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Workshop: How to write report recommendations

The recommendations section is a very important part of any business report as this is where you
provide your suggestions for actions to solve the problem or issue that you have analysed and then
presented in the preceding sections of your report. In the case of the MGB225 research report, your
recommendations will be based on the following:

 identification of the intercultural/intercultural communication problems in the case

 your review of selected literature on culture/communication model/framework
 your analysis of the case, where you have applied the culture/communication theories or
models to explain the problems you identified in the case

The items in the dot points form, along with the executive summary and introduction, the various
sections of your report. They are all linked, and it is important to remember that your
recommendations should be formulated and written into your report AFTER you have completed the
identification of the problems in the case, reviewed the relevant literature, and analysed the
problems in the case in light of the literature. The key thing to remember is that your
recommendations should always be based on the analysis you have conducted and written about in
the previous sections of your report, i.e. the recommendations that you put forward should be in
response to the problems or issues that you identify and discuss in the previous sections of your

It is also important to remember that in the real world, often the reader will only skim through the
discussion (analysis) sections of the report but will read closely your recommendations.

Effective recommendations should adhere to the following criteria:

 Clarity and specificity – The reader needs to be clear about what you are recommending.
Use clear and concise language and be specific; don’t try to confuse the reader with
unnecessary jargon or technical language (this advice is true of all business writing but is
particularly important when writing recommendations).
 ‘Actionability’ – The purpose of recommendations is to suggest actions to the reader to
solve the particular problems or address the particular issues that have been discussed in
the report. Make sure that you write your recommendations in language that makes clear
what actions could be taken. The focus should be on what you are suggesting the reader
should do to solve the problem/address the issue and your suggestions should be sensible
and achievable.
 Links to the analysis – It is vital that your recommendations flow logically to and link directly
from your analysis and any conclusions you have made about the problem or issue you have
identified in the case. Your recommendations need to fit as actions to be taken based on
your findings and should be potential solutions to the problem or issue in the case.
Here is some advice on how to write and present recommendations:

 Begin with a short statement that leads into the recommendations and persuades the
reader to take your recommendations seriously
 List your recommendations using a numbered or bulleted format
 When thinking about how to order your list, present in order of importance (so the reader
knows which one to attend to first) or the order in which you dealt with them in the various
sections of the case analysis in your report (if they are all of equal importance). If you have a
long list, you can categorise your recommendations, e.g. recommendations for the client,
recommendations for the marketer
 Avoid long sentences and use concise language so that your recommendations are clear to
the reader
 Use action/imperative verbs that give the reader an instruction to do something, e.g. select
the right celebrity for your product
 If you think it is necessary and it adds further explanation of your recommendations, you can
present a brief reason for the recommendation but do not include any new information, i.e.
make sure your reasons come from the analysis/discussion section of your report

Below is an example set of recommendations on the issue of celebrity endorsement, i.e. of using a
celebrity to market a brand. The purpose of the report was to analyse the pros and cons of using
celebrity endorsement as a marketing strategy and determine whether the client should adopt it as
a strategy.

The writer of the report concluded that celebrity endorsement is effective as a marketing strategy as
long as particular factors are taken into account before signing a celebrity. The recommendations
need to link to these conclusions.

Celebrity endorsement could be an effective marketing strategy;

however it is recommended that before any brand signs a celebrity
endorser, the following actions should be undertaken:

 Assess the attractiveness and credibility of the celebrity

 Select a celebrity whose personality, profile, achievements or
values correspond with the brand image and values and the product
itself (e.g. a sports star matched with a sporting product)
 Evaluate the cost of signing a celebrity endorser against
potential sales and an enhanced brand image
 Appraise the risks of using a particular celebrity and develop
strategies to deal with potential negative effects of celebrity
bad behaviour
 Draw up a contract that covers the requirements of the celebrity
when endorsing the brand

Notice that we have used a bulleted list to outline our recommendations and each recommendation
is presented in clear, concise language using action verbs.

(Source: Adapted from McCulloch, R., & Reid, A. (2011). Your Business degree. Frenchs Forest, NSW:
Pearson Australia.)
Tutorial activities to practise writing effective recommendations
1. Start with the example set of recommendations on the student handout. Ask students to read
through the example and identify the key elements (clarity and specificity, action verbs and links
to the conclusions in the report).

2. Below is an example recommendations paragraph (taken from the University of Wollongong’s

UniLearning website at:, ©2000). Give this
paragraph to students and ask them to rewrite the recommendations as dot points, following
the advice given on the student handout. Explain to students that the purpose of the report
was to analyse the sales potential of Choice Chocolate’s new Slim Choice range and make
recommendations on what the company should do to market the new product.

It is recommended that Choice Chocolate prioritise the launch

and promotion of Slim Choice and that it should be marketed
alongside its existing product range. A fresh and healthy
image should be used to promote Slim Choice in the media and
slim, energetic and young models should be used. A campaign
that conveys a sense of health and vitality to the consumer
while enjoying Slim Choice is recommended. A suitable slogan
would be the slogan “A Slim Choice a day keeps you going all
the way”. This should be used in the launch campaign. It is
suggested that good date for the launch is 6 April, the 10th
Anniversary of the World Congress on Health and Diet. As part
of the launch campaign, it is recommended all the reporters be
presented with free samples of Slim Choice, along with product
endorsement statements by renowned health experts.
Corresponding with the launch, it would be appropriate for
Slim Choice to be available at all supermarkets, candy stores,
health food shops and newsagencies.

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