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Chapter 15 – The Lung The Lung 3.

Vascular anomalies
4. Congenital lobar overinflation (emphysema)
1. Congenital Anomalies  Developmentally: outgrowth from the ventral wall of
5. Foregut cysts
the foregut
2. Atelectasis (Collapse) o Arise from an abnormal detachment of primitive
 Trachea develops two lateral outpocketings – the lung
3. Pulmonary Edema buds
o Most often located in the hilum or middle
 R lung = 3 lobes
4. Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress mediastinum
 L lung = 2 lobes
Syndrome (Diffuse Alveolar Damage) o Classified as bronchogenic (most common),
 Aspirated foreign materials tend to enter the right lung
esophageal, or enteric
a. ACUTE INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONIA  R main stem bronchus is more vertical and more
o LE: columnar epithelium with squamous
directly in line with the trachea
5. Obstructive versus Restrictive Pulmonary Diseases  Bronchial mucosa – contains neurosecretory-type
6. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation
6. Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases granules [serotonin, calcitonin, and gastrin-releasing
7. Pulmonary sequestrations
a. EMPHYSEMA peptide (bombesin)]
o Def: Presence of a discrete mass of lung tissue
 The entire respiratory tree (larynx, trachea, and
b. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS without normal connection to the airway system
bronchioles)  lined by pseudostratified, tall, columnar,
c. ASTHMA o Blood supply: aorta or its branches
ciliated epithelial cells
o Extralobar sequestrations  external to the
d. BRONCHIECTASIS  Microscopic structure of the alveolar walls
lung and may be located anywhere in the thorax
7. Chronic Diffuse Interstitial (Restrictive) Diseases o Capillary endothelium
or mediastinum
o Basement membrane and surrounding
a. FIBROSING DISEASES o Intralobar sequestrations  within the lung,
interstitial tissue
b. PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA usually in older children and are often
o Alveolar epithelium
associated with recurrent localized infection or
Alveolar epithelium
8. Diseases of Vascular Origin  A continuous layer of 2 cell types
a. PULMONARY EMBOLISM, HEMORRHAGE, AND  Type I pneumocytes - covering 95% of the alveolar 2. Atelectasis (Collapse)
INFARCTION surface  D/t incomplete expansion of the lungs (neonatal
b. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION  Type II pneumocytes atelectasis) or to the collapse of previously inflated
o Synthesize surfactant lung  producing airless pulmonary parenchyma
c. DIFFUSE PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE o Contained in osmiophilic lamellar bodies  May be divided into:
SYNDROMES o Involved in the repair of alveolar epithelium o Resorption (or obstruction)
9. Pulmonary Infections through their ability to give rise to type I cells o Compression
*Pores of Kohn - permit the passage of bacteria and
b. COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ATYPICAL (VIRAL AND exudate between adjacent alveoli
Resorption atelectasis
MYCOPLASMAL) PNEUMONIAS  Consequence of complete airway obstruction
d. ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA 1. Congenital Anomalies  Leads to resorption of the oxygen trapped in the
dependent alveoli, without impairment of blood flow
Developmental defects of the lung include the following: through the affected alveolar walls
1. Agenesis or hypoplasia of both lungs, one lung, or  Mediastinum shifts toward the atelectatic lung
f. CHRONIC PNEUMONIA single lobes  Caused principally by excessive secretions
g. PNEUMONIA IN THE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED o Decreased weight, volume, & acini  Most often found in: bronchial asthma, chronic
HOST disproportional to the body weight and bronchitis, bronchiectasis, postoperative states,
gestational age aspiration of foreign bodies, or bronchial neoplasm
o Etiology: abnormalities that compress the
IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS INFECTION lung(s) or impede normal lung expansion in Compression atelectasis
10. Lung Transplantation utero (congenital diaphragmatic hernia and  The pleural cavity is partially or completely filled by fluid
oligohydramnions) exudate, tumor, blood, tension pneumothorax
11. Tumors 2. Tracheal & bronchial anomalies (atresia, stenosis,  Mediastinum shifts away from the affected lung
12. Pleura tracheoesophageal fistula)

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Contraction atelectasis Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema
 Occurs when local or generalized fibrotic changes in  *Increased hydrostatic pressure (Left sided heart failure)
the lung or pleura prevent full expansion - most common hemodynamic cause
 Gross: Heavy, wet lungs
*Note: atelectasis is a reversible disorder (except that o Fluid accumulates initially in the basal regions
caused by contraction) of the lower lobes because hydrostatic pressure
is greater in these sites (dependent edema)
 Microscopic

3. Pulmonary Edema o
Engorged alveolar capillaries
(+) Intra-alveolar granular pink precipitate
 Result from hemodynamic disturbances or from direct o (+) Alveolar microhemorrhages and
increases in capillary permeability (microvascular hemosiderin-laden macrophages (“heart
injury) failure” cells)
 Long-standing cases (seen in mitral stenosis):
TABLE 15-1 -- Classification and Causes of Pulmonary o Abundant hemosiderin-laden macrophages
Edema o Fibrosis and thickening of the alveolar walls
o Soggy lungs becomes firm and brown (“brown
 Predisposes to infection

Edema Caused by Microvascular Injury

 *Results from primary injury to the vascular endothelium
or damage to alveolar epithelial cells
 Direct increases in capillary permeability
 Leakage of fluids and proteins first into the interstitial
space & alveoli
 Edema is localized and overshadowed by the Pathogenesis:
manifestations of infection  Alveolar capillary membrane is formed by two separate
 Contributor to ARDS barriers: microvascular endothelium and the alveolar
 In ARDS - lung injury is caused by an imbalance of pro-
inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators
4. Acute Lung Injury and ARDS o Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) – has pro-
inflammatory effect
(Diffuse Alveolar Damage) o IL-8, IL-1 and TNF - leads to:
 ALI – AKA: noncardiogenic pulmonary edema  Endothelial activation
 Abrupt onset of significant hypoxemia & diffuse  Pulmonary microvascular sequestration
pulmonary infiltrates in the absence of cardiac failure  Activation of neutrophils (*impt. role in
 ARDS – refers to severe ALI pathogenesis of ARDS)
 Both (ALI & ARDS) have inflammation-associated  How is Neutrophil sequestered?
increase in pulmonary vascular permeability o Activated by IL-8
 Histologic feature: diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) o TNF upregulate the expression of adhesion
 Most etiologic factor: Sepsis molecules that allow them to bind to their
 Complication: Direct injuries to the lungs and systemic ligands on activated endothelial cells
disorders ( Table 15-2 ) o Activated neutrophils become “stiff” and less
deformable and thus get trapped in the narrow
capillary beds of the lung
TABLE 15-2 -- Conditions Associated with Development o Activated neutrophils release a variety of
products (e.g., oxidants, proteases, platelet
of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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activating factor, and leukotrienes) that cause
damage to the alveolar epithelium 5. Obstructive vs. 6. Obstructive Pulmonary
 Dysregulation of the coagulation system - also a feature
Restrictive Pulmonary Diseases Diseases
o *coagulation pathway is a powerful pro- Obstructive diseases: Restrictive diseases:
inflammatory signal - Increase in resistance to - Reduced expansion of lung
airflow due to partial or parenchyma and decreased
Morphology: complete obstruction at any total lung capacity
 ACUTE STAGE level  from the trachea
o GROSS: Heavy, firm, red & boggy and larger bronchi to the
o MICROSCOPIC: terminal and respiratory
 Congestion, interstitial & and intra-alveolar bronchioles
edema, inflammation, fibrin deposition, and ↓ forced expiratory volume ↓ total lung capacity
DAD at 1 second ↓/Normal expiratory flow
 Alveolar walls become lined with waxy rate
hyaline membrane
 ORGANIZING STAGE Restrictive defects occur in two general conditions:
o MICROSCOPIC: (1) Chest wall disorders
 Type II pneumocytes undergo proliferation  Poliomyelitis, severe obesity, pleural diseases, and
 (+) granulation tissue kyphoscoliosis
 Fibrotic thickening of alveolar septa - (2) Chronic interstitial & infiltrative diseases
caused by proliferation of interstitial cells  Pneumoconioses and interstitial fibrosis of unknown
and deposition of collagen etiology

Clinical Course FIGURE 15-5: Schematic representation of overlap between chronic

obstructive lung diseases.
 Clinical manifestations: Profound dyspnea and
tachypnea herald ALI, followed by increasing cyanosis
and hypoxemia, respiratory failure, and the appearance 1. EMPHYSEMA
of diffuse bilateral infiltrates on radiographic  Def: irreversible enlargement of the airspaces distal to
examination the terminal bronchiole, w/ destruction of their walls &
 Functional abnormalities in ALI are not evenly distributed without fibrosis
throughout the lungs  Incidence: heavy cigarette smoking, women and
 Majority of deaths are attributable to sepsis or multi- African Americans
organ failure and, in some cases, direct lung injury  Four major types:
o (1) centriacinar – 95% of cases
o (3) paraseptal
 Term that is used to describe widespread ALI associated
o (4) irregular
with a rapidly progressive clinical course that is of
unknown etiology; AKA: idiopathic ALI-DAD
Clinical Course:
 Mean age of 50 years with no sex predilection
 C/M: Respiratory failure often following an illness of less  Manifestations appear until at least 1/3 of the
than 3 weeks' duration that resembles an URTI functioning pulmonary parenchyma is damaged
 Mortality rate: from 33-74%  Dyspnea is usually the first symptom
 Most deaths occurring within 1-2 months  Cough or wheezing is the chief complaint
 Weight loss is common and can be severe suggesting a
hidden malignant tumor
 Barrel-chested and dyspneic - sits forward in a
hunched-over position
 Severe emphysema may overventilate and remain well
oxygenated – called pink puffers

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Pathogenesis: (+) Inflammation throughout the airways  Inflammation on bronchioles < 2 mm in diameter are
Hypothesis: Destruction of alveolar walls is d/t the seen in the ff. changes:
protease antiprotease mechanism, aided and abetted by 1. Goblet cell metaplasia with mucus plug
imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants 2. Inflammatory infiltration of the walls with
 Protease – derived from neutrophils neutrophils, macrophages, B cells, CD4 and
 Anti protease (protective) - α1-antitrypsin (principal), CD8+ T cells
leukoprotease inhibitor & alpha-1 macroglobulin 3. Thickening of the bronchiolar wall - due to
 Thus, result from the destructive effect of high protease smooth muscle hypertrophy and peribronchial
activity in subjects with low antiprotease activity fibrosis

Sequence: Morphology:
1. Neutrophils (the principal source of cellular proteases)  Large alveoli separated by thin septa
are normally sequestered in peripheral capillaries,  Destruction of alveolar walls
including those in the lung, and gain access to the  Respiratory bronchioles & vasculature are deformed &
alveolar spaces compressed
1.] Centriacinar (Centrilobular) Emphysema 2. Any stimulus that increases either the number of
 Central or proximal parts of the acini, formed by leukocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) in the lung Cause of Deaths:
respiratory bronchioles, are affected & distal alveoli are or the release of their protease-containing granules (1) Respiratory acidosis & coma
spared/normal increases proteolytic activity (2) Right-sided heart failure
 More common & severe in the upper lobes (apical 3. With low levels of serum α1-antitrypsin, elastic tissue (3) Massive collapse of the lungs
segments) destruction is not checked and emphysema results
 Occurs predominantly in heavy smokers, often in Treatment:
association with chronic bronchitis Protease-antiprotease imbalance:  Bronchodilators, steroids, bullectomy & in some lung
Direct chemoattactant effect of nicotine to neutrophils and volume reduction surgery & transplantation
2.] Panacinar (Panlobular) Emphysema macrophages that accumulate in alveoli
 Acini are uniformly enlarged from the level of the ↓
Other forms of Emphysema:
respiratory bronchiole to the terminal blind alveoli Accumulated neutrophils are activated & release their
Compensatory Hyperinflation (Emphysema)
 “pan” refers to the entire acinus but not to the entire granules and smoking enhances elastase activity in
 Used to designate dilation of alveoli but not destruction
lung macrophages
↓ of septal walls
 More common in the lower zones and in the anterior
 Lung parenchymal hyperexpansion that follows surgical
margins of the lung Proteases (neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3, and cathepsin
removal of a diseased lung or lobe
 Most severe at the bases G, macrophage elastase, matrix metalloproteinases)
 Associated with α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) deficiency ↓
TISSUE DAMAGE Obstructive Overinflation
 Lung expands because air is trapped within it
3.] Distal Acinar (Paraseptal) Emphysema  Ex: tumor or foreign object, congenital lobar
 The proximal portion of the acinus is normal, and the Oxidant-antioxidant imbalance:
 Normally, the lung contains a healthy complement of overinflation
distal part is predominantly involved
 More striking adjacent to the pleura, along the lobular antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, glutathione)
that keep oxidative damage to a minimum Bullous Emphysema*
connective tissue septa, and at the margins of the  A large subpleural blebs or bullae (spaces >1 cm in
lobules  Tobacco smoke contains abundant reactive oxygen
species (free radicals), which deplete antioxidant diameter)
 More severe in the upper half of the lungs  Most often subpleural & occur near the apex,
 Findings: multiple, continuous, enlarged airspaces from mechanisms  tissue damage
o Oxidative injury causes inactivation of native sometimes in relation to old tuberculous scarring
less than 0.5 cm to more than 2.0 cm in diameter  May give rise to pneumothorax
 Most cases of spontaneous pneumothorax in young antiproteases  resulting in “functional” α1-
adults antitrypsin deficiency
Interstitial Emphysema
Respiratory bronchioles to collapse during expiration –  Refers to the entrance of air into the connective tissue
4.] Airspace Enlargement w/ Fibrosis stroma of the lung, mediastinum, or subcutaneous tissue
(Irregular Emphysema) causing airflow obstruction d/t:
 Associated with scarring  ↓ elastase: loss of elastic tissue in the walls of alveoli
 Asymptomatic and clinically insignificant (recoil)

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 Cigarette smoke predisposes to infection in different  Asthma is categorized into:
ways: o Atopic (evidence of allergen sensitization, often
o Interferes with ciliary action of the respiratory in a patient with a history of allergic rhinitis,
epithelium eczema)
o Cause direct damage to airway epithelium o Non-atopic (without evidence of allergen
o Inhibits the ability of bronchial and alveolar sensitization)
leukocytes to clear bacteria
Atopic Asthma
Morphology:  A classic example of type I IgE-mediated
 Gross: hyperemia, swelling, and edema of the mucous hypersensitivity reaction
membranes  Begins in childhood and is triggered by environmental
 Microscopic: allergens
o Chronic inflammation of the airways  Family history of asthma is common
(predominantly lymphocytes) and enlargement  Skin test with the offending antigen in these patients
of the mucus-secreting glands of the trachea results in an immediate wheal-and-flare reaction
and bronchi
o Hyperplasia of mucus secreting glands – can be *Non-Atopic Asthma
assessed thru Reid index (normally 0.4)  No evidence of allergen sensitization
o Bronchial epithelium exhibit squamous  Skin test results are usually negative
metaplasia and dysplasia  Family history of asthma is less common
2. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS o Bronchiolitis obliterans - narrowing of  Respiratory infections due to viruses are common
 Persistent cough with sputum production for at least 3 bronchioles caused by mucus plugging, triggers
months in at least 2 consecutive years, in the absence of inflammation, and fibrosis  Lowers the threshold of the subepithelial vagal receptors
any other identifiable cause to irritants
 When persistent for years, it may: Clinical Features:
(1) Progress to COPD  Cardinal symptom: persistent productive cough w/ Drug-Induced Asthma: Aspirin-sensitive asthma
(2) Lead to cor pulmonale and heart failure sputum  Are exquisitely sensitive to small doses of aspirin as well
(3) Cause atypical metaplasia and dysplasia of the  Hypercapnia, Hypoxemia, and Mild cyanosis (“blue as other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
respiratory epithelium, providing a rich soil for cancerous bloaters”)  Also experience urticarial
transformation  Longstanding severe chronic bronchitis commonly leads  Inhibiting the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic
to cor pulmonale with cardiac failure acid metabolism  favoring bronchoconstrictor
Pathogenesis:  Death may also result from further impairment of leukotrienes
 Initiating factor: long-standing irritation by inhaled respiratory function due to superimposed acute
substances such as tobacco smoke (90%), and dust infections Pathogenesis:
from grain, cotton, and silica  Initial sensitization to inhaled allergens stimulate
3. ASTHMA induction of TH2 cells which secrete cytokines that
 Hypersecretion of mucus in  Also a marked  Def: Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that promote allergic inflammation and stimulate B cells to
the large airways increase in causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, produce IgE and other antibodies that includes:
Proteases from neutrophils goblet cells of chest tightness, and cough, particularly at night and/or o IL-4 - stimulates the production of IgE
(neutrophil elastase, cathepsin, small airways in the early morning o IL-5 - activates locally recruited eosinophils
and matrix metalloproteinases)  Hallmarks of the disease are: o IL-13 - stimulates mucus secretion and
stimulate mucus hypersecretion o Increased airway responsiveness promotes IgE production by B cells
↓ o Episodic bronchoconstriction  IgE coats submucosal mast cells and repeat exposure to
Causing Hypertrophy of submucosal gland o Inflammation of the bronchial walls the allergen triggers the mast cells to release granule,
 A protective reactions o Increased mucus secretion cytokines & other mediators
↓  Status asthmaticus
Mucus secretion = sputum overproduction o State of unremitting attacks  Induce the early-phase (immediate hypersensitivity)
o Fatal, usually in patients have had a long history reaction
 Secondary role of infection - significant in maintaining it of asthma o Early phase mediators – Leukotrienes
and may be critical in producing acute exacerbations o Asymptomatic C4,D4,E4, Prostaglandin D2, E2, F2-alpha,
Histamine, PAF, Mast cell trptase)

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o Dominated by bronchoconstriction, increased  Class II HLA - tendency to produce IgE antibodies o Other conditions: RA, SLE, inflammatory
mucus production, and variable degrees of against some (pollen) antigens bowel disease, and post-transplantation
vasodilation with increased vascular  ADAM-33 polymorphism - accelerate proliferation of
permeability bronchial smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, thus Morphology:
contributing to bronchial hyperreactivity & fibrosis  Affects the lower lobes bilaterally
 Late-phase reaction - inflammation with recruitment of  β2-adrenergic receptor gene - maps to 5q associated  Most severe in the more distal bronchi and bronchioles
leukocytes (eosinophils, neutrophils, & more T cells) with airway hyper-responsiveness  Airways are dilated, sometimes up to 4x the normal size
 Leukocyte recruitment is stimulated by chemokines  IL-4 receptor gene - associated with atopy, elevated
produced by mast cells, epithelial cells, T cells, and other total serum IgE, and asthma Histologic findings vary with the activity and chronicity of the
cytokines  Chitinases are enzymes that cleave chitin disease:
o Ex: eotaxin, produced by airway epithelial cells, o acidic mammalian chitinase (w/ enzymatic  There is an intense acute and chronic inflammatory
a potent chemoattractant and activator of activity) - is up-regulated in and contributes to exudation within the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles
eosinophils; “the major basic protein of TH2 inflammation  With desquamation of the lining epithelium and
eosinophils” o YKL-40 (w/o enzymatic activity) - is associated extensive areas of necrotizing ulceration
with severity of asthma  Necrotizing ulceration  lead to lung abscess
Chemical Mediators:  Develop fibrosis
Putative mediators – role in bronchospasm Morphology:
 Leukotrienes C4,D4,E4: bronchoconstriction, increase  Curschmann spirals - result either from mucus Etiology and Pathogenesis:
vascular permeability & mucus secretion plugging in subepithelial mucous gland ducts  Infection and Obstruction - conditions associated with
 Acetylcholine: from intrapulmonary motor nerves  Eosinophils (neumerous) bronchiectasis; seen in cystic fibrosis
causes airway smooth muscle constriction directly by  Charcot-Leyden crystals - collections of crystalloid  OBSTRUCTION - accumulation of thick viscid secretions
stimulating muscarinic receptors made up of an eosinophil lysophospholipase binding that obstruct the airways
protein called galectin-10  INFECTION – increase susceptibility
Mediators at the “scene of crime” – role in acute asthma
effects Clinical Course:  Destruction of supporting smooth muscle and elastic
 Histamine: potent bronchoconstrictor  Classic acute asthmatic attack lasts up to several hours tissue, fibrosis, and further dilatation of bronchi.
 PGD2: bronchoconstriction & vasodilation  Severe form – Status asthmaticus may lead to death  The smaller bronchioles become progressively
 PAF: aggregation of platelets & release of histamine &  With appropriate therapy, most patients are able to obliterated as a result of fibrosis (bronchiolitis obliterans)
serotonin from their granules maintain a productive life
Other conditions:
“Suspects” – not studied yet 4. BRONCHIECTASIS  Primary ciliary dyskinesia – AR; poorly functioning
 IL-1, TNF, IL, chemokines (e.g., eotaxin), neuropeptides, cilia contribute to the retention of secretions; absence or
 Def: Permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles
nitric oxide, bradykinin, and endothelins shortening of the dynein arms that are responsible for
caused by destruction of the muscle and elastic tissue,
resulting from or associated with chronic necrotizing the coordinated bending of the cilia
“Airway remodeling” - repeated bouts of allergen o ½ have Kartagener syndrome (bronchiectasis,
exposure result in structural changes in the bronchial wall: sinusitis, & situs inversus or partial lateralizing
 Bronchiectasis develops in association with the
 Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia of bronchial smooth muscle abnormality)
 Epithelial injury o Males – tend to be infertile
o Congenital or hereditary conditions: cystic
 Increased airway vascularity  Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis - high
fibrosis, intralobar sequestration of the lung,
 Increased subepithelial mucus gland serum IgE levels
immunodeficiency states and primary ciliary
dyskinesia and Kartagener syndromes
 Deposition of subepithelial collagen Clinical course:
o Postinfectious conditions: necrotizing
pneumonia caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium  Severe, persistent cough; Expectoration of foul-smelling,
Genetics of Asthma: sometimes bloody sputum
tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus,
Multiple susceptibility genes interact with environmental Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas), viruses  Dyspnea and Orthopnea; Hemoptysis; Fever
factors: (adenovirus, influenza virus, human  Symptoms often precipitated by URTI
 Chr 5 polymorphism in the IL13 gene - strongest immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), and fungi  Obstructive respiratory insufficiency can lead to
and most consistent associations with asthma or allergic (Aspergillus species) marked dyspnea and cyanosis
disease o Bronchial obstruction  Complications: Cor pulmonale, brain abscesses, and

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7. Chronic Diffuse Interstitial  Caveolin-1 acts as an endogenous 2. Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia (NSIP)
inhibitor of pulmonary fibrosis by  Dyspnea and cough of several months' duration
(Restrictive) Diseases 
limiting TGF-β1
Caveolin-1 is decreased in IPF, which
 Between 46-55 years of age
 Characterized predominantly by inflammation and  Diffuse interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology
inhibits collagen deposition  Better prognosis than UIP
fibrosis of the pulmonary connective tissue, principally
the most peripheral and delicate interstitium in the
alveolar walls Morphology:
 Reduced expansion of lung parenchyma & decreased  Cellular pattern - mild to moderate chronic interstitial
total lung capacity inflammation in a uniform or patchy distribution
 C/M: dyspnea, tachypnea, end-inspiratory crackles, and  Fibrosing pattern - diffuse or patchy interstitial fibrosis
eventual cyanosis, without wheezing without the temporal heterogeneity that is characteristic
 CXR: bilateral infiltrative lesions in the form of small of UIP
nodules, irregular lines, or ground-glass shadows, hence  (-) fibroblastic foci and honeycombing
the term infiltrative
 Eventually, secondary pulmonary hypertension and 3. Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia
right-sided heart failure with cor pulmonale may result  Def: with cough and dyspnea and have subpleural or
 Advanced forms: scarring and gross destruction of the peribronchial patchy areas of airspace consolidation
lung  referred to as end-stage lung or honeycomb lung radiographically
 Histologically:
Restrictive Diseases – 2 general conditions: o (+) polypoid plugs of loose organizing
 Chest wall disorders connective tissue (Masson bodies) within
o Neuromuscular diseases like poliomyelitis alveolar ducts, alveoli & bronchioles
o Severe obesity o (-) interstitial fibrosis or honeycomb lung
o Pleural diseases
o Kyphoscoliosis 4. Pulmonary Involvement in Connective Tissue
 Chronic interstitial & infiltrative diseases
Morphology:  Rheumatoid arthritis: pulmonary involvement may
A.] FIBROSING DISEASES:  The hallmark of UIP is patchy interstitial fibrosis occur in 30% to 40% of patients as
1. Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)  Fibrosis causes the destruction of alveolar architecture o (1) chronic pleuritis, with or without effusion;
 AKA: cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and formation of cystic spaces lined by hyperplastic type o (2) diffuse interstitial pneumonitis and fibrosis;
 Histologic pattern: usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) II pneumocytes or bronchiolar epithelium (honeycomb o (3) intrapulmonary rheumatoid nodules;
fibrosis) o (4) pulmonary hypertension
Pathogenesis:  Mild to moderate inflammation within the fibrotic areas,  Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): diffuse interstitial
 The current concept is that IPF is caused by “repeated consisting: lymphocytes (mostly), and a few plasma fibrosis
cycles” of epithelial activation/injury by some cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells  Lupus erythematosus: patchy, transient parenchymal
unidentified agent  Foci of squamous metaplasia and smooth muscle infiltrates
 There is inflammation and induction of T H2 cell, hyperplasia
characterized by the presence of eosinophils, mast cells,  Pulmonary arterial hypertensive changes (intimal fibrosis 5. Pneumoconioses
IL-4 and IL-13 and medial thickening)  Def: A non-neoplastic lung reaction to inhalation of
 Abnormal epithelial repair gives rise to exuberant mineral dusts encountered in the workplace, especially in
fibroblastic/myofibroblastic proliferation, leading to the Clinical Course: urban areas
“fibroblastic foci” particularly TGF-β1 as the driver of the  Increasing dyspnea on exertion and dry cough
process  40 to 70 years old at the time of presentation Pathogenesis: development of pneumoconiosis depends on
o TGF-β1 is known to be fibrogenic and is released  Late course: Hypoxemia, cyanosis, and clubbing (1) Amount of dust retained in the lung and airways;
from injured type I alveolar epithelial cells  Mean survival: <3 years (2) Size, shape, and therefore buoyancy of the particles;
o TGF-β1 negatively regulates telomerase activity, (3) Particle solubility and physiochemical reactivity;
thus facilitating epithelial cell apoptosis and the (4) Additional effects of other irritants (tobacco smoking)
cycle of death and repair
o Another molecule regulated by TGF-β1 is

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 The most dangerous particles range from 1 to 5 μm in  Within the macrophages silica causes activation and airstream to be delivered
diameter because they may reach the terminal small release of mediators (IL-1, TNF, fibronectin, lipid deeper into the lungs
airways and air sacs and settle in their linings mediators, oxygen-derived free radicals, and fibrogenic Both are fibrogenic, and increasing doses are associated with
 Solubility and Cytotoxicity of particles - modify the cytokines) a higher incidence
nature of the pulmonary response
o The smaller the particle, the more likely it is to Morphology  Also act as a tumor initiator and promoter mediated by
appear in the pulmonary fluids and reach toxic Gross: reactive free radicals
levels rapidly  Early stage: tiny, barely palpable, discrete pale to
 Some Lung Diseases Caused by Air Pollutants: blackened nodules which coalesce into hard, collagenous Morphology
1. Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis scars  Marked by diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis
2. Silicosis  Central softening & cavitation – d/t superimposed TB or  Presence of multiple asbestos bodies
3. Asbestos-Related Diseases ischemia o Appear as golden brown, fusiform or beaded
 Fibrotic lesions in the hilar lymph nodes and pleura – rods with a translucent center and consist of
with eggshell calcification visible on X-ray asbestos fibers coated with an iron-containing
5.1. Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP)  expansion and coalescence of lesions may produce proteinaceous material
Spectrum of lung findings:
progressive massive fibrosis  Ferruginous bodies
(1) Asymptomatic anthracosis
 Begins as fibrosis around respiratory bronchioles and
(2) Simple CWP with little or no pulmonary dysfunction
Microscopic features: alveolar ducts
(3) Complicated CWP, or progressive massive fibrosis (PMF)
 layers of hyalinized collagen surrounded by a dense  (+) honeycombed
capsule of more condensed collagen  Begins in the lower lobes and subpleurally
 On polarized microscopy: a birefringent silica particles  Middle and upper lobes of the lungs become affected as
 Anthracosis - most innocuous coal-induced pulmonary
fibrosis progresses
Clinical Course  The scarring may trap and narrow pulmonary arteries
 Simple CWP - upper lobes and upper zones of the lower
 Slow to kill, with impaired pulmonary function and arterioles, causing pulmonary HPN and cor
lobes are more heavily involved; primarily adjacent to
 Increased susceptibility to TB pulmonale
respiratory bronchioles; characterized by:
 Pleural plaques - most common manifestation of
o coal macules (1 to 2 mm in diameter) -
consists of carbon-laden macrophages 5.3. Asbestos-Related Diseases asbestos exposure
Occupational exposure to asbestos is linked to: o well-circumscribed plaques of dense collagen
o coal nodules - consists collagen fibers
 Localized fibrous plaques or, rarely, diffuse pleural often calcium
o centrilobular emphysema - dilation of
fibrosis o develop most frequently on the anterior and
adjacent alveoli
 Pleural effusions posterolateral aspects of the parietal pleura
 Complicated CWP (progressive massive fibrosis)
 Parenchymal interstitial fibrosis (asbestosis) and diaphragm
o Multiple intensely blackened scars (2-10 cm)
o Microscopic: lesions consist of dense collagen  Lung carcinoma  Both lung carcinomas and mesotheliomas (pleural and
and pigment; center of the lesion is often  Mesotheliomas peritoneal) develop in workers exposed to asbestos
 Laryngeal & other extrapulmonary neoplasms, including o lung carcinoma (5x risk) & mesotheliomas
necrotic, most likely due to local ischemia
colon carcinomas (1000x)
5.2. Silicosis o smoking increase risk of carcinoma but NOT
 Inhalation of crystalline silicon dioxide (silica)
Pathogenesis: mesotheliomas
 Silicosis usually presents after decades of exposure as a
slowly progressing, nodular, fibrosing pneumoconiosis  2 distinct forms: serpentine and amphibole
 Acute silicosis - a disorder characterized by the Serpentine chrysotile - Amphiboles - more Drug-Induced Lung Diseases
chemical form accounts for pathogenic in induction of Radiation-Induced Lung Diseases
accumulation of abundant lipoproteinaceous material
within alveoli most of the asbestos used malignant pleural tumors  Acute Radiation Pneumonitis
(mesotheliomas) o 1-6 months after therapy
more flexible, curled pathogenicity of amphiboles o C/M: Fever, dyspnea, pleural effusion, radiologic
structure, are likely to is apparently related to their infiltrates
 Silica occurs in both crystalline and amorphous forms,
become impacted in the aerodynamic properties and  Chronic Radiation Pneumonitis
but crystalline forms (including quartz, crystobalite, and
upper respiratory passages solubility o AKA: Pulmonary fibrosis
tridymite) are much more fibrogenic
and removed by the o a consequence of the repair of injured
o quartz is most commonly implicated in silicosis
mucociliary elevator endothelial and epithelial cells within the
 After inhalation, the particles interact with epithelial cells
More soluble Align themselves in the radiation portal
and macrophages

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

 There is no unequivocal evidence that sarcoidosis is 2. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP)
caused by an infectious agent  Def: immunologically mediated predominantly
interstitial, lung disorders in response to intrinsic Ag-
Morphology: immune complex & delayed type of hypersensitivity.
Lungs  common site  Caused by intense, prolonged exposure to inhaled
 Gross: NO demonstrable abnormality or small nodules organic antigens (made up of spores of thermophilic
(1-2cm), noncaseating, noncavitated granulomas bacteria, true fungi, animal proteins, or bacterial
 Microscopic: lesions are distributed primarily along the products)
lymphatics, around bronchi & vessels, although alveolar  Involves primarily the alveoli – progressing to chronic
lesions may be seen FIBROTIC lung disease
 Bronchial lavage: CD4/CD8 ration (>2.5) & CD3/CD4
ration (<0.31) Types of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
 Farmer’s Lung: dusts from hay with spores of
Lymph nodes actinomycetes
B.] GRANULOMATOUS DISEASES  Involved in almost all cases specifically hilar &  Pigeon breeder's lung (bird fancier's disease): caused
1. Sarcoidosis mediastinal lymph nodes by proteins from serum, excreta, or feathers of birds
 Systemic disease of UNKNOWN cause  Humidifier or air-conditioner lung: caused by
Others: thermophilic bacteria in heated water reservoirs
 NONCASEATING granulomas
 Spleen
 C/M:
 Liver HP is an immunologically mediated disease
o Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy or lung
 Bone Marrow  Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in acute phase - show
 Skin increased levels of proinflammatory chemokines such as
o Eye & skin lesions
 Eyes (iritis, iridiocystitis) & salivary glands macrophage inflammatory protein 1α and IL-8
 Muscle involvement  BAL consistently demonstrate increased numbers of T
Etiology and Pathogenesis:
lymphocytes of both CD4+ and CD8+
Immunological Factors NON CASEATING granulomas  Most patients have specific antibodies in their serum, a
 Intra-alveolar and interstitial accumulation of CD4+ T  Aggregate of tightly clustered epitheliod cells, often with feature that is suggestive of type III (immune complex)
cells, resulting in CD4/CD8 T-cell ratios ranging from 5 : Langhans or Foreign body type giant cells with unusual hypersensitivity
1 to 15 : 1 central necrosis  Complement and Ig present within vessel walls by
 Increased levels of T cell–derived T H1 cytokines such as  Granulomas may become enclosed by fibrous rims or immunofluorescence indicating a type III
IL-2 and IFN-γ replaced by hyaline fibrous scars hypersensitivity
 Increased levels of several cytokines in the local  Schaumann bodies - laminated concretions composed  2/3 of noncaseating granulomas - suggests the
environment (IL-8, TNF, macrophage inflammatory of calcium and proteins development of a T cell–mediated (type IV)
protein 1α) that favor recruitment of additional T cells  Asteroid bodies - stellate inclusions enclosed within
and monocytes giant cells Morphology (centered on bronchioles)
Systemic immunological abnormalities  interstitial pneumonitis consisting primarily of
Clinical Course: lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages
 Anergy to common skin test antigens such as Candida or
Follows an unpredictable course  noncaseating granulomas in 2/3 of patients
tuberculosis purified protein derivative (PPD)
 65% - 70% of affected patients recover with minimal  interstitial fibrosis, honeycombing, and obliterative
 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia, another
or no residual manifestations bronchiolitis (in late stages)
manifestation of helper T-cell dysregulation
 20% - have permanent loss of some lung function or  >1/2 patients have intra-alveolar infiltrates
some permanent visual impairment
Genetic Factors
 10% - 15%, some die of cardiac or central nervous Clinical Features:
 Familial and racial clustering of cases
system damage, but most succumb to progressive  Symptoms usually appear 4 to 6 hours after exposure
 Association with certain HLA genotypes
pulmonary fibrosis and cor pulmonale  Acute attacks: consist of recurring episodes of fever,
o (class I HLA-A1 and HLA-B8)
dyspnea, cough, and leukocytosis
Environmental Factors  If exposure is continuous and protracted:
 Proposed putative microbes: Mycobacteria, o progressive respiratory failure, dyspnea, and
Propionibacterium acnes & Rickettsia species cyanosis
o decrease in total lung capacity and compliance

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

C.] PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA  C/M: insidious onset of dyspnea and dry cough over Congenital PAP
 Eosinophils - recruited by IL-5 weeks or months, often associated with clubbing of digits  Rare cause of immediate-onset neonatal respiratory
 Divided into the following categories:  good prognosis & excellent response to steroid distress on a full term with death ensuing at 3-6 months
 Associated with mutations in the multiple genes:
Acute eosinophilic pneumonia with respiratory failure Morphology: o ATP-binding cassette protein member A3
 acute illness of unknown cause  Most striking histologic finding: accumulation of a large (ABCA3)
 has a rapid onset with fever, dyspnea, and hypoxemic number of macrophages with abundant cytoplasm o Surfactant protein B (SP-B) – transmitted AR d/t
respiratory failure containing dusty brown pigment (smokers' homozygosity for a frameshift mutation in the
 CXR: diffuse infiltrates macrophages) SP-B gene
 BAL fluid contains > 25% eosinophils  Some of the macrophages contain lamellar bodies o Surfactant protein C (SP-C)
(composed of surfactant) o GM-CSF
Simple pulmonary eosinophilia or Löffler syndrome o Derived from necrotic type II pneumocytes o GM receptor (GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5) β chain
 transient pulmonary lesions, eosinophilia in the blood,  Thickened alveolar septa with sparse inflammatory
and a benign clinical course infiltrate of lymphocytes & plasma cells Secondary PAP
 CXR: shadows of varying size and shape in any of the o Septa lined by cuboidal pneumocytes  Is uncommon
lobes  Interstitial fibrosis & emphysema may be present  Causes: hematopoietic disorders, malignancies,
 Microscopic: alveolar septa are thickened by an infiltrate immunodeficiency disorders, lysinuric protein
composed of eosinophils and occasional interspersed 2. Respiratory Bronchiolitis-Associated Interstitial intolerance, and acute silicosis and other inhalational
giant cells Lung Disease syndromes
o NO vasculitis, fibrosis, or necrosis  Found in cigarette smokers
 Presence of pigmented intraluminal macrophages within Morphology:
Secondary eosinophilia - occurs in a: first- and second-order respiratory bronchioles  Characterized by a peculiar homogeneous, granular
 number of parasitic, fungal, and bacterial infections  Dyspnea and cough at 40-50 y/o over 30 pack-years of precipitate within the alveoli
 hypersensitivity pneumonitis cigarette smoking  Causing a focal-to-confluent consolidation of large areas
 drug allergies  2 : 1 male predominance? of the lungs with minimal inflammatory reaction
 in association with asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary  Cut surface: turbid fluid exudes with marked increase in
aspergillosis, or vasculitis Morphology: the size and weight of the lung
 Changes are patchy at low magnification and have a  Alveolar precipitate is PAS positive and also contains
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia/ Idiopathic bronchiolocentric distribution cholesterol clefts
 focal areas of cellular consolidation of the lung substance  contain aggregates of dusty brown macrophages  Immunohistochemical stains: show the presence of
distributed chiefly in the periphery of the lung fields (smokers' macrophages) surfactant proteins A and C
 heavy aggregates of lymphocytes and eosinophils within  patchy submucosal and peribronchiolar infiltrate of  Abnormalities in lamellar bodies in type II pneumocytes
both the septal walls and the alveolar spaces can be seen in mutations of SP-B, SP-C, and ABCA3
lymphocytes and histiocytes
 C/M: high fever, night sweats, and dyspnea which  Centrilobular emphysema - common but NOT severe
respond to corticosteroid therapy

Tropical eosinophilia
 Bilateral patchy asymmetric pulmonary opacifications
8. Diseases of Vascular Origin
 caused by infection with microfilariae
 & accumulation of acellular surfactant in the intra-
alveolar and bronchiolar spaces
 Grouped into: obstructive diseases and restrictive or Acquired PAP  Almost always EMBOLIC in origin – >95% arise from
interstitial diseases  90% of all cases, unknown etiology without any familial thrombi within the large deep veins of the lower legs
 2 ends of smoking-associated interstitial lung diseases: predisposition  Risk factors:
1. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP)  Considered as autoimmune disorder o Cardiac disease, Cancer, Immobilization,
2. Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial  Anti–GM-CSF antibody is responsible for the Hypercoagulable states
lung disease development of the disease - antibodies inhibit the  Pathophysiologic response and clinical significance of
activity of endogenous GM-CSF, leading to a state of pulmonary embolism depends on:
1. Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia (DIP) functional GM-CSF deficiency 1. extent to which the pulmonary artery blood flow
 40-50 y/o, Men > women: 4 : 1 ratio o Normally, GM-CSF – involves in surfactant is obstructed
 Found in Cigarette smokers clearance by alveolar macrophage 2. size of the occluded vessel(s)

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

3. number of emboli SECONDARY PULMONARY HPN causes:
4. overall status of the cardiovascular system  Endothelial cell dysfunction 1. Goodpasture Syndrome
5. the release of vasoactive factors like  Increased shear and mechanical injury associated with  autoimmune disease of kidney and lung injury
thromboxane A2 from platelets left-to-right shunts or the biochemical injury produced  caused by circulating autoantibodies against the
 Emboli result in 2 main pathophysiologic consequences: by fibrin in thromboembolism noncollagenous domain of the α3 chain of collagen IV
o Respiratory compromise due to the  ↓ prostacyclin & nitric oxide + ↑ endothelin =  antibodies initiate inflammatory destruction of the
nonperfused although ventilated segment vasoconstriction basement membrane in renal glomeruli and pulmonary
o Hemodynamic compromise due to increased  Endothelial activation makes endothelial cells alveoli
resistance to pulmonary blood flow w/c leads to thrombogenic and promotes the persistence of fibrin  occur in the teens or 20s; male preponderance
pulmonary HPN & R-sided HF  Release of GF & cytokines induce the migration &  Pathogenesis: genetic predisposition is associated with
replication of vascular smooth muscle cells & elaboration certain HLA subtypes (e.g., HLA-DRB1*1501 and *1502)
2.] PULMONARY HYPERTENSION (PH) of extracellular matrix
 Def: occurs when mean pulmonary pressure reaches ¼ Morphology:
of systemic levels – most frequently secondary to Other causes of pulmonary arterial HPN:  proliferative, usually rapidly progressive
structural cardiopulmonary conditions that increase  Crotalaria spectabilis - used medicinally in bush tea glomerulonephritis and a necrotizing hemorrhagic
pulmonary blood flow or pressure resistance; These  Aminorex - appetite depressant interstitial pneumonitis
include the following:  Adulterated olive oil  Characteristic findings in kidney:
 Obstruction of vasculature caused by proliferation of  Fenfluramine and phentermine - anti-obesity drugs o Early: focal proliferative glomerulonephritis
endothelial S.M., muscle cell & intimal cells accompanied o Progeressive: crescentic glomerulonephritis
by concentric laminar intimal fibrosis Morphology:  reveal linear deposits of immunoglobulins along the
 The vessel changes can involve the entire arterial tree, basement membranes of the septal walls
Chronic obstructive or interstitial lung diseases: from the main pulmonary arteries down to the arterioles
 Have hypoxia, destruction of lung parenchyma & fewer o Atherosclerosis Clinical Features:
alveolar capillaries. This causes increased pulmonary o Medial hypertrophy & intimal fibrosis*  Uremia - most common cause of death
arterial resistance & elevated pressure o Plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy – tuft of  Prognosis for this disease - improved by intensive
capillary formation is present producing a plasmapheresis
Antecedent congenital or acquired heart disease: network of web that spans the lumen of dilated
 Occurs w/ mitral stenosis, because of an increase in left thin, walled, small arteries 2. Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
atrial pressure that ↑ pulmonary venous pressure and  characterized by intermittent, diffuse alveolar
pulmonary artery pressure Clinical Course: hemorrhage
 Idiopathic PH - most common in women 20-40 y/o  usually presents with an insidious onset of productive
Autoimmune disorders: cough, hemoptysis, anemia, and weight loss
 Clinical signs and symptoms of all forms of hypertension
 Due to a reduction in the functional cross-sectional area  no anti–basement membrane antibodies
become evident only with advanced disease
of the pulmonary vascular bed brought about by the  *Cardinal histologic feature: hemorrhage into the
 Initially, the presenting features: dyspnea and fatigue,
obstructing emboli alveolar spaces & hemosisderosis
chest pain
 Over time, severe respiratory distress, cyanosis, and
Connective tissue diseases: 3. Wegener Granulomatosis
right ventricular hypertrophy occur, and death from
 Most notably systemic sclerosis
decompensated cor pulmonale, often with superimposed  most often involves the upper respiratory tract
thromboembolism and pneumonia, within 2 to 5 years in  transbronchial lung biopsy - provide the only tissue
Obstructive sleep apnea:
80% of patients available for diagnosis
 Associated with obesity
 (-) necrosis and granulomatous vasculitis
PRIMARY PULMONARY HPN - encountered sporadically in
C.] DIFFUSE PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE  *Important features: capillaritis and scattered,
SYNDROMES poorly formed granulomas (unlike those of
patients in whom all known causes of increased pulmonary sarcoidosis, which are rounded and well-defined)
pressure are excluded Includes:
 Mutation in bone morphogenic protein receptor type 2  Goodpasture syndrome
(BMPR2) signaling pathway  Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
o In vascular s.m. cells BMPR2 signaling causes  Vasculitis-associated hemorrhage, found in:
inhibition of proliferation and favors apoptosis o Hypersensitivity angiitis
 Inactivating BMPR2 causes smooth muscle proliferation o Wegener granulomatosis

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

Pulmonary Infections o Typically, the encapsulated form dominates the lobular lobar pneumonia
unencapsulated forms by secreting an antibiotic bronchopneumonia
1) COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ACUTE PNEUMONIAS called haemocin that kills the unencapsulated H. -Patchy consolidation of the - fibrinosuppurative
2) COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ATYPICAL (VIRAL AND influenza lung consolidation of a large
MYCOPLASMAL) PNEUMONIAS  *Type b (encapsulated) - has a polyribosephosphate - lobe with focal opacities portion of a lobe or of an
3) HOSPITAL-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA capsule, used to be the most frequent cause of severe -4 stages of inflammatory entire lobe
invasive disease response: congestion, red - lobe is radiopaque
4) ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA  Nonencapsulated/ nontypeable forms – spreads in hepatization, gray
5) LUNG ABSCESS URT & produce otitis media (infection of the middle ear), hepatization, and resolution
6) CHRONIC PNEUMONIA sinusitis, and bronchopneumonia
7) PNEUMONIA IN THE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST 4 stages of the inflammatory response:
3. Moraxella catarrhalis 1. Congestion: 1-2 days
 *2nd most common bacterial cause of acute exacerbation  Gross: lung is heavy, boggy, and red
VIRUS INFECTION of COPD  Microscopic: vascular engorgement, intra-alveolar fluid
 constitutes one of the three most common causes of with few neutrophils, and often the presence of
9. Pulmonary Infections otitis media in children numerous bacteria
2. Red hepatization: 2-4 days
 Pneumonia - broadly defined as any infection of the lung 4. Staphylococcus aureus  Gross: Lungs – red, firm & airless with liver-like
parenchyma  important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in consistency
 Pneumonia can result whenever these local defense children and healthy adults following viral respiratory  Microscopic: massive confluent exudation with
mechanisms are impaired or the systemic resistance of illnesses neutrophils, red cells, and fibrin filling the alveolar
the host is lowered  associated with a high incidence of complications: lung spaces
abscess and empyema 3. Gray hepatization: 4-6 days
Local defense mechanisms of the lung can be interfered  *Intravenous drug abusers are at high risk of  Gross: grayish brown, dry surface with liver-like
with: developing staphylococcal pneumonia in association with consistency
 Loss or suppression of the cough reflex (coma, endocarditis  Microscopic: progressive disintegration of red cells and
anesthesia, neuromuscular disorders, drugs, or chest
the persistence of a fibrinosuppurative exudate
pain) 5. Klebsiella pneumonia 4. Resolution: 8-9 days
 Injury to the mucociliary apparatus  *Most frequent cause of gram-negative bacterial  Microscopic: Consolidated exudate within the alveolar
 Accumulation of secretions (cystic fibrosis and bronchial pneumonia; afflicts debilitated and malnourished people, spaces undergoes progressive enzymatic digestion to
obstruction) particularly chronic alcoholics produce granular, semifluid debris that is resorbed,
 Interference with the phagocytic or bactericidal action of  Thick and gelatinous sputum is characteristic ingested by macrophages, expectorated, or organized by
alveolar macrophages
fibroblasts growing into it
 Pulmonary congestion and edema 6. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
 *Most commonly causes hospital-acquired infections Complications:
COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ACUTE PNEUMONIAS  Common in patients who are neutropenic with a (1) tissue destruction and necrosis, causing abscess
1. Streptococcus pneumonia or pneumococcus propensity to invade blood vessels with consequent formation (type 3 pneumococci or Klebsiella infections)
 *Most common cause of community-acquired acute extrapulmonary spread (2) spread of infection to the pleural cavity, causing the
intrapleural fibrinosuppurative reaction known as empyema
 Gm (+), lancet-shaped diplococcic 7. Legionella pneumophila (3) bacteremic dissemination causing metastatic
 part of the endogenous flora in 20% of adults  Causes: Legionnaires' disease & Pontiac fever abscesses, endocarditis, meningitis, or suppurative arthritis
 vaccines containing capsular polysaccharides - used in  Flourishes in aquatic environments (ie. water-cooling (4) organization of exudates
patients at high risk towers & tubing system)
 Organ transplant recipients are particularly susceptible
 Gm (-), major cause of life-threatening acute lower Morphology:
respiratory tract infections and meningitis in young  Atypical - applied to an acute febrile respiratory disease
 Bacterial pneumonia has two patterns of anatomic
children o *Denotes moderate amount of sputum, no
distribution: lobular bronchopneumonia and lobar
 A ubiquitous colonizer of the pharynx, where it exists in physical findings of consolidation, only moderate
two forms: encapsulated (5%) and unencapsulated elevation of white cell count, and lack of alveolar
(95%) exudate

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

 Characterized by patchy inflammatory changes in the Avian influenza (antigenic type H5N1) LUNG ABSCESS
lungs, largely confined to the alveolar septa and  lethal in humans (approximately 60%)  A local suppurative process within the lung,
pulmonary interstitium  severity of the disease results from the ability of the characterized by necrosis of lung tissue
 Caused by a variety of organisms: virus to cause widespread infection in the human body,
o Mycoplasma pneumonia – most common instead of infection being limited to the lung Etiology and Pathogenesis
o Viruses  The tissue tropism of H5N1 influenza is increased due to  aerobic and anaerobic streptococci, S. aureus, and a
o Chlamydia pneumonia the unusual structure of its hemagglutinin protein host of gram-negative organisms
o Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)  Anaerobic organisms: Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, and
Human Metapneumovirus (MPV) Peptococcus species - are the exclusive isolates in about
Pathogenesis:  a paramyxovirus & associated with upper and lower 60% of cases
 attachment of the organisms to the upper respiratory respiratory tract infections  The causative organisms are introduced by the following
tract epithelium followed by necrosis  most commonly in young children, elderly subjects, and mechanisms:
immunocompromised patients o Aspiration of infective material (the most
Morphology:  *cause severe infections: bronchiolitis & pneumonia frequent cause) - acute alcoholism, coma,
 Lung involvement may be quite patchy or may involve  No commercial treatments yet, but anesthesia, sinusitis, gingivodental sepsis,&
whole lobes bilaterally or unilaterally o Ribavirin – shows activity both in vitro and in depressed cough reflex
 Histologic: animal models o Antecedent primary lung infection - Post-
o interstitial nature of the inflammatory reaction pneumonic abscess formations are usually
o widened and edematous alveolar septa Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) associated with S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, and
o mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates  appeared in November 2002 in the Guangdong Province the type 3 pneumococcus
o pink hyaline membranes lining the alveolar walls of China o Septic embolism
 Etiologic agent: coronavirus o Neoplasia
Influenza Infections  incubation period: 2 to 10 days
 genome of influenza virus is composed of eight helices of  C/M: dry cough, malaise, myalgias, fever, and chills w/c *primary cryptogenic lung abscesses – unknown cause
single-stranded RNA may improve and resolve the infection or progress to
 each encoding a single gene bound by a nucleoprotein severe respiratory disease Morphology:
 MOT: first transmitted to humans through contact with  Gross: few millimeters to large cavities of 5 to 6 cm
that determines the type (A,B,C) of virus
wild masked palm civets & subsequently spread person-  Pulmonary abscesses due to aspiration are more
 Rarely causes interstitial myocarditis or after aspirin
to-person infected respiratory secretions, some cases common on the right (because of the more vertical right
therapy – d/t Reye syndrome
may have been contracted from stool main bronchus) and are most often single
 w/ lipid bilayer (envelope) containing the viral
 Diagnosed by:  Microscopic: cardinal histologic change suppurative
hemagglutinin & neuramidase which determines the
o Detection of virus – PCR destruction of the lung parenchyma within the central
subtype of virus (H1 to H3; N1 to N2)
o Detection of antibodies to the virus area of cavitation
 Patients who have died of SARS the lungs show diffuse o In chronic cases - fibroblastic proliferation
*Influenza B&C – do NOT show antigenic drift or shift, infects
alveolar damage and multinucleated giant cells produces a fibrous wall
mostly children

Influenza A
 Hospital acquired pulmonary infections  C/M (same w/ bronchiectasis): cough, fever, and copious
 Major cause of pandemic and epidemic influenza
 the most common isolates: Gram-negative rods amounts of foul-smelling purulent or sanguineous
infection because of antigenic shift or drift
(Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas species) & S. sputum
 ANTIGENIC DRIFT – mutations of the hemagglutinin
aureus  Complications:
and neuraminidase that allow the virus to escape most
host antibodies; give rise to the EPIDEMICS of o extension of the infection into the pleural cavity
influenza ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA o hemorrhage
 ANTIGENIC SHIFT - occur when both the  occurs in markedly debilitated patients or those who o development of brain abscesses or meningitis
hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase are replaced aspirate gastric contents either while unconscious (e.g., from septic emboli
through recombination of RNA segments with those of after a stroke) or during repeated vomiting o rarely, secondary amyloidosis (type AA)
animal viruses, making all individuals susceptible to the  patients have abnormal gag and swallowing reflexes
new influenza virus; give rise to the PANDEMICS of  In those who survive, lung abscess is a common
influenza complication

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

CHRONIC PNEUMONIA 2.] Blastomycosis
 Def: localized lesion in the immunocompetent patient,  A soil-inhabiting, dimorphic fungus, caused by B.
with or without regional lymph node involvement dermatitidis
 the inflammatory reaction is granulomatous  There are three clinical forms:
 Etiologic agent: o Pulmonary blastomycosis,
o bacteria (e.g., M. tuberculosis) o Disseminated blastomycosis,
o *fungi (e.g., Histoplasma capsulatum, o Primary cutaneous form (rare) - results from
Blastomyces, Coccidioides) direct inoculation of organisms into the skin
 CXR: lobar consolidation, multilobar infiltrates, perihilar
1.] Histoplasmosis infiltrates, multiple nodules, or miliary infiltrates
 Def: Acquired by inhalation of dust particles from soil  Upper lobes - most frequently involved
contaminated with bird or bat droppings that contain
small spores (microconidia), the infectious form of the Morphology:
fungus  Lung lesions – are suppurative granulomas
 An intracellular parasite of macrophages  Macrophages have a limited ability to ingest and kill B.
 Clinical presentations and morphologic lesions includes: dermatitidis, and the persistence of the yeast cells leads
1) Self-limited & often latent primary pulmonary to continued recruitment of neutrophils
involvement that result in coin lesions on CXR;  Skin and larynx is associated with marked epithelial
2) Chronic, progressive, secondary lung disease, hyperplasia
which is localized to the lung apices and causes
cough, fever, and night sweats; 3.] Coccidioidomycosis
3) Localized lesions in extrapulmonary sites,  Etiologic agent: Coccidioides immitis
including mediastinum, adrenals, liver, or PULMONARY DISEASE IN HUMAN
 Most of the primary infections with C. immitis are
4) A widely disseminated disease in  10% of people have lung lesions, fever, cough, and  Pulmonary disease continues to be the leading cause of
immunocompromised patients pleuritic pains, accompanied by erythema nodosum or morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected individuals
 Macrophages are the major target of infection erythema multiforme (the San Joaquin Valley fever
 Histoplasma infections are controlled by helper T cells complex) General principles of HIV-associated pulmonary
that recognize fungal cell wall antigens and heat-shock disease:
proteins and subsequently secrete IFN-γ, which Morphology:  Bacterial pneumonias in HIV-infected persons are more
activates macrophages to secrete TNF & kill intracellular  Primary and secondary lung lesions – are granulomatous common, more severe, & more often associated with
yeasts (same w/Histoplasma) bacteremia than in those without HIV infection
 Antigen detection in body fluids is most useful in the o Organisms include: S. pneumoniae, S. aureus,
early stages, because antibodies are formed 2 to 6 H. influenzae, & gram-negative rods
weeks after infection  Not all pulmonary infiltrates in HIV-infected individuals
are infectious in etiology
HOST Noninfectious diseases: Kaposi sarcoma,
Morphology: o
 Appearance of a pulmonary infiltrate, with or without primary lung cancer
 Produce epithelioid cell granulomas that usually undergo signs of infection - one of the most common and serious
caseation necrosis & coalesce to produce large areas of  The CD4+ T-cell count can define the risk of infection
complications in patients whose immune defenses are with specific organisms
consolidation & liquefy to form cavities (seen in patients suppressed caused by infection in normal hosts
with COPD) o Bacterial & Tubercular infections – have
 lesions undergo fibrosis and concentric calcification higher CD4+ counts (>200 cells/mm)
(tree-bark appearance) o Pneumocystis pneumonia - usually strikes at
 In fulminant disseminated histoplasmosis that CD4+ counts below 200 cells/mm3
occurs in immunosuppressed individuals, epithelioid cell o Cytomegalovirus & Mycobacterium avium
granulomas are NOT formed; instead, there are focal complex infections - are uncommon until the
accumulations of mononuclear phagocytes filled with very late stages of immunosuppression (CD4+
fungal yeasts counts <50 cells/mm)

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

SUMMARY of Pulmonary Infections: Morphology:
 The transplanted lung is subject to two major
complications: infection & rejection

1] Pulmonary infections
 bacterial infections are most common
 Most infections occur in the 3rd -12th month after

2] Rejections

Acute rejection Chronic rejection

□ Occurs during the early □ By 3 to 5 years
weeks to months or years □ C/M: cough, dyspnea, and
later an irreversible decrease in
□ C/M: fever, dyspnea, lung function tests
cough, and radiologic □ Major morphologic: assoc.
infiltrates with bronchiolitis
□ Morphologic features: obliterans - partial or
inflammatory infiltrates complete occlusion of small
(lymphocytes, plasma cells, airways by fibrosis, with or
and few neutrophils and without active inflammation
eosinophils), either around
small vessels, in the
submucosa of airways, or
 Acute cellular airway rejection is generally responsive to
therapy, but the treatment of established bronchiolitis
obliterans has been disappointing
 Survival rates:
o 1 year – 78%
o 5 years – 50%
o 10 years – 26%

11. Tumors
 90-95% are carcinomas
 5% are bronchial carcinoids
10. Lung Transplantation  2-5% are mesenchymal & other neoplasms
 The most common indications are: (FICE*)
o idiopathic/Familial pulmonary arterial CARCINOMAS:
hypertension  Lung cancer - the most frequently diagnosed major
o Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis cancer in the world
o Cystic fibrosis
o End-stage emphysema Etiology and Pathogenesis:
 When bilateral chronic infection is present (e.g., cystic 1] Tobacco Smoking
fibrosis, bronchiectasis), both lungs of the recipient must  87% of lung carcinomas occur in active smokers or those
be replaced to remove the reservoir of infection who stopped recently

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

 Statistical association between the frequency of lung 4] Molecular Genetics
cancer and…  It has been estimated that 10 to 20 genetic mutations
o (1) the amount of daily smoking, have occurred by the time the tumor is clinically
 average smokers of cigarettes have a apparent
10x risk of developing lung cancer  Lung cancers can be divided into two clinical subgroups:
 heavy smokers (more than 40 small cell carcinoma and non-small cell carcinoma
cigarettes per day for several years)  The dominant oncogenes that are frequently involved
have a 60x greater risk in lung cancer include c-MYC, KRAS, EGFR, c-MET, and
o (2) the tendency to inhale, and c-KIT
o (3) the duration of the smoking habit  The commonly deleted or inactivated tumor
 Cessation of smoking for 10 years suppressor genes include: p53, RB1, p16(INK4a), and
reduces risk but never to control levels multiple loci on chromosome 3p
 Only 11% of heavy smokers develop lung cancer in their  Small cell lung carcinoma is associated with:
lifetime o C-KIT (40–70%), MYCN and MYCL (20–30%),
 Lung tumors of smokers frequently contain a typical, p53 (90%), 3p (100%), RB (90%), and BCL2
though not specific, molecular fingerprint in the form of (75–90%)
G : C > T : A mutations in the p53 gene that are  Non-small cell lung carcinoma is associated with:
probably caused by benzo[a]pyrene, one of the many o EGFR (25%), KRAS (10–15%), p53 (50%), p16
carcinogens in tobacco smoke INK4a (70%)
 Experimental work: More than 1200 substances of  Telomerase activity is increased in over 80% of lung
cigarettes are potential carcinogens w/c contains: tumor tissues
o Initiators: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  People with certain alleles of CYP1A1* have an
such as benzo[a]pyrene increased capacity to metabolize procarcinogens derived
o Promoters: phenol derivatives from cigarette smoke and, conceivably, incur the  Lung carcinomas arise most often in hilus of the lung
o Radioactive elements: greatest risk of developing lung cancer  Carcinomas of the lung arise in the periphery of the lung
 polonium-210, from the alveolar septal cells or terminal bronchioles
 carbon-14, and 5] Precursor Lesions  Gross:
 potassium-40 (1) Squamous dysplasia and carcinoma in situ o Irregular warty excrescence
o Other contaminants: (2) Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia o produce an intraluminal mass
 arsenic, nickel, molds, & additives (3) Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell o cauliflower-like intraparenchymal mass
 The few cancers that have developed have been hyperplasia o neoplastic tissue is gray-white and firm to hard
bronchioloalveolar carcinomas, a type of tumor that  Distant spread of lung carcinoma occurs through both
is not strongly associated with smoking in humans *World Health Organization Histologic Classification lymphatic and hematogenous pathways
o Adrenals (50%)
of Malignant Epithelial Lung Tumors o Liver (30-50%)
2] Industrial Hazards
 Adenocarcinoma (males 37%, females 47%) o Brain (20%)
 High-dose ionizing radiation is carcinogenic
 Squamous cell carcinoma (males 32%, females 25%) o Bone (20%)
 Uranium - a weak radioactive, but lung cancer rates
 Small cell carcinoma (males 14%, females 18%)  Tumors often spread early throughout the body
 Large cell carcinoma (males 18%, females 10%) EXCEPT for squamous cell carcinoma, which
o nonsmoking uranium miners are 4x higher
o smoking miners are about 10x higher metastasizes outside the thorax
Clinical use:  Direct extension: pleural cavity, pericardium
 Asbestos
 *Various histologic types of lung cancer can be clustered
o Asbestos workers who do not smoke have a 5x
into 2 groups on the basis of likelihood of metastases & Clinical Course:
greater risk of developing lung cancer
response to available therapies:  *Most patients are in 50s with symptoms of several
o Smoker – 50-90x greater risk
o Small cell carcinomas (almost always months durations
metastatic, high initial response to o Cough (75%)
3] Air Pollution
chemotherapy) o Weight loss (40%)
 Attention has been drawn to the potential problem of
o Non-small cell carcinomas (less often o Chest pain (40%)
indoor air pollution, especially by radon
metastatic, less responsive) o Dyspnea (20%)
 Radon is a ubiquitous radioactive gas
 With strong relationship to smoking is:
o Squamous cell & Small cell carcinoma

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

 Bronchioloalveolar carcinomas  are noninvasive tumors Nonmucinous Mucinous  A single variant of small cell carcinoma is recognized
and do not metastasize; unless resected, they kill by >Consist of a peripheral >Tend to spread aerogenously,  Believed to arise from neuroendocrine progenitor cells of
suffocation lung nodule with only forming satellite tumors the lining bronchial epithelium
rare aerogenous spread >Has distinctive, tall, columnar o Secrete polypeptide hormones &
1.] Adenocarcinoma – 25-40% >Has columnar, peg- cells with cytoplasmic and intra- parathormone-like and other hormonally
 A malignant epithelial tumor with glandular shaped, or cuboidal cells alveolar mucin, growing along active products
differentiation or mucin production by the tumor >Amenable to surgical the alveolar septa o Presence of neuroendocrine markers:
cells resection with an >Resembling lobar pneumonia & chromogranin, synaptophysin, Leu-7 (in 75% of
 Grow in various patterns: acinar, papillary, excellent 5-year survival are less likely to be cured by cases)
bronchioloalveolar, and solid with mucin formation surgery o Neurosecretory granules
o Only pure bronchioloalveolar carcinoma has  Mutations:
distinct gross, microscopic, and clinical features 2.] Squamous Cell Carcinoma – 25-40% o P53 (50-80%)
 Most common type of lung cancer in women and o RB tumor suppressor genes (80-100%)
 Most commonly found in men and is closely correlated
nonsmokers  High levels of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 (in 90%
with a smoking history
 Lesions are usually more peripherally located, and tend of tumors) with a low frequency of pro-apoptotic
 With p53 mutations: highest frequency compared to
to be smaller protein BAX
other histologic type
 Grow more slowly than squamous cell carcinomas but  Loss of protein expression of the tumor suppressor gene
tend to metastasize widely and earlier RB1 4.] Large Cell Carcinoma – 10-15%
 Associated with scarring  Inactivated cyclin-dependent kinase:  *Def: undifferentiated malignant epithelial tumor that
 Less frequently associated with a history of smoking o CDK-inhibitor p16(INK4a) lacks the cytologic features of small-cell carcinoma and
(still, greater than 75% in smokers) than are squamous glandular or squamous differentiation
or small cell carcinomas (>98% in smokers) Microscopic findings:  One histologic variant: Large cell neuroendocrine
 Mutations:  Presence of keratinization and/or intercellular bridges carcinoma
o KRAS mutations  Keratinization may take the form of squamous pearls or o Recognized by such features:
o p53, RB1, p16 mutations and inactivation individual cells with markedly eosinophilic dense  Trabecular,
have the same frequency in adenocarcinoma as cytoplasm  Organoid nesting,
in squamous cell carcinoma  Higher mitotic activity  Rosette-like,
o epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR)  Palisading patterns
o c-MET o *These features suggest neuroendocrine
3.] Small Cell Carcinoma – 20-25% differentiation
 Def: Highly malignant tumor has a distinctive cell type
Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma
 Most common pattern associated with ectopic hormone
 Occurs in the pulmonary parenchyma in the terminal
Combined Carcinoma
bronchioloalveolar regions  Approximately 10% of all lung carcinomas
 Strong relationship with SMOKING
 Occurs in 1-9% of all lung cancers  Have a combined histology, including two or more of the
 Occur both in major bronchi & periphery of the lung
 There is NO known preinvasive phase or carcinoma in above types
Gross (always occurs in):
 Peripheral portions Prognosis of LUNG CANCER:
 Single nodule or multiple diffuse nodules - sometimes Microscopic findings:  Overall 5-year survival rate is only 15%
coalesce to produce a pneumonia-like consolidation  In general, the adenocarcinoma and squamous cell
 Small epithelial cells, with scant cytoplasm, ill-defined
 Have a mucinous, gray translucence when secretion is patterns tend to remain localized longer and have a
cell borders, finely granular nuclear chromatin (“salt
present slightly better prognosis than do the undifferentiated
and pepper pattern”), and absent or inconspicuous
cancers, which are usually advanced by the time they
Microscopic findings: are discovered
 Cells are round, oval, or spindle-shaped, and nuclear
o Pure bronchioloalveolar growth pattern with no evidence  Small cell CA – sensitive to radiochemo therapy &
molding is prominent
of stromal, vascular, or pleural invasion surgical resection is ineffective
 The mitotic count is high
o Key feature: “lepidic” – carcinoma grow along o Untreated cases survival rate – 6-17 wks
 Cells grow in clusters that exhibit neither glandular nor
preexisting structures without destruction of alveolar o With treatment survival rate – about 1 year
squamous organization
architecture  Necrosis is common and often extensive
*Have two subtypes: o Necrotic tumor cells (Azzopardi effect) is
frequently present

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

o C/M:
 severe pain in the distribution of the
ulnar nerve
 Horner syndrome (enophthalmos,
ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis)


 Normal lung contains neuroendocrine cells within the
epithelium as single cells or as clusters, the
neuroepithelial bodies
 Neoplasms of neuroendocrine cells in the lung include:

1. Benign tumorlets
 small, inconsequential, hyperplastic nests of
neuroendocrine cells seen in areas of scarring or chronic

2. Carcinoids tumors
Paraneoplastic Syndromes  highly aggressive small cell carcinoma and large cell
Lung carcinoma can be associated with several neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung
paraneoplastic syndromes:  represent 1% to 5% of all lung tumors
 ADH def. – hyponatremia (small cell CA)  younger than 40 years of age
 ACTH – Cushing syndrome (small cell CA)  incidence is equal for both sexes
 Parathormone, Parathyroid hormone related peptide,  20% to 40% of patients are nonsmokers
prostaglanding E & some cytokines – hyperkalemia  Carcinoid tumors are low-grade malignant epithelial
(SCCA) neoplasms that are subclassified into typical and atypical
 Calcitonin – hypocalcemia carcinoids
 Gonadotropins – gynecomastia o Typical carcinoids have no p53 mutations or
 Serotonin & Bradykinin – associated with carcinoid abnormalities of BCL2 and BAX expression, while
syndrome atypical carcinoids show these changes

 ACTH and ADH are predominantly small cell carcinomas, Morphology:

whereas those that produce hypercalcemia are mostly  may arise centrally or may be peripheral
squamous cell tumors  GROSS:
o central tumors grow as finger-like or spherical
Other systemic manifestations of lung carcinoma: polypoid masses that commonly project into the
 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome - muscle lumen of the bronchus and are usually covered
weakness is caused by auto-antibodies (possibly elicited by an intact mucosa; exceed 3 to 4 cm in
by tumor ionic channels) directed to the neuronal diameter; produce little intraluminal mass but
calcium channel instead penetrate the bronchial wall to fan out in
 Peripheral neuropathy - usually purely sensory the peribronchial tissue – called button lesion
 Acanthosis nigricans o Peripheral tumors are solid and nodular
 Leukemoid reactions  Histologically:
 Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy - o the tumor is composed of organoid, trabecular,
associated with clubbing of the fingers palisading, ribbon, or rosette-like arrangements
 Pancoast tumors of cells separated by a delicate fibrovascular
o Apical lung cancers in the superior pulmonary stroma
sulcus that invade the neural structures around o individual cells are quite regular and have
the trachea, including the cervical sympathetic uniform round nuclei and a moderate amount of
plexus eosinophilic cytoplasm

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

 Typical carcinoids
o have fewer than 2 mitoses/ 10 high-power fields
 Grossly, the lesion is firm, 3 to 10 cm in diameter, and
grayish white 12. Pleura
and lack necrosis  Microscopically, there is proliferation of spindle-shaped
 Atypical carcinoids fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, lymphocytes, plasma A] PLEURAL EFFUSION
o have between 2 -10 mitoses/ 10 high-power cells, and peripheral fibrosis  A common manifestation of both primary and secondary
fields and/or foci of necrosis  anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene, located on pleural diseases, which may be inflammatory or
o show increased pleomorphism, have more 2p23, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of this noninflammatory
prominent nucleoli, and are more likely to grow tumor  Normally, no more than 15 mL of serous, relatively
in a disorganized fashion and invade lymphatics acellular, clear fluid lubricates the pleural surface
3. Tumors in the mediastinum  Accumulation of pleural fluid occurs in the following
On electron microscopy  arise in mediastinal structures or may be metastatic settings:
 the cells exhibit the dense-core granules characteristic of from the lung or other organs o ↑ hydrostatic pressure (CHF)
other neuroendocrine tumors  may also invade or compress the lungs
Immunohistochemistry o ↑ vascular permeability (pneumonia)
 Table 15-13 lists the most common tumors in the
 found to contain serotonin, neuron-specific enolase, various compartments of the mediastinum
o ↑ intrapleural negative pressure (atelectasis)
bombesin, calcitonin, or other peptides o ↓ osmotic pressure (nephrotic syndrome)
SUPERIOR ANTERIOR o ↓ lymphatic drainage (mediastinal
Clinical Features: A] Lymphoma A] Thymoma carcinomatosis)
 cough, hemoptysis, impairment of drainage of B] Thymoma B] Teratoma
respiratory passages with secondary infections, C] Thyroid lesions C] Lymphoma Inflammatory Pleural Effusions
bronchiectasis, emphysema, and atelectasis D] Metastatic carcinoma D] Thyroid lesions
 Classic carcinoid syndrome: intermittent attacks of  Serofibrinous pleuritis
E] Parathyroid tumors E] Parathyroid tumors o Inflammation in adjacent lung
diarrhea, flushing, and cyanosis MIDDLE POSTERIOR
 Most bronchial carcinoids… o Collagen vascular disease
A] Bronchogenic cyst A] Neurogenic tumors  Suppurative pleuritis (empyema)
o Do not have secretory activity and do not B] Pericardial cyst (schwannoma, neurofibroma)
metastasize to distant sites but follow a o Results from bacterial or mycotic seeding of the
C] Lymphoma B] Lymphoma pleural space
relatively benign course for long periods, C] Gastroenteric hernia
o and are therefore amenable to resection o Empyema is characterized by loculated, yellow-
green, creamy pus composed of masses of
METASTATIC TUMORS neutrophils admixed with other leukocytes
MISCELLANEOUS TUMORS  Lung - the most common site of metastatic neoplasms  Hemorrhagic pleuritis
1. Lung hamartoma  spread to the lungs via the blood or lymphatics or by o Manifested by sanguineous inflammatory
 usually discovered as an incidental, rounded focus of direct continuity exudates
radio-opacity (coin lesion) on a routine chest film  Growth of contiguous tumors into the lungs occurs most o Found in hemorrhagic diatheses, rickettsial
 less than 3 to 4 cm in diameter often with esophageal carcinomas and mediastinal diseases, and neoplastic involvement of the
 chromosomal aberrations involving either 6p21 or lymphomas pleural cavity
 Microscopic findings Morphology: Noninflammatory Pleural Effusions
o Consists of nodules of connective tissue  Gross: multiple discrete nodules (cannonball lesions) are  Hydrothorax
intersected by epithelial clefts scattered throughout all lobes o Noninflammatory collections of serous fluid
o Epithelial clefts are lined by ciliated columnar  Microscopic findings: within the pleural cavities
epithelium or nonciliated epithelium o Confined to peribronchial or perivascular spaces o fluid is clear and straw colored
o Subpleural lymphatics may contain the tumor o The most common cause of hydrothorax is
2. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor o Diffuse intralymphatic dissemination dispersed cardiac failure*
 more common in children; equal male-to-female ratio throughout the peribronchial & perivascular  Hemothorax
 Presenting symptoms : fever, cough, chest pain, and channels o Rscape of blood into the pleural cavity
hemoptysis o Microscopic tumor emboli may be present o D/t: ruptured aortic aneurysm & trauma
 Imaging studies show a single (rarely multiple) round,  Chylothorax
well-defined, usually peripheral mass with calcium o An accumulation of milky fluid, usually of
deposits lymphatic origin, in the pleural cavity

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

o Chyle is milky white because it contains finely Malignant Mesothelioma 1. Epithelioid type
emulsified fats.  Arise from either the visceral or the parietal pleura  consists of cuboidal, columnar, or flattened cells forming
o Most often caused by thoracic duct trauma or  Also arise in peritoneum, pericardium, tunica vaginalis & tubular or papillary structures resembling
obstruction that secondarily causes rupture of genital tract adenocarcinoma
major lymphatic ducts  Peritoneal mesotheliomas – particularly related to
heavy asbestos exposure 2. Mesothelioma include:
B] PNEUMOTHORAX o 50% of patients have pulmonary fibrosis 1) (+) staining for acid mucopolysaccharide, which is
o Assoc. w/ intestinal obstruction inhibited by previous digestion by hyaluronidase
 Def: refers to air or gas in the pleural cavities and may
2) Lack of staining for carcinoembryonic antigen & other
be spontaneous, traumatic, or therapeutic
C/M: epithelial glycoprotein antigens, markers that are
 Spontaneous pneumothorax may complicate any
 Chest pain, dyspnea, recurrent pleural effusions generally expressed by adenocarcinoma
form of pulmonary disease that causes rupture of an
 Lung is invaded directly with metastatic spread to hilar 3) Strong staining for keratin proteins, with accentuation of
lymph nodes & eventually to liver & distant organs perinuclear rather than peripheral staining
o Mostly associated with: emphysema, asthma,
 50% die within 12 months of Dx & few survive longer 4) (+) staining for calretinin, Wilms tumor 1 (WT-1),
and tuberculosis
than 2 years cytokeratin 5/6, & D2–40
o Idiopathic form: young people, rupture of small,
5) On electron microscopy: the presence of long microvilli
peripheral, usually apical subpleural blebs &
and abundant tonofilaments but absent microvillous
subsides spontaneously Cytogenic studies:
rootlets and lamellar bodies
 Traumatic pneumothorax is usually caused by some  60-80% have deletions in chromosomes 1p, 3p, 6q, 9p,
perforating injury to the chest wall, but sometimes the or 22q
**The mesenchymal type of mesothelioma appears as:
trauma pierces the lung and thus provides two avenues  31% have p16 mutations
o A spindle cell sarcoma, resembling fibrosarcoma
for the accumulation of air within the pleural spaces  With low frequency of p53 mutations
(sarcomatoid type).
 When the defect acts as a flap valve and permits the  presence of SV40 (simian virus 40) viral DNA sequences
***The mixed type of mesothelioma contains both
entrance of air during inspiration but fails to permit its in 60% to 80% of pleural malignant mesotheliomas
epithelioid and sarcomatoid patterns
escape during expiration, it effectively acts as a pump
that creates the progressively increasing pressures of Morphology:
tension pneumothorax, which may be sufficient to  Spreads widely in the pleural space and is usually
compress the vital mediastinal structures and the associated with extensive pleural effusion and direct
contralateral lung invasion of thoracic structures
 Increased incidence among people with asbestos
 The most frequent metastatic malignancies arise from o Lifetime risk: 7-10%
primary neoplasms of the lung & breast. o Long latent period: 25-45 years
 Gross:
Solitary Fibrous Tumor o Lungs is ensheathed by a layer of soft,
 No relationship to asbestos gelatinous, grayish pink tumor tissue
 Microscopic findings:
Gross: o 2 types of cells:
1. Epithelium-like lining cells
 Small (1-2 cm) or large
2. Mesenchymal stromal cells
 Attached to the pleural surface by a pedicle
 Dence fibrous tissue w/ occasional cysts filled with viscid

Microscopic findings:
 Whorls of reticulum & collagen fibers among which are
interspersed spindle cells
 MALIGNANT variant: with pleomorphism, mitotic activity,
necrosis, large size (>10 cm)
 IHC: (+) CD34+ & (-) keratin  useful in differentiating
from malignant mesothelioma w/c show opposite results

Prepared by: egbII, 10-27-11

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