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BJPsych Advances (2021), vol. 27, 313–319 doi: 10.1192/bja.2020.


Neurological examination: what do ARTICLE

psychiatrists need to know?

Andrew J. Larner , Killian A. Welch & Alan J. Carson

encounter patients with so-called neurological symp- Andrew J. Larner is a consultant

SUMMARY neurologist at the Walton Centre for
toms in the context of so-called psychiatric disor-
Psychiatrists may be daunted by the prospect of ders. It therefore behoves neurologists to be aware
Neurology and Neurosurgery,
undertaking a neurological examination. In this art- Liverpool, UK. Killian A. Welch is a
of those situations in which psychiatric symptoms consultant neuropsychiatrist in the
icle we briefly review the neurological signs that
may reflect medical conditions (Lyketsos 2008; Robert Fergusson Unit, Royal
may be seen in the context of some common Edinburgh Hospital, UK. Alan
neurological disorders of cognition and movement Welch 2018). Likewise, psychiatrists should know
J. Carson is Professor of
which may present with neurobehavioural symp- something of neurological syndromes that can be Neuropsychiatry in the Department of
toms and therefore may be seen initially by psy- mistaken for psychiatric conditions (Butler 2005) Clinical Neurosciences, Western
chiatrists. This approach emphasises that and how to conduct some form of neurological General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK.
neurological examination is not simply an operatio- examination to help identify such disorders. Correspondence A.J. Larner.
E-mail: a.larner@thewaltoncentre.
nalised procedure but an interpretative process. Although neurologists are approachable and
We propose a minimum neurological examination willing to give advice (by telephone, email or video
suitable for use by psychiatrists. Many of the call) if psychiatrists are concerned about the possi- First received 20 Aug 2020
signs included are relatively simple to observe or bility of an underlying neurological disorder, they Final revision 1 Oct 2020
elicit, require no special equipment, and the exam- Accepted 1 Oct 2020
may want to know some basic examination findings
ination techniques involved are easy to master.
in order to formulate a diagnosis or plans for Copyright and usage
investigation. The Authors 2020
After reading this article you will be able to: The neurological examination may be a daunting
• conduct a brief, focused neurological examin- prospect for the uninitiated. A standard textbook on
ation in patients presenting with psychiatric the subject runs to nearly 800 pages over 53 chap-
symptoms but in whom there is clinical suspi- ters (Campbell 2012), and hundreds of neurological
cion of an underlying neurological disorder signs are described, each with their semiologic value
• apply the neurological examination findings to (Larner 2016). This profusion may be one factor
the differential diagnosis of common cognitive contributing to the induction of ‘neurophobia’
and movement disorders (Jozefowicz 1994) among both students and trai-
• feel more confident when discussing the neuro-
nees. However, this apparent superfluity may be
logical examination findings if consultation with
broken down into a more manageable number of
a neurologist is required.
domains (Box 1). It should also be borne in mind
KEYWORDS that few neurological signs have been subjected to
Cognition; diagnosis; examination; neurology; rigorous examination in the form of diagnostic test
psychiatry. accuracy studies, and that neurological examination
may have both qualitative and Bayesian elements,
born of previous clinical experience and significantly
informed by the preceding neurological history
The essential unity of neurology and psychiatry as taking.
disciplines that address disordered function of the What skills in neurological examination does the
nervous system has been obscured by the historical practising psychiatrist actually need? Some guid-
development of professional boundaries between ance has already been published (Sanders 1998;
them. It is to be hoped that in the fullness of time a Garden 2014). There are also some previous
unified and integrated discipline (neuropsychiatry? attempts to define a suitable neurological examin-
psychoneurology? brain medicine?) will develop ation for use by psychiatrists (Box 2). Of these, the
(Zeman 2014). Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES; Buchanan
In clinical practice this overlap is daily manifest to 1989) seems to have attracted most attention, at
clinicians. Those trained as neurologists will least in terms of publications. The NES was
encounter patients with so-called psychiatric symp- designed to standardise the assessment of neuro-
toms in the context of so-called neurological disor- logical impairment in schizophrenia. It is a battery
ders, and those trained as psychiatrists will consisting of 26 items, generating a total score,

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Larner et al

informant, forms the context for a targeted neuro-

BOX 1 Domains of the canonical neurological logical examination to test diagnostic hypotheses for-
examination mulated from the history. If one accepts the essential
unity of neurology and psychiatry, the same process
is surely true for practice in psychiatry. If there is no
• Cranial nerves: I–XII diagnostic hypothesis emergent from the history,
• Motor system: then (and only then) might an itemised neurological
• appearance screening examination be undertaken, with the
• tone proviso that a diagnosis is unlikely to be clinched
• power from examination findings alone.
• coordination As psychiatrists have offered helpful advice on
• reflexes (tendon, myotatic, phasic; cutaneous)
psychiatric disorders presenting to medical, most
often neurological, settings (Welch 2018), reciprocal
• gait
advice addressing the desirable elements of neuro-
• Sensory system:
logical examination for psychiatric presentations of
• light touch
neurological disorders might also be of value.
• pain The aim of this article is to offer some pragmatic
• temperature suggestions concerning neurological examination
• proprioception that may be applicable in day-to-day psychiatric
• (vibration) practice. Rather than an iterative ‘sign by sign’ or
Higher, or cognitive, function
‘item by item’ approach, the focus is on ‘neurological
disorders’ in which ‘psychiatric symptoms’ are
• Consciousness/attention prominent, hence which may present to psychiatrists
• Language in the first instance. Disorders of cognition and
• Perception movement in particular are considered, to illustrate
• Memory pertinent neurological examination techniques,
• Executive function although many other neurological disorders may
sometimes manifest psychiatric symptoms (e.g. mul-
tiple sclerosis), although seldom as the initial
presenting complaint. Many of the examination
functional areas of interest and individual items. techniques are relatively simple to perform, require
Preliminary validity data demonstrated the ability no special equipment and are easy to master.
of the battery to discriminate patients with schizo- Traditional learning by examining patients may be
phrenia from non-psychiatric controls. This is supplemented by recourse to online resources, for
quite a detailed and potentially lengthy approach; example videos demonstrating neurological signs
a shortened version has also been described (Morris 2015).
(Ojagbemi 2017). At the other end of the spectrum,
the ultra-minimalist ‘doorway physical exam’
(Box 3) may be used (Madan 2002), although Cognitive disorders
some may find it stigmatising and potentially The value of simply observed categorical signs
disrespectful. should not be underestimated in the context of cog-
In neurological practice, examination is not simply nitive disorders. Patients with cognitive complaints
an operationalised procedure, but an interpretative are routinely requested to bring a knowledgeable
process. The patient history, supplemented where informant to appointments to provide collateral
necessary by collateral history from a knowledgeable history, and failure to do so (the ‘attended alone’
sign) has a high positive predictive value for the
absence of cognitive impairment, whereas the
‘attended with’ sign has a high sensitivity for cogni-
BOX 2 Existing neurological examination
tive impairment (Larner 2020). Head turning
schedules for use by psychiatrists
towards an informant during the early phases of
history taking is a frequently observed sign in
• Physical and Neurological Examination for Soft Signs
patients attending with cognitive symptoms, more
(PANESS) – 1976–1978
so in Alzheimer’s disease than in other dementias
• Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES) – 1989–2016
and with an intermediate frequency in mild cognitive
• Convit’s Quantified Neurological Scale – 1994 impairment, and has a high positive predictive value
• Cambridge Neurological Inventory (CNI) – 1995 for the presence of a cognitive disorder (Ghadiri-
Sani 2019). These signs have been incorporated

314 BJPsych Advances (2021), vol. 27, 313–319 doi: 10.1192/bja.2020.83

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Neurological examination

BOX 3 The ‘doorway physical exam’ BOX 4 Glossary of neurological signs

Madan suggested this examination for use in the emer- Akinesia: difficulty initiating voluntary movements.
gency department, where it could even be performed while Apraxia: impaired praxis, i.e. the performance of learned
observing the patient from a doorway. skilled movements, in the absence of muscle weakness or
• Is the patient awake? ataxia.
• Pupillary reactions (Madan suggested these could be Cerebellar ataxia: lack of coordination as a consequence
checked by flicking the lights on and off). of disease of the cerebellum or its connections, which may
• Observe for facial droop. manifest as intention tremor, dysmetria (past-pointing),
dysdiadochokinesia, dysarthria, unsteady gait and abnor-
• Observe for proper articulation (Madan suggested of
mal eye movements.
• Observe gait (Madan suggested this be done while the Chorea: jerky, restless, literally dance-like movements that
patient tries to leave the room: ‘Is she or he moving all give rise to a fidgety appearance.
four limbs?’) Fasciculation: rapid, flickering, twitching, involuntary
• Strength assessment (Madan suggested this could be movements observed within a muscle belly.
based on the number of security guards required) Imitation behaviour: a component of the environmental
(Adapted from Madan 2002) dependency syndrome in which the patient reproduces,
unbidden, the examiner’s gestures (echopraxia) or utter-
ances (echolalia).
Logopenia: a language disorder characterised by word-
into an interactional profile to assist the differential finding pauses and impaired repetition of phrases and
diagnosis of neurodegenerative and functional sentences but with relatively preserved phrase length and
memory disorders (Reuber 2018), as may particular syntactically complete spontaneous speech.
features of communication (Bailey 2018). Myoclonus: involuntary, arrhythmic, ‘shock-like’ muscle
Alzheimer’s disease Paraparesis: weakness of the lower limbs. May be further
classified as spastic (upper motor neuron pathology) or
Currently most patients with Alzheimer’s disease are
flaccid (lower motor neuron pathology).
seen in old age psychiatry clinics. Episodic memory
Parkinsonism: a clinical syndrome characterised by the
deficit is usually the earliest and most prominent
presence of some or all of the following features: akinesia,
symptom, with behavioural and psychological
rigidity, bradykinesia, rest tremor, impaired postural
symptoms of dementia (BPSD) more common in reflexes.
the later stages. Routine neurological examination
Rigidity: increased resistance to passive joint movement,
is usually unremarkable: myoclonus and
which is constant throughout the range of joint displace-
Parkinsonism may be seen (Box 4 gives a glossary ment, sometimes referred to as ‘lead-pipe’ rigidity.
of neurological terms used in this article), usually
Spasticity: increased resistance to passive joint movement
late in the disease course. In early-onset
due to abnormally high muscle tone, which varies with the
Alzheimer’s disease, arbitrarily defined as onset at amplitude and speed of displacement of a joint (cf. rigidity).
≤65 years of age, such as those cases arising from
Tremor: an involuntary movement, roughly rhythmic and
mutations in the presenilin-1 gene, various neuro-
sinusoidal (cf. chorea, myoclonus).
logical signs may be found, including myoclonus,
Utilisation behaviour: a component of environmental
Parkinsonism and, rarely, spastic paraparesis and
dependency syndrome in which there is unbidden use of
cerebellar ataxia (Larner 2013a). Variant forms of
external stimuli, sight of an object implying that it should be
Alzheimer’s disease may also have prominent neuro- used.
logical symptoms, such as the visual complaints in (Adapted from Larner 2016)
posterior cortical atrophy and language deficits in
logopenic progressive aphasia (Dubois 2014), and
more usually present directly to ophthalmologists
and neurologists respectively. Frontotemporal dementia
Simple tests of limb praxis, the translation of an Patients with the behavioural variant of frontotem-
idea into action, may be of use in diagnosis of poral dementia (bvFTD) are often, and understand-
Alzheimer’s disease. These include pantomiming ably, referred for psychiatric assessment in the first
learned actions, such as brushing the hair or striking instance. Neuropsychiatric manifestations include
and blowing out a match, or copying meaningless apathy, disinhibition, loss of insight, transgression
hand gestures or postures. Limb apraxia is relatively of social norms, emotional blunting, and repetitive
common at presentation in all the Alzheimer’s and stereotyped behaviours. Psychiatrists generally
disease variants (Ahmed 2016). recognise that these symptoms do not fit any

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Larner et al

disorder recognised in the psychiatric classification. in the same muscle (e.g. biceps spasticity and brisk
Of the linguistic variants of frontotemporal reflex in a fasciculating and weak muscle), is
dementia – non-fluent (agrammatic variant of highly suspicious for concurrent MND.
primary progressive aphasia) and fluent (semantic
variant of primary progressive aphasia) – behav- Vascular dementia
ioural symptoms may be more prominent in the
Vascular dementia or cognitive impairment has
latter, because of the failure of comprehension.
multiple types (Skrobot 2017). That consequent
Non-fluent cases may sometimes be erroneously
on large vessel infarction may be attended with
labelled as Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia
obvious focal neurological signs, such as spastic
(Randall 2020).
hemiparesis with hemiparetic gait, aphasia or
Neurological examination is usually unremark-
visual field defect, dependent on the affected arterial
able. Mild akinesia and Parkinsonian gait or
territory. Hemisensory dysfunction may also be a
posture may occur. Limb apraxia is less common
feature. More likely to be encountered in psychiatric
than in Alzheimer’s disease, with the possible excep-
practice is vascular cognitive impairment due to
tion of non-fluent progressive aphasia (Ahmed
small vessel ischaemic disease, in which behavioural
2016), and the cumulative probability of myoclonus
features such as emotional lability may be promin-
is lower than in Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
ent, along with a subcortical pattern of cognitive def-
with Lewy bodies (Beagle 2017). Motor sequencing
icits typified by slow information processing, apathy
deficits may be found with frontal pathology, as
and difficulty sustaining attention. A gait disorder
shown with the Luria three-step test: a repeated
characterised by short steps and a broad base but
series of hand movements (fist, edge, palm) is
with relative preservation of upright stance
shown to the patient, who is then asked to reproduce
(compare with Parkinson’s disease, where stooped
them. Environmental dependency behaviours such
posture is common), and sometimes termed
as imitation behaviour and utilisation behaviour
marche à petit pas, may be seen in subcortical
may occur or be provoked in people with bvFTD
ischaemic vascular cognitive dementia or impair-
(Ghosh 2013). Imitation behaviour is the unbidden
ment. Limb rigidity of Parkinsonian type, often
reproduction by the patient of gestures (echopraxia)
more evident in the lower limbs, may also occur
or utterances (echolalia) made by the examiner in
(Staekenborg 2008).
the patient’s presence. Utilisation behaviour, in
It should of course be remembered that concur-
which seeing an object implies that it should be
rence of vascular and Alzheimer type pathology,
used, may be tested by handing the patient a cup
mixed dementia, is relatively common in older
or a pair of glasses without comment or instruction,
people, and that vascular changes on brain
and seeing whether the items are appropriately used.
imaging do not automatically equate to vascular
Psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations)
dementia or vascular cognitive impairment
are generally rare in frontotemporal dementia, with
(although they increase the risk of later dementia
the possible exception of that with concurrent
and mandate the treatment of vascular risk
motor neuron disease (FTD+MND). In one series
factors). The presence of such neuroimaging appear-
of patients with FTD+MND, over two-thirds were
ances in people with functional cognitive symptoms
under the care of a psychiatrist at the time of neuro-
may also be a particular issue, leading to incorrect
logical diagnosis, some with provisional diagnoses of
initial diagnoses or undermining patient confidence
hypomania or depression, and all were receiving
in the diagnosis of functional disorder. The key, as
either antidepressant or antipsychotic medications
ever, is to base the diagnosis on the patient’s symp-
(Sathasivam 2008). FTD+MND sometimes mani-
toms, not neuroimaging in isolation.
fests an early psychotic phase characterised by hal-
lucinations and delusions, which may be dramatic
and bizarre (Larner 2013b; Ziso 2014) but is often Dementia with Lewy bodies
transient. FTD+MND is often genetic, a conse- Visual hallucinations are one of the core diagnostic
quence of hexanucleotide repeat expansions in criteria of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
C9orf72, which may also present as obsessive–com- (McKeith 2017), often taking the form of complex
pulsive disorder or bipolar disorder. Examination of images of people or animals. Insight that these are
the motor system may be useful here, sometimes not real is often preserved (hence they are sometimes
disclosing focal wasting and weakness, with referred to as ‘pseudo-hallucinations’) and there is
muscle fasciculation, particularly in the shoulder often a lack of associated distress, two features
girdle musculature; indeed, such signs may alert that may help to distinguish these visual hallucina-
clinicians to the need for revision of pre-existing psy- tions from those occurring in psychiatric disorders.
chiatric diagnoses (Ziso 2014). A combination of A sensation of a presence, someone standing
upper and lower motor neuron signs, particularly beside the patient (anwesenheit), is another

316 BJPsych Advances (2021), vol. 27, 313–319 doi: 10.1192/bja.2020.83

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Neurological examination

symptom that may prompt psychiatric referral, preserved in patients diagnosed with subjective cog-
although visual hallucinations are atypical for psy- nitive impairment (Ahmed 2016).
chiatric disorders and auditory hallucinations are
not a recognised feature of DLB. Diagnostic clues Movement disorders
may include the pattern of cognitive decline, which The patient’s facies (general appearance), station
is fluctuating and with attention and visuospatial and gait may immediately raise suspicion of a move-
function affected more than memory and orienta- ment disorder, as exemplified by James Parkinson’s
tion. Parkinsonian motor features may be subtle or identification of three of his original six cases merely
absent in the early stages of disease. There is in passing on the street. Involuntary movement dis-
reported to be a higher cumulative probability of orders such as myoclonus, tremor or chorea may
developing myoclonus in DLB than in Alzheimer’s also be immediately apparent.
disease (Beagle 2017). Enquiries for a prior history
of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour dis- Parkinson’s disease and other Parkinsonian
order (‘dream enactment’) or of anosmia may also syndromes
be of value in reaching a diagnosis of DLB.
Although patients with the typical motor features of
Parkinson’s disease (akinesia, rigidity, rest tremor,
Prion diseases stooped posture) are unlikely to present initially to
psychiatrists, the emergence of visual hallucina-
Psychiatric features are relatively frequent in spor-
tions, either spontaneous or with dopaminergic
adic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD), the most
therapies, suggestive of the development of cortical
common of the human prion diseases, but these
Lewy body disease, may prompt psychiatry referral,
are not adequately encompassed within current
as might progression of Parkinson’s disease to
diagnostic criteria (Ali 2013). Sporadic CJD can
cognitive impairment and dementia.
sometimes have a long ‘psychiatric’ prodrome with
The applause sign, clapping more than three
features suggestive of depression, and one of the
times in imitation of the examiner’s demonstration
rare molecular subtypes of sCJD (VV1) can present
of three claps, was first described in progressive
with prominent psychiatric features in young
supranuclear palsy (PSP) and later in other disor-
people. Visual hallucinations may sometimes occur
ders, such Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal
in sCJD, usually elemental forms (colours, shapes)
dementia, although less frequently than in PSP
in contrast to the formed visual hallucinations of
and DLB (Isella 2013). The applause sign is a
DLB (Du Plessis 2008). Psychiatric features are
motor perseveration, probably indicative of frontal
also common in the early stages of variant CJD,
lobe dysfunction.
including dysphoria, social withdrawal and
anxiety. Limb myoclonus may be an early clue to
Huntington’s disease
the diagnosis of sCJD, but other neurological signs
may also occur, including cerebellar ataxia, pyram- The behavioural features of Huntington’s disease,
idal (spasticity, hyperreflexia) and extrapyramidal including irritability, apathy, depression and schizo-
(akinesia, rigidity) signs (Nakatani 2016). phrenia-like features, along with subcortical-type
cognitive decline, may prompt initial psychiatric
referral. Observation of chorea may suggest the
Functional neurological disorder – cognitive diagnosis, although these movements can be subtle.
Cognitive symptoms of functional origin are com- Minimum neurological examination
monly encountered in clinics dedicated to cognitive The consideration of these neurological disorders
disorders, prompting the development of diagnostic which may present initially to psychiatrists informs
criteria akin to other functional neurological disor- the considerations for a provisional ‘minimum neuro-
ders (Ball 2020). The ‘attended alone’ sign may be logical examination’ suitable for application in psy-
suggestive of this diagnosis (Bharambe 2018), like- chiatric practice (Box 5). This is not presented as
wise the provision of a written list of symptoms, la prescriptive (or proscriptive), but simply as a heuris-
maladie du petit papier (Randall 2018), both signs tic of potential utility for the psychiatrist faced with a
indicative of the inconsistencies between self- patient with a possible neurological disorder.
reported symptoms and everyday function which The schema emphasises the importance of obser-
typify functional disorders (Ball 2020). A detailed vation. Many of these signs may be evident within
description of episodes of forgetting is also indicative seconds of meeting the patient (e.g. facies, posture,
of internal inconsistency, and contrasts with the gait, ‘attended alone’ or ‘attended with’ signs, invol-
inability of individuals with amnesia to give any untary movements) and do not require sophisticated
such account (Bailey 2018). Limb praxis may be equipment for their detection (e.g. head turning sign,

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Larner et al

with psychiatric symptoms. On the basis of the

MCQ answers BOX 5 Suggested minimum neurological neurological disorders that may present with psychi-
1b 2b 3d 4c 5d examination atric symptoms, we suggest a brief neurological
examination focusing on simple observations and
motor testing that may prove of service to
• Attends with informant? Attends alone? psychiatrists.
• Head turning sign towards informant during history
Author contributions
• Facies, posture
A.J.L. had the idea for the article and wrote the first
• Abnormal involuntary movements: tremor, myoclonus,
chorea? draft; K.W.A. and A.J.C. read and revised the
manuscript for intellectual content.
• Gait: Parkinsonian? Marche à petit pas? Hemiparetic?
• Muscle wasting, fasciculation (shoulder girdle, tongue)
Declaration of interest
• Aphasia (fluent, non-fluent?) versus dysarthria (nasal,

Formal examination
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• Praxis: simple learned hand movements, both meaning-
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MCQs 2 Which of the following features would be 4 Which of the following signs might raise a
Select the single best option for each question stem atypical in patient suspected to have a suspicion of functional cognitive disorder?
diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies? a apraxia
1 In a patient with memory complaints, a anosmia b the ‘attended with’ sign
referred by the general practitioner for sus- b auditory hallucinations c la maladie du petit papier
pected dementia, which of the following c fluctuating attention d limb tremor
signs would argue against the diagnosis of d REM sleep behaviour disorder e spasticity.
Alzheimer’s disease? e visual hallucinations.
a apraxia 5 Which of the following features of the
b the ‘attended alone’ sign 3 Which of the following signs would cause neurological examination cannot be
c the head turning sign you to question a suspected diagnosis of adequately assessed simply by observing
d myoclonus frontotemporal dementia? the patient (e.g. by video link)?
e Parkinsonism. a aphasia a the applause sign
b environmental dependency b gait
c fasciculation c the head turning sign
d hemiparetic gait d limb tone
e myoclonus. e praxis.

BJPsych Advances (2021), vol. 27, 313–319 doi: 10.1192/bja.2020.83 319

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