If Clause Exercises 2 SUCIU - PLE - 2020 1

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– exercises –
PLE – Andreia Suciu

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verbal form:

1. If Tom (help) ………………………… us with the job it (only take) ……………………………… half an hour.

2. If I (see) ………………… a python in Piccadilly I (assume) …………………………… it had escaped from circus.

3. We had to stand almost all the way. It was Tom’s fault. If he (book) …………………………… seats, as I told him
to, we (have) ……………………………………… quite a comfortable journey.

4. I (be) ……………………….……… very grateful if you kindly (sign) …………….…………… this document and let
me have it back as soon as possible.

5. I’m so sorry the boys went on climbing in spite of the bad weather. If they (turn) ………………………… back,
they (still be) …………………………………… alive today.

6. I’m not at all worried. If I (be) ……………………… I (not play) ………….……………………… golf at the moment.

II. Rewrite the sentences omitting “if”:

1. If I should meet her, I will tell her that she was wrong.

2. If you were to see him, please remind him that he owes me some money.

3. If he had spoken to anyone at the party, he could have made some friends.

4. If he were more sociable, he could make more friends.

5. If he hadn’t been so harsh, people would appreciate him more.

6. If you were to run into her, tell her to drop by whenever she wants.

III. Rewrite the sentences replacing “if”:

1. We shall believe her only if she offers proofs.

2. I’ll tell you what happened only if you don’t laugh.

3. If it hadn’t for Jim, I might be unemployed now.

4. If you hadn’t advised me, I would have gone the wrong way.

5. If you need me, call me at this number.

6. I’ll show you the way to my secret hiding place, if you promise not to go there without me and not to
tell anyone else.

7. You can take my car if you promise to drive carefully.

8. What would happen if I told you we cannot see each other anymore?

9. We won’t include her in our team if she has no team spirit.

IV. Rewrite the sentences omitting ‘if’:

1. If he should discover that they have lied to him all this time about his true origins he would be most upset.

2. If he were to accomplish his dream – discover the cure for cancer – he would surely get the Nobel prize.

3. If he’d been more sympathetic about his client condition, the lawyer could’ve not performed his duties properly.

4. If she talked to her parents about her decision of moving town, I’m sure that they would understand.

5. If you were to be left alone in the middle of the forest late at night, would you be afraid?

V. Rewrite the sentences replacing ‘if’:

1. What would happen if she told you that she placed a mortgage on the house to buy that car for you?

2. I will gladly lend you my books if you solemnly promise to take good care of them.

3. He told us not to hesitate to call him if we need him in any way.

4. Asia would’ve never been rebuilt after the earthquake if it hadn’t been for the solidarity of people from all

5. We’ll be able to do our daily training only if it doesn’t rain.

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first sentence using the word

1. Assuming everything goes according to the plan, we’ll be there by six o’clock. (unless)
Unless ……………………………..………………………………………………….……… later than six o’clock.

2. The Finn is almost certain to win, unless his engine blows out during the race. (lose)
The only way the Finn ………………………………………………………………….. blow-out during the race.

3. Giving him your number suggests you did want to see him again. (desire)
Why give him your number ……………………..………………………………………….…….. see him again?

4. There’s clearly nothing I can do to stop you leaving. (determined)

If …………………………………………………………………………………….. anything I can do to stop you.

5. You can borrow my car for you holiday if you arrange a service afterwards. (condition)
You can borrow my car for you holiday …………………….………………………………………….. serviced.

6. Your dinner’s in the oven. (want)

If ……………………………………………………………………… the oven.

7. If you’re innocent, what have you got to be afraid of? (wrong)

If ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………… nothing to fear.

8. If you mean to be as bad-tempered as this all afternoon, there’s no point in playing. (going)
What is the point …………………………………………………………………..…. in this mood all afternoon?
VII. Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase:

1. Supposing someone told you that you weren’t fit to do your job, …………………….….…………………… react?

2. Considering his age and the seriousness of the operation, it would be a ……………….……………… survived it.

3. Should you ever ……………………………………………………………. of a helping hand, remember where I am.

4. If that wisdom tooth is giving trouble, I ………………………………………………………………………..……… out.

5. If by any ………………………………………….………. into Mrs. H. while you’re out, could you give her this note?

6. If ……………………………………………….…………. for the postal strike, the cheque would have arrived today.

7. In those days you would have been breaking ……………………………………………. ID card on you at all times.

8. Had we ………………………………………………. misinformed about the bus times, we wouldn’t have been late.

9. If James stayed that long at the party, …………………………………………………….... been having a good time.

10. But ……………………………….……………… fire alarm alerting us, the building would have gone up in flames.

VIII. Fill in with one suitable word:

‘You want a cat?… All right,’ I said, ‘on (1) ………….………… that you look after it, (2) .…………………..
that you feed it and as (3)……………….. as you don’t expect me to clear up after it’. If (4) ……………… I had stuck
to these conditions! The animal is never fed (5) ………………….. I do it; (6) …….……. for me, it would (7)
……………. starved to death months ago. (8) …………….. I known that the children’s interest in the beast would
wane as soon as it arrived, I (9) ………………… have answered differently. The poor thing is ignored by them, (10)
………………. if it springs on to their laps. (11) ……………. I to kidnap the thing, I don’t think they would take a
blind bit of (12) …………………… . I mean, if they were (13) …………….. going to look after it, why on earth didn’t
they (14) …………… so before? (15) …………… the question of a dog ever arise, I think I’ve got my answer

IX. Continue the sentences as you wish:

1. If I could, …
2. If you practised more, …
3. If he hadn’t entered the pitch without a proper warm up, …
4. I would have not recovered so quickly if …
5. If you want to stop the haemorrhage, …
6. If they had adopted a healthier diet, …
7. I will refer you to another doctor if …
8. If you hadn’t lied when I first consulted you, …
9. If I were you, …
10. If she calls you, …
X. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Agatha o să mănânce căpşuni dacă o să-i aduci şi, dacă o să-i placă, o să mai ceară.

2. Dacă Alice o să se întoarcă târziu de la petrecere diseară, am să-i arăt că sunt supărat şi am să fac
ceea ce n-am făcut niciodată până acum: n-am să vorbesc cu ea decât dacă îşi cere iertare mai întâi.

3. Beatrice ar urca scara, dacă s-ar aştepta să găsească ceva interesant acolo.

4. Bernard s-ar lua la întrecere cu tine până la papetărie, dacă ai vrea să cumperi ceva de acolo.

5. Dacă Cecil nu s-ar fi grăbit când i-am spus că-i vremea să plece, pierdea avionul spre China şi ar fi
petrecut noaptea în aeroport.

6. Cahterine ar fi făcut tot posibilul să ajungă azi pe la tine dacă ar fi ştiut că e ziua ta.

7.Să mă fi ascultat, ai fi obţinut premiul.

8. Lili se întreba dacă o să vii la petrecerea ei.

9. Maggie doreşte să ştie dacă o barcă ar aluneca mai uşor dacă ar fi unsă cu vreo soluţie specială.

10. Mary ne-a întrebat dacă nu ne-am fi rătăcit dacă nu ne-ar fi dat ea harta.

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