DateSheet EV-2 Class - 4

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Sector-23, Dwarka
Syllabus and Datesheet: Evaluation-II
Class 4

Date Subject Syllabus

Sept. 13, 2021 Ch - 12, 13, 14-15, 18-19, 20, 25, 36-37
Monday Olympics Worksheet
Sept. 14, 2021
Computer Ch 2: GUI Operating System
अपठित गद्यांश,
Sept. 15, 2021
Hindi ज्ञयन सठितय- पयि 4 ईदगयह
व्ययकिण - पयि 2 वणण-ववचयि, पयि 4 सांज्ञय, पयि 5 लिंग, पयि 6 वचन
Ch-2Inside our body, Ch-7Teeth and Tongue,
Map skill- Marking of the following States and Union
Sept. 16, 2021
EVS Territories on the Political Map of India: Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Haryana,
Uttarakhand, Delhi, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir
Sept. 17, 2021
Math Ch-3 Multiplication, Ch-4 Division
CB - Ch 2 - The Brave Pizza Delivery Boy
Reading Comprehension
Sept. 18, 2021
English Grammar - Ch 4 - Nouns Collective,
Ch 5 - Nouns Gender,Ch 6 - Nouns - Possession,
Ch 8 –Pronouns, Ch 25 - Synonyms and Antonyms

Guidelines regarding the Evaluation

1. Evaluation – II will be of 30(25+5) marks. Internal assessment will be of 5 marks, including classwork/
homework/ worksheets/ dictation/ reading/ recitation/ table dodging/ group discussion etc.
2. Time duration of the evaluation will be 90 minutes. Link will be closed automatically after 90 minutes.
3. The assessment will be conducted on the given date at 8:30 am. The students are requested to Log-in at
sharp 8:20 am. Attendance is mandatory.
4. Evaluation will be conducted through Fliplearn.Kindly keep your Fliplearn Id and password safely.
5. Sample worksheet will be shared through Fliplearn.
6. Please ensure that the internet connectivity is smooth during the time period your ward is taking and
submitting the evaluation. In case any issues faced please inform the Class In-charge/ Class Teacher.
7. Answers should be marked carefully as once the form is submitted, editing will not be allowed.
8. A strict check is expected from parents’ end while students are attempting the test at home.

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