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TCT Challenges and Solutions

() ATM Challenges
Access issues for deaf-blind users

and blind
Access ATMs for people who are both deaf
audio cues used
is particularly difficult. There are often subtle
by blind ATM users (such as beeps, clicks, thermal printer
not being able to
and on), which partially compensates for
both deaf and
read the ATM screen. People who are
would have no such cues to assist them.

information would
Braille output for important screen

be the only option available to this group.

can't read
Dyslexia and people who
letters and
For people,who a r e dyslexia, and because of this
transposed or out of order
regularly get or text.
disability they have problems
in reading letters
A voice enabled ATM
would result in less confusing and
error-prone ATM interactions.

speaking background would

People from a non-Englishin addition to the screen display,
benefit from voice guidance
c a n speak simple English, but have
particularly when many recognised
difficulties reading it
comfortably. It is commonly
either audio, visual or
has a preference for
char everyone Voice output
modes of learning and c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
a c c o m m o d a t e the significant
proportion of
forATMs audio-oriented.
our sociery which is
Reservation Software
i )Travel
Problem robust
websites have become robust
Travel reservation
tremendous volume of consumer

businesses that handle a

transactions for making
all their travel
searches, requests and hotel guest car
miles, preferred
with frequent flyer countless other online
plans reservations and
rental poins, hotel
interactions. a traveller
information hubs provide everything
These for their next
in preparation
could want

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