PRESENT PERFECT - Tello Norabuena Catherine

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Alumna: Tello Norabuena Catherine
FOR (period) SINCE (point)
Ten years Last tuesday

15 minutes January

Nine months 2001

Twenty years The middle eges

The rest of my Half past six


PRACTICE: Since or For?

❖ SINCE: January ❖ SINCE: 6:00
❖ FOR : 10 years ❖ SINCE: Wednesday
❖ SINCE: Monday ❖ FOR: a month
❖ SINCE: 12 noon ❖ FOR: two days ago
❖ SINCCE: I got up ❖ SINCE: november 1
❖ FOR: 5 minutes ❖ SINCE: 2004
❖ FOR: a long time ago ❖ FOR: an hour
❖ FOR: four days ❖ SINCE: Is was Young

➢ We have lived in this house for ten years..

➢ I have had this computer for a year.

➢ Tom is on a diet since May.

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