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Lesson title: Understanding the Nature of Concept Paper

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1.) Define the nature of concept paper;
2.) Explain the purpose of a concept paper

Concept paper is a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important, and how
it will be carried out. Even if no one else ever reads it, the concept paper helps a researcher spot holes in
her or his project that might later prove fatal.

· A concept paper is a document which summarizes what your project is about, why it is
important, and how you intend to carry it out.
· It consists of the topic under research, the hypothesis that you seek to approve or disprove,
research questions, data required, and methods of obtaining it.
· It is sometimes known as a proposal or an abstract. The latter two are usually more detailed than
a concept paper but often serve the same purpose, that is, to convince the party evaluating it that
the research project is worthwhile.
Concept paper
· It is an in-depth analysis of any idea, situation, or practice. It can be on anything that you find
significant: it can be a feeling (What is self-esteem?), a cultural practice (What is Filipino
Time?), a belief (What is transmigration?), a situation (What is same-sex marriage?)
· it examines the ‘what-ness’ or nature of something
· it is important to connect theory (can be found in many academic papers) and experience (day-to-
day observation) in making a concept paper
The purpose of a concept paper is to lay out the basics of a grant proposal so that everyone involved in
planning and implementation (from your organization or a partner's) agrees on what will be in the
proposal. This promotes good relationships and helps you get letters of commitment from your
partners, as well.

Purpose of writing a concept paper

• provide in-depth discussion of a topic
• can be used in obtaining funding for a project
• act as an instructional tool from an existing project
• provide guidance for implementing a program
• discuss best practices, philosophies and other related issues

Lesson title: Comprehending the Various Kinds of Concept Paper

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1.) identify the dual nature of a concept paper;
2.) Compare and contrast the two natures of concept paper.

Extended Definition
Can be personal or objective (facts only). An extended definition explains what the word means to the
writer and may allow a reader to see the word differently. Choose details that help readers understand
the word’s denotation (literal) meaning as well as its connotation (associated) meaning. Some times
when we examine what a word is, we have to look at what it is NOT.

 To begin your definition use specific examples to illustrate your definition, but be sure that your
examples are ones that the reader(s) can relate to.
 You might use synonyms, give examples, discuss the word’s origins, develop comparisons, tell
what the word is not or create an anecdote to show the word in action.
 Before you begin to write, you have to extensively research and think about your word.
Complete the graphic organizer.
 Your task is to make the definition fresh by using your own understanding and experience to
illuminate the word’s meaning.
 You are writing a definition that not only explains how the word is used, but also explains your
understanding of the word.
 The best topics are abstract nouns, complex terms or adjectives connected to a personal
Project Proposal Example
Purpose/Objective of the alliance
· Share information about the proposed school regulation
· Recruit young parents into the project
· Provide training to young parents so that they can assist in revising the proposed school
· Defray the costs of parent involvement in the project
Project Description
An alliance of ABC, XYZ, and LMN (and perhaps other partners) will directly impact people with
disabilities and their families and make a difference in their lives for years to come. The involvement of
informed, concerned constituents will influence policy makers and help to make needed revisions in the
proposed school regulation.

Before the end of the summer, we will need to
· Assign a lead organization to manage the advocacy component
· Recruit young parents of disabled children who are willing to advocate for revising the proposed
school regulation
· Provide a comprehensive training program for the young parents so they understand the roles of
each of the participating organizations, the background on the proposed regulation and the
regulation’s probable impact on students
· Involve the informed young parents in meetings the State Department of Education will hold on
the regulation
This project will be completed by the end of December when the vote will be taken on the school
regulation. At that time, we could decide to continue as an alliance to advocate for other issues or
celebrate our success and conclude the alliance project.

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