Template - Second Term Test Level 3

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A. Listen to the podcast. Underline or highlight the correct answers.

1. What’s the main idea?
a. There are some ways to make yourself less likely to burn out.
b. There are some reasons why sleep is important.
c. There are some ways to fit exercise into your day.
d. There are some things that can cause you to burn out.

2. What is the first topic that the speaker talks about?

a. Sleeping c. Making time for yourself.
b. Drinking coffee. d. Being stressed.

3. According to the speaker, what activity makes you do better at work?

a. Exercising c. Reading.
b. Doing what you want d. Taking a vacation

B. Listen to the series of voice mail messages between Sarah and Kelly. Underline or highlight the
correct answer.


4. Why are Sarah and Kelly leaving messages for one another?
a. Kelly is watching Sarah’s son.
b. Kelly is having problems connecting to the WiFi.
c. Kelly needs cooking advice.
d. Kelly is lost and needs help.

5. Complete the sentence by writing the correct character’s name: Kelly, Sarah, Jake.

__________ put together things to do to take of __________ and emailed it to _________.

6. What did Kelly do that Sarah didn’t want her to do? Underline all that Apply.
a. She watched TV with Jake. c. She used the Internet.
b. She gave Jake an egg. d. She put Jake to sleep after lunch.

A. Underline used to or would to complete the sentence.

1. I________use paper note cards to review vocabulary for French class. Now, I use a note card app on my
phone to help me remember the meanings of words.
a. would
b. used to
c. both are possible
2. My brother___________swim on our school’s swim team. After hurting his shoulder, though, he doesn’t
play anymore.
a. would
b. used to
c. both are possible
3. Last winter I lived nearly 50 miles from work. It_________take me nearly 2 hours to get to work. Now, I
live only 15 minutes by car from work.
a. would
b. used to
c. both are possible

B. Rewrite each sentence in the passive voice.

4. Someone invited me to see a famous musician play in New York City.


5. Many people think of Steve Jobs as one of the best business men of all time.
Steve Jobs________________________________________________.

6. Someone filmed this year’s most popular drama film in 15 different locations in 10 different
This year’s most popular drama film_________________________________________.

C. Complete each statement with the correct tag question.

7.You don’t like to go out to eat at busy coffee shops,__________________________________?

8.These vegetables from the farm look really fresh,____________________________________?

9.We aren’t allowed to wear regular clothes at a fancy restaurant,_____________________________?

D. Complete each conversation with the words in parentheses.

10. A: Would you like to try the cranberry iced tea? It’s nice to drink in the summer.
B: No, thanks. _______________________(rather not / have / cranberry iced tea).

11. A: Should we go to La Fiesta to celebrate Roger’s birthday?

B: We_____________________(rather / go / to Pizza Pizzaz).They have a good deal on large pizzas
on Saturday nights.

12. A: Should I pick you up at 6:00 at your work?

B: I don’t know what time I’ll be done at work today.______________(prefer / meet / you) at the

E. Underline the correct quantifier to complete each conversation.

13. A: Are there___________carrots in the fridge to make a salad?

B: It looks like there aren’t any more carrots left.
a. enough c. much
b. a little d. a piece of
14. A: Oh! I think I ate too_______________cake for dessert last night. I feel sick.
B: Sorry to hear that.
a. many c. little
b. much d. few

15. A: We don’t have________time before the party starts. Can you help me put the desserts on the table for
our guests?
B: Sure.
a. many c. much
b. a little d. a few

F. Rewrite each question as an embedded question.

16. What is the new manager’s name?

I’m not sure________________________________________________________ .

17. When does Ravi need the report?

Can you tell me_______________________________________________________?

18. Where is Mr. Kent’s office?

Do you know_________________________________________________________?
G. Rewrite each sentence with a comparison using as … as and the words in parentheses.

19. John worked at the company for seven years. Calvin worked at the company for eight years.
John is________________________________(almost / experienced) Calvin.

20. Yesterday’s meeting was two hours long. Today’s meeting was 30 minutes long.
Today’s meeting was________________________(not nearly / long) yesterday’s

21. The presentation was very interesting. The report was also very interesting.
The presentation was______________________________(just / interesting) the report.

C. Complete each conversation using the correct form of the given phrasal verb. Include a
pronoun as the object.

22. A: Did you go through these papers already?

B: Yes, I_____________________________________last week.

23. A: Do you want to get on this Wi Fi network?

B: Yes, I need to____________________________________to use my phone.

24. A: Did you figure out the problem with the copy machine? B:
Yes, I________________________________________last

A. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

a. write a blog d. post on social media

b. video chat e. shop online
c. catch up

1. I haven’t seen you in so long! Let’s______________________tomorrow at the mall!

2. When you travel this summer, you should_______so everyone can read in detail about your

3. My friend loves to__________. She’s always putting pictures online and commenting on other
people’s pictures.

B. Underline the correct word to complete each sentence.

4. Since you like taking pictures so much, you might enjoy studying_____________.
a. photography c. rock
b. painting d. sculpture

5. My brother thinks__________movies are the best. He says they move fast and you can
never get bored.
a. comedy c. dance
b. jazz d. action
6. I like movies about space so I’m going to see a___________movie this afternoon.
a. hip hop c. pop
b. suspense d. science fiction

C. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

a. blockbuster c. role
b. acting d. plot

7. I’m not sure I really understand the story in this movie. The________is very confusing.
8. The_________in this movie is so good! All the characters remind me of people I know.
9. The theater is full and there are no more tickets left for today. This movie is going to be

D. Underline the correct word to complete each sentence.

10. This server is too_______. It’s been 10 minutes and we haven’t even gotten water yet.
a. rushed c. poor
b. slow d. efficient
11. These potato chips might be___________now. I opened the bag last week.
a. bland c. stale
b. greasy d. fresh
12. The restaurant is_________, so wear something nice.
a. crowded c. casual
b. cozy d. formal

E. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

a. beverage d. main dish

b. starter e. dessert
c. salad

13. When I go to a restaurant the____________I usually order is orange juice.

14. My favorite_________________is spaghetti.

15. I always add chicken to my_______________.

F. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

a. chips and salsa d. hummus

b. donuts e. pretzels
c. chili

16. I don’t like______________________. They’re too sweet.

17. You need more beans to make__________________________.

18. I feel like eating something with tomatoes. I’m going to have_________.
G. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

a. stretching d. cycling
b. weight training e. rock climbing
c. jogging

19. If you want to get big muscles, you should try______________.

20. That’s a nice bike. When did you get interested in___________________?

21. I want to start__________with you in the mornings, but I’ve been too busy with school lately.
H.Complete the sentences with the correct phrase.

a. keep a work-life balance d. take a break

b. burn out e. set realistic goals
c. go offline

22. It’s almost lunch time. Are you ready to_________from all your hard work?

23. You’re so busy at work that we never see you anymore. It’s important to_______so
you have time for all of us.

24. Every day John goes to the gym for 2 hours before and after work. He’s going
to______ if he keeps doing that.

I. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

a. stay fit c. burn calories

b. do moderate activity d. be intense

25. I had a large breakfast, so I’m going to go for a walk to__________.

26. When you are really tired after exercising, it’s best just to________to let your body

27. Jerri needs to________for her active lifestyle as a ballet dancer.

J. Underline the correct verb to complete each sentence.

28. Just________down the site until you find the information we need.
a. copy c. download
b. scroll d. access
29. Please________the file so that we can share it.
a. paste c. upload
b. delete d. browse
30. That picture is too small, but if you________, you can make it bigger.
a. click c. attach
b. forward d. install

K. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective.

a. supportive d. laidback
b. experienced e. intimidating
c. confident

31. I’m worried about this research paper. I don’t know how to start it. It’s very_____.
32. I’ve been swimming every day since I was 10, so I’m an ____swimmer.

33. I’m sure that I can climb the mountain. I’m very _____about that.

L. Complete the sentences with the correct phrase.

a. back up d. went over

b. put together e. run out of
c. figured out

34. He thought about what I said and he finally_______what I meant.

35. Sophia, please_________this file on the computer. I don’t want to lose it.

36. I used your pictures to__________the presentation

Read and Underline the correct answer.

1. Which statement best describes the Review, the main idea of the first review?
a. Bob’s food is worth the wait and the high Price.
b. Bob’s is a Good place to bring large groups.
c. Bob has a lot of restaurants to choose from.
d. Bob’s offers variety on their menú and in their eating experiences.
2. What was Kum’s opinion of Bob’s Barbacoa?
a. The atmosphere was nice and quiet.
b. The meat took too long to cook.
c. The food was well prepared.
d. The waiters didn’t provide Good service.
Write a movie review. (Write about the plot, actors, director). Remember to use
contrast to express your opinión. (150 words mínimum)

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