Unit 1 Nm3 - Ltest1b1

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Language Test 1B*

2 We like have breakfast on the

Grammar patio.
1 Complete the sentences with the 3 I am not mind walking to school.
Present continuous.                                                      
1 Great! Mum                       (make) 4 Matt can’t standing being late.
my favourite soup for lunch.                                                      
2 Where                        (you / go) 5 Amy love shopping at the
now? It’s time for dinner. weekend.
3 ‘Is she OK?’ ‘No, she                                                                             
(not feel) well right now.’ 6 He hates flying – he prefers
4 Carlos                       (sleep) in his travel by train.
brother’s room this week                                                      
because his dad                      
(paint) his bedroom. ___/6 marks
5                       (they / enjoy) this
music? 4 Complete the sentences with the
6 Why                       (he / wear) a words in the box.
coat? It’s warm today!
are do does
___/7 marks doesn’t don’t is
1 Hurry! I             like waiting.
2 Complete the sentences with the 2 Which             you prefer –
Present simple or Present spending time in the garden or in
continuous. the park?
1 Martha sometimes                       3 Why             you reading in the
(do) her homework on the dark? Put the light on!
balcony. 4 Helen             feeling tired, so she
2 British people                       (eat) a mind going to bed early.
lot of curry. 5 My sister sometimes             her
3 Are                       (you / use) the homework in bed!
computer at the moment?
4 We never                       (play) ___/6 marks
tennis in the morning.
5 Listen! Harry                       (sing) in
the bath! Vocabulary
6 They                       (learn) about 5 Complete the sentences with the
the River Nile in Geography this words in the box.
attic bathroom drive
fireplace landing lawn
___/6 marks
living room
1 Peter keeps his snowboard and
3 Correct the sentences.
skis in the                  .
1 Does she enjoy to live in a flat?
                                                      2 Some old houses have a(n)
                 in the bedroom.
3 I’m going outside. It’s too hot to
sit in the                  .
4 Please don’t leave your shoes on 5 Some houses have these, and
the                  . you walk up them. s_____
5 ‘Is Andy in the                  ?’ ‘Yes,
he’s having a shower.’ ___/5 marks
6 Our house hasn’t got a(n)
                 , so we park the car in
the street. 8 Answer the questions with the
7 The grass on the                   is words in the box.
getting very long. armchair bookcase
garage hall mirror
___/7 marks vase
1 A What chair do you sit on
6 Match the furniture and household when you want to be
objects 1–6 with the sentences a–f. comfortable?
1 wardrobe       B An a _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2 curtains       2 A What do you look in to
3 window       see your face?
4 duvet       B A m_ _ _ _ _.
5 chest of drawers       3 A Where do you keep your
6 alarm clock       car?
B In a g_ _ _ _ _.
a You can see the garden from 4 A When you open the door
this. of your house, what’s
b In winter I put a warmer one on first place you see?
my bed. B The h_ _ _.
c I put my blouses, skirts and coat 5 A What do you put flowers
in this. in?
d She has a photograph of her B A v_ _ _.
family on top of this. 6 A Where do you put your
e You can close these to keep the books?
sun out. B In a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
f This can wake you up early in the
morning. ___/6 marks

___/6 marks
7 Write the furniture and household 9 Match the beginnings of the
objects. sentences 1–6 with the endings a–f.
1 Our house hasn’t got a garden, 1 Do you      
but it’s got one of these. 2 It’s not      
______y 3 What’s her office      
2 The light hangs from this part of a 4 It’s got       
room. c _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 It’s nice, but it’s      
3 You can hang pictures on this. 6 It’s a      
_ _ _ l      
a green curtains.
4 You stand on this part of a room. b a bit small.
____r c very tidy.
d like?
e like my new lamp?
f lovely colour.

___/6 marks

10 Complete the dialogue with the

words/phrases in the box.
it’s quite there’s
what what’s
Betty Guess what? My dad
painted my bedroom
Pablo            it like?
Betty It’s 2           nice. The walls
are now blue.
Pablo            colour is the
Betty            white. And 5           a
white blind on the
Pablo It sounds lovely.

___/5 marks

Total: ___/60 marks

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