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Five-finger writing advanced AGQ


Lesson 1

Chinese White Dolphin

Chinese white dolphins are a kind of mammal living in the sea. We can
find them in Hong Kong and southern China waters. They are pink,
lovely, intelligent and tame. These are the reasons why they were
chosen to be the mascot for the return of Hong Kong to China in July

The Chinese white dolphins, unlike many other dolphins and whales, like
to live near the shore in rather shallow waters. Most of those living in
Hong Kong can be found in the waters north of Lantau Island. They love
to rest and make friends with each other in sheltered bays. However,
they go to shallow and rocky waters to find their food. They eat small
fish, squid and shrimps and they usually hunt in large groups.

Since dolphins are mammals, just like we are, they breathe with their
lungs. They come up to the water surface from time to time to breathe.
They take in a lot of air before diving into the water, and come up again
later to breathe out, and take another breath. They swim by moving
their flat tails up and down. To turn, balance and rise to the water
surface, they use their flippers.
Five-finger writing advanced AGQ

Dolphins are intelligent. They make use of sound waves to detect their
environment for prey and predators, to sense, travel and communicate
with each other. They are believed to have their own language.

However, they are facing many threats in Hong Kong. Their homes are
being destroyed by reclamation, pollution and oil spills. They may also
be annoyed by traffic in the sea. They may bump into boats or get
caught accidentally by fishermen and die. To save the dolphins, the
government has marked some marine parks for dolphins. We should
never disturb or harm the dolphins. We should also be careful not to
pollute the sea and the environment, not just to save the dolphins, but
all marine organisms and ourselves.

Part A-Let’s learn the words.

tame shallow prey

mascot threat predator

1. Not deep


2. Gentle, unafraid of people


3. Animal that hunts and kills other animals for food.

Five-finger writing advanced AGQ

4. Danger


5. Animals that are hunted and killed by other animals for food.


6. make land suitable for buildings.


7. Animal, person or thing thought to bring good luck.


Part B-Let’s use the words we have learnt.

1. The tiger catches its ____________________ in the jungle.

2. Lions are the main ________________________ of the African


3. Many people like having pets at home. Pets are usually

_________________ .

4. The stream is very ________________________. You could easily

walk across.

5. Air-pollution is a great _________________________ to human

Five-finger writing advanced AGQ

6. The tiger was the ___________________________ for the Olympic

Games in South Korea.

7. Hong Kong is a hilly city. It has very little land. Often, the land is
made by _____________________________.

Part C-Let’s learn about sentences.

Since dolphins are mammals, just like we are, they breathe with their

We use ‘since’ to mean ‘Because’

Since the TV is broken, we decide to go to the cinema.

Since lions are very fierce and more powerful than other animals,
they are called ‘King of the Jungle’.

Note: We can also use ‘since’ to mean ‘from a certain date or time, till
E.g. Tim is getting very hungry. He hasn’t eaten since this morning.

Part D-Now make your own sentences using ‘since’.

1. ________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________

Five-finger writing advanced AGQ

Part E-What is the passage about? – Write a summary.

Write a sentence to summarise the information for each paragraph.

Paragraph 1 and 2 tell us that

Paragraph 3 and 4 tell us that

Paragraph 5 tells us that

Part F- Discussion questions

1. Name two other animals you know that are also facing threats in this

2. Describe the threats and discuss.

Five-finger writing advanced AGQ

Part G-Give us your views. (Write in point form, then share with the

1. As the Genie, write down how we can save the animals that are facing

2. As the Queen, write down the negative points about animals living
close to the cities.

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