Stairs Orthopolygonal: I. The Column Analogy Method

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Keywords: reinforced concrete, stairs, design.

Slabless tread-riser stairs, have recently gained increas- If the angle between treads and risers is 90” the stairs
ing acceptance but they present numerous problems in are regarded as having an orthopolygonal structure
terms of design and construction. (Fig. 2).
The design of such stairs has been approached by In most cases such structures are statically indeter-
Prof, Luiz P. Sa&z in his study “Calculo de Estructuras minate and their design has been approached by using
Planas de Eje Ortopoligonal.” This as well as his later various methods, such as the column analogy method, the
paper (Ref.l), aroused the interest of specialists and energy method and the second differences method.
resulted in many studies of the design and construction Most of these methods are based on certain generally
of such stairs (Refs. 2, 3). accepted assumptions. Thus, the following have been
These discussions resulted in the development of prin- adopted :
ciples for the design and construction of the above- - The structure is plane (two dimensional), neglecting
mentioned stairways. possible three-dimensional stress interrelations
The problem of determining the true state of stress by - dead and live loads are concentrated on the edge of
photoelastic methods is given in Ref. 4. This paper draws the risers.
on experience gained in the construction and testing (in In the following, we shall deal with two methods of
1964) of a 15-step staircase which led the authors to refine more general character applicable to any structure. At
and tabulate the existing methods of design and con- the same time, results of practical experience are presented i
struction in order to simplify them. and the various design stages are discussed.
By stairs with bent or step-riser slabs, we understand
stairs in which the external load is carried only by the I. The Column Analogy Method.
steps and risers (Fig. 1). This method is based on the mathematical identity
between compressive stresses in an analogue column and
a the bending moments in the actual structure; the analogue

2, 2,
column is loaded according to the bending-moment
diagram in the actual structure acting as an axial load,
divided by EIs. The cross section of the analogue column
Fig. 1. has the shape of the structure-profile and is I/E& wide
(where 4, is the moment of inertia of the mean cross
* Construction Trust & Polytechnic Institute, Gaalati. .__ section of the actual structure).

8 I.C.E. monthly / Vol. 11 No. 1. 1971172

The above formula may be applied to any structure
with a single closed contour or with fixed ends and with
loads acting in the horizontal plane of the structure.
The formula may be much simplified for symmetric
and symmetrically loaded structures (most frequently
used for orthopolygonal stairs) by reducing Eq. 2 to
M,” = -j- (2’)

since the total load is applied at the centre of the analogue

column’s cross section. Eq. 2’ gives, at the same
Fig. 2. time, the statically indeterminate moments at fixed ends.

1 . Symmetrically Loaded Stairs without Landings (Fig. 3)

Bearing in mind the above, and taking into account
The bending moment in the cross section of a statically the load assumptions for fixed-end stairs without landings,
indeterminate structure is found from with y1 steps, we obtain the following expression for the
moment at the fixed ends
M, = Mf - Ml
Ml-,, =M,.-, = p’~~nL”(nZ-I
M,d and M: - statically determinate and indeterminate
moments in cross section s.
M,” is defined by
P - concentrated load acting on each
M,” - M;+ Mf, - M;+
riser ;
M:=$+ “x+ y Y (2)
r2 r2 n - number of steps;
I, - !fL I, - F 3
x Y L, and I,, = g - width and moment of inertia of the
step, respectively;
O- the total load on the analogue column (sur-
L, and I, = $ - height and moment of inertia of the
face of the diagram of bending moment di-
riser, respectively;
vided by EI, , the surface being related to the
statically determinate structure chosen as a b - width of the stairs.
reference system and loaded by external Eq. 3 may also be written
forces applied to the centre of gravity of the
Ml-,, = Ml...., = Me K’
related surface);
A- surface of the analogue column;
M’, = @a - moments of total load related to axe y M = ’ * yi Lh (n’ - I), K’ zz
Mf, = Ob- moments of total load related to axe x.
I,.. I,, I,, - moments of inertia gnd centrifugal moment
of the analogue column’s cross-section, re- where K = s (3’1
h’ ”
lated to the given orthogonal axes, which
/ P
originate at the analogue column’s centre of
gravity. 1
. x and y - coordinates of the point for which the % P
moment is calculated; they are given in ab- 4l
solute values (in particular for structures
fixed at both ends, the statically indetermi-
nate moments are calculated for the coordi- J
nates of these points.) Fig. 3.

I.C.E. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72 9

- Ml-,, = M,,el = “1”2, Lh cn’ - 1) . KU
P =L"/Lh
n where
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 .
K” =:

2 1,1667 I,2000 1,2308 1,2593 1,2857 1,3103 1,3333 .K-KB

3 I,1052 1,125O 1,1429 1,1591 1,1739 1,187s 1,200O with

4 1,0769 1,0909 1,1034 1,1148 1,125O 1,1343 1,1429 L” * 48
K = Lh * I”
5 1,0606 1,0714 I,0811 I,0897 1,0978 1,1046 1,1111 and
6 1,0503 1,0588 1,0667 1,0737 1,0804 1,0857 I,0909 A = 2m(m -I- 1)(3n - 2m - 1)
; B = ; (4)
1,0425 1,OSOO 1,0566 1,0625 I,0678 1,0726 1,0769
n(nz - 1)

8 1,037O 1,0435 1,0492 1,0543 1,0588 1,0629 1,0667

9 1,0328 1,0385 1,0435 1,0479 1,0519 1,0556 1,0588

10 1,0294 1,0345 I,0390 1,0429 1,0465 l&497 1,0526

11 1,0267 1,0312 I,0353 1,0389 1,0421 1,045O 1,0476

12 1,0244 1,0285 I,0323 1,0355 1,0384 1,0411 1,0435

13 1,0224 1,0263 I,0297 1,0327 1,0354 1,0378 1,040O

14 I,0209 1,0244 1,0275 I,0303 1,0328 1,035O 1,037O

, L=nLh "Lh
15 1,0194 I,0227 1,02.57 1,0282 1,0306 1,0326 1,0344 (n+2n)Lh
16 I,0182 I,0212 1,024O I,0264 1,0286 1,0305 1,0323
Fig. 4.
17 1,017l 1,020O 1,0226 1,0242 1,0268 1,0286 1,0303

18 1,0161 1,0189 1,0213 1,0234 1,0253 1,0274 1,0286

1,0153 I,0178 1,020l I,0221 1,0239 1,0255 1,027O

The above assumption does not limit the general
character of the considered case, since, dividing the land-
20 1,0145 1,0169 1,019l 1,021O 1,0227 1,0243 1,0256
ing in sections equal in length to the step width produces
for each landing no more than one section whose length
differs from the step width; this section may be neglected
or taken as equal to a whole step (if necessary).
In Eq. 3’ M is the fixed-end moment of a beam with
a span nL, subjected to n- 1 equidistant loads P.
Eq. 3’ shows that, for stairs of the above-mentioned
II. The Energy Method.
type, the fixed-end moment may be calculated by multi-
plying the fixed-end moment of a beam (of same span The design may be carried out using the general
and loading as the stairs) by the correction coefficient methods of statics of structures.
K’, the value of which for various ratios L,/L, and By using the stress-strain method we derived; the
t, = t,, may be found from Table 1. expressions for the fixed-end moment for stairs without
From the values of K’ it is seen that for stairs with landings and with an even or odd number of steps; these
more than ten steps, calculation may be done as for a expressions are as follows:
straight beam with span nL,; the difference between the
moments thus obtained in excess of the calculated values 1. Stairs with an Odd Number of Steps (Fig. 5a).
being less than 5%.
M,ml, = M,,bl = 2. C * P * L, - M (5)
2. Symmetrically Loaded Stairs with Landings (Fig. 4).
Assuming the length of the landings to be a multiple
C + D(1 + K)
integer of the step width we obtain, for the fixed-end M = P * L,, .
moment, the following expression

10 I.C.B. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72

is the moment at the centre of the span of a statically 3. Symmetrically Loaded Symmetric Stairs with Landings
indeterminate structure subjected to actual loads. The at the Ends, and Intermediate Supports (Fig. 6).
coefficients in Eq. 5 are
Stairs of this type were designed using the stress-strain
method (deformations).
In this method, we determine the moment of rigid end
fixing from 1 respectively 1’ for the section 1 - 1’ using
(5A) Eq. 5 for stairs with an even or odd number of steps
(according to each particular case). 1
D = (n - l>(n + l)(n - 3); K = L" 1, We also determine the methods of rigid end fixing
48 Lh Iv
at 1 and 2 or 1’ and 2’ for the section 1 - 2 or 1’ - 2’
respectively :
n - the number of odd steps. Mm
1 2
2 1
Next, we apply the Cross method of moment distribu-
2. Stairs with an Even Number of Steps (Fig. 5b)
tion as for a continuously supported beam.
For both types of stairs the end moment (Eq. 5)
is the same except for coefficients C and D which are

n - the even number of steps. L-t F!!

The coefficients A,B,C and D for stairs with steps

varying from 2 to 20 may be found in Table 2.
Fig. 6.

The rigidity of section 1 - 2 (of the landing) is found

K,-l’ = K,t-l = Lh(A + KB) (7)
Fig. 5. A,B, and K are coefficients with the values given above.

- - - .~~-

COCffi- Number of steps “n”

cients - -
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4,50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00
B 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50
C 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.00 5.00 6.25 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.25 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.25 22.50 25.00

D 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 2.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 27.50 35.00 45.50 56.00 70.00 84.00102.00120.00142.50

1,C.E. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72 11

The rigidity of the landing is found from 4. Symmetrically Loaded Symmetric St&s with End
Landings without Intermediute Supports.
K (8)
In the design of this type of stairs we use the results
as for case 3 but we eliminate the effect of supports.
The distribution coefficients are In this case, the vertical displacements of points 1 *and 1’
are equal (by virtue of the load symmetry) while the
4 1 reactions R, and R; are zero.
I-l-2 = :
Kl ;r l-l= l-l-,-, = l+
464-t-KB) However, elimination of supports causes variation in
A +KB Kl - the moments of the structure.
For calculation, we determine the fixed-end moments
where allowing for deformation symmetry. For this purpose we
impart to the supports a yield y so that a unit moment
will appear in each landing (Fig. 7).

The transmission coefficients are

The structure being symmetric, the moments dlstri-

bution can be done for only half of the structure.
After p operations of distribution and transmission, Fig. 7.
the final moments at the ends of the beam are found from

41-1, = Ml-,, -(M,-1, +
Ml-,) c -;
Next, for each joint, we balance the unit moments
i=l introduced by yield y and then determine the additional
reaction from 1 (l’), using expressions
i=P rl-,,
&r 1-2 = ~~~~-~~~~~~+~~-~~~,-~ ): -5 (10)

i=P rfwl,
A%‘~-~ = M,-,--(MI-,l+M,-,) rl-2
2 E -

For the moment at the mid-section 1 - 2 we obtain i=P rfel,;

ii?;+ = - z 2;
i=l I
rle2 i.g r;-,.
M, = M+(M,++M,++- - p = 3%2+z-1
2’ 1
1 -

Here M is calculated from Eq. 5 while p is taken Since reaction RI is cancelled, the increments of
depending on the desired accuracy (usually p is 3 or 4). moments are
The reaction at support 1 is written

R, = AP + 2 _ &l--2 :4-l
and the final moments at the beam ends become
where (11)

12 ICE. monthly / Vol. II No. 1, 1971/72

For the case 4, we calculate the stairs as if they had coefficient may reach and even exceed the value of 2.
supported landings and we then eliminate the supports; In other zones of the stairs, the isostatic lines are
using Eqs. 12, 13 and 14 we determine the final fixed- similar to those for the centre of the span, while the
end moments for the initially assumed supported points. stress in the elements near the supports does not generally
According to the above, it may be concluded that, differ from the state of stress of a straight reference beam.
for practical purposes, the design of orthopolygonal These stress concentrations have to be allowed for in
stairs presents no particular difficulties. location of the steel reinforcements at the cross sections:
For symmetric stairs of the above-mentioned types, Stairs of this type may be reinforced in two wa.ys:
the designer may employ standard formulae. Stairs with- - with continuous reinforcement bars and stirrups
out symmetry are easily calculated using the column- (Fig. 10);
analogue method in its general form.
-- with continuous reinforcement bars and inclined
Once the stress pattern is determined the dimensioning
additional bars (Fig. 11).
and determination of cross-sections can be started.
For a correct determination of cross-sections it is, how- Reinforcement of the first type is less economical
ever, useful to resort to the result of photoelastic studies than the second. Inclined reinforcement bars carry the
(Ref. 4) for the case of simply supported stairs with nine load at entrant corners on the lower face of the stairs
steps. and aid in taking possible loads from local three-
Measurements have shown that the state of stress as dimensional effects.
found from static design corresponds to the actual state If the second method of reinforcement is to be used,
of stress, the prevailing loading being of the bending- the continuous bars should be dimensioned so as to
stress type. carry the loads resulting from the calculated bending
Predictably, stress concentrations tend to appear in moment. while for the second case of reinforcement
the cross-sections at the points of inflexion of the median it is necessary to provide for a cross section equal to that
lines (Fig. 8); variations in stress concentrations in the of the continuous reinforcement.
planes A - A and B - B for the central zone of the Some authorities (Ref. 4) suggest provision, for en-
stairs are shown in Fig. 9. The stress-concentration gineering purposes, of a low reinforcement percentage
on the compressed surface of the particular structural
element (Fig. 12), through mounting continuous rein-
forcement bars.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 10.

In order to minimize stress concentrations it is ad-

visable to round or to chamfer the entrant corners as in
Fig. 13, as long as this technique does not interfere with
architectural requirements. The stress-concentration co-
efficient may then be reduced to 1.1. The introduction
of haunches makes it possible to achieve the most
efficient and convenient system of reinforcement with
straight bars for taking up tensile stress (Fig. 13).
Fig. 9.

I.C.E. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72 13

‘-3-7 c
03 I

Fig. 11.

To avoid calculational complications, it is advisable Fig. 12.
to make the thickness of the steps equal to that of the
riser; possible variations in thickness, made in order
to comply with architectural requirements, may be
achieved using special covering material.

Numerical Example.
Assume stairs as shown in Fig. 14 for which we have
to determine the fixed-end moments and the moments
at mid-span; we proceed from the following assumptions :
a. Intermediate supports at the landings;
b. Without intermediate supports. Fig. 13.



L= 1.40 nLh_=9x28 L=l.40

c- - *
nLh+21=5.32 c
Fig. 14.

14 ICE. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72

The following values are given: .d 2 - 1 118
=: - y 2=
- 70.8 kgfm (- 512ft-lbf
Lh = 28 cm (11 in.)
L, .= 17 cm (6.7 in.)
MC = 234 + (536 - 117.5)
t” = t, = tl = 12 cm (4.7 in.)

= 140 cm (55 in.)
= 9
2+ -*- 1 = 732.2 kgfm (539 ft-lbf)

720 x 1.40 497.7 + 70.8

A = 5=4.5; Rt
= ; *275 + 2 - 1.40 =

B =9+4; = 1336 kgf (2.96kip).

c = (9 + 1x9 - 1) = 5
16 2. Stairs with Landings
but without Intermediate Supports.
D = (9 - 1x9 + 1)(9 - 3) = 10


+ o.1663 +
M = 275 x o 28 5 + 10(1 +0 . 6 0 7 ) = 234 kgfm - ..m = 0.545 kgfm (3.95ft-lbf)
4.5 + 0.607 x 4 23
(1690 ft-lbf)
STY1 - 2 = 1 - 0.834 x 1.0905 =0.091 kgfm (0.66 ft-lbf)
Ml-l) = 2x5x275x0.28-234= 536 kgfm
(3870 ft-lbf) z:+* = - 2: _ 2 = 0.091 kgfm (0.66 ft-lbf)

Ml-2 = - 720 . q = - 117.5 kgfm 0.545 + 0.091

1; = = 0.455 kgf (0.001 kip.)
( - 850 ft-lbf) 1.40
r1-2 = = 0.834 1336 -0.545
5 A.J%!~-.~ = = 1600kgfm. (11530ft-lbf)
4+ 0.455
4.5 + 0.607 x 4

l-l-11 = 1 - 0.834 = 0.166 1336 * 0.091

A&X1ml, = - - 268 kgfm
0.455 =
Yl-2 zz - = 0.417; ( - 1940ft-lbf)
0.166 Mf-I = 70.8 + 1600 = 1670.8kgfm (121OOft-lbf)
Yl-1* = - = 0.083
L .NT-l* = 498.2 - 268 = 230.2kgfm (1665ft-lbf)
1.40 5
whereK1 = -=
MZ = 732.2 + 268 = 1000.2kgfm (7230ft-lbf)
A1 - 1 ’ = 536 - (536 - 117.5) + 22 +

The stairs are realised from grade B 170 concrete and
+y-- **- = 498.2 kgfm (3600 ft-lbf). reinforcement OL 38. For the support with M = 1671
kgfm (12100 ft-lbf) and for ho = 10 cm (4 in.) we have
A?l-2 = - 118 - (536-117.5) 0.834 C 1 + 2 + B = 3 0 . 0 8 , p = 1.18+A, = 11.8cm2(1.83 in.2)

22 + - 23 + *** 1 = -497.7 kgfm
for M = 1000 kgfm (7230 ft-lbf) we have

(3597 ft-lbf) B = 18 and p = 0.67 --f A, = 6.7 cm2 (1.04 in2)

I.C.E. monthly / Vol. II No. 1. 1971/72 15

A - surface of the analogue column 1. LUIZ P. SAENZ si IGNACIO MARTIN: Scriri cu trepte fciuti ciald.
A,B,C,D,K,T, y - coefficients. American Concrete Journal-Oct. 1961 sau Beton arm+ nr. 58
- modulus of elasticity ian.-febr. 1965.
J - centrifugal moment 2. BEZAL~EL S. BENJAMIN SI ALT 11: S&i cu trepte--contratrepte f&rd E
data. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. iunie 1962
J::,, Jv, Je - moments cf inertia
sau Beton armi: nav.-dec. 196.5.
Ms, MI, W’ - moment in cross-section S.
M,c;M, - moment of total load 3. BEZALEEL S. BENJAMIN: Analiza se&+ilor cu treapta-contraireapta.
P - load. Indian Concrete Journal. dec. 1962.
b - width of the stairs 4. V. T&K: Cercetarea stcirii de tensiune la dovZ tipuridep anouri
LLL”, - length of stairs pentru casa sc6rii. Pozemni stavby. nr. 10. 1964.
n - number of steps 5. A. R. CUSENSA: Calculul sclirilor f6rd plard. Concrete and Con-
P - reinforcement percentage structional Engineering, nr. 10. octombrie 1966.
XiY - coordinates 6. A. GHEORGHIU: Statica constructiilor. Bucuresti. Editura
0 - total load on the analogue column Tehnica 1966.

16 I.C.E. monthly / Vol. II No. 1, 1971/72

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