B2 Unit1 Layout2-17 Digital

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UNIT 2 Proficiency

Introducing yourself

Meeting New People Describing people

LISTENING: Introductions
A. Listen to Carlos, Sam, Diana, and Ellen introduce themselves. Write the name of the person
who best matches each picture.

B. Listen again and complete the following chart. Follow the example.

Name Major Personality Family Interests

meet friends, play

Carlos communications easygoing and patient mother, father computer games,




C. How are you similar to the characters (Carlos, Sam, Diana, and Ellen)? Complete the
following sentences:

Example: For my major, I am closest to Ellen because my major is also business.

1. For my major, I am closest to ____________ because ________________________________

2. For personality, I am closest to ______________ because ____________________________

3. For family, I am closest to __________ because ____________________________________

4. For interests, I am closest to _____________ because ________________________________

WRITING: Introduction
A. Write a brief introduction of yourself. Write one complete sentence per topic.

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________


Major (or occupation) _____________________________________________________________

Personality _______________________________________________________________________

Family ___________________________________________________________________________


GRAMMAR: Simple present

Be verb

Statements Contractions
I am a university student. I’m a university student.
You are my best friend. You’re my best friend.
We are happy to see you. We’re happy to see you.
They are good dancers. They’re good dancers.
She is active and easygoing. She’s active and easygoing.
He is a famous singer. He’s a famous singer.
It is cold today. It’s cold today.

Negative Contractions
I am not a doctor. I’m not a doctor.
You are not my boss. You’re not my boss. You aren’t my boss.

We are not happy to leave. We’re not happy to leave. We aren’t happy to leave.
They are not good singers. They’re not good singers. They aren’t good singers.
She is not angry. She’s not angry. She isn’t angry.
He is not a chef. He’s not a chef. He isn’t a chef.
It is not hot today. It’s not hot today. It isn’t hot today.

Other verbs

Statements Negative and Contractions

I like soccer. I do not like tennis. I don’t like tennis.
You enjoy pop music. You do not know him. You don’t know him.
We watch sitcoms. We do not go often. We don’t go often.
They play volleyball. They do not play golf. They don’t play golf.

He listens to classical music. He does not listen to rock. He doesn’t listen to rock.
She prefers horror movies. She does not work late. She doesn’t work late.
It often rains here. It does not snow often. It doesn’t snow often.

GRAMMAR: Editing

A. Each introduction has five grammar mistakes. Find and correct them.

1. My name is Carlos. I’m really easygoing. I no really worry about things so much.
I somewhat patient too. People says I’m friendly. My father work in the government and
am s
is a politician. My major is communications, but I amn’t really sure about it.
I‘m not
2. I’m Sam. My major philosophy. I am want to be a lawyer in the future. I very hard working.

People say I’m kind of serious, but I have fun too. I has four people in my family. My father

is an accountant. My mother stay at home. My younger brother is a high school student.

3. My name is Diana. I liking to make goals and work on them. There is five people in my

family. My mother a high school teacher, and my father is an engineer. Their both really

nice. I like to exercise, and I am go to church regularly.

4. Hi, everyone. I’m Ellen. My major is business. I am want to be a manager in a company

and maybe even become a CEO. Is my dream! There is five people in my family. I have

my mother, father, and two younger sisters. My sisters and mother is just like me. We loves

to go out and meet new people.

B. Go back to your writing on page 3. Did you make any mistakes with the verbs? Correct your
sentences if necessary.

SPEAKING: Introduction

A. Using your writing on page 3, introduce yourself to a new classmate. You may use
your writing to help you.

VOCABULARY: Personality adjectives

A. Write your answers to the following questions.

What is one of your favorite TV shows, movies, or books? _____________________________
Who is one of the main characters? _________________________________________________
What is her/his role in the story? ___________________________________________________
What three adjectives (see box below) describe this character? __________________________
What does the character often do? __________________________________________________

B. Using the information from your sentences above, complete the following paragraph.
Your paragraph should be similar to the example.
One of my favorite books is Harry Potter. One of the main characters is Hermione. She is a
student and a friend of Harry Potter in the books. She is smart, creative, and sensible.
She uses her magic and knowledge to help Harry Potter.

One of my favorite TV shows/movies/books is __________________. One of the main character’s

names is ________________. He/she is ________________ (role in the show/movie/book).
He/she is ______ __________________________________________ (three personality words).
He/she __________________________________________________________ (things the
character often does in the movie/show/book).

Personality adjectives

aggressive caring depressed honest popular sensitive strong

ambitious confident devoted hot-tempered quiet simple unique
anxious conservative flexible kind responsible serious warm
artistic courageous funny liberal sarcastic silly wild
attractive creative gentle patient sensible smart wise

C. Complete the following sentences by using the vocabulary in the box. Share your sentences
with a partner.

1. I am very _________________ and ____________________.

2. I am also somewhat _________________ and _________________.

3. I am not really __________________ or ____________________.

4. Sometimes I am a/an ____________________ person, but sometimes I am not.

5. However, I’m not a/an _______________________ person at all.

READING: Ellen’s New Friends

Ellen keeps a journal. Today, she is writing about her friends from school.
A. A
 s you read, try to find two or three characters who are very similar to you or someone that you
know (one of your family members or friends). Be prepared to share this information with the

Ellen’s New Friends

I just came back from a birthday party for Tom. All of Tom’s friends from
school were there, and I guess I can say now that they are all
my friends too, more or less.

Tom was the first person I met when I moved here last
semester. We live in the same neighborhood. Tom is really
sweet and helpful. You couldn’t ask for a better friend. He’s one of the most
caring and generous people that I’ve ever met. He gets along well with every-
one. He’s the kind of guy you can always depend on. He’s a bit too trusting,
and I know some people take advantage of him, but he doesn’t seem to care. I
wish he would care, though. It really bothers me when people don’t treat him

Through Tom I met his friends, and I like them all. Some are outgoing like I am.
Carlos certainly isn’t shy. He’s the kind of guy who just wants to enjoy life. He
doesn’t seem to worry about anything. Maybe he’s that way because his parents
are kind of rich. He is always great to be with when you want to have fun.

Ann is also a lot of fun. She wants to be an artist, and she is really creative.
She’s a lot more open-minded than the others. She really doesn’t worry about
what other people think of her. I admire her for that.

Sam and Diana are the opposite of

Carlos and Ann. They are both really
serious about their studies. Sam wants to be a lawyer.
When Sam gets interested in a topic, he can’t seem to talk
about anything else. He’s a lot more focused on his future
than the others. He could be a bit more sociable, though.
Diana is also very devoted to her studies. She’s a little
more conservative than the others, and sometimes she gets into arguments with
Ann about politics. Carlos and Diana are exact opposites. Diana takes things
very seriously, and she’s really hardworking. I think Carlos likes to give her a
hard time, but they are still friends, and it never gets too bad.

Pete is an interesting guy. I’ve never met anyone so nervous about everything!
He worries about his studies, his future, his health...you name it. He always


thinks the worst is going to happen. He’s trying hard to change, though. Having a friend like Tom is
really good for him. Tom is good at calming Pete down when Pete has one of his panic attacks. I
think I can be a good friend to him also.

The only one I can’t really connect with is Rachel. Actually, I don’t even
know if she considers me a friend or not. She really keeps to herself. When I
try to talk to her, she doesn’t say much, or she says something sarcastic. She’s
critical of everything. She wouldn’t hang out with us at all if Tom and Carlos
didn’t make her come out. I think we’re both a little uncomfortable when
we’re around each other. I don’t know why it bothers me. I’m nice to her.
Why doesn’t she like me?

B. Answer the following questions True or False.

1. True/False Rachel is friendlier than Ellen
2. True/False Ellen is more outgoing than Sam.
3. True/False Diana is more hardworking than Carlos.
4. True/False Diana is more liberal than Ann.
5. True/False Carlos is more sociable than Sam.
6. True/False Pete is more confident than the others.
7. True/False Rachel is more trusting than Tom.
8. True/False Tom is more optimistic than Pete.

C. W
 hich characters remind you of some of your family members or friends? Write about two
characters following the example.

Example: Carlos reminds me of my brother. My brother is very easygoing and doesn’t

worry about anything.
1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

D. How do you compare with the characters? Complete the following sentences.
Example: Rachel is sarcastic, and I am too.

1. ____________ is ________________, and I am too.

2. ____________ is ________________, and I am as well.

3. ____________ is ________________, and I am sometimes like that also.

4. ____________ is ________________, but I’m not that way very much.

5. ____________ is ________________, but I’m the complete opposite.

GRAMMAR: Comparisons

One-syllable adjectives (tall, short, hot, cold, big, small, etc.): → -er + than
Spain is warmer than Germany. Alaska is colder than Hawaii.

Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant +y (happy, silly, pretty, etc.): → -ier than
I am happier than I was last year. I think roses are prettier than tulips.

Other two-syllable and longer adjectives: → more...than less...than

His watch is more expensive than my car!
I feel less confident about the test now than before.

SPEAKING: Family talk

A. Write 10 sentences about your family members and/or friends. Use comparative grammar.
For #8-10, select your own adjectives.

Example: (caring) My grandmother is more caring than my grandfather.

1. (caring) _____________________________________________________________________ .

2. (patient)_____________________________________________________________________ .

3. (artistic)_____________________________________________________________________ .

4. (conservative)________________________________________________________________ .

5. (responsible)_________________________________________________________________ .

6. (confident) ___________________________________________________________________ .

7. (wise)_______________________________________________________________________ .

8. ______________ q _____________________________________________________________ .

9. _______________q _____________________________________________________________ .

10. ______________q _____________________________________________________________ .

B. Complete the following sentences with comparatives

1. _ Carlos is tall, but Tom is even ___________________________.

2. _ Rachel is creative, but Ann is even ___________________________.

3. _ Ellen is nice, but Tom is even ___________________________.

4. _ Ann is friendly, but Ellen is even___________________________.

5. _ Carlos is young, but Diana is even ___________________________.

6. _ Ellen is generous, but Tom is even ___________________________.

7. _ Diana is conservative, but Sam is even ___________________________.

8. _ Diana is quiet, but Rachel is even ___________________________.

9. _ Tom is hardworking, but Sam is even ___________________________.

10._ Tom is responsible, but Diana is even ___________________________.

READING & GRAMMAR: Which teacher do you prefer?

A. Complete the paragraph with comparison grammar. Next, decide which teacher you prefer.

Professor Violet Professor Morris

Professor Violet or Professor Morris?

Professor Violet is (nice) ____________________Professor Morris. She knows the students’ names
and remembers things about them. Professor Morris is nice, but he doesn’t try to get to know
all the students. However, Professor Morris is (funny) __________________ Professor Violet. He
makes a lot of jokes during the lecture, and he is a very interesting speaker. His classes are never
boring. Professor Violet is (patient) _____________________ than Professor Morris. She listens to
students and tries to understand them. She almost never gets angry with students. Professor Morris
usually doesn’t talk with students after class. He is (busy) _________________ than Professor
Violet, so he isn’t available to the students very often.

I prefer Professor ___________________ because ______________________________________.

Professor Keating Professor Hall

Professor Keating or Professor Hall?

Professor Keating is (flexible) ____________________ Professor Hall. Professor Keating

doesn’t mind if a student submits an assignment a little late. Professor Hall is (strict)
___________________ Professor Keating. She never accepts late homework. Professor Keating is
(easygoing) ______________________ Professor Hall, but Professor Hall is a little (responsible)
________________________. Professor Keating is sometimes late to class, and he often takes
a long time to grade and return assignments. Professor Hall, however, is never late to class
and she grades and returns assignments quickly. In lectures, Professor Keating is (relaxed)
_______________________Professor Hall. He makes some jokes and he sometimes talks about
personal things. Occasionally, he is not very clear about the homework, though. Professor Hall
is much (disciplined and organized) __________________________. She stays on topic in lectures.
Her homework assignments are very clear, and students always know what is expected.

I prefer Professor ___________________ because ______________________________________.


GRAMMAR: Superlatives

One-syllable adjectives (tall, short, hot, cold, big, small, etc.): → the __ -est
Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant +y (happy, silly, pretty, etc.): → the __iest

This is the warmest decade on record. He is the tallest student in this class.
That was the silliest movie I’ve ever seen. She thinks she’s the prettiest student here.

Other two-syllable and longer adjectives: → the most _________ the least ________

What is the most important thing in your life?

This is the least expensive item in the store.

A. Tom, Ann, Pete, Rachel, and Diana are all in a physical education class. Look at the chart and
answer the following questions.

Name Age Height Weight 50-meter run time Push ups

Tom 19 6'2" 205 8.5 seconds 35

Ann 19 5'6" 140 9 seconds 15

Pete 18 5'10" 150 7.7 seconds 12

Rachel 18 5'8" 148 9 seconds 8

Diana 17 5'7" 135 8 seconds 25

1. Who is the youngest? _________

2. Who is the tallest? _________

3. Who is the shortest? _________

4. Who is the heaviest? _________

5. Who is the lightest? _________

6. Who is the fastest? _________

7. Who is the strongest? _________

8. Who is the weakest? _________

B. Write eight sentences about your family and/or friends with the following adjectives.
Use comparison and superlative grammar.
strong tall short smart funny hard working courageous shy bold

My father is taller than my mother. My mother is the funniest person in my family.
I am shorter than my younger sister. The most hard working person in my family is my father.

Comparison sentences Superlative sentences

__________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________

GRAMMAR: Simple present questions and short answers

A. Exercise: Which questions (A or B) are written correctly?

1. A. You are a quiet person? 6. A. Do you speak two languages?

B. Are you a quiet person? B. Are you speak two languages?

2. A. How old are you? 7. A. Are you drive to school?

B. How many years do you have? B. Do you drive to school?

3. A. Is you artistic? 8. A. When is your birthday?

B. Are you artistic? B. When your birthday is?

4. A. You are from a big city? 9. A. Do you living with your parents?
B. Are you from a big city? B. Do you live with your parents?

5. A. Are you an only child? 10. A. Are you have a pet?

B. Do you an only child? B. Do you have a pet?

Be verbs

Questions Short answers

Am I OK? Yes, I am. No, I am not. No, I’m not.
Is she early? Yes, she is. No, she is not. No, she isn’t.
Are you rich? Yes, you are. No, you are not. No, you aren’t.
Are we ready? Yes, we are. No, we are not. No, we aren’t.
Are they Canadian? Yes, they are. No, they are not. No, they aren’t.

Other verbs

Questions Short answers

Do I have time? Yes, I do. No, I do not. No, I don’t.
Do you drink coffee? Yes, you do. No, you do not. No, you don’t.
Do we have enough money? Yes, we do. No, we do not. No, we don’t.
Do they want more? Yes, they do. No, they do not. No, they don’t.
Does he like rock music? Yes, he does. No, he does not. No, he doesn’t.
Does she work here? Yes, she does. No, she does not. No, she doesn’t.
Does it snow a lot in March? Yes, it does. No, it does not. No, it doesn’t.

B. Exercise: Change the statements into questions.

Am I
1. I am late. → _____________ late? 6. It snows here. → ________________here?
Do you want
2. You want to go. → _______________ to go? 7. You are tired. → _______________ tired?
3. We are OK. → __________________ OK? 8. She knows him. → _________________ him?
4. He rides the bus. → ________________ the bus? 9. She is here. → ________________ here?
5. They like sports. → ________________ sports? 10. They are tired. → ______________ tired?

SPEAKING: Follow-up questions

A. In conversations, we often ask questions to get additional information. Questions for more
information are often What, When, Where, Why, Who, and How questions.
Example: A: What do you like to do in your free time?
B: I like to go hiking.
A: Oh? _____________________________________?

• When do you usually go hiking? • What kind of clothes do you wear for hiking?
• Where do you usually go hiking? • Who do you go hiking with?
• Why do you like hiking? • How often do you go hiking?

A. With a partner, think of at least four follow-up questions for each of the following dialogues.

Dialogue 1:
A: Do you have a hobby?
B: I do. I like photography. I love taking pictures.
A: That’s interesting. __________________________________________________?




Dialogue 2:
A: Do you have a boyfriend?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Oh really? ________________________________________________________ ?



Dialogue 3:
A: Do you have a pet?
B: I do.
A: Cool. ____________________________________________________________ ?



Dialogue 4:
A: Do you like your hometown?
B: Sure!
A: Tell me about it. ___________________________________________________?




SPEAKING: Tell me about your friends

Ellen’s Mother: So Ellen, tell me about your best friend.

Ellen: Well, my best friend here is probably Ann. She’s an art major student in my university. She’s
cute and somewhat short. Her hair is dyed pink right now! She’s very artistic and independent.
She’s more creative than I am, but I’m a little more realistic than she is. We text each other all the
time and meet for coffee when we have a chance.

Ellen’s Mother: She sounds interesting. Who else do you hang out with?

Ellen: Another friend is Tom. He’s an education major in my university, and he works in a
restaurant part-time. He’s a big guy, and I think he’s kind of cute. He’s really friendly and
generous. We study together when we have a chance.

Ellen’s Mother: It sounds like you have some interesting friends.

Ellen: Thanks. I think so too.

A. Following the example dialogue above, complete the following dialogues with a partner.

A: So, tell me about your best friend.

B: Sure. Well, my best friend is ________________[name]. He’s/She’s a ___________________

[occupation/major]. He’s/She’s __________________[physical description]. He’s/She’s

____________________ [personality]. He’s/She’s ________________ than I am, but I’m a little

_________________ than he/she is. We _______________ [activities] when we have a chance.

A: She/he sounds interesting. Who else do you hang out with?

B: Another friend is _____________[name]. He’s/She’s a ___________________ [occupation/

major]. He’s/She’s _____________________[physical description]. He’s/She’s

____________________ [personality]. He’s/She’s ________________ than I am, but I’m a little

_________________ than he/she is. We _______________ [activities] when we have a chance.

A: It sounds like you have some interesting friends.

B: Thanks. I think so too.

SPEAKING: Interview
A. Partner A: Prepare a list of 10 questions about sports or hobbies.
Partner B: Prepare a list of 10 questions about music or movies.
Do you like ________? What kind of ________ do you like?
What kind of _________ do you hate? What is your favorite _______?
Who is your favorite __________? What do you think about __________?

B. Ask your partner your questions and answer your partner’s questions.
C. After asking your partner your questions, complete the following chart.
Only I like: Both my partner and I like: Only my partner likes:

D. How similar are you to your partner?

A. We have a lot in common. We are almost exactly the same!
B. We have some things in common. We are somewhat similar.
C. We don’t have many things in common. We are somewhat different.
D. We have nothing in common. We are completely different!

WRITING: My partner and I
A. Write one paragraph about you and your partner from the previous exercise. First, choose one
of the following for your first sentence:

• My partner and I are surprisingly similar.

• My partner and I have many things in common.
• My partner and I are similar in some ways but different in others.
• My partner and I are very different people.

This is your topic sentence. It gives the reader a good idea about what your paragraph will be about.
Finish the paragraph with information that supports your first sentence (examples and explanations) .
Be careful with third-person singular.

SPEAKING: Getting to know people--Follow-up questions

A. For each question in the chart below, find a different student in your class who answers ‘yes.’
Ask for additional information with one follow-up question. Make a brief note of their answers.
Follow the example:
Example: A: Are you an only child? B: No, I’m not.
A: OK. Are you generally quiet? B: Yes, I am.
A: Good. What is your name? B: It’s Cynthia.
A: OK, Cynthia. Why are you B: I guess I’m a little shy. I only talk
generally quiet? a lot when I’m with my friends.
A: Thank you. Do you have any questions for me?

Question Name Additional information: When, Where, Why, What, Who, How

Ex. Is generally quiet Cynthia She is shy.

Is generally quiet

Is the youngest in this class

Is artistic or musical

Is from a big city

Is an only child

Speaks three or more languages

Drives to school

Has a birthday this month

Lives away from his/her parents

Has a pet


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