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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental Intervention)
Strengths Developmental Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
of the PD Program

Learning and
To participate in To manage learner Apply more Strategic learning Year- round Development Team
collegial discussions behavior positive and mode
that use teacher and constructively by effective Supervisor/School
learner feedback to applying positive and strategies to Head/Master
enrich teaching non-violent discipline develop and Teachers/Co-
practice. to ensure learning- manage behavior workers
focused environment. of the learners
constructively in Local Funds
every task and

Teamwork Result focus Arrange Time table Year -round Supervisor/School

*Service orientation particularly on schedules for Head/Master
*Innovation achieving results with each task that Teachers/Co-
optimal use of time needs to be workers
and resources most accomplished as
of the time. urgent, high
priority and

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