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After reading or browsing of the first module provided, answer the following questions based on your

As much as possible, answers should be on your own words and not copied from any book or article in
the internet. Answers per item should be at least 30 words but not to exceed 100 words.

1. Choose 2 among the given skills that a system analyst must posses that you think are more
important than the rest? Explain your answer.
2. Which phase of the SDLC is the most important? Explain your answer.
3. Why should the system request be created by a business person as opposed to an IS professional?
4. Think about your ideal analyst position. Write an ad to hire someone for that position. What
requirements would the job have? What skills and experience would be required? How would
applicants demonstrate that they have the appropriate skills and experience?

Late turn-in of papers will not be accepted after the deadline. Deadline of submission will be on
August 26, 2020, 10AM.

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