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What I learnt was that issues in first language acquisition and about educational

psychology. Competence is the underlying knowledge of language system.

Performance is observable and a realization of competence. Performance is also
a manifestation. Childen are more concerned with performance not competence.
There might be some mistakes about performance because lack of
experience,fear, the slip of the tongue and not feeling comfortable hinder
performance. Comprehension is very important issue. For example we know that
children understand more than they actually produce and even adults
understand more vocabulary than they ever use in speech. However production
is superior than comprehension because children speak first rather than write or
read. Nature is about the genetic transmission of linguistic ability. For example
LAD is related with nature. Enviromental factors cannot by any means be ignored
because it affects acquisition process in many ways. Acquisition process a
combination of both natureand nurture. Language is universally acquired in the
same manner and deep structure of language at its deepest level may be
common to all languages. Children acquire the language in the same way and
maket he same mistakes universally. Thera are both systematicity and variability
in language acquisition. Systematicity is related to the process whicg goes from
pivot grammar to three and four word utterances and to full sentences.
Variability is related to variables of acquiring the language such as learning –ed
morpheme etc. Piaget says that language is dependent upon springs from
cognitive development. However whorf and sapir say that language imposes on
its speaker a particular world view. Imıtiation is the important strategies a child
uses in the acquisition of language. Children repeats or mimics surface strings
attending to a phonological code rather than a semantic code. Educational
psychology is that the application of psychology to education by focusing on the
development and instruction that enhance life long learning. As part of the
process of information teachers themselves should maintain a continuous
process of personal reflection. In terms of behaviorism all human behaviour could
be explained in terms of the way in which simple S-R connections. However
skinner made important contributions to this field. For example we give
reinforcement after a successfully completed tasks and tasks sholud be broken
down into small pieces etc.

What I had difficulty in figuring out was nothing.

I suppose I need to more focus on Educational psychology because it is important

in terms of teaching.

I believe I may use these informations in my teaching. For example children are
more concerned with performance rather than competence so as a teacher I
shouldn’t try to reshape their competence. Children can understand more than
they produce so I should give them many inputs. Instead of using complex
sentences I should use simle sentences because the simpler is the better to
imitiate. As a teacher I should guide to my learners rather than giiving them too
much information. I should help them to develop their skills.

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