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Elaborate the quote “It's the love of right lures men to wrong” based on your understanding and relate

it to ethics. Provide example/s. Minimum of 200 words.

In some instances, in our lives, we have done things that we believe to be right or maybe
wrong. However, we have different beliefs and perceptions of that. In the quote of Kim Stanley
Robinson, Red Mars, “It's the love of right lures men to wrong”, for me it means that men are
drawn to wrong by their love of right. Basically, this is true there are times men have strong
desire that they are always right because of their pride and power as a strong human but with
that, it made them to be wrong. There are instances because of strong desire of right, they act
inappropriate things because they believe that what they did is right.

I can relate this quote “It's the love of right lures men to wrong” in the normative ethics.
Because men think that even their rights are good or bad as long as that's the way how they
believe it, and the way they will do it. They think that is morally right to do in a particular thing
or that it is morally right for a particular situation to exist, but somehow it is wrong and there is
a consequence. For example, the father believes that he is the superior in a family, he is the
always make the rule and manage the family and his opinions would be always right, knowing
that he is not aware of some certain things and other members of the family were not happy
already with his decisions.

In conclusion, every human has the right, thus we have freedom to express ourselves. Rights
are for individual; it will not matter what is your gender and capacity in life as long as you know
what is morally good or bad.

The right kind of love will lure men away from the temptation of wrong.

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