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Embracing Pedestrian Simulation to

Enhance Social Distancing

Social distancing is the need of the hour

With social distancing and crowd

management at the forefront of global

6 feet
concerns, health organizations are setting a

minimum distance between all human

interactions of 6 feet

This measure is currently a part of the public

health guidelines to reduce the probability

of COVID-19 transmission

The vital importance of social distancing

How limiting social contact can reduce the spread of corona virus.*

Normal behavior In 5 days In 30 days

1 person infects 2.5 people 406 people

50% less contact

1 person infects 1.25 people 15 people

75% less contact

1 person infects 0.625 people 2.5 people

Are you equipped with the right technology to build

fit-for-purpose infrastructure to design new and

retrofit public spaces that meet social distancing


Bentley's LEGION Simulator is a companion application with OpenBuildings

Station Designer (multi-discipline rail station design software) that enables people

movement simulation to analyze building performance for design improvements. It

replicates space and activities in simulations that support people behavior

visualization for a broad range of infrastructure assets that include:

Rail & Metro Airports Stadiums Retail & Commercial

Stations Complexes





Introduction to LEGION

LEGION Simulator's

wayfinding visualization,

crowd management, and

evacuation planning features

help you:

Te s t a n d i m p r o v e d i f f e r e n t

emergency and evacuation

scenarios Enhance User

Ensure compliance

with infrastructure safety Experience


LEGION Simulator accounts for

individual decision making, crowd

formation, and patterns of movement

b e h a v i o r, e n a b l i n g y o u t o :
#2 Te s t m u l t i p l e w h a t - i f s c e n a r i o s

across design, operation planning,

and execution

Ensure the most efficient

distribution of space and

DID YOU KNOW? activities

According to a group of Harvard Benefits include:

Minimizing passenger congestion

disease experts, some form of
Reducing journey times
intermittent social distancing may need Delivering improved capacity

to be in place until 2022.

Easily Compare

Design Alternatives

LEGION Simulator enables you to re-imagine

your design or existing building by simulating all

types of activities. Easily test variations of

demand inputs for:

Whole model population or specific groups

Entire period or for a specific time

All or only specific entrances

Completely change demand, activities, or


Share Output


With OpenBuildings Station Designer,

L E G I O N S i m u l a t o r, a n d L u m e n R T , y o u c a n

easily bring your design and scenarios to life

with various visual maps, graphs, and 2D/3D

animations that represent the accurate

simulation results. These outputs can be

easily analyzed, shared, compared, and


For example:

#4 Evacuation Maps show you how the

building will perform during emergencies

Space Utilization Maps reveal where the

most heavily used areas are

Density Maps reveal areas with sustained

LEARN MORE ABOUT: high density

2D/3D screen captures, videos, and

OpenBuildings Station Designer
immersive VRs provide visualization of

the building, people, activities, and

alternative scenarios

Reduce Capital and

Operating Costs

LEGION Simulator helps you reduce your infrastructure #5

a s s e t ’s w h o l e l i f e c y c l e c o s t s a n d b o o s t s a l t e r n a t i v e r e v e n u e s


Te s t i n g a n d o p t i m i z i n g d e s i g n a n d o p e r a t i o n s o p t i o n s

against standards, anytime

E n s u r i n g f i t - f o r- p u r p o s e s p a c e u t i l i z a t i o n a n d a c t i v i t y



“Atkins has collaborated successfully with LEGION for over 20 years

and we look forward to building upon our own thought leadership

on Covid-19 and for the Transport Sector by applying LEGION’s

simulations for social distancing in response to requests by our

metro clients in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and Saudi

Arabia.” Cameron MacDonald, Technical Director, Operations

Advisory, Atkins Global, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group.

Increase Indirect Revenue

Use LEGION Simulator to create the best user experience and

b o o s t t h e b u i l d i n g ’s c o m m e r c i a l r e v e n u e b y :

Planning, testing, and improving maintenance

Maximizing commercial and advertisement space

Ta r g e t i n g a c t i v i t i e s t o t h e i n t e n d e d c u s t o m e r g r o u p s

Planning and executing an efficient wayfinding strategy


L E G I O N S I M U L AT O R a n d O p e n B u i l d i n g s S t a t i o n D e s i g n e r n e w s u b s c r i p t i o n f e e s w a i v e d t h r o u g h

September 30, 2020. Learn more about LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer


* Signer Laboratory/Gary Shaw

** World Economic Forum

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