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People sti ll need to remodel and upgrade their homes, even in today's economy.  Your
fl oor is one of the most important aspects of your home that can impact every area.  Solid
wood fl ooring is one opti on.  This area isn't a singular choice, however. It is a wide area
that has changed over ti me in terms of both its purpose and the materials it uses.

Wood was a great material for fl ooring homes in years past. However, architects have
made a shift away from wood as there are bett er opti ons.  Solid wood fl ooring is now
more popular for its aestheti c appeal rather than its practi cal purpose.  It is now less
popular than in the past. However, it does not necessarily mean that it is less common.

Diff erent manufacturers may have diff erent measurements for wood fl ooring, but they
are generally no wider than 5 inches and no thicker that three-quarters inch.  Although
lengths can vary, planks are made from one piece of lumber.  This type of fl ooring isn't
usually laid directly over concrete. That is why it has lost its popularity.  You can buy it as
fi nished, someti mes called prefi nished, or unfi nished.  The unfi nished solid wood fl ooring,
which is more aff ordable than the fi nished one, requires extra work to be installed.

Although wood has been largely abandoned as a fl ooring material, there are sti ll many
names that off er this opti on.  There are established brands that can off er a guarantee of
their durability and brands that are featured prominently on television shows that focus
on home renovati ons and repairs. Solid fl ooring, such as oak, looks great in any home,
especially modern designs or barn conversions.  Natural solid wood fl ooring has the
advantage of being durable and can withstand wear over ti me.  It can also dampen
footsteps' sound, unlike laminate.
Solid wood fl ooring can also be used as an insulati on, providing warmth during winter
months. This is in contrast to laminate, which can feel cold.  Your home will look and feel
cozy because of this.

Wooden fl ooring is great for allergy suff erers.  Wooden fl ooring can be easily cleaned by
brushing or mopping and doesn't off er a breeding ground to insects like carpet.  Although
steam cleaning carpets can be done, it won't eliminate all bugs. Some prefer to live in a
warm, wet environment that steaming off ers.  Wooden fl ooring is easy to clean, which will
prevent allergy pests from causing you any problems.

Solid wooden fl ooring also has a visual appeal.  Wooden fl ooring can be used in your
home to give it a luxurious look without losing warmth.  It is suitable for all kinds of
properti es, including: Conversions of barns, fl ats, apartments, detached houses, terraced
houses, etc.

It can either give a property a modern or cozy feel, depending on what decor it
matches. Wooden fl ooring can be used in a variety of color schemes, no matt er how bold
or neutral they are. It is oft en available in diff erent fi nishes and ready to be walked upon
once laid.

Although wood fl ooring is costly than laminate, it is much more durable and will last
longer. Wooden furniture is beauti ful and can actually increase your home's value.

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