1×1 adopts the linear model approach to differentiate positive and negative
miT Slope in threshold function for application selection I×1 labels in ANNs, due to its ability to minimise misclassification, thus
u(xj) Units of costs of instance xj when implementing an I×1 resulting in more accurate predictions [79]. The linear model approach
r(xj) Units of costs of instance xj when implementing BIM at a I×1
assumes that there is a linear model, as expressed in Eq. (2), which can
particular LOD be used as a threshold function:
β Scale of change in sensitivity analysis 1×1
t (x ) = mT × p (x ) + b (2)

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Fig. 1. A three-layer ANNs.

where p(x) = (p(x)1, …, p(x)I) is the I-dimensional vector whose ith 4. Case studies
component corresponds to the actual output of the trained network on
ith class. mT and b denote the weight vector and the bias respectively. In this section, ANNs will be developed in order to predict an or-
The parameters in t(x), mTand b, are described through Eq. (3). For ganisation's selection of BIM/Non-BIM applications and associated LOD
each multi-label training instance (xi, Yi), the threshold value t(xi) is for BIM applications. As presented in Fig. 1, the output units contain the
defined as: binary information representing the applications to be implemented by
the considered organisation. Within the multi-label and multi-class
t (x i ) = argmint |{k ∈ Yi : pk (x ) ≤ t }| + ∣ {k ∈ Yi : pk (x ) ≥ t } ∣ (3) classification analysis conducted, the Non-BIM users were represented
as intending to implement Non-BIM specific applications.
By feeding n multi-label training instances into Eq. (3), the value of
This study selected two case study from China and Australia, given
weight vector mT and bias b can be learnt through solving a matrix
their similarity in BIM adoption pace, as compared with other coun-
equation Φ × (m, b) = t, where Φ is a n × (I + 1) dimensional matrix
tries. Earlier released market reports found that the amount of Chinese
whose ith row is (p(x)1, …, p(x)I, 1), and t is a n-dimensional vector (t
(14%) and Australian (22%) contractors that reported negative ROI, as
(x1), t(x2), …, t(xn)) [83]. After computing mT and b, the linear threshold
assessed on the investment made on implementing BIM, is almost the
function (Eq. (2)) can be used to find an instance's labels from all sets of
similar [26,85]. Meanwhile, the governments' awareness of BIM im-
labels, comprised of BIM and Non-BIM applications in this study.
plementation are at the same pace, since Standards Australia [86] and
To evaluate the accuracy of multi-label classification, hamming loss
Chinese Ministry of Housing and Rural Urban Development [87] re-
was used to assess the frequency of misclassified instance-label pairs
leased the standards for IFC data sharing at the same time.
[75]. The value of hamming loss ranges between 0 and 1; the smaller
This section is organised as follow: Section 4.1 describes data col-
the value of the hamming loss, the better the performance of the multi-
lection and preparation process, following that two key assumptions in
label classifier. Fig. 2 summarises the process of performing multi-label
deriving the generic Implementation Costs and Benefits of BIM are made.
Section 4.2 explained how case studies are selected, and then case study
results are presented in Sections 4.3 and 4.4.
3.3. Multi-class classification
4.1. Data collection and preparation
As opposed to multi-label classification, multi-class classification
only assigns an instance to one class out of the multiple classes [84]. In As highlighted in Section 2.2, data used to train the ANN was col-
reality, only one LOD would be implemented at once for each appli- lected through a 7-point Likert type questionnaire, adopted previously
cation. This study uses the softmax function to find an instance's class in Hong et al. [42]. This study choose 7-point Likert type to provide
from all five classes (i.e. LOD 200, LOD 300, LOD 350, LOD 400). The research participants a wider option, in particular in semantic differ-
role of the softmax function in multi-class classification is similar to the ential; meanwhile, there is no standard for the number of points on
role of the linear threshold function (Eq. (4)) in multi-label classifica- rating scales, and common practice varies widely [88]. The collected
tion. The class with the maximum value of s(x) would be recognised as scores of the 7-point Likert type were the source of ANNs input. Not
the class associated with the instance (Y = 1) [60]. Fig. 2 summarises only BIM users (organisations that are using BIM) are investigated, but
the process of performing multi-class classification. also Non-BIM users (organisations that are not using BIM) are included

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Fig. 2. Process of multi-label classification and multi-class classification.

in the survey. Survey participants were asked to find a single number Table 3
that best characterise their experiences (by BIM users) or expectations Demography of survey respondents.
(by potential BIM users) about BIM implementation (from 1 = strongly Location China Australia
disagree to 7 = strongly agree). The source of ANNs output was also
collected through the questionnaire, where respondents were required Business type Contractor 189 79
Engineering 58 10
to tick the applications that their organisations have been implementing
Architect 56 3
or to be implemented. The collected benefits and costs are used as Consultant 4 6
proxies to proximate the Net Costs the company may invest on the Project type Residential 93 43
implemented applications, as well as unimplemented applications. Commercial 53 34
As described in Table 2 and Fig. 2, Y is the actual application(s) or Industrial 25 13
LOD obtained through questionnaire, and Y  is the predicted (unknown) Infrastructure 136 8
Years < 6 months 77 35
application(s) or predicted LOD. p(xj) is the predicted value obtained 6–12 months 35 7
from ANNs; t(xj) and s(xj) are the threshold values of application se- 1–2 years 85 30
lection and LOD selection, respectively. Ifp(xj) ≥ t(xj) or p(xj) ≥ s(xj), 2–5 years 90 25
the application or LOD is predicted to be implemented (Y j = 1); if p > 5 years 16 1
Organisations' size Grade 0–57 Large – 7
(xj) < t(xj) or p(xj) < s(xj), the application or LOD is predicted not to Grade 1–108 Medium – 50
be implemented (Y j = 0 ). The differences between Y  and Y represent
Grade 2–81 Small – 41
the prediction accuracy. Grade 3–61
The following criteria relating to the involved participants were
ensured: 1) they must have at least 5 years of work experience in the Note: Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) categorised organisations size into
construction industry; 2) they must have some basic BIM knowledge; 3) three levels, based on number of full time employees; while China categorised
organisations size into four levels, based on the amount of annual turnover and
they have to have been employed by a Chinese or Australian con-
registered engineers (Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the
struction organisation. Table 3 summarises the demographical
People's Republic of China 2014).

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Fig. 3. Data preparation and ANNs tuning process.

information of the survey respondents and explains the categorising validation, and test sets). Both the Australian and Chinese datasets were
standards of organisation's size in different countries. A total of 401 separated based on a ratio of 6:2:2 respectively. Computation experi-
research participants were involved in this survey, where 98 are from ments indicated that the ANNs are sensitive to the 7-point Likert type
Australia and 303 are from China. During the survey, each construction used in the survey; as a result, the data input was scaled within the
organisation was investigated via a research participant (i.e. filling of range (−3,3). Train and validation sets were standardised through
one survey). Most respondents are small and medium-sized contractors subtracting their sample mean and dividing by their sample standard
with residential and infrastructure construction backgrounds. The in- deviation. It should be noted that test set is not standardised yet; it will
clusion of business type, project type, and organisation's size do not be standardised based on the sample mean and sample standard de-
improve the prediction accuracy of ANNs as revealed in computational viation of train and validation sets.
tests conducted. Hence these categorical information were not included Tuning the ANN size is extremely important in building a well-
as input variables in our proposed ANNs. performing network, since an inappropriate network size could lead to
The data preparation and ANN tuning process used in this paper is overfitting (a complex network) and under-fitting (a simple network)
in line with that proposed by Alpaydin [60] and Ng [89]. Fig. 3 sum- [60]. This study used a constructive approach that start with a small
marises the data preparation and ANN tuning processes. Before feeding network and gradually add units to improve performance is employed
data into the ANNs, the dataset was separated into 3 sets (train, in selecting the best generalised ANN. The ANNs is coded in Python, on

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Table 4 implementation. The estimated generic costs and benefits are used to
An example of network tuning results. compare which application/LOD is more suitable to the firm's financial
Network Hidden Train loss Validation loss Test Hamming loss and technical capability, rather than a representation of actual saving/
structure activation accuracy cost. As discussed in Section 3.3, the ANNs output (p(xj)) is viewed as
posterior probabilities. Therefore, a higher-valued output refers to the
Application selection
higher probability that the application/LOD will be implemented by the
8–5–5-5-8 Tanh 2.512 2.283 N/A 0.31
8–8–8-8-8 Tanh 2.228 2.279 N/A 0.29
organisation. As summarised in Table 3, over 60% of participants (or-
8–17–17- Tanh 2.202 2.375 N/A 0.37 ganisations) have less than two years experiences in using BIM. In ad-
17-8 dition, this study aims to provide decision makers an overview about
LOD selection the potential costs associated with BIM implementation. Hence, the
8–5–5-5-5 Tanh 0.511 0.508 0.8 N/A focused prediction time period in this study is the decision-making
8–6–6-6-5 Tanh 0.478 0.477 0.8 N/A moment and its following short term (within two years). The assump-
8–7–7-7-5 Tanh 0.472 0.519 0.8 N/A
tions are listed as follows:
Note: a ‘8–7–7-7-5’ network structure refers to an ANNs with 8 input units, 3 Assumption 1. The lower the costs (the higher the improvements)
hidden layers with 7 units in each, and 5 output units. associated with BIM implementation, the higher the possibility that the
Bolded numbers indicate the most optimal ANN architecture. organisation will implement a particular BIM application/LOD.

a personal computer operating on Windows 7, with 16GB RAM. The For Training Costs, Installation and Maintenance Costs, Intangible
processing time for a single run to reach an optimal ANNs is 15 mins on Improvements, and Productivity Improvements, a higher ranked answer
average. suggests less difficulty in implementing BIM. For example, a respondent
Table 4 presents an example of the ANNs tuning process, which will experience less investment in Training Costs during BIM im-
looks at the Installation and Maintenance Costs in multi-label (‘Applica- plementation, if “7 (strongly agree)” is selected when assessing “im-
tion Selection’) and multi-class classification (‘LOD Selection’). The porting BIM files from another resource does not require much effort
bolded network structure was identified as the optimal network, be- and time (MV10)” (Refer to Table 1). However, a higher ranked answer
cause of its lowest validation loss. Meanwhile, a threshold value for in Adaptation Costs indicates that the organisation invested more in BIM
hamming loss of < 0.35 and a test accuracy of > 0.65 is set during the adoption than others. For example, a respondent will experience higher
ANNs tuning, in order to ensure the prediction accuracy of the ANNs. Adaptation Costs during BIM implementation, if “7 (strongly agree)” is
By feeding p(xj) as input into the threshold function, Eq. (2), the selected in “using BIM would result temporary efficiency reduction
threshold value t(xj) is used to tell which applications are most likely to (MV22)”.
be implemented by the organisation. Table 5 summarises the weight Assumption 2. Unit of costs (u(xj) and r(xj)) is related to the difference
vectors and biases of threshold functions in application selection. between the predicted output p(xj) and the threshold value t(xj), as well
as the average value of scaled input (xj) .
4.1.1. Case study selection
As clarified in the above section, the whole dataset was separated As explained in Fig. 2, in multi-label classification, an instance
into train set, validation set, and test set. Since train set and validation set would be assigned with a positive label if the predicted output p(xj) is
were used to train and tune ANNs, this study chose two case studies higher than the threshold value t(xj). Therefore, if an application is
from the test set which have not been trained to fit the ANNs proposed. predicted to be implemented by an organisation, p(xj) − t(xj) > 0 is
Since the whole dataset comprises of information from the Chinese and obtained. Although the ANNs output p(xj) indicates the probability of
Australian construction industries, one case study is chosen from each an organisation to implement an application/LOD, p(xj) cannot be used
construction industry. Case 1 is a medium-sized commercial construc- to estimate BIM adoption costs directly. Therefore, this study includes
tion organisation in China, while Case 2 is a medium-sized residential the average value of scaled inputs (x j ) to determine whether the orga-
construction organisation in Australia. The selected case studies are nisation finds it more/less challenging to adopt BIM, investment wise.
fitted into the optimal ANNs, along with the rest of the test set. ANNs This is possible to do because the scaled input used in the ANNs follows
predictions on the selected case studies are displayed in Sections 4.3 a normal distribution (N (0,1)); a positive average value of scaled input
and 4.4. In addition, the ANNs predictions on the rest of test set are also (x j ) indicates that the selected organisation experienced more chal-
presented in the following sections, to compare the selected case studies lenges in terms of Adaptation Costs compared to other industrial coun-
with other companies. The ANNs were trained on an extensive range of terparts. Consequently, more costs would occur. However, an organi-
data, any other case studies from the train set can still be chosen as a sation will experience more investments in other types of costs (i.e.
demonstration to highlight the predictions made by the trained ANNs. Training Costs), if the scaled input (x j ) is negative.
Training Costs, Installation and Maintenance Costs, Intangible
Improvements, and Productivity Improvements associated with application
4.2. Assumptions and conditions
implementation (u(xj)) and LOD implementation (r(xj)) are be ex-
pressed as follows, Eqs. (4) and (5), where a constant 10 is multiplied to
Several assumptions are made in order to convert the predicted
reduce the number of decimals and make the calculation easier:
values of ANNs into the generic Implementation Costs and Benefits of BIM

Table 5
Threshold function – application selection.
Implementation costs/benefits Weight vectors Biases

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 b

Productivity improvements 2.79 5.15 5.42 −3.3 4.46 2.02 11.64 −2.04 0.19
Intangible improvements −3.27 −2.25 −8.43 −0.08 0.3 1.67 −3.32 2.54 0.95
Training costs −9.68 1.88 −4.01 −4.61 −4.15 5.98 −11.14 −6.76 0.98
Installation and maintenance costs −32.77 39.29 −55.9 7.98 4.84 32.76 53.13 −73.8 1.02
Adaptation costs 0.999 1.78 1.58 −0.72 0.66 −0.51 −1.24 −0.73 0.37

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

u (x j ) = [p (x j ) − t (x j )] × (−x j ) × 10 (4) the most Productivity Improvements (1.01); in addition, the im-
plementation of Environmental Analysis results in the greatest Intangible
r (x j ) = [p (x j ) − soft max(x j )] × (−x j ) × 10 (5) Improvements (−1.55). However, the Adaptation Costs (0.28) associated
Adaptation Costs associated with applications implementation (u(xj)) with the implementation of Environmental Analysis also ranks at the top.
and LOD implementation r(xj) are expressed as follows, Eqs. (6) and (7): In terms of Net Costs, 3D Visualisation (−0.67) is identified as the least
expensive application; while the most expensive application is Lifecycle
u (x j ) = [p (x j ) − t (x j )] × x j × 10 (6) Maintenance (6.11).
To understand whether the Net Costs of BIM/Non-BIM applications
r (x j ) = [p (x j ) − soft max(x j )] × x j × 10 (7) reported by Case 1 are over-budget compared to other local organisa-
tions, Fig. 4 presents the Net Costs of BIM applications implementation
4.2.1. Scale of change costs reported by survey respondents from Chinese construction orga-
To maintain the brevity of the discussion, the sensitivity analysis is nisations; these are obtained from feeding survey respondents in-
conducted on the Training Cost only. The same analysis can be applied formation into the developed ANNs. According to Fig. 4, the Net Costs
for other cost. A sensitivity analysis is performed on Training Costs in the associated with implementing 3D Visualisation, Environmental Analysis,
following section, in order to detect whether input variances would and Cost Estimation and Cost Control are lower than the industrial
affect application selection and LOD selection. In the sensitivity ana- median level. According to the results, Case 1 does not invest too much
lysis, the scale of changes for the key variables is determined by the in BIM implementation compared to other Chinese contractors. The
source of change [90]. As discussed earlier, data used in this study was expected costs for Case 1 when implementing other applications that
collected via a 7-point Likert type questionnaire; therefore, any input is have previously not been implemented are lower than the industrial
expected to fall in the range of [1,7]. The scale of change (β) could be median level. Hence, Case 1 holds quite ‘positive’ attitudes regarding
estimated as follows: ∣x1 − x0 ∣ /x1, where x1 is the value of variable in implementation costs involved with the applications.
the base case and x0 is the value of the variable in the sensitivity test. Benefits and costs associated with LOD implementation are sum-
Appendices 1 and 2 presents the inputs of Case 1 and Case 2, respec- marised in Table 7. Non-BIM implementation is the most economic
tively. Case 1 provided answers about Training Costs between 5 and 6, choice, in terms of Productivity Improvements (−0.30) and Intangible
and the ones in Case 2 are between 2 and 4. Improvements (−0.12), followed by LOD 200. Moreover, Non-BIM im-
In order to cover all possible values (from 1 to 7) during the sen- plementation also indicate significant savings in implementation costs,
sitivity analysis, the maximum scale of change (βmax) is chosen to be especially Installation and Maintenance Costs (−1.17). In terms of Net
50%. A smaller β used in sensitivity analysis produces less effect to Costs, Non-BIM (−0.70) is also recognised as the least expensive choice
application selection and LOD selection [91]. Therefore, a smaller β to implement, since the Net Costs of Non-BIM implementation is nega-
(30%) is also used in sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis is only tive which indicates that benefits outweigh costs. However, LOD 400
conducted on a single variable to maintain the brevity of the discussion. that has been implemented by Case 1 is listed as the most expensive
Therefore, the single variable sensitivity analysis performed in this LOD in Net Costs.
study varies organisation's expectations of Training Costs between 30% The Net Costs for implementing BIM at different LOD reported by
and 50%. survey respondents from Chinese construction organisations are pre-
sented in Fig. 5. Compared with other Chinese contractors, Case 1 re-
ports less investments in implementing BIM at any LOD, except LOD
4.3. Case Study 1
400. The Net Costs that Case 1 has invested in implementing BIM at LOD
400 are equivalent to the industrial median level. Therefore, the in-
Case 1 is a Grade 2 commercial construction organisation in China
vestment that Case 1 spent on developing BIM models is consistent with
that has been using BIM for 1–2 years, with an average of 30% of
other Chinese industrial counterparts.
projects delivered using BIM. Appendix 1 summarises the responses of
Case 1 to the measurements in questionnaire. The implemented BIM
applications for Case 1 include 3D Visualisation, Environmental Analysis, 4.3.2. Sensitivity analysis
and Cost Estimation and Cost Control. The organisation has also con- As highlighted in Section 4.2.1, a sensitivity analysis is performed
sidered implementing Lifecycle Maintenance and Quantity Take-off, but on Training Costs through varying the input values (x) by a given per-
these applications have not yet been implemented. BIM implementation centage. Table 8 summarises the results of the sensitivity analysis on the
level in Case 1 is LOD 400 for all applications. The prediction of ANNs application selection in Case 1. Predicted applications are marked in
and the estimation of BIM implementation outcomes based on As- bold in Table 8. Except for Quantity Take-off, the predicted values of
sumptions 1–2 are presented in the following subsections. other applications are considerably lower than the threshold value
(−0.60). Therefore, according to Case 1's feedbacks regarding Training
4.3.1. ANNs prediction Costs, Case 1 is predicted to implement Quantity Take-off. According to
Based on the previously listed assumptions and functions, Table 6 Table 8, the predicted applicable applications would not change much
summarises applications' implementation benefits and costs. According when the training costs increase by 30% and 50%. But when the input
to the estimation in Table 6, implementing 3D Visualisation results in decreases by 30% and 50%, Procurement Management becomes

Table 6
Costs for implementing BIM applications – Case 1.
Productivity improvements Intangible improvements Training costs Installation and maintenance costs Adaptation costs Net costs

3D visualisation 1.01 −2.02 0.30 −2.12 0.14 −0.67

Environmental analysis 0.42 −1.55 0.28 2.37 −0.28 3.50
Lifecycle maintenance 0.36 −3.14 0.67 2.57 0.09 6.11
Quantity take-off −0.76 −1.63 0.59 0.81 −0.20 3.59
Cost estimation and cost control −0.01 −3.26 0.60 −0.10 0.31 4.08
Clash detection 0.14 −2.92 0.76 −0.75 −0.11 2.68
Procurement management −0.62 −2.86 0.42 −0.10 0.11 3.91
Non-BIM applications 0.86 −3.28 0.62 −1.81 0.11 1.34

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Fig. 4. Net costs of application implementation – Chinese Construction Industry.

applicable to Case 1. In estimating Training Costs, the higher input refers ranked as one of the most expensive BIM applications, in terms of Net
to an easier learning process when it comes to implementing the BIM Costs (−9.14). Although the implementation of 3D Visualisation in-
tools. The lower input refers to the need for more investment that the volves more Net Costs than other applications, BIM implementation is
organisation is likely to spend in learning and implementing the BIM still beneficial to Case 2, since the Net Costs are negative.
tools. To understand whether the BIM implementation Net Costs in Case 2
The effects of a sensitivity analysis on LOD selection in Case 1 are are higher than the average level across the Australian sector, this study
summarised in Table 9. With regards to Training Costs, Case 1 is most compares the respondents' feedback from Australian construction in-
likely to implement BIM at LOD 400, which is consistent with its ex- dustry (Fig. 6) and Case 2's expectations (Table 10). According to Fig. 6,
isting implementation level. Similar as in the application selection Case 2's expected investments in implementing BIM/Non-BIM applica-
analysis, sensitivity analysis is also performed in predicting LOD se- tions are considerably lower than the median level, which is similar to
lection (Table 9). As presented in Table 9, the change in Training Costs Case 1. Therefore, Case 2 may have underestimated the BIM applica-
input does not have any impact on LOD selection. Therefore, LOD se- tions' implementation costs, when compared against other Australian
lection in Case 1 is not sensitive to Training Costs. organisations.
Benefits and costs associated with BIM implementation at different
4.4. Case Study 2 LODs are summarised in Table 11. According to Table 11, im-
plementing BIM at LOD 200 would lead to the least enhancements in
Case 2 is a medium-sized residential construction organisation in Productivity Improvements (−0.35) and Intangible Improvements (−0.24).
Australia that has been implementing BIM for 1–2 years, with an In terms of Training Costs, Installation and Maintenance Costs and
average of 15% of projects delivered using BIM. Appendix 2 summarises Adaptation Costs, LOD 400 appears to be the most expensive LOD to
the responses of Case 2 to the measurements in questionnaire. Case 2 implement (0.00 & 0.00 & 0.03). Similarly, in terms of Net Costs, LOD
has only indicated intentions to implement 3D Visualisation. BIM im- 400 (0.15) is found to be the most expensive option, while LOD 200 and
plementation level in Case 2 is at LOD 400. This section follows the LOD 300 are the least expensive ones.
same analysis as that conducted for Case 1, where it first starts with the Fig. 7 presents the Australian organisations expected Net Costs for
prediction of the ANNs to estimate BIM implementation outcomes, implementing BIM at different LOD. Compared to other Australian
followed by a sensitivity analysis on Training Costs. contractors, Case 2's expectations of Net Costs for implementing BIM at
different LOD are lower than the industrial median level.
4.4.1. ANNs prediction
By applying the previously proposed assumptions and functions, 4.4.2. Sensitivity analysis
Table 10 summarises all types of costs and benefits for implementing As highlighted earlier, a sensitivity analysis is performed on Training
BIM applications in Case 2. According to Table 10, implementing Life- Costs through varying the input values (x) within a moderate percen-
cycle Maintenance would maximise BIM implementation benefits (Pro- tage (i.e. 30% and 50%). Table 12 summarises the sensitivity analysis
ductivity Improvements (1.27) and Intangible Improvements (0.79)). Im- and its impact on application selection in Case 2; predicted applications
plementing Environmental Analysis has the minimum enhancement in are marked in bold. Case 2 is predicted to implement Lifecycle Main-
benefits; however, the costs associated with the implementation of tenance and Procurement Management, when input values of Training
Environmental Analysis are also the least (Training Costs (0.60), In- Costs measurements decrease by 30% and 50%. However, more appli-
stallation and Maintenance Costs (−14.07), and Adaptation Costs (0.01)). cations (i.e. Clash Detection) are suggested to be implemented if input
To sum up the costs and benefits, it is found that 3D Visualisation is values of Training Costs measurements decrease by 50%.

Table 7
Costs for implementing BIM at different LOD – Case1.
Productivity improvements Intangible improvements Training costs Installation and maintenance costs Adaptation costs Net costs

Non-BIM −0.30 −0.12 0.01 −1.17 0.05 −0.70

LOD 200 −0.28 −0.22 0.03 −0.86 0.06 −0.27
LOD 300 −0.37 0.00 0.01 −0.62 0.07 −0.18
LOD 350 0.00 −0.32 0.00 −1.00 0.07 −0.61
LOD 400 −0.41 −0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Fig. 5. Net costs of LOD – Case 1.

Table 13 summarises the effects of sensitivity analysis on LOD se- Table 9

lection in Case 2. LOD 400 indicates the highest probability to be im- Sensitivity analysis - training costs vs LOD selection (Case 1).
plemented by Case 2, no matter how input values of Training Costs Values LOD Variances
change. Similar to Case 1, LOD selection is not sensitive to the change of
organisation's investment plan in BIM training. 0% −30% +30% −50% +50%

Predicted value p(x) Non-BIM 0.177 0.177 0.178 0.179 0.178

5. Discussion LOD 200 0.194 0.189 0.196 0.181 0.197
LOD 300 0.184 0.186 0.183 0.189 0.183
Two case studies from different regions were selected to test the LOD 350 0.190 0.193 0.190 0.199 0.190
LOD 400 0.254 0.255 0.253 0.253 0.253
performance of the trained ANNs. Case Study 1 underestimates the Net
Costs of BIM/Non-BIM applications; at the same time, it underestimates Bolded numbers are numbers higher than threshold values, which refer to
the Net Costs associated with implementing BIM at any LOD. In addi- predicted application and LOD.
tion, the sensitivity analysis results of Case 1 suggested that the orga-
nisation's investment plan in BIM training has no impact on BIM LOD BIM in either design stage or construction stage by implementing cost
selection. The sensitivity analysis performed on Case 2 from Australia estimation and environmental analysis. Table 14 summarises the above
indicated similar findings to that of Case 1, although Case 2 was an results and discussion.
Australian company. Even though the BIM training articulates the BIM
implementation process [92], determining the LOD when implementing
BIM requires high-cumulated experience, according to the American 6. Conclusion
case studies in [93]. The results from either Case 1 or Case 2 suggested
that BIM doesn't need to be implemented to the highest level of de- An ex-ante evaluation method was proposed in this study to aid
velopment, from the organisation's benefit viewpoint. The most recent construction organisations in estimating the implementation costs and
report from NBS [96] indicated that the UK construction industry benefits of BIM applications and LOD selection. Collected data was first
doesn't have a clear vision about Level 3 BIM yet. trained using ANNs with a minimum 65% prediction accuracy level.
Case 2 implemented 3D Visualisation only, but with few benefits. Multi-label classification was used in predicting which BIM/Non-BIM
Organisations from many regions, including Canada emphasised the application(s) were likely to be adopted by the organisation. The
importance of visualisation in BIM implementation [97]. 3D Visuali- learning task of multi-label classification was solved through inserting a
sation is recognised as a simple early stage BIM application [94]. To calibrate threshold function. Meanwhile, multi-class classification was
maximise the benefit of BIM implementation, more information needs used to predict the LOD that was likely to be associated with each
to be integrated into the computational process throughout the lifecycle implemented BIM application. The results of this study indicate that 3D
[95]. Higher BIM benefits were indicated in Case 1, since it included Visualisation remains an essential application in BIM, in particular for

Table 8
Sensitivity analysis - training costs vs application selection (Case 1).
Values Applications Variances

0% −30% +30% −50% +50%

Predicted value p(x) 3D visualisation −0.29 −0.19 −0.33 −0.05 −0.34

Environmental analysis −0.05 0.02 −0.07 0.13 −0.07
Lifecycle maintenance −0.65 −0.72 −0.62 −0.79 −0.62
Quantity take-off 0.78 0.86 0.72 0.85 0.70
Cost estimation and cost control 0.20 0.21 0.18 0.19 0.17
Clash detection −0.39 −0.49 −0.34 −0.61 −0.33
Procurement management 0.58 0.50 0.63 0.39 0.65
Non-BIM applications −1.12 −1.16 −1.11 −1.17 −1.11
Threshold value t(x) 0.60 0.50 0.69 0.26 0.85

Bolded numbers are numbers higher than threshold values, which refer to predicted application and LOD.

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Table 10
Costs for implementing BIM applications – Case 2.
Productivity improvements Intangible improvements Training costs Installation and maintenance costs adaptation costs Net costs

3D visualisation −0.31 −0.08 0.60 −9.87 −0.26 −9.14

Environmental analysis −1.91 −1.62 0.60 −14.07 0.01 −9.92
Lifecycle maintenance 1.27 0.79 0.09 −11.92 0.09 −13.79
Quantity take-off 0.56 −0.57 0.72 −9.92 0.11 −9.08
Cost estimation and cost control −0.63 0.66 0.52 −11.82 −0.20 −11.53
Clash detection −1.09 0.49 0.15 −13.29 −0.16 −12.69
Procurement management 1.08 0.03 0.50 −11.81 −0.20 −12.62
Non-BIM applications 0.89 0.39 −0.08 −12.46 −0.15 −13.98

early adopters. As the organisation gets more familiarised and experi- listed in appendix. The survey responses from the organisation can be
enced with BIM, integrating more information into the BIM model and fed into the developed ANNs to predict the implementation Net Costs of
implementing BIM throughout the lifecycle can maximise the organi- BIM applications and LOD.
sation's benefits. However, it is not suggested to leap to the most in- A number of limitations arise in the proposed study. More factors
formatics and data-richness level, since either the industry or the gov- can be modelled in the ex-ante evaluation, including the market de-
ernment is not clear about the vision yet. mand for applications and other business characteristics (i.e. organi-
Previous studies in the literature have developed ROI and other sation's type and project type). In addition, the classification accuracy
project-based indices to assess the profitability of BIM implementation. of the proposed ANNs can be improved in the future through feature
The method proposed in this paper provides a customised predictive selection and evaluation, since the proposed ANNs do not assess the
tool that enables organisations to understand the BIM implementation influence of true implementation costs and benefits on the selection of
investment, based on the associated benefits and costs that are likely to applications and LOD. These are all limitations that will be examined by
be experienced. Given the high expenses associated with BIM im- the authors in their future work.
plementation, the proposed method is expected to help decision makers
understand which BIM/Non-BIM applications and which associated
Data availability statement
LOD are most suited to the firm's financial and technical ability.
Previous studies focusing on a cost-benefit analysis approach for ex-
Data generated or analysed during the study are available from the
amining BIM implementation lack sufficient access to relevant project- corresponding author by request.
specific data streams. The proposed method in this study, however, has
less reliance on project data availability once the ANNs are developed
as the ANNs would be trained to emulate the decision making process Declaration of competing interest
that a human would undertake when arriving at a decision.
Consequently, the proposed method is a more practical approach to The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
adopt. To make practical use of the proposed method, it is necessary to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
conduct a survey within the organisation by using the same questions ence the work reported in this paper.

Appendix 1. Case 1's responses to questionnaire

Question Response

Productivity improvement
BIM adoption reduces the project's overall costs. 6
BIM adoption reduces the project duration. 5
BIM improves project information management. 6
BIM improves stakeholders' understanding of the project scope. 7
Using BIM reduces conflicts in the project 6

Fig. 6. Net costs of non-implemented applications – Case 2.

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Table 11
Costs for implementing BIM at different LOD – Case 2.
Productivity improvements Intangible improvements Training costs Installation and maintenance costs Adaptation costs Net costs

Non-BIM −0.26 −0.04 0.02 −0.48 0.02 −0.13

LOD 200 −0.35 −0.24 0.01 −0.78 0.00 −0.18
LOD 300 −0.12 −0.10 0.01 −0.40 0.00 −0.18
LOD 350 −0.44 0.00 0.02 −0.47 0.00 0.00
LOD 400 0.00 −0.12 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.15

Fig. 7. Net costs of LOD – Case 2.

Table 12
Sensitivity analysis - training costs vs application selection (Case 2).
Values Applications Variances

0% −30% +30% −50% +50%

Predicted value p(x) 3D visualisation −0.52 −0.43 −0.54 −0.30 −0.55

Environmental analysis −0.40 −0.28 −0.48 −0.14 −0.52
Lifecycle maintenance 0.17 0.04 0.25 −0.03 0.29
Quantity take-off −0.09 −0.05 −0.12 −0.11 −0.14
Cost estimation and cost control −0.08 −0.07 −0.06 −0.05 −0.05
Clash detection −0.19 −0.36 −0.06 −0.50 0.01
Procurement management 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.39 0.54
Non-BIM applications −0.31 −0.40 −0.19 −0.44 −0.11
Threshold value t(x) 0.14 0 −0.03 −0.04 −0.07

Bolded numbers are numbers higher than threshold values, which refer to predicted application and LOD.

Table 13
Sensitivity analysis - training costs vs LOD selection (case 2).
Values LOD Variances

0% −30% +30% −50% +50%

Predicted value p(x) Non-BIM 0.176 0.175 0.177 0.176 0.178

LOD 200 0.192 0.186 0.195 0.176 0.196
LOD 300 0.186 0.189 0.184 0.192 0.183
LOD 350 0.190 0.194 0.190 0.199 0.190
LOD 400 0.256 0.257 0.254 0.256 0.254

Bolded numbers indicate the most expensive LOD.

Intangible improvement
The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by building competitive advantage over other competitors. 5
The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by the need to streamline organisation's management process. 6
BIM improves project collaboration among participants. 5

Training cost
No or little additional knowledge/training is invested to implement BIM in the organisation. 2
Costs and efforts required to link information from other sources are insignificant. 3
Costs and efforts required to create, annotate, and refine project documentation via BIM are insignificant. 3
The organisation will provide/provides proper training to staff before implementing BIM. 6

Y. Hong, et al. Automation in Construction 119 (2020) 103306

Table 14
Summary of results.
Case Study 1 Case Study 2

Predicted most inexpensive application(s) 3D visualisation • Non-BIM applications

Predicted most inexpensive LOD LOD 350

• Lifecycle maintenance
LOD 200 and LOD 300
Actual implemented application(s) • 3D Visualisation 3D visualisation
• Environmental analysis

Actual implemented LOD

• Cost estimation and cost control
LOD 400 LOD 400

Installation and maintenance cost

Costs and efforts required to upgrade BIM operation hardware are insignificant. 5
BIM implementation requires high investing expenses. 4
Professional guidance is/was available to the organisation in the selection of BIM tools. 5
Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM models are insignificant. 2
Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM central files are insignificant. 3
A specific technical centre (or a technician) is/was available for assistance with BIM implementation. 6

Adaptation cost
BIM implementation is associated with the increasing of project cost, due to workflow changes 3
The use of BIM gives rise to project communication issues with other project participants 4
The use of BIM brings about project schedule delays due to lack of experience in using BIM 3
The use of BIM reduces working efficiency temporarily due to people's resistance to change 2

Appendix 2. Case 2's responses to questionnaire

Question Response

Productivity improvement
BIM adoption reduces the project's overall costs. 5
BIM adoption reduces the project duration. 4
BIM improves project information management. 4
BIM improves stakeholders' understanding of the project scope. 4
Using BIM reduces conflicts in the project 4

Intangible improvement
The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by building competitive advantage over other competitors. 5
The decision of adopting BIM is/was strongly affected by the need to streamline organisation's management process. 4
BIM improves project collaboration among participants.

Training cost
No or little additional knowledge/training is invested to implement BIM in the organisation. 4
Costs and efforts required to link information from other sources are insignificant. 4
Costs and efforts required to create, annotate, and refine project documentation via BIM are insignificant. 2
The organisation will provide/provides proper training to staff before implementing BIM. 4

Installation and maintenance cost

Costs and efforts required to upgrade BIM operation hardware are insignificant. 2
BIM implementation requires high investing expenses.
Professional guidance is/was available to the organisation in the selection of BIM tools. 4
Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM models are insignificant. 2
Costs and efforts required to maintain BIM central files are insignificant. 2
A specific technical centre (or a technician) is/was available for assistance with BIM implementation. 4

Adaptation cost
BIM implementation is associated with the increasing of project cost, due to workflow changes; 4
The use of BIM gives rise to project communication issues with other project participants 4
The use of BIM brings about project schedule delays due to lack of experience in using BIM 4
The use of BIM reduces working efficiency temporarily due to people's resistance to change 3

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