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Luzon, Sean Tristan V.


The Weight of our Values

Having an established principle in the society is also persuaded as allowing yourself to
help the people and such performing your duties in the society with the right characteristics and
aspects of communication with the public. By practicing the values, we can easily interconnect
our goals to consider at reaching the process of objective. We should consider this independently
because at the first place, we must know our value as oneself. Adjusting to the people while
treating them with respect is important for a human to attain the accomplishment. The
fundamental traits of Filipino values also reflect on how we move at the challenges on the
society. This can be a reason for us Filipinos that we have the strong capacity to relate with
others regarding on their needs and struggles.
These set of values can be a key to a society on having a great prospect at social
communications as well as the services that we rely on. For example, the bayanihan concept of
our country is well known to signify the unity of the Filipinos when it comes to their community.
The willingness of each citizen to help each other, the act of volunteerism, and the way on how
the community is concerned with their fellow ones. This truly shows that having a set of values
is a huge impact to society because every single person in the world has their own way to
contribute to the society with the background of their values. I am sure that more than the values,
it is the unity that upholds the society to be as one. Our guide is the values, and that guide is
important for us to make things possible and appropriate.
Focusing on the weight of the values specifically in the society, it does not matter the
heaviness of it for the reason that everyone can improve with the help of others. We can
influence them by the humble ways that we can offer. We all have the values to make the world

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