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Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

Philosophy of Education

Equality and Equity

I. Equality

Equality is about sameness, it promotes fairness and justice by giving everyone the
same thing. But it can only works if everyone starts from the same place. Ensuring the
fair and equitable treatment of all girls and boys, women and men in the education
system. Equality means treating everyone the same under the law.

II. Equity

Equity is about fairness, it’s about making sure people get access to the same
opportunities. Sometimess the difference and/or history, can create barriers to
participation, so we must first ensure the equity before we can enjoy the equality.
Method of distributing resources to groups and is linked to excellence regardless of
race, ethnicity, economic status. Ensuring fairness and basic equal rights to women
and men with sometimes actions must be taken to compensate for social or historical
disadvantages. Equity involves giving people the treatment they need.

Equity divided into two parts :

 Horizontal equity is measured by calculating the dispersion, or inequality, in the

distribution of funds. Horizontal equity can be applied broadly in comparing large
and similar subgroups.

 Vertical equity means providing what people need. Vertical equity recognizes
that students and schools are different, and that the treatment of unequal requires
appropriate unequal treatment. While horizontal equity is rather easy to quantify,
vertical equity choices are based on value.

III. Parity

Parity is a limited concept and a numerical construct. Tells nothing about equality in
terms of :

 Educational environment

 Infrastructure

 Attitudes or attainment

 Nor does it necessarily mean high enrolment either for boys or girls.
Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

IV. UNESCO’s rights-based approach

a. Education is public good & human right from which nobody can be excluded;

b. Calls for inclusive quality education;

c. A particular focus on vulnerable and marginalized group;

d. Schooling be free and obligatory;

e. Rights of non-discrimination and full participation;

f. Assure equity in 3 dimensions :

 In access,

 In process, and

 In results.
Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

Questions and Answers

1. What are the practical steps in equitable education ?

 Identify/provide help to those who fall behind at school & reduce year repetition;

 Link school & home to help disadvantaged parents and children to learn;

 Respond to diversity and inclusion of migrants and minorities in mainstream


2. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal equity ?

 Vertical equity is choices are based on value

 Horizontal equity is measured by calculating the dispersion, or inequality

3. What is included in the equity dimension ?

 In access,

 In process, and

 In results.

4. What kind effifacy concept of quality education ?

 Objective achievement, curriculum management

 Access

 Completion

 Students academic achievement

 Teachers (who are they, conditions, practices)

 Climate

5. What kind pertinence concept of quality education ?

 Diversity and flexibility

 Curriculum

 Regulation

 Classroom practices/assessment analysis

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