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Cruz and Guinto: Speech before the joint session of the US Congress 1 of 6

SS 1C – Readings in the Philippines History (Internal Criticism)

1st Semester AY 2020-2021

“Speech before the joint session of the US Congress”

By Corazon Aquino
Donnalyn CRUZ
Jamina Nicole GUINTO
BSEd English 1B

I. Author:
 Explain the background of the author

Teodoro Locsin Jr. also known as “Teddy Boy” was task to write the speech of the President
Corazon Aquino. He was Cory’s executive secretary. However, for some reasons, he was unable to finish
it. In that case, Cory was made to finish the draft of her speech making Cory the writer of her own speech
in the joint session of the US congress.
On January 25, 1933, Maria Corazon Cojuangco and now known as Corazon Aquino was born
in the Province of Tarlac, Philippines. She was born into a wealthy, politically prominent family based
in Tarlac province, the north of Manila. She was a political leader in the Philippines who serve as the
first female president of the Philippines in year 1986 to 1992. She restored the democratic rule in the
country after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.
In the year 1945, she graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City. To marry
Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., a promising young politician, she abandoned her further studies in 1955.
During her husband’s subsequent career, Corazon stayed in the background while taking care of their
five children at home. Her husband was jailed by Marcos for eight years (1972 - 1980) as he became a
prominent opposition politician. She accompanied her husband into the exile in the United States in 1980.
Upon his return to the Philippines, Benigno was assassinated in August 1983. This
event stimulated opposition to the Marcos government.
In February 1986, Ferdinand E. Marcos unexpectedly called for presidential elections, Corazon
Aquino became the unified opposition’s presidential candidate. She was officially reported to have lost
the election to Marcos, however, Aquino and her supporters charging widespread voting fraud,
challenged the results. Aquino was soon proclaimed to the rightful president of the Philippines by the
high officials in the Philippines military renouncing the Marcos’ continued rule. Aquino and Marcos were
inaugurated as president by their respective supporters on February 25, 1986, but that same day Marcos
fled the country.
Aquino was proclaimed a provisional constitution and soon thereafter appointed a commission to
write a new constitution in March 1986. The monopolies held by Marcos’ allies over the economy, which
experienced steady growth for several years was broke up when Aquino held an election to the new
congress. However, she failed to undertake fundamental economic or social reforms, and her popularity
steadily declined as she faced continual outcries over economic injustice and political corruption. These
problems were worsened by persistent warfare between the communist insurgency and a military whose
loyalties to Aquino were uncertain. In general, her economic policies were criticized for being mixed or
faltering in the face of mass poverty. By her former defense secretary, Fidel Ramos, Aquino succeeded
in her office.
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In August 1, 2009, ousted one of the 20th century’s most corrupt dictators and became a global
icon of democracy, Corazon Aquino, died on Saturday after 16 month battle against colon cancer. 76 she
was. In the early hours of Saturday, her family announced she died shortly after the private shortly after
a private mass was held in her hospital room. All five children were at her bedside. “Our mother
peacefully passed away at 3:18 a.m. p.m. EDT Friday of cardio-respiratory arrest,” her son, Senator
Benigno Aquino Jr., told the reporters.
Cory Aquino was president of the Philippines from 1986 – 1992. She is best remembered, more
than two decades after the fact, as the slim woman in yellow who led the “People Power” revolution that
toppled Dictator Ferdinand Marcos. “Her courage, determination, and moral leadership are an inspiration
to us all and exemplify the best in the Filipino nation” said the U.S. President Barak Obama.
“Now that Cory is with the Lord, let us all unite and pray for her and for the Filipino people” said
Imelda Marcos, who returned to the Philippines after her husband died in exile.

 Is the author alive when he/she wrote the historical document?

In the year 1986, Corazon Aquino was 53 and was sound and healthy. On that same year in 18th
of September, Cory makes a historic speech before the joint session of the US Congress. US Congress
welcomes Aquino with a round of applause. At that time, Cory Aquino was the president of the dictator-
free country, the Philippines.

 Does it have many authors?

Corazon was the only one wrote her speech of Excellency personally as the president of the
Philippines during the joint session of the Unites States Congress in Washington, D.C., it was then on
delivered on September 18, 1986.

 What is the perspective of the Author?

Pangtayong Pananaw was use in the speech of Corazon Aquino. Although it may seem like it is
a first person perspective, the speech of Cory didn’t only focused on her life, struggles and deeds. She
delivered a speech containing the experiences of her family during Marcos’ governance. She also speak
for the Filipino people who were victims of dictatorship of Marcos in her speech. She neither claim the
victory on her own nor the action or protest committed in the people power revolution. She speaks for
all the people of the Philippines who were once victim and now conquerors, once slave of dictatorship
and now free Filipino citizen who have full control of their republican country, the Philippines.

II. Context:
 Where was it written?

The document was a typewritten and spoken document. However, what we have today is the
recorded document from the spoken speech of Corazon Aquino. She delivered her speech in the joint
session of the US congress was delivered at the US Capitol, Washington D.C., United States of America.

 When was it written?

It was the 18th of September in Washington D.C., United States of America time when Corazon
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Aquino delivered her speech. Not long after she became the president of the Philippines subsequent the
dictator former president Marcos.

III. Audience:
 For who was the intended audience?

The members of the congress, congressional leaders, majority leaders of the senate, the minority
and democratic leaders, board Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives received the
speech of Corazon C. Aquino. There was also the speaker of the house and the president of the senate,
the majority leader of the house of the representative of Texas and other high officials from West Virginia
and other countries. These people are the primary witness of the historical speech of Corazon C. Aquino
as the president of the Philippines.

 Who read the document? Did they received the document?

Corazon Aquino, in September 18, 1986, read the document or the speech she made herself in the
joint session of the Unites States Congress in Washington, D.C. in front of the American congress with
some of her Filipino supporters and family as the president of the Philippines. The audience received the
speech and welcomed it with their big, warm and immeasurable applauses filled with their emotion.

IV. Purpose:
 Why was it written?

The purpose of the speech of the late president Corazon Aquino is to give thanks to the
government of the United States of America for choosing her side, which is democracy. Also, to give
thanks to the Filipino people for helping her regain our country’s freedom. During her speech, she also
asked for an aid appropriation for the reconstruction and rehabilitation for the damages that was made
during the People Power EDSA Revolution in 1986.

V. Type of Historical Document:

 Explain the type of historical document?

It is a written speech that was soon spoken by Corazon Aquino and recorded as a part of the
history. The document or presidential speech written by Cory Aquino was read in the joint session of the
Unites States Congress in Washington, D.C. in front of the American congress and it is recorded that
until now, anyone can find the whole speech od Cory in the internet.

 Is it handwritten or typewritten? What do you think is the relevance of that in the document?

The document was typewritten by the Philippine president Corazon C. Aquino. The document
itself was a very important history of the Philippines. In that short speech, the hardships of the Filipino
people and even leaders of the country like the thousands of men who were imprison, including Ninoy
was written and well acknowledged. It is very important that this document and even the video record to
be kept for the posterity. The future Filipino people would appreciate their country being republic even
more and would be proud on their history and stand firm in their rights that was fought for them in the
early times that is now history of the Philippines.
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VI. Main Point

 Summarize the document

To start off her speech, Cory Aquino recalled her grievances on the day she buried her husband,
three years prior to her delivery of speech. She honored her late husband of his good deeds as a man who
fought for his country’s freedom until he became the pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers of
freedom and as a loving husband and father to her and their children. She then mentioned the first time
they lost Ninoy, fourteen years ago when the president-turned-dictator and traitor to his oath, Ferdinand
Marcos, suspended the Constitution and shut down the Congress. Marcos detained Ninoy along with
thousand of others, like senators, punlishers, and anyone who had spoken up for democracy. Cory knew
that the dictator himself knew, Ninoy is not just a body that needs to be imprisoned but a spirit that he
must break. She described how the government sought to break her husband by indignities and terror but
Ninoy fought his fight until he can’t no more. She worded out her mind beautifully. “He held out, in the
loneliness of his cell and the frustration of exile, the democratic alternative to the insatiable greed and
mindless cruelty of the right and the purging holocaust of the left.” described Marcos’ rule as a “purging
holocaust”. Cory proceeded by telling the story of how they received the news in Boston about Ninoy’s
death and how it became the country’s resurrection to build up courage and faith to be free again. She
recounts how the dictator called Ninoy a nobody but then two million people escorted him to his grave
and began the revolution, which has brought her democracy’s most famous home, the Congress of the
United States. Then she tells the story of how rigged the 1984 election was and on the year after that
happened the snap election which made history. She had sworn that she would never betray her country
and would never allow an insurgent leader to spurn peace and kill our soldiersand threaten our new
freedom. And then she opens up about the $26 billion foreign debt stolen by the previous government.
Cory recalls how she met with President Reagon. Near the end of her speech, Cory said “Still, we fought
for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall pay.” She then added “Yet to all Americans, as the leader of a
proud and free people, I address this question: has there been a greater test of national commitment to
the ideals you hold dear than that my people have gone through? You have spent many lives and much
treasure to bring freedom to many lands that were reluctant to receive it. And here you have a people
who won it by themselves and need only the help to preserve it.” She ended her speech by giving thanks
to America for giving her, Ninoy, and their children home, and for the three happiest years of their live
together. She even encouraged America to join us rebuild our new home for democracy as a testament to
the two nation’s commitment to freedom.

VII. Message:
 What is the message of the document?

The speech of Corazon Aquino yearns to extend the victory of the Filipino people after all the
suffering and hardships they have experienced in Marco’s hand as the dictator president. The loss of
every Filipino people were filled with a great success of winning over Marcos with Cory as their victor.
Cory also long to thank the American congress in their great support and contributions in making
the success possible. She also ask for help as they rise up from what was left to the county after the
governance of Marcos. Corazon desire the support of America in rebuilding the nation once again as a
democratic country.
Cory ended her speech with a great gratitude towards America for their willingness to offer their
help to the country. She expresses her great hope in partnership with the America in making Philippines
a better country and totally vanish the traces of Marcos’ dictatorship.
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 What perspective does it represent?

Upon the deliverance of the speech of Corazon Aquino, pangkaming pananaw was used. Cory
wrote the speech including not only about herself and her journey but the struggles and the experiences
of all Filipino people. Speaking in the joint session of the Unites States Congress in Washington, D.C.
she uses Pangkaming pananaw. As she speak to the board members of the congress and leaders who were
there, she included the voices of the Filipino people. She was the representative of all the Filipinos who
were part of the historical revolution. She was the voice of their cries and in the congress the voice of the
people shouts for victory.

 Can the message be applied in the 21st century perspective? Explain.

The message within the speech of Corazon Aquino has a great relevance in the 21st century. It
may not be directly applied to our perspective today because of the differences of the type of government
at that time and today, it can still a great investment to study and be familiar in this historical speech of
Cory as it includes very important parts of the Philippines’ history.
Today, as the 21st generation read or watch the speech of Corazon Aquino, they could be reminded
of the great deeds of the Filipino people to make the Philippines a democratic country with free Filipino
people. It could also be their motivation to continue the fight for their rights.
This would enlighten the understanding of the young generation in protecting our rights and
maintaining our country’s peace and order.

VIII. Significance of the Document:

 What is true about the document?

The document is nothing but the truth. From the expression of her grievances from the death of
her husband, to her honesty in asking for aid appropriation from the US Congress, to her gratefulness to
America for giving them home. The speech written by the author was delivered before the US congress
and she managed to earn her audiences sympathy by wording out her mind perfectly.

 Is it important today?

The historical speech of Cory in the joint session of the US congress is important and still relevant
up to this day. It is an event that made history. If not for her speech, we wouldn’t have received the aid
appropriation that helped us in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of our newly reclaimed free country,
which was signed by the US Congress. Cory also received a lot of praises from different personalities
because of her speech.

 What moral can we pick up in analyzing the document?

The moral that we can pick up from analyzing the document is the realization of how powerful
words can be. Those simple words changed the perspective of the US Congress towards our then ashamed
country and also towards our then president, Corazon Aquino.
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Strictly follow the APA citation style. Each reference entry should have an associated parenthetical in-
text citation in the body of the paper.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (July 28, 2020). Corazon Aquino. Encyclopædia Britannica.

Official Gazette. (September 18, 1986). Speech of President Corazon Aquino during the Joint Session
of the U.S. Congress, September 18, 1986.

Manny Mogato. (July 31, 2009). Cory Aquino, Philippine people power heroine, dies. Reuters.

RTVMalacanang. (2011, October 7). President Corazon Aquino before the US Congress.

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