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College of Engineering, Architecture

and Technology
Name: ______________________________________ Course & Year: ______________

Module 3 : Stress Concentration, Plane Stress, Principal Stresses for

Plane Stress, Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
Course Title : Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Course Number : MECH 313
Course Description : The course covers the fundamental concepts of stresses and
strains such as axial stress, shearing stress, bearing stress,
torsion, flexural stress and strain-stress relationship.
Total Learning Time: 4 units (4 hours lecture per week)
Pre-requisites : Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
(if there’s any)


In this chapter, we consider the torsion of circular shafts. Because a

circular cross section is an efficient shape for resisting torsional loads,
circular shafts are commonly used to transmit power in rotating machinery.
We also discuss another important application- torsion of thin-walled tubes.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the student should be able to:
1. Define internal effects and deformations that are caused by the applied loads.
2. Calculate and differentiate normal (axial), shear and bearing stresses.
3. Understand the factor of safety required.
4. Calculate stress in structural members.

Indicative Content:
This module discusses at least the following topics: Torsion of Circular Shafts,
Power Transmission, Statically Indeterminate Problems, Torsion of Thin-Walled Tubes
and Torsion of Rectangular Bars


College of Engineering, Architecture
and Technology
General Case of Plane Stress
In general, if a plane element is removed from a body it will be subject to the normal
stresses σ x and σ y together with the shearing stress τ xy as shown in first figure. We
assume that no stresses act on the element in the z-direction.

For normal stresses, tensile stress is considered to be positive, compressive stress

Normal Stress on Plane
σ +σ σ −σ y
σx = x y + x
2 ( 2 )( )
cos 2 θ+τ xy sin 2θ

σ +σ σ −σ
( )( )
σ y = x y − x y cos 2 θ−τ xy sin 2 θ
2 2
σ x + σ y =σ x + σ y
' '

Shearing Stress on any Plane

σ −σ
' '
2 ( )
τ x y =− x y sin 2θ +τ xy cos 2θ
Principal Stresses and Principal Planes
The maximum and minimum normal stresses at a point are called the principal
stresses at that point. The planes on which the principal stresses act are referred to as the
principal planes. The directions that are perpendicular to the principal planes are called
the principal directions.
2 τ xy
tan2 θ=
σ x −σ y


σ x −σ y 2 2
√( 2 ) + τ xy

σ x +σ y σ x −σ y 2 2
σ2 }=
√( 2 ) +τ xy

Summary of Stress Transformation Procedures

1. Identifying Given Stress Components
Before applying any of the equations derived in this module, you must identify
the given stress components σ x , σ y ,and τ xy . Positive stress components act in positive
coordinate directions on positive faces of the element.
2. Computing Stresses on Inclined Planes
The transformation equations
σ x + σ y σ x −σ y

}= ± cos 2θ ± τ xy sin 2 θ
2 2
σ −σ
' '
2 (
τ x y =− x y sin 2θ +τ xy cos 2θ )
Remember that the angle θ that defines the inclination is measured from the x-
axis to the x ' -axis in the counterclockwise direction.
3. Computing Principal Stresses
σ σ x +σ y
σ }= ±R
σ x −σ y 2 2
2 √( + τ xy
4. Computing Principal Directions
2 τ xy
tan2 θ=
σ x −σ y
The angle θ is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis to a principal axis.
5. Computing Maximum In-plane Shear Stress
The magnitude of the maximum in-plane shear stress is
|σ 1−σ 2|
τ max=
and the planes of maximum shear are inclined at 45 ° to the principal planes. If the
principal stresses are not known, the maximum in-plane shear stress and the
orientation of the shear planes can be obtained from
τ max=R
−σ x −σ y
tan2 θ=
2 τ xy
The normal stresses acting on the planes of maximum shear are given by


σ x +σ y
σ́ =
σ 1 +σ 2
σ́ =

Mohr’s Circle
All the information contained in the above equations may be presented in a
convenient graphical form known as Mohr’s circle. In this representation normal stresses
are plotted along the horizontal axis and shearing stresses along the vertical axis. The
stresses σ x , σ y,and τ xy ,are plotted and a circle is drawn through these points having its
center on the horizontal axis. Figure shows Mohr’s circle for an element subject to the
general case of plane stress. The ends of diameter BCD are the points ( σ y , τ xy ) at B and
σ +σ
[ ]
( σ x ,−τ xy ) at D. The center C is at x y , 0 .
Tensile stresses are considered to be positive and compressive stresses negative.
Thus tensile stresses are plotted to the right of the origin in the figure and compressive
stresses to the left.
When Mohr’s circle has been drawn as in the figure, the principal stresses are
represented by the line segments OG and OH.
To determine the normal and shearing stresses on a plane whose normal vector is
inclined at a counterclockwise angle θ with the x-axis, we measure a counterclockwise
angle equal to 2 θ from the diameter BD of Mohr’s circle. The endpoints of this diameter
BD represent the stress conditions in the original x-y directions; i.e., they represent the
stresses σ x ,σ y ∧τ xy . The angle 2 θ corresponds to the diameter EF. The coordinates of
point F represent the normal and shearing stresses on the plane at an angle θ to the x-axis.


That is, the normal stress σ is represented by ON and the shearing stress is represented by

Exercises/ Drills:
1. The state of plane stress at a point with respect to the xy-
axes is shown in fig. (a). Determine the equivalent state of
stress with respect to the x ' y ' −axes . Show the results on a
sketch of an element aligned with the x ' −¿ and y ' −¿axes.
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σx = ' + cos 2θ+ τ xy sin 2 θ
2 2
30+60 30−60
¿ + cos 60° + 40 sin 60°
2 2
σ x =72.1 MPa

σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σ y= ' − cos 2θ−τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
30+60 30−60
σ y= ' − cos 60 ° −40 sin 60 °
2 2
σ y =17.9 MPa

−σ x −σ y
τ x y=
' ' sin 2θ+ τ xy cos 2 θ
¿− sin60 ° + 40 cos 60 °
τ x y =33.0 MPa
' '

The results are shown in Fig. (b). Because all the calculated stress
components are positive, they act in the positive coordinate directions
on the positive x ' - and y ' - faces.


2. Determine the principal stresses and the principal
directions for the state of plane stress given in Fig. (a).
Show the results on a sketch of an element aligned with
the principal directions.
σ x −σ y 2 2 8000−4000 2
R=3606 psi
2 ) √(
+ τ xy = )2
+ ( 3000 )

σ x +σ y 8000+ 4000
}= ± R= ± 3606 which yields
2 2
σ 1 =9610 psi σ 2=2390 psi
Principal Directions
2 τ xy 2 ( 3000 )
tan2 θ= = =1.50
σ x −σ y 8000−4000
The two solutions are
2 θ=56.31 ° and 56.31° +180 °=236.31°
θ=28.16 ° and 118.16 °
To determine which of the two angles is θ1(associated with σ 1 ¿ and which is θ2
(associated with σ 2 ¿ , we use the equation to compute the normal stress σ x that '

corresponds to one of the angles. The result, which will be equal to either σ 1 or σ 2
identifies the principal stress associated with that angle. With θ=28.16 °, equation yields
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σx =' + cos 2θ+ τ xy sin 2 θ
2 2
8000+4000 8000−4000
¿ + cos [ 2 ( 28.16 ° ) ] + 3000sin [ 2 ( 28.16 ° ) ]
2 2
σ x =9610 psi which is equal to σ 1 . Therefore, we conclude that

σ 1 =28.2° σ 2=118.2 °
θ1=28.2° θ2=118.2 °
The sketch of the differential element in Fig. (b) shows
the principal stresses and the principal planes. Note that there is
no shear stress on the principal planes, which may be verified by
substituting the values for θ1 and θ2.


3. For the state of plane stress shown in Fig. (a), determine
the maximum in-plane shear stress and the planes on
which it acts. Show the results on a sketch of an element
aligned with the planes of maximum shear.

σ x −σ y 2 2 2
τ max=
τ max=86.0 MPa
)2 √(
+τ xy =
40−(−100 )
) 2
+ (−50 )

−σ x −σ y −40−(−100 )
tan2 θ= = =1.400
2 τ xy 2 (−50 )
θ=27.23° and 117.23 °
To determine the directions of the maximum in-plane shear stresses on the sides of the
element, we must find the sign of the shear stress on one of the planes— say, on the plane
defined by θ=27.23° . Substituting the given stress components and θ=27.23° into the
equation, we obtain
−σ x −σ y
' τ x y=
' sin 2θ+ τ xy cos 2 θ
40−(−100 )
¿− sin [ 2 ( 27.23 ° ) ] + (−50 ) cos [ 2 ( 27.23° ° ) ]
τ x y =−86.0 MPa
' '

The negative sign indicates that the shear stress on the positive x ' −face acts in the
negative y ' −direction , as shown in fig. (b) Once this result
has been obtained, the directions of the remaining shear
stresses can be determined by inspection. The normal
stresses acting on the element are computed from equation,
which yields
σ x +σ y 40+ (−100 )
σ́ = = =−30 MPa
2 2
As shown in Fig. (b), the normal stresses are equal on all
faces of the element.
4. The state of plane stress at a point with respect to the
xy-axes is shown in Fig. (a). Using Mohr’s circle,
determine (1) the principal stresses and principal
planes; (2) the maximum in-plane shear stress; and (3)
the equivalent state of stress with respect to the x ' y '
axes. Show all results on sketches of properly oriented
From the established sign convention (positive
stresses act in the positive coordinate directions on positive faces of the element),
the stress components in Fig. (a) are σ x =40 MPa , σ y =20 MPa , and τ xy =16 MPa .


Using these stresses and the procedure explained in Art. 8.6, we obtain the Mohr’s
circle shown in Fig. (b). The coordinates of point x on the circle are the stress
components acting on the x-face of the element. Because the shear stress on this
face has a counterclockwise moment about the center of the element, it is plotted
below the σ −axis. The coordinates of point y are the stress components acting on
the y-face of the element. The shear stress on this face has a clockwise moment
about the center of the element; thus, it is plotted above the σ −axis.

σ́ = =30 MPa
2 2
R=√( 10 ) + ( 16 ) =18.87 MPa
Part 1
By inspection of Fig. (b), we see that points 1 and 2 represent the principal planes. The
principal stresses are
σ 1 =σ́ + R=30+18.87=48.9 MPa
σ 2=σ́ −R=30−18.87=11.13 MPa
tan2 θ1=
Figure (c) shows the principal stresses on an element aligned with the
principal directions, labeled 1 and 2, respectively.

Part 2


The planes of maximum in-plane shear stress correspond to points a and b on the
Mohr’s circle in Fig. (b). The magnitude of the maximum shear stress equals the
radius of the circle; thus,
τ max=18.87 MPa
The element aligned with the maximum shear planes is shown in Fig. (d). On the
circle, the angle measured from point 1 and point a is 90 ° , counterclockwise.
Therefore, the a-axis of the element in Fig. (d) is oriented at 45 ° in the
counterclockwise direction relative to the 1-axis, as shown. Because point a on
the circle lies above the s-axis, the moment of τ maxacting on the a-face is
clockwise about the center of the element, which determines the sense of τ max
shown in fig. (d) Note that the normal stresses acting on both the a- and b-planes
are σ́ =30 MPa.

Part 3
Figure (a) shows that if we were to rotate the xy-coordinate axes through 50 ° in
the counterclockwise direction, they would coincide with the x ' y ' axes. This
corresponds to a 100 ° counterclockwise rotation of the diameter x-y of the
Mohr’s circle to the position x ' − y ' , as shown in fig (e). The coordinates of x ' and
are the stress components acting on the faces of the element that is aligned with
the x ' y ' axes.
From the geometry of the Mohr’s Circle in fig. (e)
'σ x =30+18.87 cos ( 100 °−58 ° )=44.0 MPa


σ y =30−18.87 cos ( 100 °−58 ° )=15.98 MPa

τ x y =18.87 sin ( 100 °−58 ° )=12. 63 MPa

' '

The element showing these stresses is illustrated in Fig. (f ). Again, the sense of
the shear stress was found from the convention: If the shear stress is plotted above
the σ −axis ,
its moment about the center of the element is clockwise, and vice versa. Because
point x ' lies above the σ −axis , the shear stress on the x ' −face of the element
applies a clockwise moment about the center of the element.

5. A plane element is subject to the stresses shown in figure (b). Using Mohr’s
circle, determine (a) the principal stresses and their directions and (b) the
maximum shearing stresses and the directions of the planes on which they occur.

a) The principal stresses are represented by points G and H. They may be

determined by realizing that the coordinate of C is -30, and that
´ √ 302 +40 2=50. Thus, the minimum principal stress is
σ min=OG=+ ´ + CG
( OC ´ ¿ ¿−30−50 )=−80 MPa
The maximum principal stress is,
σ max=OH´ =CH´ −CO=50−30=20
´ MPa
The angle 2 θ is given by


tan2 θ=

1. The state of plane stress at a point with respect to

the xy-axes is shown in Fig. (a). Using Mohr’s
circle, determine (1) the principal stresses and
principal planes; (2) the maximum in-plane shear
stress; and (3) the equivalent state of stress with
respect to the x ' y ' −axes . Show all results on
sketches of properly oriented elements.

To show that the transformation equations represent a

σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σx =' + cos 2θ+ τ xy sin 2 θ
2 2
−σ x −σ y
τ x y=
' ' sin 2θ+ τ xy cos 2 θ
Equation two equations yield
σ x +σ y 2 2 σ x −σ y 2 2
( σx − '
2 ) +t x y =
' '
2 ( )
+ t xy

If the state of stress at a point is given with respect to the xy-axes, then σ x ,σ y ,and τ xy are
known constants.
a. Construction of Mohr’s Circle
Consider the state of plane stress at a point defined in figure (a) that is characterized by
the stress components σ x ,σ y ∧τ xy . Mohr’s circle for this stress state, shown in figure (b),
is constructed as follows:


1. Draw a set of axes, with the abscissa representing
the normal stress s and the ordinate representing
the shear stress τ .
2. Plot the point labeled x with coordinates ( σ x ,−τ xy )
and the point labeled y with the coordinates
( σ y , τ xy ) . The coordinates of these points are the
stresses acting on the x- and y-faces on the
element, respectively. It is important to label these
points to avoid confusion later on.
3. Join the points x and y with a straight line, and
draw a circle with this line as its diameter.
Mohr’s circle is now complete. Note that the radius of
the circle is
σ x −σ y 2 2
√( ) 2
+ τ xy
and its center is located at ( σ´ , 0 ) ,
σ +σ
where σ́ = x y
b. Properties of Mohr’s Circle
The properties of Mohr’s circle follow:
 The coordinates of each point on the circle represent the normal and shear stresses
that act on a specific plane that passes through the selected point in the body. (For this
reason, each time you plot a point on the circle, you should immediately label it to
identify the plane that it represents.)
 Here is a convenient method for keeping track of the sense of shear stress: Shear
stress that has a clockwise moment about the center of the element, as shown in figure
(a), is plotted up (above the σ −axis ¿ .If the moment of the shear stress is
counterclockwise, as in figure (b) the point is plotted down (below the σ −axis).
 The angle 2 θ y between two diameters on the circle is twice the transformation
angle θ ,with both angles measured in the same direction (clockwise or


Additional Reading:

Intermediate Mechanics of Materials by J.R. Barber


Bedford A., and Liechti K.M., (2020). Mechanics of Materials, Second Edition. Cham:
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
Beer, F.P., Johnston Jr. E.R.J., DeWolf, J.T. and Mazurek, D.F.(2012).Mechanics of
Materials, Sixth Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Dias da Silva, V. (2006). Mechanics and Strength of Materials, First Edition. The
Netherlands: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Goodno, B.J. and Gere, J.M.. (2018). Mechanics of Materials, Ninth Edition.
Massachusetts: Cengage Learning
Hibbeler, R. C. (2015). Mechanics of Materials, Ninth Edition. Prentice Hall.
Pytel, A. and Kiusalaas J. (2012). Mechanics of Materials, Second Edition. Connecticut:
Cengage Learning.


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